Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Elements

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Elements

49 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Conqueror of the light

Conqueror of the light

Win 10 Crusades on the Human side. Requires at least 8 players.


How to unlock the Conqueror of the light achievement in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Elements - Definitive Guide

The primary challenge in this achievement is getting a group of 8 people together. You're going to create a player match, but before you choose Crusade choose a different game type such as deathmatch or whatever, it doesn't matter. What matters is being able to choose a specific map to play on. The specific map to play on is Necropolis. After you choose Necropolis go back and choose Crusade as the game type. If done correctly then all 8 people choose the Human side and capture the enemy position. The game will be won after only one round as opposed to having to play 3 on all 5 maps to win the game. This method is guaranteed to save you some time.

EDIT: Not all game types have Necropolis available and I'm sorry I don't remember specifically which ones do. But after you do find it and then when you change the game type back to Crusade you have to highlight game type then press A rather than cycle left or right to choose it. This is the key to making the map stay on Necropolis rather than switching to the default map for the game mode.

EDIT: When you choose the map & game mode you have to press the A button to choose. Do Not Press Left or Right To Pick Your Option! Here's exactly what to do: go to deathmatch or team deathmatch and press A on the map then choose necropolis and press A. Go up to game mode, press A, choose Crusade, press A. The map will change to High Pass (not cool). It's ok, just press A again on game mode and choose crusade again & press A and then the map should have changed back to necropolis. It took me a while to get this right.

12 Sep 2010 22:08

1 Comment
I forgot to mention; when you choose the map & game mode you have to press the A button to choose. Do Not Press Left or Right To Pick Your Option! Here's exactly what to do: go to deathmatch or team deathmatch and press A on the map then choose necropolis and press A. Go up to game mode, press A, choose Crusade, press A. The map will change to High Pass (not cool). It's ok, just press A again on game mode and choose crusade again & press A and then the map should have changed back to necropolis. It took me a while to get this right.
By anarchyandyandi on 13 Nov 2010 23:05
Note: As of 2022, the Online Game Mode for this game is still working. But I would suggest you get the Online Achievements done for this game, sooner than later.
The Online for this game is Dead, so your going to need to Boost It. It is highly suggested that if you have Dummy Accounts & Extra Copies of the Game and Consoles, to bring them in as well.
This game is Not Backward Compatible on the other XBox Consoles. And the game has a bad habit of Freezing your Consoles on regular occasions.
Finally, it is recommended to install the game to your Hard-Drive if you are playing the game with a Retail Disc. It takes 6.8GB's.

This Achievement has to be done in a "Player" Match as the Crusade Game Mode is not available in Ranked Matches. Player Matches allow you to Invite Players into the Match that's Hosted. But the Match cannot have any Private Slots. Doing so will void you the Achievement.

You will need a minimum of 8 Players, to get the Achievement.

To get this Achievement, you need to win 10 Crusade Matches whilst based on the Human Team. The way the Crusade Game Mode works, is originally you would all start on the High Pass Map. Whichever Team wins that Map will drag themselves and the other Team to their desired destination. If that Team keeps on winning, they will reach the Final Map which is the Enemies Home World (I think). For the Undead (or should I say Pirates, with their accents). It's the City Of Stonehelm. For the Human's, it's the Necropolis. If the respective Team wins on the Enemies Home Map. They win the game, and then everyone get's moved back to High Pass. Which is the middle Map. However, a Win towards the Achievement only counts if you win in the Home World. Any other Wins you achieve on the other Maps, do not count towards the Achievement. It sounds complicated. But in shortness, the game only gives you a Crusade Victory for if you win on the 2 Maps. And you have to be a certain Team to let it count, towards a Win.

Luckily, there is a Glitch in setting up the Lobby which can work around in your way, to reduce the time pace needed to get the Achievement.

First, you need to decide who is going to Host the Lobby...

They need to go down and Create Match...

OK. So there is a Glitch to get the Map you need. Press cn_A on the Game Mode & choose either Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch. Press cn_down to highlight Choose Map. Press cn_A and choose "Necropolis". This is the Map you need to choose for the Human team. Now you need to press cn_up and press cn_A for Game Mode, and choose Crusade. There's a high chance the Map will be changed back to High Pass. However I did this a few times, and I think I found the solution. Press the cn_B button to back out once. Press cn_A again to Create Match, and the game should say Crusade on Necropolis. This is what you want. Scroll down and click Confirm to Launch the Match...

Now as soon as you Created the Match, have everyone search for the Lobby, or give them Invites to it. Once everyone has joined, they need to pick the Human's. No Undead. Everyone will need to choose a Class as well. The Mage Class will probably be the fastest to get the Game Modes done. Finally, once that's done, everyone needs to Ready Up, before the Host can press cn_X to Launch the Match...

The objective you have to do is Capture the 2 Flags that are not yours. So go ahead and pass through the obstacles and capture the 2 Flags. Because there will be no one on the opposing team, once both Flags are captured. The Points for the Undead will drain away very fast. Once the match is completed, everyone whom is on the Human Team will get a Win towards the Achievement...

Note: It is advised all Players Move in the Match that are after the Achievement, to allow the game to register that you are Playing. Standing still throughout the Match gives you Invulnerability, and this Invulnerability could possibly void you winning a Round towards the Achievement if you stay Inactive for the whole duration.

Now, there is a downside among all this. If the Host decides to Re-Launch the Lobby. It will automatically load up High Pass. So instead, the Host will have to Leave the Lobby & redo the Glitch as explained above to get the Map they need. Once you have all won 10 Matches, you will get the Achievement. Be-aware that some Players may take a lot longer to get the Achievement than others due to Glitches & Game Freezing.

You will likely get this Achievement during the process...

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: ElementsCrusadeThe Crusade achievement in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements worth 94 pointsWin a Crusade. Requires at least 8 players.

And if you are Hosting the Matches. It's a possibility you will get this as well. As long as you are Winning the Matches...

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: ElementsLocal championThe Local champion achievement in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements worth 179 pointsWin 20 matches hosted by yourself. Requires at least 8 players.

Other than that, I hope this information helps you out and Good Luck!

27 Jan 2022 22:26