Dead Space 3

Dead Space 3

58 Achievements


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Drill Sergeant

Drill Sergeant

Complete the Drill Room without taking any damage.



How to unlock the Drill Sergeant achievement in Dead Space 3 - Definitive Guide

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Drill Sergeant requires that you complete the drill section in Chapter 10 without taking any damage from both the enemies and the drill itself (it's an instant kill) over the course of three waves. There has been some concern as to whether or not this achievement is glitched, but I believe I have figured out how to complete this without any chance of any said glitch occurring.


General Notes

- You CANNOT skip a drill section, the over-head voice must announce the drill at 75% capability and 50% capability at different times. Meaning you must endure three waves. Don't go trigger happy on the drill, you may skip one of the stages, which will not unlock the achievement.
- It is recommended that you kill every enemy before attacking the drill. Some have reported that any enemy attacks during the final drill cutscene will void your achievement, when you are not in control of your character.
- You do NOT need to copy your save.
- Getting hit and choosing 'checkpoint restart' will VOID the achievement for that run, you will have to replay up to that point.
- If you do get hit, you can select 'save and quit', this will restart you at the beginning of the room.
- You CAN do this in co-op. I would suggest it, in fact.
- If you choose to tackle this in co-op, only the host will receive the achievement, but right after it pops for you, the co-op player may choose 'save and quit' and rehost the game and invite you for their turn.
- It has occurred on occasion that you can still get hit by the drill and unlock it upon the checkpoint restart, but this isn't always the case.

Roughly 5-15 minutes into the chapter, you will be required to power a generator, which will lower the safety gates to a circular arena as well as power on a nearby bench. Use this moment to prep your inventory as you see fit (if this is your first time through, there is a circuit on the wall to your right as soon as you enter the chamber).



My personal weapon build for this achievement is posted below, if you wish to use it:

Chaingun / Forcegun combo
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Frame: Heavy Frame
Upper tool: Telemetry Spike
Upper tool tip: Diffraction Torus
Lower tool: Plasma Core
Lower tool tip: Conic Dispersal
Attachment 1: Stasis Amplifier
Attachment 2: Ammo Support

Any of the above parts can be supplemented with parts that are superior to increase damage, speed, etc (if you have the Mk-V version, by all means, use it!).

This made a relatively accurate machine gun that I could spray at enemies from a distance, while allowing me to use the secondary force gun to knock back those who were getting close. My upgrade circuits were set to give my upper tool a large damage boost (as well as reload), while my bottom tool was clip with reload. Because the gun reloads both tools at the same time, reload circuits will automatically apply to both tools on the weapon.

Aura of Heroism brought up a good tip in the comments. When you are customizing your weapon; damage, clip, reload, and rate of fire will still increase when the bar appears to be maxed out. Continue adding circuits to add traits, as there is no cap other than the circuits themselves.



After preparing my weapon, I found it best to heal all the way to full health, and then pack a single small health pack with me as a check for each segment of the drill segment.

My personal pack prior to this achievement:
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- 1 small health pack
- 3 stasis packs (takes up one slot)
- 100 ammo clips (takes up five slots)

Again, I made sure my health was maxed prior to beginning to use my small health pack as a check to see if I had taken any damage. I brought stasis packs along in order to allow me to go stasis happy; this goes hand in hand with the stasis amplifier I placed on my weapon to help hit multiple enemies if they got in to close. The vast amount of ammo reassured that I could waste ammo without worrying about running out.



You can actually position your player to where the drill will never touch you. Upon entering the arena with the drill, there will be two stasis modules on the wall, proceed to the station on the left and stay there through the entire assault. Enemies will only approach from the two grates to the left and right sides of the drill (this is on casual difficulty, whether this is the same for other difficulties is unclear).

Enemy Spawn Vents:
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You can complete this in co-op but if you choose to do so, only the host will receive the achievement; right after it pops for you, the co-op player may choose 'save and quit' and rehost the game and invite you for their turn. In co-op you can easily watch one vent apiece, making this a cakewalk, especially if both players understand what they are to do.

The Execution

Once you are ready to go, release the safety gates and commence assault. Ignore the drill, it will cause you no problems. Watch the vents as enemies with icepicks (called Fodders/Wasters) will emerge; some of these enemies will turn into the three tentacle form (if it's the upper body half that sprouts the tentacles, they will use a ranged attack), so you may need to add some follow up shots after you have killed them. If you run into issues with reloading, it is generally okay to reload once the drill moves directly in front of you, as enemies will run directly into it's path, but be aware that one may emerge unscathed, so pay attention. After roughly eight enemies, you should have a clear shot at the drill. Take this moment to check if your health pack can be used; if you cannot use it, you clear to shoot the drill, if your health pack disappears, select 'save and quit' and give it another go. When firing at the drill, do not shoot like crazy at it. I ran into an issue where shooting it with my overpowered weapon would skip one of the waves and void the achievement. Take your time shooting the inner yellow core until it breaks, sending the drill back to it's resting state.

Before the drill returns for wave two, the announcer will say that the drill is at 75% capability. At this point be ready for more Fodders/Wasters. After completing this wave of roughly 10-15 enemies, verify that your health pack cannot be used, and carefully take out the second wave of the drill.

