Darksiders Genesis

Darksiders Genesis

30 Achievements

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Defeat Moloch without taking damage.

50 XP


How to unlock the Blademaster achievement in Darksiders Genesis - Definitive Guide

If you are having trouble on getting this achievement, there is a creature core that is gonna be your lifesaver. The core is "Legion Shieldbearer". This is the boss of Chapter 14, but you can farm him in the arena. Basically, this shield is gonna make you invincible for at least one hit every time, so if he hits you twice then he is gonna cause you some damage. The point here is to avoid at least an extra hit, which is very useful in some situations. The achievement asks you for no damage, so he can hit you as long as he doesnt hurt you. Give it a try for practice to see how it works.

On the other hand, there are some critical moments which you must be careful, like when his health is low he will start creating a lot of crystals around the map. Use the special attack of Strife ( cn_LB + cn_Y ), as commented in another user tips, so you wont get hurt as this attack makes you invincible, but be aware to dodge when it ends. Also, the moment you can use the Anarchy form cn_LB + cn_RT (usually almost at the end) dont hesitate and use it, to make sure you dont get damage in the last moment.

**These tips are considered for the easiest difficulty**
- Image of the core:
External image

02 Mar 2020 15:35

I want to add that you can do this on Co-op. What we did was the host was playing Strife and we made sure that Strife was far away from Moloch, the other player playing War will spam with close combat attack Moloch so even if he's getting hit, the other player will still get the achievement. Then, simply swap characters so your friend can get the achievement. The host can use the trick of quitting to main menu if getting hit and keep your Wrath Power (mentioned on other solution down below)
By DeAtHisLaNd on 06 Nov 2020 19:18
I just make it simpler i guess, reading ur comments i tried to to harves the Anarchy of both War and Strife . Play the Chapter and the anarchy fill just after killing Moloch just quit to Main Screen and do all the same with the other character, fill the anarchy meter and quit to Main screen then load again and you start with both anarchy meter full. I shoot to moloch until he powers his sword then i use Wasr Anarchy when almost finish i go to a safe place and trnsform to strife and go Anarchi and use the machine gun .
By Delam Hadz on 17 Jan 2021 23:01
Thank you Delam! It worked great!
By el teby on 07 Aug 2021 20:30
Delay has the best idea here! It worked perfectly! 🙌
By Tallnvyne on 11 Aug 2021 21:52
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Alright this achievement isn’t as bad as I thought plus I figured out a easy method.
For the first phase just shoot and dodge then when his sword starts glowing that’s when the crystal’s start. Also in his second phase it will attack twice so be ready to dodge twice. To avoid the crystal’s use Strifes Y ability world ender it makes you invincible and you can’t take damage so use it once or twice then get ready to dodge. Once you get him down to a quarter health use your Rage which you are also invincible hope this helps.
Good luck!

23 Feb 2020 19:50

1 Comment
An added tip for this is that you can start fighting him and if you get hit just pause and quit the game to the main screen. Once you load back up, your ammo and health should be replenished but you wont loose your Anarchy bar. You can use this trick to fill it up all the wat before fighting for real. On Casual, he died from within one activation of that when he is a little bit below half health.

Also, for some reason, with this trick he will start to always get taunted by the Shadow clones if you are using that core. Downside of thusbmethid is that crystal animations become weird and you can only see the pink mark of the crystal on the ground, not the crystal itself.
By Feiffer05 on 05 Mar 2020 04:35
Completed this on the casual difficulty. Use strife with the beam gun. Main problem to watch out for is the crystal attacks. Once you get ultimate form should be able to finish him off quickly. Creature cores were also setup for faster hot streak and ultimate form. Hope this help some people!

20 Feb 2020 07:06

In this video guide I will show you how to defeat Moloh without taking any damage. First thing is to put it on Easy to do more damage to him. Next you want a power of at least about 1,300 to make this easier. Next you will need creature cores like Tidehunter Shamen to boost Wrath build up. Attack increase is also good to make this faster.

The whole fight will be using Strife to build Hot Streak. Any cores that build this and make the duration longer is also a plus. Next while using Hot Streak use either Beam Shot or Charge Shot, the damage is more for single enemies. Now while building this you will be waiting of the Wrath meter to fill up.

To dodge his attacks just wait a second before he attacks then dodge to avoid being hit. Now after he changes his sword you will be dodging his crystal attacks, most of them are easy to dodge if you just keep waiting before dodging. The ones he summons up from the ground, the safest spots to stay safe would be the four end points of the map. So the top, left, bottom, and right spots of the map.

Keep dodging until you build the Wrath meter all the way and use it to summon your ultimate move. From there he will pretty much die, and you will get your achievement.


07 Mar 2020 11:14

The best way to get this achievement is in co-op. The host stays back so as not to get damaged, whilst the friend makes the kill. If the friend also needs the achievement repeat the achievement with them being the host.

25 Feb 2020 19:40

Equip a maxed-out the Legion Shieldbearer core, which gives you a shield for 20% of your health. Max out your health, and you'll have a shield that can absorb more damage than Moloch can do in a single hit on casual. Play as Strife, and dodge around: even if a crystal springs up under you, it won't break the shield. You can take a couple of hits without taking any damage this way, making this considerably easier.

26 Aug 2020 10:17

To make the fight shorter, change the difficulty to CASUAL. The key things to memorize are the locations on where to stand when Moloch starts his crystal area attacks, and mastering dodging when he rushes you with sword attacks. The best Horsemen for this trophy will be Strife. This video will show the best strategy on where to go.



19 Feb 2020 00:10