Dark Grim Mariupolis

Dark Grim Mariupolis

16 Achievements

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Repaired and scavenged the robots.


How to unlock the Roboengineer achievement in Dark Grim Mariupolis - Definitive Guide

Once you get the screwdriver, you will use this to fix the robot loud speaker. Then the priest says he will need a microphone. There is a slavebot lying on the ground at thor's home to the left. use the the screwdriver on that slave bot and then use the square to make a smile face and press the button.

from top of square 2nd row is eyes
4th row is dimples or first square of row and last square of row.

last row is middle 3 squares of row

x x x x
x 0 x 0 x
x x x x x
0 x x x 0
x 0 0 0 x

Hope this helps.

26 Feb 2021 10:11

1 Comment
On the robot click x to get microphone then it will start the puzzle
By IRL Games X on 15 Aug 2021 14:27
Story-related; cannot be missed. 

This achievement requires you to repair the robots, which requires a string of events.
  1. Go to the Kiryat Temple and talk to the Priest. Choose the bottom dialogue option each time to offer to fix his robot, and receive a screwdriver.
  2. Go outside the Temple and use the screwdriver on the robot on the left. See Master of Random (200G) for finishing this puzzle.
  3. Head back inside to tell the Priest you fixed his robot, and he'll ask for a microphone. Leave and head to your Home.
  4. On the left lying on the ground is another robot. Use the screwdriver on it and then press button-x.png to take the microphone.
  5. You'll then be given a light puzzle. You need to light up squares to make a smiley face (shown below) to repair the robot and unlock this achievement.
  - - - - -
 - o - o -
  - - - - -
 o - - - o
- o o o -

For a full game walkthrough that includes all achievements from the base game and all title updates, please use THIS GUIDE.