Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package
58 Achievements
The Hero of Willamette
Earn Every Dead Rising 4 Trophy
How to unlock the The Hero of Willamette achievement in Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package - Definitive Guide
This guide was translated automatically.
- Trophy difficulty level : 4/10.
- Offline trophies : 42.
- Online trophies : 6.
- The approximate time to obtain platinum is 120-150 hours (130 hours are shown personally by the author in the game statistics, taking into account the fact that all multiplayer tests were boosted as quickly as possible with a partner).
- Minimum number of runs to platinum : 1 (When starting on the highest difficulty from the very beginning).
- Glitchy trophies : there is a bug in the Master Journalist / Leading Journalist trophy (see description for the trophy).
- Number of easily missable trophies : None. Each chapter can be replayed.
- Cheats disable trophies : There are no cheats.
Text guide (ru) on platinum and 100% DLC.
By TiamaTiK on 06 Oct 2023 11:27
When you play a new game again, all achievements, levels, and finds will remain. So you can fill in the missing zombies and/or level after the second playthrough
By Laki on 09 Dec 2018 03:21