Darksiders Genesis

Darksiders Genesis

30 Achievements

1000 XP


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Are You Not Entertained?

Are You Not Entertained?

Achieve a score of 70000 or higher in the arena.

50 XP


How to unlock the Are You Not Entertained? achievement in Darksiders Genesis - Definitive Guide

For this, You need to reach 70.000 points in Arena and it's only possible in Endless mode. To unlock this mode You need to finish Arena 16-20 maps first. If you reach 70.000 points you can "End Arena mission" in the menu WITH THE SCORE YOU HAVE!

As at the comments at the other guide mentioned, the biggest problem is the game keep crashing. After several attempts and freeze, I made a hard reboot as "UnmatchedBrace" (hold power off button for ~10 secs) and as "Oathiel" recommended there, I turned off the "Blur" in the settings and the font size was on default for me. I did not reinstall the game.

After those - at first try - I could reach 70.000+ points at wave 74.

Luck or else?! I don't know, just want to tell how I got it finally... dance

So for the waves and setup:

You can get 2 EXTRA Major Core slots, if collected all parts of the Abyssal armor (5-5) for both characters. I got only one as you can see, there is the "Moloch" core. If you don't have any, you can put this to somewhere, but keep the "Match Bonus".

Most of the Major core should be at level 3. For Belial, Moloch (and Mammon >> see below) just simply play again their level (only a boss fight) and you will get 1 core for each win. For Hollowed Fiend core you can play the first level again, but that's a whole level... I couldn't get Moloch & Belial core elsewhere.

I killed Wicked Killington 3 times, so I got Wicked Willington core for lvl 3 and with this every killed enemy explodes with 6m radius with heavy damage. It helps a lot.

You can check my guide for that here:

Darksiders GenesisSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in Darksiders Genesis worth 53 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

If you want to farm souls you, can do it on level 6 Mammon boss fight, it's around 1-2 mins and you can get 8-9k souls (2-3k souls + Mammon core >> 5-6k souls for it if you are on lvl 3 of that, but sometimes does not appear).
For farming use these cores for extra souls:
Minor core - Void Magus +5-15% souls
Minor core - Ghoul +5-15% souls
Major core - Mammon +2-8% souls

Here is a video (it's faster because I'm almost 1500):

So If you are ready for the Arena - I recommend to try this at least 1300+ - here are my tips:

Always run around and dash (evade) if necessary.
Use the clones (LB + X). They distract the enemy, so they attack them, not you, so you can attack them safely from behind.
I bought the "Vessel of undying" 50k souls + 15 coins. It's an "auto-healer", just in case, if you have souls.
For the secondary weapon the Static is quite good, mostly for hordes.
Keep 1-2 wrath bar (clones for distract) and the Anarchy Form for the 5th rounds (5-10-15th...) those are Boss fights.
While in Anarchy form use X or Y, not the gun. Because with X-Y you can hit more enemies at once.
If you die with one character, with the other keep running around and try to stay alive for 20 seconds to revive the other character.

Check these videos how it should work:

Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed

Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed

Today I tried to go as far as I can - or as far as let me go without crash -, so I saved (a video for the records) after every 5th round. Unfortunately at 107 "dashboarded" me :( . Here is the last video:


19 Aug 2020 20:22

What do you mean by "I was saving the game every 5 waves"?! If you are really can save whenever you wish, I don't understand all the whining-commotion :) about how hard it is to get the achievement.

I mean I did it in one sitting, just turned off motion blur as someone has suggested, but it did freeze on me three times in a row (wave 70 one time :) before that. But If I knew I can backout, saving the progress I would do the same Renatooo did. Awesome point!

And you guys don't need any videos to beat this arena. Just get all Major orbs to level 3 and use them. I believe 1539 Power is the max at this moment. I think they wanted to do the DLC at some point, but still haven't made up their minds since.
By Serge Goujon on 03 Sep 2020 09:13
Serge Goujon Sorry my mistake. Of course, you can not save! I meant to say saved a video after each 5th round. Thanks, fot the heads up, I change it in the text.
By Renattooo on 03 Sep 2020 10:09
What I also did was I lowered the gamespeed to 50% at the options!
It's like playing in slow-motion, but I was able to reach 70.000 points without the game crashing!
By Xbrax Xwirox on 24 Jan 2021 07:41
I threw this a like, mainly for highlighting the methods for reducing crashes. This otherwise doesn't really need much instruction if you're doing this once properly levelled.

