Dead by Daylight

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Outbreak Breakout

Outbreak Breakout

Open the exit gates and escape from Raccoon City Police Department 20 times in public matches.

50 XP


How to unlock the Outbreak Breakout achievement in Dead by Daylight - Definitive Guide

I did this half and half solo queue/SWF.
The perk build that got me this was as follows:
1. Sole Survivor (Laurie Strode's unique perk) for the 50% door opening speed. Also comes in handy against most if not all aura reading perks/addons etc that killers bring.
Bear in mind this perk relies on you being the last alive.
2. Wake Up (Quentin Smith's unique perk) for 25% door opening speed. Paired with Sole Survivor you'll have a door open well before the killer can come check it.
3. Low Profile (Ada Wong's unique perk) Free Iron Will and Lucky Break for 90 seconds upon being the last Survivor (especially if the killer is being greedy and trying to get all 4 Survivors sacrificed) is amazing, as you can then (relatively) safely run for a gate and hide to wait out whoever the killer has left on the ground to find you.
4. Anything. I often used Unbreakable (William "Bill" Overbeck's unique perk) to revive myself in situations where everyone manages to go down and the killer hooks everyone else. Off the Record (Zarina Kassir's unique perk) was a good choice when killers felt particularly tunnely and the free 80 seconds of Iron Will and Distortion didn't hurt.

Now, if you're in a team, this build probably won't be useful. You'll likely want to bring perks like Prove Thyself and We'll Make It for efficiency.
This build is more catered to solo queue.
As much as nobody wants to admit it, solo queue is the Wild West. It's every man for himself, and so if it comes down to it it's them or your achievement. It might seem selfish, but if you're put in a situation where there's a chance you could get a gate open and escape, go for it. There's no way of knowing whether or not that random would've helped you if the situation was reversed, so if you get flak for it just ignore it.
Thats why I'd recommend doing this with crossplay on; sure you'll get matched against sweaty PC killers, but at least you won't get hatemail from your teammates when you choose to save yourself vs getting yourself killed for nothing.

26 Sep 2022 16:11

Just opened the gate and left while the killer was chasing a teammate. No progress.
By ggallinftw on 16 Mar 2023 21:10
I don't think this works if the killer closes the hatch I had a game where the killer closed the hatch I managed to open the door afterwards and escape and my progress didn't go up, idk if other people have had the same experience
By Slash83TTV on 23 Feb 2023 02:11
Raccoon City Police Department has been split into two different maps; Raccoon City Police Station East Wing and Raccoon City Police Station West Wing. Both of these maps will count towards this achievement. You will have to be the one to open the exit gate yourself. It can not be opened by someone else otherwise progress will not count, so make sure to position yourself where you can get to the exit gate switch within reasonable time of fixing the last generator. Both of the exit gates for each of the map variations are on the ground floor with the main gate being at the center of the Police Department. General base perks that will help speed up unlocking the exit gates aswell as getting a speed boost ahead of your fellow teammates are "No One Left Behind" and "Resilience". If possible I also suggest running Claudette Morel's teachable perk "Self-Care" to heal yourself and Adam Francis' teachable perk "Deliverance" to unhook yourself that way you aren't having to rely on your teammates to heal or unhook you. The use of the Rare Offering "RPD Badge" can be used by you or another teammate to highly increase the chances of the next map being one of the Raccoon City Police Station Wings.

31 Aug 2022 11:30

This is a slog for sure, luckily i'm running into other people using the RPD Badge so i'm getting one maybe every other hour.
By Zaro Karos on 31 Aug 2022 15:29
yeah we better play a lot while the hype for this DLC and the RPD map stays high.
By velho lobodomar on 31 Aug 2022 17:04
No progress when the killer disconnects. Happening way too much tonight...
By SKORPIONIC on 01 Sep 2022 05:52
Sadly about half my matches the killer disconnects if they think someone is going to make it to one of the exit gate switches.
By Zaro Karos on 01 Sep 2022 06:50
The one killer that didn't d/c gave me a 10 minute standoff when he refused to close the hatch. I'm not asking for a handout, just start egc and lets go. I'm running out of RCPD badges.
By SKORPIONIC on 01 Sep 2022 07:20
This one is brutal. I met the requirements in a match and it didn’t count. Oh well… 1000 more matches to go
By Garbage Punk on 01 Sep 2022 10:52
This achievement's a joke. Ran out of all my RPD offerings now and I've escaped only twice. I do the gens and be cautious but then its either something like they have a instant down power or perk, my teammates suiciding on first hook or not rescuing me. Or the killer decides to tunnel me or find me when I'm at the gate while everyone else escapes. And now I got to hope I get lucky that RPD randomly shows up or I'm playing countless games just to give it another go.

