Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

257 Achievements

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Taking One For The Team

Taking One For The Team

Protect a recently unhooked Survivor by taking a hit near them 250 times.

15 XP


How to unlock the Taking One For The Team achievement in Dead by Daylight - Definitive Guide

there are three requirements needed for the counter to go up:

1. you must be close (7 feet-ish) to the unhooked survivor. (i like to heal them so they don't move and i know they'll stay put until the killer can catch up)

2. you must be hit within 7 seconds (approximating) of when the survivor was unhooked. it's a very short window.

3. you must get protection points shown on the left side of the screen.

be close to a chase. i like to use bond (the only perk worth anything, imo), and when they are down you must be VERY close. by the time they are hooked you need to be within several feet or on the opposite side of the wall because the killer will then begin to move away after they're hooked. IMMEDIATELY run for the hook because you need him to come back and the time countdown will have started.

typically i will get hit, run to something super close to block my view and watch for the unhooked to be caught again. once hooked again i run and unhook yet again though i will be downed that time. (deliverance wink)

you can get credit for getting hit while mid-unhook, but it's flaky.
you can still get credit if they down the unhooked survivor first. let them still hit you after.
you must be the first hit after the unhook (barring the survivor that was hooked). you can't be the second.
it seems killer special attacks and the huntress' hatchets will not count as a 'hit.'
the achievement tracker is slow sometimes and can take up to a full 10 seconds to reflect the tick.
4% of the time you will not get credit though everything was done correctly. roll

i'm sure this was an attempt to cut down on tunneling, but with the low amount of seconds one actually has it makes it much worse for the team because the killer must essentially be with you during the unhook.

26 Jul 2019 04:21

Little more than 24 hours on since my previous comment. I've had a few games and what seems to be the fastest method is just plain being a dick. (25%)
I put on Empathy, Sprint Burst, Self Heal and Botany Knowledge and book it to the Survivor when I see they get injured in the beginning. Once they're hooked. Take a hit and unhook them. You go down. On the hook. Then kill yourself. Repeat.
In the circumstances where you and the person you unhooked get away. Patch yourself up and repeat.

Seems to be the only solid way to guarantee a point towards the achievement. May take 250+ games but I've had a few 20+ minute games. Without the search times where I've done about 6 unhooks for the killer to be no where near. Even if you make some noise whilst you're on the way. Been demoting myself from 5 - 11 now in ranks and it's such a drain...
By A Big Radroach on 11 Apr 2020 19:07
Thank you for all of this information for this god awful non-cooperative achievement in a coop game.

What I have noticed in trying this in over half the cases the killer will ignore you and just try to tunnel the person you have unhooked resulting in a chase that gets too far away from the hook at best.
The one way to remedy this is make yourself a juicier target by being already injured. My thought is to run no mither so you don't need to get hit once to begin going for the achievement and you can fully recover as many times as you want.

The build would likely be no mither, borrowed time and maybe tenacity and deadhard. You watch the first chase and stay close enough that you can unhook the guy while the killer is watching. He will close in to hit you as you are just as appealing as the unhooked guy, you get downed as you are injured.
At this point the killer may go after the other player because they are injured and very close so you begin to crawl away while recovering. Injured guy leads other dude on chase gets hit which activates borrowed time which gives you more time to crawl and recover. With tenacity you can put some distance between you and the hook and eventually pop up on your own to repeat the process.
I have not yet put this in play but I have played the game long enough to know what killers will likely do and it seems like a decent build.

Update: No mither does work but its to hard to time the unhooking to be viable.
I am at 30% of the way through this achievement with a selfcare/botany knowledge/borrowed time/were gunna live forever. I have also tried an unbreakable/tenacity/borrowed time/were gunna live forever build and that works okay if you bring a medkit.
Best method so far is charge the hook when someone is downed so you catch the killer while they are there. Take the first hit, unhook, take the second hit or just straight unhook with the billy or leatherface. Killer will almost always give chase to the unhookee after you are down trying for the two fer. Use the time to worm away as best you can.
This achievement, due to the number of times you need to do it and that you can't boost it, is the worst one in the game.