Pretty much spam static shot, and save your beast form or whatever it's called for every 5th and 10th round. 5, 10, 15, 20 and so on. It's really hard to die in this game - like REALLY hard.

Also note, your selected difficulty is not relevant. It will be overridden to Normal when you start Endless.
By corpirate on 23 Feb 2021 12:21
Good call on the Wicked Killlington core, that definitely sped up the process.
By TriRock on 16 Apr 2021 03:34
48 Minutes in Coop. Partner froze but rejoined and we both still got it at wave 73. Made sure to restart the game before starting the run and pick up all to drops every wave to cut down (health/wrath/ammo/cores) on freeze/crash chances.
By Ham Man 89 on 01 May 2021 06:44
+1000 to whoever suggested running the Wicked Killington core. Cut time way down....
Also ran with blur off after doing a complete shutdown via settings.
By OptionalOwl on 08 May 2021 18:59
The highest score I got to was 57k in Wave 65 before it crashed (as usual). I did 3 attempts and I think I am done with trying. Shame because overall I enjoyed this game and only missing this and replaying levels on Apocalyptic difficulty chievo.
By UsCanAdam on 14 Aug 2021 20:22
I have restarted my series x. Had the blur off. It took me 77:29, Wave 74 to get to 70k... only 1 achievement left but I will attempt it when this game is added to games with GOLD in the future as today is the last day of it on GamePass. Id say the game is 7.5/10 I think I liked it more than Darksiders 3
By UsCanAdam on 15 Aug 2021 15:13
Have they fixed the stupid freezing on it yet?
By ColumnedJet9 on 20 Sep 2021 05:22
Finally beat this, after it freezing on wave 3, 34 and 67. 🙃
By AkaiERA on 05 Nov 2021 12:18
Made it to wave 63 and game locked up. cry
By LaVolpe28 on 02 Jan 2022 20:01
Good call on the Wicked Killington Core! My god it just melted through the first four waves before boss waves. Butter.

Saving this achievement for last, hard power cycling your Xbox before attempting, and going in with a Level 3 Wicked Killington is the way to do this 🤘🏻

+1 👍🏻
By InquisitorZac on 15 Apr 2022 23:41
Has anyone a actually been able to figure out how to stop it freezing the blur motion crap doesn’t work
By ColumnedJet9 on 25 Jul 2022 09:50
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*edit - can we please stop down-voting for the game crashing. That's slightly out of my control

You can get 70k in the 'infinite / final' arena, which is unlocked by completing arenas 15-20 (no previous arenas are required).

We got 70,000 on wave 74 and it wasn't hard. Took about 40mins i think.

I expect its easier in co-op as if you die, you will respawn in 20 seconds as long as your partner is still alive.

Hope this helps.

