12 Achievements
A bigger taste...
Built all available combo weapons. Now take those combo cards into Dead Rising 2!
How to unlock the A bigger taste... achievement in DEAD RISING 2: CASE ZERO - Definitive Guide
1) Safe room
2) Next to Bigbuck hardwear
3) Next to Uncle Bills Dept store
The combos are
Spiked Bat - Baseball bat + Box of Nails
Drill Bucket - Drill + Bucket
I.E.D - Propane tank + Box of Nails
Molotov - Newspaper + Whiskey
Air Horn - Traffic Cone + Spray Paint
Beer Hat - Beer + Hard Hat
Boomstick - Shotgun + Pitchfork
Paddle Saw - Chain saw + Paddle
Electric Rake - Leaf Rake + Car Battery
Location of Items
Baseball Bat - Safe Room - Next to the work bench
Nails - Safe Room - Next to work bench on floor (More nails in the store part of the safe room behind the food)
Gas Can - Safe Room - Behind the broken car in the room with Katey
Spray Can - Roof of safe room- Head into the store part of the safe room use the door on the left in there is a ladder use that to get on roof spray can is on the vent thing.
Drill - Safe Area - Just before the save point in the safe area next to the building is the drill
Bucket - Safe Area - Just before the save point in the safe area next to the building on the floor
Whiskey - Safe Area - The moment you walk outside the room with Katey in on floor in front of you
Newspaper - Everywhere - I think theres always one by Bob on the roof ( to get to him jump on green bin jump to vent then onto foor)
Hard Hat - Roof across from Bills Dept store - Where you meet Bob and have to head to to get the water shed key just before the wooden bridge to the left is the hard hat
Beer - Bar (Next to safe house) - The beers are on the bar and behind it
Traffic Cone - Next to Uncle Bill's store- In the road cant miss it
Battery - Alley Behind Theater - Head towards the roadblock and take the alley on the left after the theater (Not the alley leading to the theater back door)
Paddle - A little outside the safe area - After exiting the safe area its on a ledge beside the first building on the right (Behind Dick the old man on the van)
Chainsaw - Bigbuck hardwear - On the shelf
Pitch fork - Bigbuck hardwear - On the shelf
Leaf Rake - Bigbuck hardwear - On the shelf
Shotgun - Bob's Fish n Hunt or Sheriff's office - On glass in bobs place or upstairs in sheriff's office
To get this achievement you have to build all 9 combo items meaning you can't pick it up from jed (Pitchfork Shotgun) or buy the item from the pawn shop (eletric rake, Drill bucket).
DarkLordRaptor Says this achivement can be done on multi playthroughs
Alita360 has told me that you have to actually build the items buying them at the shop does not count towards the achievement
just to confirm, buying items from the shop does NOT count towards the chievo. just tested it. i also want to mention that it doesn't matter if you have combo cards or scrap cards. all that counts is actually building the item.
1. IED - Propane Tank (found in the junkyard) + Nails (found in garage)
2. Moltov - Whiskey (found in the streets) + Newspaper (found in the streets)
3. Drill Bucket - Bucket (found in the garage) + Power Drill (found in the garage)
4. Air Horn - Orange Cone (streets or department store) + Spray Can (junkyard)
5. Electric Rake - Rake (hardware store) + Battery (found in the last alley on the left before the Quarantine Zone, at the end of the alley on a dumpster)
6. Beer Helmet - Beer (found in the streets) + Construction Helmet (found on the rooftops near the hotel)
7. Nail Bat - Baseball bat (found in garage) + Nails (found in garage)
8. Chainsaw Paddle - Kayak Paddle (found on a ledge on the right side of the police station) + Chainsaw (found in hardware store)
9. Boomstick - Pitchfork (found in hardware store) + Shotgun (found in hunting store)
Construction Hat: Take the alley between the Casino and Hunting store, up the fire escape, leap across to the opposite roof, helmet is sitting on the corner of the roof.
Spray Can: Gas Station/Safe House, on the roof - Ladder in one of the back rooms connecting to the garage.
Kayak Paddle: Outside of the Police Station, on the right side wall of the building next door ('Daily Necessities')
Just in case people had a bit of trouble like I did. Some of those items are easy to walk past.
Do these count towards the achievement or do I have to combine them? And do u have to get them all in 1 play through?
-Paddlesaw - A single Paddle is located outside the first building opposite the Gas Sation, next to the police station and near the white van that the pawnshop owner is found on. Chainsaws are available in the Big Buck Hardware store.
