Dead Alliance

Dead Alliance

44 Achievements


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Dropped 100 Tactical Insertions


How to unlock the Sneaky achievement in Dead Alliance - Definitive Guide

This achievement is much easier than it appears and can actually be obtained in just a few minutes.

Start off by creating a Single Player match with the following options:

Game Style: Offline Bots
Map: Seascape
Game Mode: King of the Hill
Difficulty: Normal

Once your match settings have been selected you will be given an option to select a loadout. You will need to select 'Medium Loadout' as it is the 'Strategic Deployment' item that counts towards this achievement.
Once you have deployed, you are going to want to find the cliff edge along the side of the map and face yourself out towards the sea. Simply select your 'Strategic Deployment' from you inventory by pressing cn_Y twice and then throw the item over the cliff using the cn_RT and you will see the item explode. After the item explodes you should be left with your pistol in your hand, so all you will need to do is press cn_Y again to reselect the 'Strategic Deployment,' then throw the item off the cliff. Rinse and repeat this method 100 times and your achievement will unlock.

03 Mar 2018 23:27

1 Comment
Yes This help out a lot the Achievement description didn't not help at all So I had to look it up. At 1st I was not working But trying on the left side of the map on the very corner it works perfectly
By Genome Soldiers on 04 Oct 2022 18:28
Select medium load out, with the tactical insertion.

When playing, press Y twice to change from M4, to pistol, and then to tactical insertion. Press RT to drop it, and when you die, you can re-enter where you dropped it.

Rinse and repeat 100 times!!

Good luck!!

03 Sep 2017 17:02

1 Comment
What are the tactical insertions. I can not find them
By KingOfAllGreeks on 06 Jan 2018 22:38