Curse of the Dead Gods

Curse of the Dead Gods

30 Achievements

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Write all Bestiary entries with their complete sketches


How to unlock the Memoirs achievement in Curse of the Dead Gods - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires you to:

- Beat each enemy 50 times and boss several times
- Defeat elite versions of enemies 50 times without being hit
- Defeat all bosses (except Clovis) 10 times without being hit
- Defeat Clovis 5 times without being hit
- Defeat Clovis after removing the final curse
- Offer a major offering (the 5k gold choice at the end of the run) 10 times to each God
- Desecrate all 3 of the offerings at the end of a run
- Beat the final exploration twice in a row

By the time I beat the final exploration for the 1st time, much of my bestiary was already filled in. However you slice it though, this is a grind. Many of the elite enemies only show up a few times in an exploration.

Strongly recommend using bows. They are great for keeping distance and easy to stat up (look for crit relics). I found Effulgence to be wildly effective (lightning relics work for this bow as well). I focused almost entirely on dodging and not parrying. I prioritized Weapon Upgrades -> Relics or Stats -> Corrupted Chests (these frequently have strong cursed relics).

The Sword of Conjunctivius is also incredibly good. Since you die in one hit, it does way more damage than other weapons. I have had runs with it doing almost 1k on a crit. As you can't get hit anyway, it pretty much nullifies the negative aspect of it's passive.

A claw + pistol combo is also somewhat broken, as you can effectively stun lock an enemy while your stamina is up using the off-hand combo. Particularly effective is the poison claw with the fire pistol, which stacks both damages on the boss. Just make sure to finish your combo with the pistol, move forward just a little, and start another combo. When done correctly, the boss will be stunlocked. Pretty effective for bosses, but does make going through the dungeons a bit of a slog.

Ultimately, whatever weapon/combo is working for your playstyle is what you should be using.

I typically used Reptilian Hunger, Will of Sich'al, and Gift of Transmutation. With Gift of Transmutation, you can rack up gold really easily. Will of Sich'al makes it much easier to get to the final boss without any curses, so you don't have to bother with parrying the Curse attack

Some Clovis tips:
His first stage always alternates between laser and the corruption wells. Just be patient and let him do both before attacking him. He'll pause when he's done and give you an attack window.

For his laser attack, do not go too far behind him. Sometimes he'll just whip the laser around really fast if you get too far away from it.

For the corruption wells, just roll in a circle around him, all your stamina, until the attack is done.

You can also parry the attack that removes your curses, which will remove the curse but not damage you. This is useful so you don't have to bother dodging it the whole fight.

By the time you've completed the final exploration twice in a row, going back to the easy mode explorations will feel like a breeze. The main challenge will come from the grind and accidentally getting hit while fighting Clovis (wastes a lot of time). Good luck!

23 Aug 2021 20:07

Any tips of beating the avatar of Eagle? So far he is the hardest boss for me, couldn’t beat him without getting hit for once… Any advices of how to avoid those multiple storm waves she summons?
By PhantomPlanetAP on 24 Aug 2021 17:45
As an example for the Eagle Avatar: playing
By ShadowEchelon91 on 25 Aug 2021 18:04
Thanks so much! Your video makes it so clear. Any methods to make it easier to get this bow right at beginning? I don’t think I can come across weapon altars while choosing upgrading weapons?
By PhantomPlanetAP on 26 Aug 2021 03:28
I only played this game on windows 10 so far but not much it’s really fun kinda hard though ! So I would love to hear your favourite build and weapons , what’s the name of the bow for example ? Or does any bow will work with critical damage ? Critical damage (in this games means) that they have the broken shield symbol right ?
Did you also use a bow for the final boss ? Sorry for all these questions but I try to get some important Tipps before I start playing this game everyday :)
By Jamal2807 on 26 Aug 2021 09:03
There are quite a few good weapons, but for killing bosses without getting hit I found bows to be easiest in general.

I have not found anything that made it easier than Effulgence, except maybe the Sword of Conjuctivius for some bosses.

The broken sheild state is weakened, not critical damage. A lot of weapons crit on the final hit of their combo. The nice thing about bows is they always crit when fully charged.