29 Feb 2020 19:24

The hardest part about this achievement is not having the game crash halfway through a run angry
By Dejected Santa on 05 May 2020 15:53
Wave 70 and game froze... I could not be more pissed off right now.
By KilldbyNecropsy on 26 Jun 2020 00:05
I’ve been over 60,000 points 3 times and had the game freeze....
By Purds on 30 Jul 2020 03:20
Can confirm, the game crashing at wave 70 is the real boss. As soon as you hit 70K die immediately. The game will crash at any moment at this point, and there are no rewards for going further.
By WhyattThrash on 11 Aug 2020 14:33
I crashed at 30k and then 60k after playing some of the other levels/arenas. I hard rebooted the xbox (held power down for 10 seconds) and then went straight in to the arena and made it to 70k. Not sure if that's just luck, or if a fresh boot made the difference.
By UnmatchedBrace on 14 Aug 2020 05:40
I made it to wave 68 with 55,000 points last night before my own crash-o-rama. I'd read this thread beforehand, though, so I knew it was probably a matter of time. Made it sting a little less, but it mars what's otherwise a really good game!
By ChrisLemsPa on 18 Aug 2020 16:31
You can remove the part about it being easier in co-op. If you play solo and die then you switch to the other character, and after 20 seconds the other character becomes playable again. So one's not really easier than the other. But other than that being incorrect, agreed to not downvote just because the game is slightly broken.
By WhyattThrash on 18 Aug 2020 18:26
I just had it crash on me on 69,032 on wave 73. This is the 4th time in a row it has crashed on me going through the arena. How can anyone have this achievement when this game is so broken?
By AlsWar1988 on 18 Aug 2020 19:28
F... this game. Crashed at about 70825 points. Didn't got the achievement
By K1LL1NG SLAYER on 21 Aug 2020 18:18
69,318 on wave 71 and crash. Instantly uninstalled. Not bothering with it again.
By DarthJohno on 31 Aug 2020 00:28
Hey Everyone... the crashes happened to me 3 times and on the 4th time I lost power due to a lightning storm while at 68k. Turn off 'Motion Blur' under the graphic settings. I have not had any issues since and you can put it back after you get the achievement.
By ElectricDemonic on 08 Sep 2020 02:24
ElectricDemonic I had motion blur off the entire time, I don’t think that matters. Could be that your hard reset of the console due to the lightning storm freed up some memory somehow (the issue is likely a memory leak).
By WhyattThrash on 08 Sep 2020 16:35
If you're struggling to get this Achievement because the game keeps crashing on you, try playing it over xCloud (requires Game Pass Ultimate).

I made several attempts on my Series X, and while turning off motion blur did seem to postpone the crash a little bit, it would still crash way before I got to 70,000 points.

I unlocked the Achievement in my first xCloud attempt, getting above 70,000 around wave 73 and then choosing End Arena from the pause menu.
By Patt3rson on 08 Jan 2021 09:18
My game was crashing as well even in the campaign and rebooting the game or console didn't help.

Today after it crashed 3 times in a row in the arena (wave 30, 45 then 50) I decided to uninstall and reinstall the game. I disabled motion blur in the options and changed the font size to the default value (throwing a hail mary here hahah) then started the arena and finally reached wave 74 in my first try with no crashes.

It may be luck or coincidence yes, but I think it's worth the try for those having problems with this achievement. Hope it works out! :)
By Oathiel on 15 Aug 2020 19:03
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In this video guide I will show you how to get a score of 70,000 in the arena. Now this obviously needs to be done in the infinite mode once you beat the levels required to unlock it. I would save this for one of the last achievements to do, just to make this quicker and easier. So beat Apocalyptic and have a power level of at least 1,300 to be ready. If you have done all that it should take about an hour in a half, if done solo.

A few things to help make this go quicker. The first thing is to have creature cores on that do Attack Increase, Wrath Build Up, Wrath Duration, Health Increase, Hotstreak Duration, Hotstreak Build Up, and Ammo Drop Rate Increase would help. The rest would be up to your personal preference, Next you will be using Static Shot to wipe mobs of enemies and to build Hotstreak quickly. Then when you have Hotstreak you will continue to use Static Shot for multiple enemies and something like Beam Shot or Charge Shot for single enemies.

Lastly you will be building the Wrath Meter while clearing waves. So I would try and save the ultimate ability for the boss waves. They are usually every 10 waves. Sometimes every 5 there is a mini boss fight as well. Just make sure to use it often to make the waves go quicker. Once you reach around wave 74 you should have the score needed to get the achievement. Just let the enemies kill you and it will pop at the results screen.


07 Mar 2020 17:35

Before you can tackle this one, you must finish the campaign as it unlocks all of the tiers in the Arena. From there, you must complete Arena tiers XVI through XX to unlock Endless. It's safe to say that Strife is the key to beating all waves as his special ammo, Static Shock, is perfect for crowd control and, depending on your creature core setup, breezing through the waves.

Save your Anarchy and Chaos forms until every fifth wave as it spawns mini bosses in packs and you cannot adjust the difficulty for Endless. Endless Mode, for this trophy, will last around Wave 75 and roughly about 60-75 minutes. The recommended power level is 1500, but on a second save, I ran it with 920. So don't let the recommended power level intimidate you. Once, you've reached 70,000+ AP, just quit out. For your troubles, you'll get a quest reward of War's Golden Armor.