Frustrating as hell, the requirement shouldn't be such a large number. 5 at most would have been fine.
By gobey17 on 01 Sep 2022 19:56
I'm garbage at this game (mostly bad at survivor) so sadly my best bet is me dying every game that isn't RPD station so I'm more likely to face a bad killer when I do finally play RPD station.
By FQX on 02 Sep 2022 16:34
I'm honestly about to make a forum post on the official DBD forum. Maybe if a group of us get together and make enough noise we can convince the devs to rethink the 20 requirement? I agree that 5 would be more than fitting.
By NoblestSteed on 03 Sep 2022 08:41
20 is a REALLY steep requirement, fortunately the % chance to get RPD in the rotation is boosted for a while after the patch. In the future it will be a LOT harder and you will have to burn MANY RPD offerings if you want to get this achievement.

Make sure YOU are the one opening the exit gate before escaping to get progress. If you want to get this achievement in a reasonable timeframe, don't try to be a hero, just open the door and leave.

This is how it goes:

1. You NEED to make sure all 5 generators get powered (this is the main issue)
2. You need to open the door YOURSELF (if someone 99%'s a gate, you still have a chance)
3. Then you need to escape. You don't need to escape THROUGH the door, but may as well do it on the spot since you need to open one of the doors anyway...

Good luck guys, this will be a huge grind.
By Experimentongod on 04 Sep 2022 16:47
I just played like a dirtbag, honestly. If I got a team that wanted to actually play, I committed to the game. If I got a bunch of potatoes I let them get picked off, hid in the shrubbery and used Left Behind to try and locate the hatch, then moved to the gate further from the hatch. I got credit for this on games with NO gens done.
By SKORPIONIC on 04 Sep 2022 22:09
I've gotten progress about 5 times letting the killer close the hatch waiting by an exit door and then going through. No need to do all generators.
By Zaro Karos on 05 Sep 2022 01:24
used Left Behind to try and locate the hatch, then moved to the gate further from the hatch. I got credit for this on games with NO gens done.
Was wondering if this would work. Honestly not a fan of the fact that this achievement encourages being a hiding bad teammate, but I'm not going to worry about how honorable of a teammate I am if I'm struggling to stay alive in any chase. I'll just go full Blendette and leech/skulk my way to this achievement over time.
By FQX on 05 Sep 2022 10:53
To all my brothers and sisters who are playing this game legit, while I’m dying on 1st hook because I didn’t get RPD, I’m truly sorry. Blame the developers for creating such a bull**** achievement. What the heck were they thinking?
By No Politics on 05 Sep 2022 21:12
until when will the rpd map be a higher % to be the map we play on ? and do we know wat the % is that the map is rpd
By TiestoEdit on 06 Sep 2022 00:57
No idea Tiesto, they haven't released that kind of information and they typically don't.
By Zaro Karos on 06 Sep 2022 10:16
Thanks guys and vehlo ur right thar seems to be the best
By TiestoEdit on 06 Sep 2022 21:28
To all my brothers and sisters who are playing this game legit, while I’m dying on 1st hook because I didn’t get RPD, I’m truly sorry. Blame the developers for creating such a bull**** achievement. What the heck were they thinking?
That's what I'm saying! Escaping a certain map 20 times just encourages me to absolutely not give a crap about my team crawling on the floor while I did nothing but hide and do gens and then immediately take off the second the 5th gen pops.
Not to mention the motivation killer of using one of your few RPD badges and either getting a different map still, or getting absolutely slammed by a good killer.

