Dead Space 2
50 Achievements
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Xbox Series
Picking favorites
Upgrade 1 Weapon completely
How to unlock the Picking favorites achievement in Dead Space 2 - Definitive Guide
Restatement of the obvious achievement description: You must fully upgrade one weapon using nodes on benches. Easy enough.
But like Dead Space 1, you don't have to have a node in each circuit slot, only the colored ones that level up the weapon's stats.
Nodes are around and hidden aplenty; if you don't want to take advantage of DJ JEZ's solution, you should be able to do this in your first playthrough even if you decide to fully upgrade your Rig and Stasis.
But like Dead Space 1, you don't have to have a node in each circuit slot, only the colored ones that level up the weapon's stats.
Nodes are around and hidden aplenty; if you don't want to take advantage of DJ JEZ's solution, you should be able to do this in your first playthrough even if you decide to fully upgrade your Rig and Stasis.
Good guide, but you didn't have to put power nodes in every slot in the first game. I got the achievement for upgrading every weapon after I put power nodes in all of the colored slots.
By TheLiveDunn on 29 Jan 2011 16:55
Really? Dang ... I thought I had to do that for the achievement to pop. Whoops! Editing now as we speak! Thanks.
By TheRickMoranis on 29 Jan 2011 17:26
Credit goes to jpric18 from X360A for finding this.
You can either play the game normally, choose a weapon that you like and upgrade it as you go. I personally upgraded my rig and stasis and when i got to chapter 14 i found this glitch which gives you unlimited nodes which will also help you unlock the fully loaded achievement.
How to get unlimited power nodes
This was done on normal difficulty and the room that replenishes the items requires a power node for access.
The Save Station is located on Chapter 14 after the anti-gravity section. Shortly after sticking your eye with needle, you'll be chased by the necromorph that doesn't die. You'll eventually reach the anti-gravity section. After you pass the anti gravity section, you go through two doors and on your right will be a door requiring a power node for access. This is room that replenishing the items. You'll find the Save Station two more doors if you head left from that T intersection.
Steps (read description above to locate starting point):
1. Unlock the door with a power node. Title above door: 6: Secure Storage, Power Node Access Only
2. Advance through two more doors to reach a Store, Bench, and Save Station.
3. Save at Save Station after the anti-gravity section on Chapter 14.
4. Quit to the main menu, the press continue.
5. Back track to the anti-gravity area (most of time you can go directly to the room). Once you get back to the anti-gravity area, go back through the last two doors and go into the room on your right. This is the room that required a power node to open. Inside this room is where I find either 2 power nodes, 1 ruby semiconductor, and/or 3k credit.
6. Go back to Save Station and save the game.
7. Repeat steps 4-6
NOTE: if you start finding only credits in the room, try going all the way back to the switch in the antigravity area, then go to the room. Doing this has reset the 2 power nodes for me.
You can either play the game normally, choose a weapon that you like and upgrade it as you go. I personally upgraded my rig and stasis and when i got to chapter 14 i found this glitch which gives you unlimited nodes which will also help you unlock the fully loaded achievement.
How to get unlimited power nodes
This was done on normal difficulty and the room that replenishes the items requires a power node for access.
The Save Station is located on Chapter 14 after the anti-gravity section. Shortly after sticking your eye with needle, you'll be chased by the necromorph that doesn't die. You'll eventually reach the anti-gravity section. After you pass the anti gravity section, you go through two doors and on your right will be a door requiring a power node for access. This is room that replenishing the items. You'll find the Save Station two more doors if you head left from that T intersection.
Steps (read description above to locate starting point):
1. Unlock the door with a power node. Title above door: 6: Secure Storage, Power Node Access Only
2. Advance through two more doors to reach a Store, Bench, and Save Station.
3. Save at Save Station after the anti-gravity section on Chapter 14.
4. Quit to the main menu, the press continue.
5. Back track to the anti-gravity area (most of time you can go directly to the room). Once you get back to the anti-gravity area, go back through the last two doors and go into the room on your right. This is the room that required a power node to open. Inside this room is where I find either 2 power nodes, 1 ruby semiconductor, and/or 3k credit.