-Beer Hat - Beer is a common item, but there is only one Construction Hat in Still Creek, and it is on the roof to the east of Bob's Fish 'n Hunt. Go into the alley to the south of the shop, jump onto the dumpster, from there jump west to the air conditioner, from there west to the awning, go north around the roof fencing, then climb onto the roof and head east. Jump the western gap towards the fire escape, but do not jump the railing - jump north onto the air conditioner, then onto the target roof.
-Air Horn - There is a Purple Spray Paint in Still Creek, and it is on the roof of Brockett Gas Station, accessible via the storage room in the rear of the building. There is also a Green Spray Paint can in the alley that leads to the back door of the Sheriff's Office. Pylons can be found in the alley east of the Maintenance Room behind Uncle Bill's Department Store, or in the Quarantine Zone.
-Spiked Bat - Both the Baseball Bat and the Box of Nails are common items that can be found in the Safe House.
-Electric Rake - Leaf Rakes are available in the Big Buck Hardware store. There is a single Battery behind the Still Creek Movie Theater, not to the south but to the north; starting from Ed's Friendly Barber Shop, head east and go north up the second alley. It turns west, and the battery is on top of a dumpster. There will usually be a few zombies back here too.
-Drill Bucket - Both Buckets and Power Drills are common items that can be found in the Safe House.
-IED - Both the Propane Tank and the Box of Nails are common items that can be found in the Safe House.
-Molotov - Both Newspapers and Whiskey are common items. Newspapers are easily found by smashing Newspaper Boxes.
-Boomstick - Pitchforks are available in the Big Buck Hardware store. Shotguns, however, are pretty much the trickiest collectibles in Still Creek; two are available in Bob's Fish 'n Hunt, one is available in the Sheriff's Office. Both require some creative maneuvering, as the front doors of both buildings are initially locked; To enter Bob's Fish 'n Hunt, head west from where you found the Construction Hat, drop down onto the awning on the north side of the building, then jump west onto the roof of Bob's Fish 'n Hunt - do NOT jump onto the awning of Bob's Fish 'n Hunt. There is a trap door on the roof, with "Bob's Down Here" written above it. The Sheriff's Office is accessible by jumping onto the dumpster to the west of the Grumpy Dog Bowling Alley, then jumping from there over the fence to the south. Follow the alley all the way west into the back door of the Sheriff's Office, then head upstairs to find a shotgun on the desk.
Taken From:
Hope This Guide Helps You.
Also If You Give Negative Feedback State Why In The Comments And I Will Try And Improve It.
Difficulty: 2/10
To get this Achievement, you need to create all 9 of the combo weapons in the game.
Spiked Bat - In the Safehouse where Katey is, you can pick up both the Baseball Bat, and the Box of Nails, then use them both on the nearby workbench to combine them into a Spiked Bat.
Drill Bucket - In the Safehouse where Katey is, you can find a Drill on a shelf, and a few Buckets outside the building where you save. Simply use them both on the workbench near Katey to get the Drill Bucket.
I. E. D. - In the Safehouse where Katey is, you can find a Box of Nails, and a Propane Tank nearby and use them on the workbench to create the I. E. D.
Beer Hat - Go to the Pub/Bar and grab one of the many bottle of Beer lying around. Afterwards you will have to find the one Construction Hat in the game which is located on a rooftop near the Hotel. If you can get onto the roof where Bob is, you can maneuver across the rooftops until you find it (the position is hard to explain, just thoroughly explore each rooftop)
Molotov - Use your Map to find the Department Store (next door to the Pub/Bar, and you will find a bottle of Whiskey in the cooler section near the Orange Juice and Milk. After grabbing a bottle, simply smash a Newspaper Dispenser in the streets to grab a Newspaper and combine them at the nearest Workbench to make a Molotov.
Boomstick - Open your Map and head to the Bar/Pub, once inside you will find a Pitchfork in one of the corners laying on the ground. Grab that and after you have unlocked the door to the Hunting Shop (See the Locksmith Achievement) across the street, go inside and break the glass on the case holding the Shotguns and grab one. Use these together on the Workbench in the Maintenance Room behind the Department Store to make the Boomstick.
Paddlesaw - From the Safehouse, head out to where the zombies are, and straight across the road is a boarded up Sports Store, outside the store on the right side you will find a Paddle. From here run down the road past the Pawn Shop and Bowling Alley until you see a Fountain made out of car tires on the right. In one of the nearby buildings you will find a Chainsaw. Once you grab one, head back outside and next door you will find a small shed-looking Maintenance Room with a Workbench where you can combine these two to make the ridiculously fun Paddlesaw.
