Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Silent Approach

Silent Approach

In public matches, interrupt and grab 25 Survivors while they are repairing generators.

50 XP


How to unlock the Silent Approach achievement in Dead by Daylight - Definitive Guide

For this achievement, you're going to want to be playing as a stealthy killer in order to get close to the survivors and without having them run away. I'd steer clear of Pig and Wraith for this one, as their ability to grab a survivor off a generator is a bit limited without the use of certain add-ons (in the case of Wraith, said Add-on needed is ultra rare) or perks.

The three killers I would recommend for this achievement are Spirit, Shape, and Ghostface. These killers all have very decent stealth abilities, but unfortunately for the most part their base kits aren't going to cut it: you're going to want to use some stealthy perks or add-ons for this one.

For Spirit, I would highly recommend the use of Prayer Beads: this Very Rare add-on completely eliminates the "whoosh" sound effect that plays when the Spirit is near you in the spirit world. This is super effective for getting generator grabs, as unless the survivor is running a perk such as Spine Chill, they will have zero idea you're coming until they're already on your shoulder. I'd also recommend using one of the variety of Duration increase add-ons for your power, so you can get to generators in the spirit world from farther away. Using the Doctor teachable perk Monitor and Abuse (which decreases your terror radius by 8 meters when not in a chase) is also helpful.

For Shape, I'd also recommend the use of Monitor and Abuse. Shape has the lowest terror radius in the game when he's in Tier 1 of his power, and Monitor and Abuse makes this terror radius fall to 0 meters when not in a chase, allowing you to walk right up to survivors and grab them. It's a bit less effective than Spirit, as a survivor can just use their camera to spot you approaching. For this purpose I'd also recommend the use of the very rare add-on Scratched Mirror: this add-on makes you unable to leave tier 1 of your power, but allows you to see survivor auras within 32 meters whilst stalking. Combining this with Monitor and Abuse allows for some pretty neat Generator grabs, and for you to scare survivors half to death.

And finally, for Ghostface, there are no add-ons or perks to particularly help you, as his power allows him to completely silence his terror radius and red stain just by activating it, allowing you to walk up to a generator and grab any unaware survivors that aren't paying attention. Getting generator grabs with Ghostface is really just a manner of playing Ghostface well and knowing how to stay hidden. The only ones I'd really recommend are the Add-ons that increase your movement speed whilst crouched: this allows you to maintain a low profile and gives the survivor less time to react to your approach.

Of note, however, is that all of the killers listed here are DLC killers. Whilst Spirit can be purchased with the in-game Iridescent Shard currency which you gain by leveling up, the others must be purchased with real money on account of being Licensed Killers. In the event that, for whatever reason, you do not have access to these killers, your best option will be using Wraith, and in particular two of his add-ons: the Ultra Rare Coxcombed Clapper and the Common "The Ghost". Coxcombed Clapper completely removes the sound of your bell, allowing you to uncloak in silence. "The Ghost" removes your terror radius and Red Stain for 6 seconds after uncloaking. Whilst this does seem like a powerful combination, actually getting into a situation in which you can ambush survivors effectively is pretty rare: most survivors will see you uncloaking and run, even without the sound. The best way to do this is to try to uncloak behind a wall really close to the generator, so you can pop out from the corner and hopefully get the drop on them.

For just some more general notes, the Hillbilly teachable Tinkerer removes your terror radius for a couple seconds once a generator is repaired to 85%, along with giving you a notification of that generator. The main problem, however, is that the killers mentioned here don't have any means of crossing the map quickly, except for Spirit, which can result in the perk running out by the time you even arrive at the generator (or the generator might even be completed before you arrive!). Only take this perk if you're seriously lacking in the ones mentioned in this guide.

Plague's Dark Devotion is an interesting one, as it transfers her terror radius to the obsession upon the obsession being hit, and your terror radius is reduced for 0 for a short time. However, much like tinkerer, this one can be a bit iffy: the obsession having the terror radius can cause more chaos than intended, and may actually result in survivors leaving generators as the obsession approaches. Plus, it does nothing to hide your red stain, so competent survivors will see you coming from a mile away.

I'd also recommend attempting this in the Higher Ranks: particularly from 20-16. Survivors here tend to be noob-ish and will prove more susceptible to these strategies than survivors at Lower Ranks. Be incredibly wary of survivor perks such as Spine Chill or Premonition, as these can reveal you coming even without your terror radius.

And just one final note: the map you attempt this on DOES make a difference: there are two maps in particular that work well for the purposes of these builds, and those are The Game and Lery's Memorial Institute. These maps have twisting and winding corridors, and often feature generators very close to doorways, meaning there's less time for the survivor to see you coming and flee. Avoid wide open maps such as the Swamp or the Red Forest: if you have offerings for the Institute or The Game, I'd burn those whilst attempting this achievement.