6. Go back to Save Station and save the game.
7. Repeat steps 4-6
NOTE: if you start finding only credits in the room, try going all the way back to the switch in the antigravity area, then go to the room. Doing this has reset the 2 power nodes for me.
I can confirm that this works so far. Did it once and had two extra nodes ... I kinda don't want to do it again ... but it's so tempting!
By TheRickMoranis on 29 Jan 2011 02:55
Too bad this doesn't work for Hardcore...
By Daemonhunter 7 on 23 Jul 2011 12:03
This startegy is designed to kind of earn this achievement early on if you chose to upgrade your RIG and stasis first. From the beginning I focused putting all my nodes on the RIG and stasis, once I achieved that (Ha!) I was on chapter 9, by this point you will have earned the RESPEC ability (respectability, as well) and be able to remove your nodes and apply them somewhere else. So once I upgraded my RIG and stasis, I saved at the nearest save station (which happen to be right by a work bench) and then I used the RESPEC to remove nodes from my RIG and stasis and then apply them to a gun, I did plasma cutter, the achievement popped and then I just reloaded my last save. My RIG and Stasis were back to normal and I had an extra cheeve earlier than I should have.
this is really easy and doesnt take long.
first play the game on CASUAL, money is MUCH more frequent and boxes/enemies give your much more.
Ammo is also much more plentiful and enemies die easily so with certain enemies you can simply swing your weapon at them to kill them and with all the ammo you will be getting you can sell most of it at the store and can easily get more. Ammo is worth a lot of credits, for example line rack ammo for 6 of the (which is the most you can carry in a slot) sells for 3,000 credits.
Health packs also sell for a decent amount of credits, smalls for 1,000, mediums sell for about 2,500 credits and larges around even more and playing on casual you wont really need them at all so again sell them at the store
to avoid taking a while simple put a not where you can strategically avoid having to use an extra node on your board, for exaple you can place nodes in a certain way on your weapon and avoid having to use maybe 2-3 empty spaces on the gun.
Lastly if whenever possible buy the vintage suit because you get a 10% discount at the store and it knocks nodes down to 9,000 credits.
Using this method will take maybe 2-3 levels to fully upgrade a weapon depending on how long a level is and how ammo/health and credits you pick up
first play the game on CASUAL, money is MUCH more frequent and boxes/enemies give your much more.
Ammo is also much more plentiful and enemies die easily so with certain enemies you can simply swing your weapon at them to kill them and with all the ammo you will be getting you can sell most of it at the store and can easily get more. Ammo is worth a lot of credits, for example line rack ammo for 6 of the (which is the most you can carry in a slot) sells for 3,000 credits.
Health packs also sell for a decent amount of credits, smalls for 1,000, mediums sell for about 2,500 credits and larges around even more and playing on casual you wont really need them at all so again sell them at the store
to avoid taking a while simple put a not where you can strategically avoid having to use an extra node on your board, for exaple you can place nodes in a certain way on your weapon and avoid having to use maybe 2-3 empty spaces on the gun.
Lastly if whenever possible buy the vintage suit because you get a 10% discount at the store and it knocks nodes down to 9,000 credits.
Using this method will take maybe 2-3 levels to fully upgrade a weapon depending on how long a level is and how ammo/health and credits you pick up
See Fully Loaded.
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Useful glitch in chapter 14:
In this glitch, you don’t have to go to the main menu every time, you just need to save, pause and checkpoint. At first there were no nodes in this room at all; they appeared only after saving and rebooting. Sometimes only one node or 3000 credits may appear.
In this glitch, you don’t have to go to the main menu every time, you just need to save, pause and checkpoint. At first there were no nodes in this room at all; they appeared only after saving and rebooting. Sometimes only one node or 3000 credits may appear.
1 Comment
There is another glitch in the 7th chapter when you have dealt with the artificial intelligence (hologram of the aunt) you reach the save and on the left there will be a door that you need to open by spending a node, open it, take everything, save, go to the menu, load the last safe and again into this room. I usually came across first aid kits and clips, but maybe some goodies and something interesting like a golden guide or credits, in general, a real Russian roulette.
By ded178 on 02 Mar 2013 23:36
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I advise you to immediately improve your plasma cutter, because... This is the most useful weapon in the game.
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