Electric Rake - In the same building where the Chainsaw was you can find a Leaf Rake on the ground. After grabbing that, you can run down the road towards the Quarantine Zone where the cars are blockaded and take the last possible left just before it. You will run down a small alley and take a short left at the end to find a dumpster with a Battery sitting on top of it. Grab the Battery and return to the Maintenance Room next door to the building where you got the Leaf Rake to combine them on the Workbench and make an Electric Rake.
Air Horn - In the Safehouse where Katey is, you can walk into the store section of the building and enter the doorway that isn't blocked off to find the ladder leading to the roof. Once up top, you can find a Purple Spray Can on top of an Air Vent. From here use your map (Back Button) and head to the Department Store (you may need to hover the cursor over buildings to see their names, this store is next door to the Bar/Pub). Once you arrive go around the right side to find a few Pylons. Behind the Department Store is the entrance to a Maintenance Room with a Workbench where you can use these two items to make the Air Horn.
Combo Weapon Checklist
Below is a checklist you may use if you want to keep easier track of what combos you need and what ones you have. You can copy it into paint and use the brush to put an X in the white squares. I suggest worrying about these on a seperate save file, maybe the one you're getting your money on. These wil only take about 10-15 minutes to complete using my item locations. There are multiple locations for the items, but my layout will gives the easiest access and lowest amount of loading. You can create these over multiple playthroughs and still get the achievement. Items respawn after a load screen or cut scene. The most efficient place to contstruct your weapons is the maintenance room by Big Buck Hardware store, as almost all of the items you need are close by.
Spiked Bat
-Bat: In front of you when you start, in the shed.
-Nails: In front of you when you start, in the shed.
Drill Bucket
-Drill: In the scapyard
-Bucket: In the scrapyard
- Propane Tank: Maintenance room next to Big Buck Hardware
- Nails: Maintenance room next to Big Buck Hardware
-Whiskey: Behind theatre in the alley
-Newspaper: Behind theatre in the alley
Air horn
-Plyon (traffic cone): On the road towards Quarantine Camp, you'll find it between the first two white vans.
-Aerosol Can (spray paint): Alley behind Sheriff's Office
Electric Rake
-Rake: Big Buck Hardware Store
-Battery: Behind theatre in the alley on a garbage can (at the end of alley)
-Oar: To the right of the first building on the bottom part of the map coming from the safehouse (the lone building by the Sheriff's Office). It's in the corner near the fence.
-Chainsaw: Big Buck Hardware Store
Beer Hat
-Beer: Found on streets or in Sheriff's Office by shotgun.
-Helmet: On a roof. Jump to where Bob stands. Head towards the fire escape that leads to the 2nd story of the motel. Jump from that area to the opposite building. Go to where the metal bridge starts and look left.
- Shotgun: Go behind the Sherrif's Office through the alley and it's upstairs on the desk in the office.
- Pitchfork: Big Buck Hardware store.
Nails + Baseball Bat
Nails + Gas cylinder
Whiskey + Newspaper
Beer + Builder's Helmet
Chainsaw + Boat oars
Shotgun + Pitchfork
Rake + Battery
Drill + Bucket
Roadworks triangle + Gas can
We grab the nails and run outside for a bucket. We return to the garage, grab a drill and a gas cylinder.
On the workbench we glue together the Can + Nails and the Bucket + Drill
We climb onto the roof, grab a roll of paint, jump off, and run to the white van.
We grab the bat, save Dick, grab the oar to the south and run to Dick's store.
After buying a hint on the street, pick up the cone and head to the workshop in the east.
On the workbench we connect the Cone + Paint , the bat on the floor, the oar on the table.
We dive behind the wall into the hardware store, stock up on nails, pitchforks, rakes and a chainsaw.
We return to the workshop and slap together Paddle + Chainsaw and Nails + Bit .
We reach the cinema with flying gait and take a battery from a garbage container.
We crawl north to the workshop, connect the Battery + Rake .
Here we immediately raise and make Whiskey + Newspaper .
Further into the alley in the central part of the town.
Up the stairs straight to the roof to Bob, grab some beer and go back.
From the stairs through the alley to the neighboring roof, we grab the helmet.
We move west along the roof and fall into the hatch into the weapons store.
We steal the scrap metal and head to the previous workshop.
We put together a Shotgun + Pitchfork and a Helmet + Beer .
Achievement in profile!