Update: Completed the achievement. Ended up using unbreakable/tenacity/borrowed time/were gunna live forever build for most of it. 50% of the time the killer chased the unhookee, hit them into borrowed time and came back for me. Some of those times I had enough time to move out of their search area to be picked up by someone or myself. If your grinding this chevo I would give this build a try.
Other additional notes:
Try and get the killer to hit the guy on the hook as this counts as a normal hit and gives you enough time to pull the hooked guy down before getting a real hit.
If the killer doesn't hit you right away I wouldn't fake the hook pull as they will just wait for you to commit. Instead run away a few steps. If the killer sees you giving up they will hit you before you get to far. Turn around with your hit sprint and unhook immediately. You will have enough time.
Good luck to all those that are going for this. If I had to guess I would say this took me between 150 and 175 games to complete.
By FatesTool on 29 Jul 2019 17:23
Also counts if someone else does the unhooking.
By Draco719 on 12 Aug 2019 04:17
I feel like I would of met the requirements by 5 times but of course it's not retroactive.
By jordaOwO on 18 Aug 2019 01:30
The not being retroactive is the worst part
By Domain on 30 Aug 2019 06:44
OMG, yeah the retro active part is frustrating. I know I did this 4x already in previous plays. Now the ones that continue to complete every time there is new DLC have the challenge.

Also, the achievement does not to specify that this needs to be in a public match. However, I tried with 3 boxes and no progress was made. I am sure the public match is still necessary.
By bobby trippe on 14 Nov 2019 02:14
From my ingame experience, the counter for this achievement only progress when you get 2 protection hit notes on the left side of the screen, one worth 100 points and the other 200.
By velho lobodomar on 11 Dec 2019 21:53
FatesTool, thank you for that build and comment. Wish I could upvote your comment lol. It is basically a guide :)

Good guide Pixel as well. Upvote easily from me!