So when using effulgence, you can use damage in light, lightning and crit relics, making it easier to find the relevant damage increases.
By ShadowEchelon91 on 26 Aug 2021 13:44
Thank you for the Tipps
By Jamal2807 on 29 Aug 2021 00:09
Another point for the Eagle avatar is to try and avoid getting those lightning waves all triggering at about the same time - if a wave from the first cloud is about to trigger then don't damage her past 50/25%.

Unless you're good at parrying the waves, dodging between 1-3 of them one after the other leaves with little stamina to dodge the Avatar if she decides to lunge at you around this time.

That said, if you keep your distance from the clouds and you know the Avatar's attack patterns well you'll get there in the end.
By Talvalin on 13 Sep 2021 10:15
Would like to point out a general tip: the Final Curse doesn’t seem to void the no damage condition. I had it and Crown of the Cursed King when I got to the Dark Avatar of the Serpent and it counted a no damage clear, despite the Final Curse’s poison damage. This means the Relic I mentioned above is viable for getting this done.

EDIT: Seems that the game only checks for any damage that bosses do to you for those sketch objectives; had 2 bosses that I got progress on for their sketches despite getting hit by my bow’s blast once or twice each.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 15 Oct 2021 09:15
That should be correct for all the enemies and bosses - only voids the no-hit for whatever actually hit you.
By ShadowEchelon91 on 16 Oct 2021 12:02
Honestly, Claw/Pistol stunlock combo is just so overpowered, I recommend that over everything. Including bows.

Especially getting poisoned claws with fire inducing pistol allows you to stack both those over-time damage types as well as opens up even more DPS relics that are useful to you. Also, since you stunlock until you run out of stamina, getting the relic that adds another stamina bar to you is so overpowered. I got two of those in the same run and basically went the entire exploration without getting touched because even the bosses couldn't stop themselves from being stunlocked.
By Bladed Thesis on 12 Dec 2021 20:10
Agree. For fighting bosses, I think its completely broken. It does make going through the levels take forever though. I used the Claw/Pistol to do my Clovis and Ratyapu kills, but the rest I found it was fairly straightforward to use Effulgence or Conjuctivius, which makes going through the levels a breeze.
By ShadowEchelon91 on 18 Dec 2021 14:55
What does "Defeat Clovis after removing the final curse" mean? Removing final curse by killing the boss before Clovis?

For "Desecrate all 3 of the offerings at the end of a run" you have to choose the 0 gold Option?
By DriZzT1987 on 19 Dec 2021 23:36
Farming elite units is just pain... have 2 elite units in each temple left. Just stupid and such a waste of time for 1-2 kills each run.
By DriZzT1987 on 21 Dec 2021 10:33
If I get hit by the minions Clovis summons but don't get hit by Clovis himself, will it count towards No damage Clovis sketch?
By shiithalfeR on 29 Mar 2022 12:00
Yes. The only things you can take damage from without voiding the requirement are the curse swords that drop down from above, as those are counted as Temple damage.
By Talvalin on 29 Mar 2022 12:41

Be careful! I should've had this unlocked on 3/28. But my internet was out when getting the last entry (Clovis no Hit entry). I've done everything, even getting the last 2 cursed weapons, getting the Global Progression to 100%. Still no achievement.
By Zer0e on 02 Apr 2022 16:16
@Zer0e - Why on earth you popped this achievement offline should've waited until you back online.

Try this method, start a new game on a different save slot (DON'T delete your 100% save file), try to complete one of the bestiary again and hopefully achievement should pop.

If nothing popped then save & quit out, go select your 100% save file and see if the achievement unlock for you.
By SSSteinMan on 25 Apr 2022 07:59
@SSSteinMan I genuinely never had this happen before. Anything I've earned while offline (granted, rarely has this happened), always popped afterwards. I can try fully unlocking a new bestiary. Shouldn't take long to see if this helps, though I'm not gonna hold my breath.

EDIT: Good thing I didn't hold it. Didn't work.
By Zer0e on 03 May 2022 21:56
Super pain in the ass game to farm those elite enemy kills! Even I am done of all bosses, it’s just ridiculous for each run to only spawn 2 to 3 elite enemies…… I need 30 more elite blade master kills and 20 more of another elite enemy from the serpent dungeon… Fuck This Game! Its so pointless to farm something like this, better to have better challenges that offer tons of elites!
By PhantomPlanetAP on 08 Aug 2022 18:18
My best luck has been with a bow. Just keep shooting and dashing. If you stay far enough away, you can get them to do the healing into charge attack frequently which is quite easy to dodge (just roll towards them at an angle). Ideally by the time you get to the avatar you have enough crit/lightning/weakness etc relics that you don't have to spend too long dodging the lightning waves.

