Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

57 Achievements

1500 XP


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Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.

15 XP


How to unlock the Gunslinger achievement in Cyberpunk 2077 - Definitive Guide

A revolver can be dropped from dead enemies or possibly bought at weapon shops (the weapons sold at weapon shops are random and keep changing so there is no set shop location to buy one).

Be on the lookout for revolvers dropped from dead enemies. I found my first revolver from a dead enemy in the Pacifica region while I was doing a story mission there.

This is an example of what a revolver looks like in your inventory:
External image
Once you have a revolver, find a group of enemies in a open area (story missions, side missions, around the open world or police) and kill the majority of them so that there are just 1 - 3 alive. Move away and take cover from them so that there is a little bit of a distance between you and the enemies. Keep waiting from behind cover but keeping an eye on what they are doing. One of them should throw a grenade at you after a while. You must then shoot it in midair with your revolver so it explodes in midair before reaching you.

If you keep a distance from the enemies and just keep waiting, they should throw grenades at you every so often. It seems enemies have an unlimited amount of grenades.

It also does not matter what type of grenade the enemy throws at you.

You can make a manual save before attempting this at a location (for example in a story mission) so that if you fail you can reload and try again.

This is a video of how it is done:
I unlocked this achievement with an enemy in a story mission using a “DR5 NOVA” Power Revolver that another enemy had dropped in that same story mission.
If you are having trouble shooting the grenade in midair you can purchase the “Dynalar Sandevistan MK. 1” operating system which costs $7500 from the western most Ripperdoc in Northside, Watson. To equip this item, you need 6 Reflexes.

* Dynalar Sandevistan MK. 1 slows time by 50% for 8 sec. (Cooldown 30 sec.). Increases any damage dealt by 5 percent when Sandevistan is active. Activated by holding cn_LB cn_RB.
When you see an enemy starting to throw a grenade you can use this to slow down time so it will be easier to shoot the grenade midair.

11 Dec 2020 11:58

Best Guide out there as Slowing Time makes this so much easier.
By The Nerds Club on 18 Dec 2020 00:11
Worked perfectly for me thank you! I went to the ripperdoc you mentioned and grabbed the OS which allows for slo-mo. Attacked the enemies outside, and I got it. Thanks!
By andrews1022 on 18 Dec 2020 23:38
Type of grenade could matter, done this with Johnny's revolver against blue grenades in the story over and over and it won't unlock. Not sure why, could be another cyberpunk classic bug. Edit: nothing to do with grenade colour, shot then all of of the sky, it just won't pop for me
By Deeeco on 30 Dec 2020 11:46
This didnt work for me for frag grenades but popped on the first emp grenade thrown at me.
By DaithixPxD on 31 Dec 2020 01:32
@Deeeco Johnny's Malorian isn't a revolver
By KhalDrakon on 02 Jan 2021 22:12
During Panam Ghost Town mission you get to Raven Shive cave. Right after you exit car just crouch. At this spot the Ravens lob grenades at you all the time but never move closer. So good, fun and easy spot for your cheevo.
By HollowVoice on 21 Feb 2021 11:48
Can vouch for HollowVoice's strategy. Got it at this point.
Oddly enough, I was able to get it with a tech revolver (Quasar), which people said they were having trouble with. Wasn't using any slow-mo gear or techniques, so I don't know if that effects it differently for some reason.
By Ice Cold Jay D on 04 Feb 2022 07:24
The Ravens never threw a single grenade in an hour of camping waiting for one, different difficulties...stupid fucking AI and achievement
By Bashemgud 03 on 21 Mar 2022 21:43
Lol so hardly throw nads me either , I'll try tips here wait bit longer , cheers guys and gals
By LIAM SLANEY86 on 23 Mar 2022 09:55
It seems like some enemy factions don't carry grenades. I tried for it against some Claws and no nades came out. Lucked out against some Malestrom though.
By GryJediEngr on 19 Apr 2022 03:32
Still nothing and i can't do the 2 in 1 with a sniper. Game isn't popping
By AlexL210 on 29 Sep 2023 18:57
This achievment doesn’t pop for me after uptade 2.0
By paodoce3 on 01 Oct 2023 21:05
I can confirm. It does not pop after 2.0.
By BECKS THE NAME on 04 Oct 2023 15:32
Works again after 2.0.1
By Wingnut on 05 Oct 2023 21:45
I popped after patch 2.0.1 by just loading into the game. I tried it back at 1.6.1 but it never popped. I might have done the requirements back then and that's why it popped now but I don't know maybe not.
By Dalmater on 06 Oct 2023 13:10
Just tried this, and it didn't pop for me... 🥺
By B1ueEyeS1y on 22 Dec 2023 01:53
I recommend removing any silencers you might have equipped. I was trying for 10 minutes accurately shooting down grenades left and right and the achiev wouldn't pop, was just after removing the silencer that it worked. Felt like that might've been the cause since the previous one where you must kill 3 in quick succession was the same thing, only popped without a silencer attached.
By DarkAllN1ght on 26 Dec 2020 13:00
(After getting the Slow Time chip...) I got it by starting a fight with the cops on an open street. Keep your distance and keep shooting at them. After you kill a couple the 'badge' level rises and guys with heavy armor show up and will yeet shock grenades at you constantly. Identify the guy throwing them and watch out for the grenade, activate Slow Time', shoot. Bingo. Achievement unlocked. It took me about 5 mins to get it this way.
By BobBoxBody29 on 01 Aug 2022 12:27
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11 Dec 2020 21:17