Now I just have to admit I will never get this achievement.
By Lord Betus on 20 Jan 2020 16:17
This achievement is honestly cancer
By Lighted v on 14 Feb 2020 02:25
Adding another info from experience, i had the counter move for tis achievement when hit by a huntress hatchet and the cannibal chainsaw, so i guess killer special attacks DO count for this achievement.
Edit: the hillbilly chainsaw really does not count though, as I have noticed quite a few times.
By velho lobodomar on 28 Feb 2020 12:03
This has to be the worst achievement in the game... been chipping away at this for weeks. Still only at 14%. -sigh-
By A Big Radroach on 10 Apr 2020 17:09
Seriously, f**k this achievement... I had two games today where I managed to get hit twice in each game, and each time I had the two protection bonus points on the left... my tracked never went up, for any of those four times. Doing this 250 times instead of the usual 30/50 is already bad enough, but if I have to do this 100 more times just because the game wants to, I will probably give up on it... 37 % and couting.
By Trist and Sea on 17 Apr 2020 04:56
I finally got it ! Fortunately, after the 4 occurences I mentioned, I can count on one hand the number of times it didn't count afterwards, so it's really not that bad in the end. I even got lucky one game and managed to get hit 6 times, it's like The Doctor knew exactly what I was going for laugh To anyone going for this achievement : don't give up !
By Trist and Sea on 23 Apr 2020 03:00
Since the 3.7 title update you don't get the two protection scoring events anymore, just one worth 200 points. Taking a hit near the rescued player still counts for the achievement, you just can't use the trick to make sure it did count anymore.
By velho lobodomar on 02 May 2020 20:12
I got ban for save people like that, with killer close, because usually, normaly people waits the killer go away to save, and the achievement ask to do the opposit, save with killer close and get the hit, so people was reporting me. I got disconected from the servers to do that. A boring achievement.
By ENDZEIRA on 16 May 2020 06:05
Yeah, Borrowed Time is a must. I personally used FatesTool's combination above, Borrowed Time/Ubreakable/Tenacity/We're Gonna Live Forever. That is what worked best for me after many combinations. That last perk is optional ofc, but it's nice to get all those bonus bloodpoints while grinding this.
By Trist and Sea on 25 May 2020 17:55
People will complain even if you do have borrowed time, because the killer will still most likely chase them
By Lighted v on 26 May 2020 03:52
This information is very useful but man this achievements shouldn't be this much of a grind
By Domain on 02 Jun 2020 06:37
I used
self care - for full health to get other survivors , borrowed time- so killer doesn’t hit them after the unhook,
we’ll make it - the unhooked survivor usually stays near you so you can heal them , and
bond- to know where the killer is chasing the other survivors
By StEalThY cAt 3 on 15 Aug 2020 05:14
I would use this build, as it makes the most of what you are trying to do:
Mettle of Man, Were Gonna Live Forever, Borrowed Time, and a perk of your choice.
You get stacks of MoM and WGLF by taking hits, and the unhooked have an extra protection too.
By Ravenpaw14 on 10 Nov 2020 09:39
This achievement is so dumb, they should really change it so that any protection hits counted towards this. It's my last achievement of this game, and im on 78%. Honestly if you have a friend going for this aswell, you can just farm eachother on hook with borrowed time and you should both get around 1-2% everygame unless its not an M1 killer like huntress then it will not count sadly.
By Z1PPYZ3NO on 20 Apr 2021 15:16
Completely agree it should be protection hits in general. This is becoming a chore to play now, last achievement to do!
By boomalicious on 25 Sep 2021 14:58
Does it not count if you get downed during the protection hit?
By myrrowyn on 26 Mar 2022 19:27
Huntress hatchets count now as that's what my achievement popped on.
By Schnauzer HQ on 06 Jun 2022 02:16
One of the dumbest achievements I’ve ever worked on. It’s the exact opposite of how you should play the game, and only because of the ridiculous amount of times you have to do it. I would love to know what the thought process was from the very stubborn person who approved this achievement.
By DeeSwitz TTV on 11 Dec 2022 21:08
Those who are going for this last. I seriously advise you save this for your last achievement. You'll naturally get some progress towards it as you've played the game but for the UK players.
Playing during lockdown. Here's match searching times averaging from the monthly reset over 7 days.

0800- 1230 <1 minute
1230 - 1500 <5 minutes
1500 - 1630 5 minutes
1630 - 2000 <10 minutes
2000 >10 minutes
2100 >15 minutes

Playing smart can get you 3 notches per game if you're going for the hook rescue, get downed then going on the hook. You can often read the game. Stick to rank 15-16 and progress should come a little quicker! Also. It won't register a lot higher than 4%. Keep the tracker on screen and you'll see what I mean.
By A Big Radroach on 20 Apr 2020 22:22
I think borrowed time is a must when going for this one because you need to do a very dumb action that gets people pissed off. Other useful perks i used were spine chill (unhooks a little bit faster when killer is looking at you, and you will be unhooking right on their faces for optimal chances of getting a hit that will count for the achievement); empathy for tracking chases and being able to be quite near at the moment of hooking and self heal, because the safest way is to take a hit near the hook, then unhook and get downed. When you're already injured your chances of getting this right lowers so keep yourself at full health at all times and good luck.
By velho lobodomar on 24 May 2020 22:59
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Use a survivor you have self care, and empathy on and just wait somewhere safe until another survivor is hit and then just follow the chase closely until they are downed.

Once they’re hooked find a pallet or window near the hook and make noise after the killer leaves the immediate vicinity. The killer should then come back toward the hook and once they are close save the hooked survivor (be careful that you don’t get grabbed) and make sure to take a hit.

