Dead Space 2
50 Achievements
Peek a Boo!
Kill a Stalker with the Seeker Rifle while in Zoom Mode
How to unlock the Peek a Boo! achievement in Dead Space 2 - Definitive Guide
You enter a warehouse room, where you trigger about 6 or so Stalkers halfway across the room. As soon as you hear the Stalkers make noise announcing their arrival, run as fast as you can to the stairway you entered from. The doorway from the stairs to the warehouse room is a transition point in the game, and if you cross to the stairs, the Stalkers become disinterested and wander back into the warehouse.
Simply cross into the warehouse, wait for the Stalkers to run around and take a hidden position, and headshot them a couple of times when they peek out. As soon as you shoot once, back up through the doorway, and they will not run at you and attack (or will even turn around if they were already running your way). You can pick them off one by one at your leisure by repeating the in-shoot-out pattern.
Obviously, for this achievement, you'll need the Seeker Rifle, you'll need to aim (LT) and select the alt-mode (RB) before firing the killing shot.
Once the Stalkers come out wait until one is peeking out from behind the shelves and use stasis on it, once it is in stasis zoom and try to hit the stalker in the head, I played on the survivalist difficulty my first playthrough and it took two shots to the head to kill him with no upgrades. If the stalker manages to get away just refill your stasis from the station on the wall and try again. There are plenty of stalkers in the room. If you manage to run out of Stalkers just exit to the main menu and try again. There is a save station on the wall as you enter the room before you go down the ramp.
Thanks to Calex dEUS who mentioned that if you're running low on Seeker Rifle ammo you can bump the difficulty down to casual and one shot them. If your worried about achievements for difficulty playthroughs you can exit back to the main menu after you get the achievement and re-load as there is a save point right before you go down the ramp into the room with the Stalkers. This will resume the game with your difficulty still on Survivalist or whatever it was before and ensure that you still get the achievement for your selected difficulty.
You can bump the difficulty all the way down to casual and one shot kill them then reload the save by exiting to the main menu and continue from where you left off as there was a save just before this room.
Very easy, did it on my first try.
Also keep your back against a wall or better yet in a corner to make it easier.
EDIT: The black-colored stalkers starting on chapter 10 will take 2 shots on Zealot difficulty.
Remember: You can also freeze them with Stasis before impact then kill it (which is smarter).
There will be an area where 3 Stalkers jump down one after the other. Zoom in on them as they're jumping down, stasis them if it helps, and one or two shots kills them. Easy!
You will first encounter Stalkers in Chapter 4, but only obtain the Seeker Rifle in Chapter 6 and your earliest chance to use it against the Stalkers is in Chapter 9. They look like giant Ostriches and will run from cover to cover but peak with their heads out, then charge at you directly with their heads. You best chance to obtain this is in Chapter 9 in a large storage area and there are Stasis cylinders lying around in the ground. What you should do is Kinesis-grab one of the cylinders, wait for the Stalker to charge you and you fire the cylinder at it slowing it down. Quickly whip out the Seeker Rifle, hold to aim and to zoom, then dismember and kill the Stalker, earning you this trophy.
Video by Powerpyx along with location guide for Seeker Rifle schematic.
The schematic can be found at the start of Chapter 6. You will find yourself in the apartments. Simply follow your locater through the hallways until you come to a room with a walkway, overlooking a large room below. Look to your right and you will find the schematic. Purchase it at the next store.
The alt-fire for the Seeker Rifle allows you to zoom in, making it a deadly killing machine. Stalkers are the necromorphs that look like mini T-Rexes. They will hide behind pillars, crates and other objects and peek out from behind them. They will then make a screeching sound before coming out of hiding and charging at you. Hit them with stasis as they charge and use the alt-fire of the Seeker Rifle to zoom in and kill it.
Shortly after purchasing the Seeker Rifle, you will come to the Warehouse, a large room with storage containers where you will encounter multiple Stalkers and will be able to complete the achievement.
When this creature rushes towards you, use stasis on it and shoot at it a couple of times using alt. sniper rifle mode (well, which actually includes zooming).