I've shot a grenade out of the air on two separate occasions, with two different revolvers, and it still hasn't popped for me. Unfortunately another bug with Cyberpunk 2077 for me. :(
By LEGEND 3 on 13 Dec 2020 02:38
Worked first time for me, used a random revolver I found at the start of the game and went to a police scanner hustle. Used stealth and the various hacking tricks to whittle them down to one enemy and made a save, then alerted them and waited for an incoming grenade. Easy peasy.
By The Reverend JC on 17 Dec 2020 13:20
Shot 10 grenades out air no luck
By MastaGamerRican on 17 Dec 2020 13:49
So I figured out at level 41. Can't have a suppressor on the gun AND the enemies have to be red on the minimap. Can't skeet shoot at a random fight on the side of the road between 2 gangs.
By TonySki on 20 Dec 2020 21:42
MastaGamerRican, I did this twice. First time with a tech pistol and no luck. Second time with a power pistol and it worked fine. Try making sure you're using a power weapon and not a tech weapon.
By karlgschaefer on 29 Dec 2020 00:20
The best solution! i killed all but one and got it in my first try!
By RogelioLara4 on 08 Aug 2022 05:51
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I was struggling with this one for a bit having already cleared the map of encounters. The best way I found to do this is by shooting civilians till the police got involved. I had a 3 star police pursuit and just kept a decent enough distance away from the cops until they started throwing grenades. When you see the icon for grenade shoot it out of the air using the dash and aim slow down ability from the kerenzikov nervous system implant ( double tap B and aim on Xbox).

03 Feb 2021 21:06

In this video guide I will show you how to shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.

First thing you want to make sure you have a power revolver and not a tech one. Seems the tech ones don't count toward the achievement.

Second you will need the nervous system upgrade which allows you to slow down time when aiming. Just find a rip doc that has the upgrade.

Third you will need to find a good spot to have enemies throw grenades at you at a good speed. Try to get spotted and hide behind something, but still make sure they know where you are. Just put some distance from them and keep hiding, but also pay attention to their movements to see if their arm goes back as if to throw something.

Now lastly you will need to do a double dash to activate the slow down time. Once you see them act like they threw something use the slowmo and find the grenade in the air, shoot it and the achievement will pop.


20 Mar 2021 05:23

A lot of enemies will throw grenades at you towards the game but it's tricky to shoot them while in the air without any perk. Fortunately, you can buy the Dynalar Sandevistan Cyberware (Operating System) that will slow time by 50% for 8 seconds when using it. You can buy one at the Ripperdoc located in Northside in Watson but you'll need level 6 in Reflexes. Feel free to kill some civilians to trigger the police, as they almost always throw grenades at you.

The Dynalar Sandevistan is also useful for The Quick and the Dead trophy_bronze.png 
While the description might make this achievement sound challenging, it is actually pretty simple to do. First, you will obviously need a revolver. Keep your eyes open for one, as every enemy you kill drops a weapon, so finding a revolver should happen naturally many times throughout the game.

With that done, it's a matter of shooting a grenade out of the air. While there are various cyberware options that slow time, potentially making this even easier, they are not required by any means. Getting enemies to throw grenades at you will usually happen if you hang behind cover enough. The grenades are highlighted in yellow as they come flying through the air. They don't move that quickly, and the auto aim works just fine on them. As long as you've got decent distance between you and the enemy, you should see the grenade in the air and have plenty of time to auto aim at it and shoot it. As soon as it explodes in the air, this achievement will unlock. 
A lot of enemies will throw grenades at you towards the game but it's tricky to shoot them while in the air without any perk. Fortunately, you can buy the Dynalar Sandevistan Cyberware (Operating System) that will slow time by 50% for 8 seconds when using it. You can buy one at the Ripperdoc located in Northside in Watson but you'll need level 6 in Reflexes. Feel free to kill some civilians to trigger the police, as they almost always throw grenades at you.