That of course brings me back to the comment I'm quoting where I'm purposely suiciding on hook to lower my MMR for when I DO play the right map.
By FQX on 07 Sep 2022 11:21
what‘s your choice of perks?
By sKyNeXu5 on 07 Sep 2022 13:27
Bring Soul Survivor, Wake Up, Low Profile and Off the Record. I've been doing this is solo queue and this build is my best shot.
By J ROLL 1998 on 07 Sep 2022 15:06
Lithe is always helpful, prove thyself to finish the middle gens fast.
By REGIX 117 on 08 Sep 2022 17:22
How much of a loser do you have to be to ruin a match for the other 4 players
@Lukoster I mean in all honesty with SBMM and how time consuming the achievement is, it's only expected people don't want to play 300+ full length games to get the right map however many times 20 escapes takes you. Knowing that successfully escaping will only make it harder to be able to escape on the right map.
By FQX on 15 Sep 2022 11:16
@Lukoster Looking at your list, I get why you don't understand. I genuinely believe you when you say "Even if it'd take a year, I couldn't care less." Happy gamering.
By Interracial on 18 Sep 2022 10:21
@Lukoster At the end of the day you're the only one dishing out directed insults at people. You should take a closer look at yourself before you get mad. I don't see a rule anywhere that says I have to try my hardest every game I play. This is the problem with SBMM to begin with.
By FQX on 21 Sep 2022 07:21
Awful achievement
By GSR CAOR on 22 Sep 2022 04:13
Literally one of the most toxic communities about, for those of us that have already maxed the game prior to new DLC we don’t really care. If they want to implement more grindy achievements don’t be mad when we look to get them done right away.
By xZelik on 23 Sep 2022 22:10
Did 2 of these today and it didn’t track, still at 50%
By xZelik on 13 Oct 2022 19:57
If a gate is 99’ed from a teammate then popping the last 1 percent will still count
By reyycist on 16 Oct 2022 21:46
I did this achievement on PC. Most of my escapes, I did not open the gates. about 3 or 4 games never counted when exiting gates.

On XSX, I've escaped twice now and neither counted. I didn't personally open the gates. Is there any confirmation that YOU actually have to open the gates? I don't think I can do this achievement again. This might actually be the worst achievement Behaviour has done and some of the early ones were pretty bad.
By Bizarro13 on 27 Oct 2022 16:46
As others have said this seems to be a bit bugged. XSX opened the gate and escaped after a stressful game trying to survive. No progress. Bummer.
By ScribblesJaws on 30 Oct 2022 03:09
Right now, from my experience, out of the 12 escapes I have, all 12 I had to open one of the exit gates from start to finish by myself and then escape.
I had 1 that didn't get me any progress and it was when someone had made some progress in opening the door and I finished it and escaped.
By Makoushu on 03 Nov 2022 15:30
When another player started to open the exit gate and left it was up in the air if it was going to count progress or not from it after escaping but the majority of the ones that I opened 100% myself did count.
By Zaro Karos on 03 Nov 2022 17:26
Progress is bugged at the moment. My last 2 escapes haven’t counted even though I did the whole gate myself.

Update: It seems to be that if you hang around after opening the gate and heal anybody or do anything else it doesn’t count. You need to leave as soon as you open it
By Cricklad95 on 06 Nov 2022 15:48
100% of the ones where I fully opened a gate myself counted towards the achievement.
Killer closing the hatch when you're the last alive and you then opening the gates counts too. Generators do not all have to be completed
By FQX on 07 Nov 2022 09:45
Jesus H., this was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
By Silent Fanatic on 11 Nov 2022 16:44
I had a different experience when killer closed the hatch and I opened the gate I didn't get any progress
By Slash83TTV on 23 Feb 2023 02:13
No progress for myself either, and that's after doing the gens and opening the exit gate by myself and escaping
By Fast Cheeks on 11 May 2023 23:26
Deja Vu