15 Jul 2019 07:43

Hey i was actually gonna make a solution for this yesterday but you beat me to it lol. I was gonna add a video too showing the build I used to get this in no time. You can add it to the solution if you would like to. Thanks.
By jordaOwO on 16 Jul 2019 22:27
why did someone vote this negatively. Great tips
By Lord Betus on 16 Aug 2019 03:31
Does it only count for each survivor once a match? So I can only get 4 grabs a match? Or can I get 25 in one match?
By xCENAxMOD on 20 Jan 2022 11:06
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Previous guides offer great advise for builds that are great for legit attempts but for those that are having trouble or don't have access to the good killers I'll offer an alternative.
Simply dominate a game as killer with any killer of your choice. Get the game down to two survivors and don't kill them. Down them and haul them over to each other or beat on the generator while they are on your back showing them you want the gens completed.
Pull them off periodically while they finish the remaining gens. Allow them to wiggle free and continue the gens. Ideally you can get them together to spread the grabs around and not alienate them into running off.
The survivors that are alive appreciate you giving them a break and you get progress towards the achievement. Couple games like that and the achievement is yours.

12 Dec 2019 21:30

For this achievement, adding to what BrendeNick said, I'd like to give an in-depth guide of my exact setup that I used in order to gain all 25 grabs.

I would highly suggest using the Spirit. If you haven't bought her yet, I would highly recommend doing so if you have any real intention of achievement hunting in this game.

The best perks to use to attain your goal consists of:
-Surveillance: When you damage a generator, it will have a white aura around it. If it turns yellow, someone has touched it and is likely still going to be there working on it if you don't get too close and they hear the terror radius.
-Monitor and Abuse: Terror radius is reduced even further until you are in a chase, but if you are in a chase you most likely haven't gotten what you were going for, so this perk will help you up to that point.
- Hex: Ruin: This will possibly disrupt survivors on generators if they can't hit the skill checks and notify you where they are at, so you can either show up and grab them or if they ran off damage the generator for Surveillance to kick in.
-Hex: Huntress Lullaby: This is not that useful, but always provides a helpful notification of where the players are if they are failing skill checks because they can't hear the warning on time.

The MOST EFFECTIVE way to get this would be to set up a Spirit class with the Prayer Beads and Ultra-Rare Glasses. These will eliminate your phasing sound and tremendously increase your speed while phasing respectively. Using a Black Ward is extremely helpful for this achievement as it will surely take longer than one game and unless you have a lot of spares, this will require you to grind through a few trees to find both add-on pieces.

So, to recap, once you have this set-up ready, in game you will:
1. Start by phasing to generators randomly hoping to hear them getting started and grab someone.
2. Find generators being worked on and damage them, keeping a close eye on them when you get further away. When they turn yellow, you are likely out of the terror radius range for the survivor and can quickly phase back in and pull them off.
3. If survivors continually evade you in a game when you are coming in from far away, they are likely running Spine Chill or other killer-sensing perks, which will render your setup useless and you'll have to find less capable survivors in another match.

LAST TIP: If you don't play this game with headphones, it will be extremely hard as a Killer. The combination of a headset and no phasing sound means you will easily be able to hear a survivor actively tinkering on a generator if they are there even before you come out of the phase state. You can kind of prod around the generator and if you hit a barrier where there is clearly nothing, that is where the survivor is and you should come out right behind them and press right trigger to grab them.

Good luck all! It isn't the easiest, but it sure is a lot more fair than some earlier achievements have been regarding grinding achievements.

19 Jul 2019 14:00

I cant stress enough the importance of playing killer with surround sound. This game has excellent audio for determining the location and distance of survivors making sound.
By Cro11 on 03 Nov 2019 04:45
Thanks for the input Cro11. You are beyond correct. 80% of my successful downs are due to hearing where survivors are running nearby. Especially on maps like The Game, you can hear people sprinting below or above you allowing you to locate a staircase and get to their location and chase. Using the audio in this game is essential and almost key to the game play.
By NotableKevin88 on 05 Nov 2019 20:34
This is the hardest trophy in this DLC since it requires a touch of skill, luck and a killer capable of stealth. To interrupt a survivor's action and grab them (such as from searching a chest, cleansing a totem, repairing a generator, slow vaulting an obstacle, performing a hook rescue or sabotaging a hook) you simply need to be very close the survivor and tap the basic attack button () as if performing a quick attack. Do not hold the button or you will instead perform a lunge attack instead. You'll need to do this 25 times to a survivor working on a generator. The trophy will pop after the 25th successful generator grab. This trophy can be earned even if you do not own this DLC.

The best way to go about grabbing survivors off of a generator is to catch them off guard with a killer that has little to no terror radius such as the Pig, Myers, or Ghost Face. Just make sure to approach from an unexpected direction and sneak as close as you can while remaining hidden, then try to rush the rest of the distance before they let go of the generator.

For perks, there isn't really much to be recommended. The Doctor perk "Monitor and Abuse" makes all killer's terror radius smaller outside of chases. The Basic perk "Insidious" makes you undetectable so long as you're standing still if you're feeling campy. It'll mostly just boil down to Killer ability more than anything. For more details on these perks though, click here to see the Killer Perks Supplemental Guide: LINK
Can be done on the Spirit "The spirit"
In one of the addons we take Prayers Beads

Or Scream, he doesn’t have a terror radius in his ability.
It reduces the radius of sound while invisible. Surva can be determined by collision - it is impossible to get close to the gene. We appear and press the blow with a short press.
UPD: After the fix, the spirit can now be heard even with rosary beads.
You can use mana without terror - Shout, Michael on the first morning of "pure evil"

27 Jun 2019 16:28