The Dynalar Sandevistan is also useful for The Quick and the Dead trophy_bronze.png.
Go for the Cyberpsycho Sighting: Demons of War. Matt Liaw throws flash bangs, you can shoot them pretty easy. He'll throw them multiple times so it's no big if you miss. I got this on my first attempt with just a revolver I didn't have any cybernetics that slowed time or anything.

26 Jun 2023 09:47

Option 1. To complete the trophy, it is better to use the Time Slowing perk, which will allow you to accurately aim at a flying grenade.
Option 2. To hit the grenade without slowing down, it is best to shoot from the hip. Video guide (ru).

12 Dec 2020 23:34

Did it on the police without slowing down time.
You need to get 2 stars and run away with your back, after a while a grenade will fly.
By Tblkva on 26 Dec 2020 13:23
The trophy was not difficult. We go to the reaper (Viktor Vector, for example), install the Koreznikov implant (hello to the first demo of the game, although there seemed to be an inhaler with a slowdown effect).
Now, when you click on the circle twice while aiming, time will slow down.
You should have any revolver with you, as soon as you find enemies who are throwing grenades, leave one or two alive, take the revolver and wait.
The enemy threw it, you took aim, dodged, shoot at the grenade until the trophy clinks.
The number of attempts is not limited.
By EduardoElrick on 13 Dec 2020 16:46
Knocked out here (white circle mark, there is an application for investigation), there is a woman who is located at the very end at the entrance to some bunker, she constantly throws a chemical grenade, a cyber implant from ZETATECH SANDIVISTAN.
By MADKARL on 04 Oct 2022 23:16
There is no point in specifically farming this trophy. Whips constantly throw grenades if you sit behind cover.
It’s easy to do in absolutely any battle in the open world. I sat behind cover, went for a Grenadine, and shot.
By FDurst on 28 Aug 2021 02:08
Performed here, not far from the Kabuki market, hiding behind a box in a narrow passage:

By CookieFlash on 01 Jul 2022 08:21
A convenient place to complete the Panam quest. In the cave with the mini-boss, ordinary enemies often throw poison grenades; we shoot the flying grenade from the hip with a revolver.
By JeffSwiss on 05 May 2021 18:38
I played as a netrunner, as a rule, the enemies died before they even saw me, and in open battle I usually didn’t live to see a grenade, a couple of bullets - a corpse. The trophy was won at the end, in the scenario where you call Panam and ask for help - while protecting the Maglium tunnel, the waves of Militech come at you. That’s where they throw grenades and aggro not only at you - you can sit out as a netrunner, occasionally running scripts, and there are enough opportunities to shoot a grenade.
By SveRussian on 25 Jul 2022 10:41
Personally, I got the achievement only when I hit a grenade from a revolver without using any perks to slow down time. Several times I tried to use the OS mod to slow down time (zetatekh sandevistan) - I hit a grenade, but the achievement did not come out.

The grenade flies quite slowly, + it feels like you don’t really need to aim. In general, a fairly simple achievement even without slowdown.

By maxfriden on 14 Dec 2020 17:16
1. We remember where on the map the bandits throw grenades
2. We go to the ripperdoc for Sandevistan
3. Before the ripperdoc, save in a separate slot so that you can return the money later
4. Buy Sandevistan
5. Return to the bandits, make a quick save
6. After 4-5 times we already know, plus or minus at what point in the firefight the grenade will fly
7. Plus or minus at this moment we launch Sandevistan and shoot at the grenade

I couldn’t slow down time when the bandit had already thrown a grenade - while Sandevistan was launching, the grenade was already exploding. I realized that I needed to slow down a little in advance.
By toha_toha on 17 Feb 2021 10:34
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Completed without delay.
As soon as you have a revolver (picked up from a bandit), we find the gang and tease the criminals from a distance, running from side to side.
They will periodically throw a grenade at you. We shoot from the hip along the trajectory of the grenade. Literally on the fifth attempt I hit a grenade. If I hit, and I’m not a fan of shooters, then you’ll hit without slowing down (Koreznikov).

18 Jan 2021 13:32