If you don’t use achievement tracking, the best way I found to know for sure that it counted was the “protection” score you get for taking a hit around another survivor would be 200 points instead of 100. Also it will count if you are past the point of no return when unhooking someone even if they aren’t on the ground yet.

My personal advice would be to only get %5 progress to this achievement everyday you decide to play dbd, because if you get too bored or frustrated you will become ineffective and it will take much longer.

25 Jul 2019 22:15

This achievement is so dumb.

It be fine I guess if it was like 50 or just make any protection hits count but 250 with very strict parameters is rubbish. Not to mention it normally ruins the game for other players. I've gotten multiple messages being accused of farming and throwing the game. :(
By gobey17 on 26 Jul 2019 23:11
same; they need to redo these 2 Achievements cuz doing the last gen AND getting the exit gate as the last survivor when a hatch is right friggin there is super dumb and this is just tedious as all hell

if you want to be that guy who camps at hooks PLEASE use Borrowed Time so that if your plan backfires you don't kill your team and maybe We're Gonna Live Forever so you can get a small reward while you grind this one out
By KanadianKevin on 28 Jul 2019 15:15
if the achievements are such a problem maybe dont play dbd? i see soooo many people complaining about these achievements when they knew from the beginning this game would be extremely grindy and complete bullshit at many times
By reyycist on 18 Oct 2022 19:10
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This trophy will be the biggest grind of any survivor trophies and will probably take hundreds of hours across hundreds of matches. Essentially, you have to unhook a survivor in front of the killer and try taking a hit almost immediately to get the "Protection" scoring event. Most of the time the killer will just swing at the survivor trying to get the rescue but for the other ones that intend on going after the person just pulled off the hook, you'll have to play extremely boldly and always dive in front of the unhooked survivor and body block the incoming attack to shield them. Also, you don't have to be the one to get the unhook, just the one that takes the hit in close proximity to the recently rescued survivor. You are going to have to do this an insane 250 times to unlock this trophy. The trophy will pop after your 250th protection hit you take.

I recommend using the Bill perk "Borrowed Time" if you plan on attempting reckless unhooks. In the event you cant block the survivor after you've unhooked them, rather than going into the dying state they'll simply receive the deep wounds status effect and still be able to run away. In these instances just chase behind the wounded survivor as a blocker and hope the killer attacks you while still within the appropriate time frame. For more details on this perks, click here to see the Survivor Perks Supplemental Guide: LINK
It is considered a hit when you have already REMOVED from the hook and after that you HIT, during removal it does NOT count, and yes, the hit on you must pass BEFORE the hook and so that the SAVED person is in front of you and does not have time to run away somewhere
In fact, this trophy is for sale to teammates (sometimes the clock does not make amends for such an action), because in order to catch the perfect timing you need to almost immediately run when they take it, hang it on a hook and remove it almost under your nose (the main thing is not to let yourself be pulled back during removal), but you are guaranteed to get a hit during removal (does not count), after removal you will be hit and you will fall (but this hit will count, the trophy fell out exactly at the moment when you removed it and fell from the blow)
Very nasty trophy , take care of your nerves

11 Oct 2019 11:25

1 Comment
The previous 2 clues are incorrect, there is no need to sell anyone, and it is not even necessary to remove them. It is important to be nearby at the time of removal or initiate it yourself. And getting a hit (not necessarily under a hook) before this, the game will give a bonus safely unhooked - about 20 seconds of time, during these 20 seconds if the mana manages to return, you must stand under the hit mana and instead of safely unhooked you will receive the same 500 points, but for protection. Don’t set up your teammates, play carefully.
By Korghot on 05 May 2020 04:26
It is necessary to receive a blow near the hook, protecting the removed comrade. It’s easy to determine, “protection” will appear and bonus 500 points will arrive. Approximately works within a radius of ~10 meters from the hook. And one more thing - be bunnies, shoot with a watch, don’t set up your teammates.

19 Sep 2019 22:26