Its also helpful to stay in the bottom left to bottom right of the arena, that way you can actually see the whole board.

Effulgence is seriously great because it stuns them on a full charge, so you can just stand there and get like 3-5 shots off, they dash to you, repeat.
By ShadowEchelon91 on 25 Aug 2021 02:32
Thank you for the solution!

Some additional info for everyone:

-Rare Elites always spawn in the 3rd area of an exploration. They are a 100% spawn guarantee in the weapon/upgrade rooms during the 3rd wave so prioritize those rooms.

-By dash-boarding from the starting point you can reroll your weapons. So you can keep doing it till you get the effulgence bow. I preferred the perk that gave 20% dmg per curse. After all the hard explorations the normal explorations become much easier and curses aren’t that big of a deal. Just be careful with getting the final one too early, it can ruin your run with bad rng.

-personally I preferred prioritizing relic rooms. Use your divine favors sparingly and look for dmg to crit, Lightning and the +50% dmg cursed one. If your running repitilian hunger (I always did) the dmg for gold one. Those stacked with the 20% dmg per curse you will seriously wreck everything.

-For boss farming, save a few divine favors towards the end and try for a conjunctivitis sword from a weapon room. It’s a boss slayer. Especially in normal explorations.
By xMANNY FRE5Hx on 24 Nov 2021 13:03
What does "Defeat Clovis after removing the final curse" mean? Removing final curse by killing the boss before Clovis?
In short, you have to get the Final Curse and then remove it *before* fighting Clovis by beating any of the Champions or Avatars.

Assuming you have sufficient money for the offerings immediately before Clovis to get all your health back, it is best to get the Final Curse just before the third Avatar.

For "Desecrate all 3 of the offerings at the end of a run" you have to choose the 0 gold Option?
By Talvalin on 20 Dec 2021 01:31
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As you can see in the screenshot, one of the top builds is with the convictus sword.
Normal hit 400/Crit 2100 bosses fly apart in less than a minute.
This is for those who go for platinum.

28 May 2022 07:28

1 Comment
Tip for Elite Enemies:

After the three-level towers open for you, go through each one once for fun, study the enemies and their movesets. And then, following the plot, in the next tower, before each room on the third level, make a save. The fact is that in each room on the third level there is only one rare elite enemy, rarely two. Simple elite ones are common. And it’s advisable to kill rare ones right away without taking damage, otherwise you’ll be swearing like me and grinding sadly. So, if you are killed by an elite enemy, restart your save.

Rare elite mobs:
Fat Jaguar & Necromancer
Long-spike eagle & healing stone ball
Fat Snake & Homing Projectile Head.

I farmed them in themed temples on low difficulty, where there are 6 rooms on the third level. So you can be guaranteed to kill 6 rare elite mobs per run, if you’re lucky 7.

They are extremely rare on the second level, but there is no point in saving there.

And one more thing: when you have one type of rare elite mob left in a particular temple, you can reload the save with the room if a rare elite mob spawned in that room, which you have already farmed.

And one more thing: the fastest way to farm rooms at the third level is with a choice of weapons and weapon upgrades, such rooms consist of one arena and three waves of mobs, a rare elite mob is always on the third wave.
By low505090 on 26 Jul 2022 23:54
Actually, hello to the trophy, which is what causes the most headaches in this platinum. Some tips to make it easier to get it:
  • First and, perhaps, the most important, DO NOT TAKE DAMAGE IN BATTLE, WHEN POSSIBLE , especially for bosses and reinforced mobs
  • Don’t try to knock out some reinforced mob in a mixed temple, it’s better to do it in a thematic one (for example, knock out a jaguar in the Jaguar temple, which is logical), simply because mobs spawn in their temples much more often (usually it’s possible in one run, which, with a long time the game will not take more than 20-22 minutes, knock out 5 to 6 mobs, with a lot of luck)

23 May 2022 10:39