If you are playing solo this was great. The hardest thing about this map is finding the gens. This perk give you 6% repair speed and shows the aura of closest gens.
By bobby trippe on 16 Aug 2023 23:14
@TiestoEdit, changes to map rotation are usually mentioned in the patch notes the developers publish along with each update. That said, I havent seen any changes to RPD's percentage in the last patch notes, which likely means that we have equal chances for any map in the game as of now.
By velho lobodomar on 06 Sep 2022 18:40
the grind required for this achievement only makes all other ones in this game look laughable. Unless they up the chances of appearance of this map and its offering on the bloodweb, this will take a considerable amount of time.
anyway, quentin smith's perk WAKE UP makes the aura of the switches appear and speeds up the opening of the gates by 25% on tier 3, another suggestion for this specific build.
By velho lobodomar on 31 Aug 2022 14:47
You should fix the phrasing. You keep saying "the exit gate switch" when you should be saying "an exit gate switch".
More than one exists and you're free to get the second one if someone already unlocked the first one.
Another thing you should mention that people might be curious about is that getting both gate switches will not get double progress. You get the progress from the combination of the two actions, opening the gate and then exiting the map, you can't exit the the map twice so you can only complete the requirement combo once per map.
Lastly after you open a gate, you can exit via any means (your gate, another persons gate or the Escape Hatch) and you'll get progress. I'm unsure what happens if the killer disconnects. I wouldn't risk it, get out asap.
By mcnichoj on 01 Sep 2022 04:15
the only practical way of tackling this achievement, in my opinion, is to gather groups of 4 players, everyone hoards RPD badges in the bloodweb, then setup a session to play as a team, each time one person using a badge. in the most optmistic scenario where 2 players always manage to open a switch and flee, the group can make it in 40 matches and each player would need to get 10 RPD badges in the web.
By velho lobodomar on 06 Sep 2022 18:47
kind of disappointing that no one is mentioning adrenaline. this perk immediately brings you from dying to injured and injured to healthy with 150% running speed for 5 seconds after 5th gen pops or hatch is closed and you NEED the gates to power so definitely run this. Sole survivor and wake up are extremely weird since this takes 2/4 of your perk slots and do not help whatsoever in the actual game. Ive had great success escaping with lithe or balanced landing, adrenaline, spine chill to know when to move/determine if its a stealth killer, and renewal or circle of healing. Boon shadow step is also amazing since the map is very big and twisty so using shadow step to lose the killer is extremely easy. Lithe or balanced landing can easily be taken out if you plan to heavily avoid the killer.
By reyycist on 18 Oct 2022 18:34
Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Spine Chill, and Self Heal
This has been my bread and butter.
I gen rush as fast as possible at the start but if the hooks and deaths start adding up and the gen’s aren’t close to being done I will just hide and try to wait it out.
I have died so many times trying to rescue the last person off the hook or with 2 people slugged. It’s much safer just to wait it out.

This achievement is so toxic. It is so rare to get this map along with being the one to open the gate. Most killers are very sweaty and desperate for 4 kills

When you use an RPD offering and the killer disconnects mid match angry
Achievements like this make me wonder why I put myself through this.
By DeeSwitz TTV on 10 Dec 2022 17:23
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RPD is now split into Raccoon City Police Station East Wing and Raccoon City Police Station West Wing. both count.

You need a specific 2/35 maps for this achievement so planning on only hoping for RPD every game is a waste of time. Using an RPD Badge or joining and leaving games when the dc penalty is off are the best ideas.

You only need to have the last touch on the exit gate powering to leave, so if a teammate 99s a gate to taunt the killer or to ensure their teammates safety, you can power the last 1 or 2% and leave.

This builds idea is to hide around the map until all your teammates die

The build:

spine chill is a universal perk that lets you tell early if its a stealth killer and know how close the killer is to you if you havent mastered the terror radius mechanic. even if you are a multi-thousand hour survivor, spine chill is nice to know when the killer is headed your general direction and when to hide when you know its a stealth killer looking at you or in your direction

self care a clauddete perk or boon circle of healing from mikaela so you can heal yourself without needing to be close to your teammates and you get more than one or two heals than with only bringing a medkit

clairvoyance is another one of mikaelas perks and this one activates after you cleanse a dull or hex totem and cannot be used with an item in hand. This perk for 10 seconds shows you the aura of gens, hooks, and the hatch within a 64 meter radius when in tier 3. This is huge and very important for knowing which gate to hide near in a hatch game and helps you have an idea if you have the 10 seconds you need to open the gate since they will most likely visit the gate closer to them

sole survivor is a laurie strode perk to open the exit gate 10 seconds faster when your the last alive and it hides you aura for 24 meters from the killer for every dead survivor. you dont need wake up as the gate locations are the same every time depending on the wing you have and the extra boost isnt necessary.

If you are going against a high mobility or a teleportation killer like nurse, blight, sadako, demogorgon, or wraith, this method is scarier but with sadako retreiving her tape takes out the teleportation factor and facing a demogorgon is rare since they removed his dlc last year. blight and nurse are almost equally terrifying but with luck and calculation from clairvoyance they will check the wrong gate first and you will leave.

sometimes a killer will stand on hatch until they see you to ensure they get the 4 kills but the majorityof killers dont do this and if this happens hopefully you can wait them out. Dont get idle crows at any time during the match since these progressively get louder and more obvious to the killer. Running and walking in the same spot or general corner wont work

27 Oct 2022 20:32