After it retreats yet again, the announce will state the drill at 50%, this means you are nearly there. This time around, the enemies will primarily be Feeders (quick, weak enemies). Be careful that they do not sneak through, the drill can be somewhat distracting, allowing one or two to sneak through. Use your force gun and stasis to knock them back if need be. After about 20-30 Feeders, you will have a final, clear shot at the drill.

Once the drill is destroyed, you will need to head for the door that was previously blocked. Upon opening the door, the achievement should pop. If you completely this in co-op, only the host will receive the achievement. The client in the game should select 'save and quit' from the pause menu, and host the game for their achievement.



The video below shows my live stream process of the achievement unlocking.

11 Feb 2013 07:11

nice guide. i hope this works for me on tuesday when i try doing this on coop. i tried for 3 hrs in sp and used the med pack inbetween rounds to see if i took damage and i did not, but i almost always stood close to the stasis machine on the right as you enter. i love the gun. over 100 rounds is sweet. i wish most guides were written this well.

since i thought i was glitched playing single player i was thinking about theories. do the 3 tentacle enemies(fodders) shoot anything at you? while playing some chapters on easy, i noticed when i got hit or took damage that sometimes it was so little that it did not allow for me to use a med pack so my theory was if those guys do shoot at you then you are taking damage but your health is still at 100%. i havent gone back to prove this yet.
By ARCHER MIKE on 11 Feb 2013 11:53
This is fucking hard even on casual. Guess I'll try co-op.
By StarshadeFPS on 12 Feb 2013 04:33
Co-op is much easier. If you've beaten the game, you'll have even better weapons. I'm sure you'll get it soon!
By Yin on 12 Feb 2013 04:59
was almost tempted to downvote because I thought your trick didn't work on the 3rd wave, it didn't on my first attempt because I budged to use the stasis station instead of the packs
so ty for the guide
did this on my classic run so fun stuff
By Lockerdown3 on 12 Feb 2013 08:39
Just got this helping my buddy (who was hosting) in co-op today. The key is to kill EVERY enemy in wave 1 and 2. I died in wave 3 (but not my buddy), we restarted the 3rd wave... then killed the drill and he got the achievement.
By BLUEBERRYPETE on 12 Feb 2013 10:53
@Lockerdown, glad to see that everything worked out!
By Yin on 12 Feb 2013 12:59
@BlueBerryPete, was your co-op partner the host? When I completed the requirements with my girlfriend, she did not unlock the achievement, but I did. Let me know so I can adjust the guide accordingly. Thanks.
By Yin on 12 Feb 2013 13:00
This is by far one of the best solutions I've ever read on this site. Bravo!
By BrokenKnght on 12 Feb 2013 18:22
Thanks a bunch!
By Yin on 12 Feb 2013 18:23
Just did this on normal, got hit a couple of times, I did the save and quit, then I died a couple of times by the drill. After a few times I gave up on this achievement a went on with the mission. After beating the drill I went around scavenging for dropped items. I went to the entrance of the level and worked my way back to the exit. When I touched the snowy part it popped for me :$

No clue if it was because I didn't get hit by enemies or something else glitched on me....guess i'm just lucky my box got confused.
By Little 3vil on 12 Feb 2013 22:09
By the way, I did every thing the guide said.
By Little 3vil on 12 Feb 2013 22:11
Just got this helping my buddy (who was hosting) in co-op today. The key is to kill EVERY enemy in wave 1 and 2. I died in wave 3 (but not my buddy), we restarted the 3rd wave... then killed the drill and he got the achievement.
By BLUEBERRYPETE on 12 Feb 2013 23:27
I love his gude! Wonderful guide got it my second try.
By Thief44 on 13 Feb 2013 10:33
i got hit and managed to get it wen you get hit run and kill urself in the drill. Then carry on and dont get hit but if you do kill yourself many times as you need. i got hit in final section and ran into drill. i spawned as feeders were spawning, i killed drill just as they appeared and when i went to lift achievement popped not sure if this glitch or not if someone can test this will make it alot easier for everyone
By DemonDuffeh on 13 Feb 2013 17:14
You can skip the the last wave just shoot the core. Did that in my co-op session and he still got the achievement. IMO the plasma cutter works best for this part since it shoots fast and reloads in 0,5 sec with upgrades.
By StarshadeFPS on 15 Feb 2013 02:18
Great guide. I wish all the guides were so thoroughly written and half so helpful. After hours of trying at this achievement, I read your guide and got it on the first try.

By Lurid Jester on 16 Feb 2013 21:59
i played this in classic mode the other night on hardcore and its basically the same thing as on easy. they are slightly faster and you dont get to use any deadspace 3 weapons so no stasis coatings or anything like that. as long as you let the drill do most of the killing, you should be fine getting the achievement on any difficulty.
By ARCHER MIKE on 17 Feb 2013 00:00
@Archer Mike, I ran a boosting session to test a few things regarding the way the achievement works, and I did, in fact modify the solution to include the Fodder upper-half enemies that do use the ranged attack.
By Yin on 17 Feb 2013 01:48
@Archer Mike, in response to your question about another solution, I currently have no plans for any new solutions that I had planned on working on. Usually gamers on TrueAchievements are particularly good on divulging and sharing the best possible method, I simply try and clarify certain achievements, particularly when a lot of questions are being posed as to whether or not the achievement is glitched. I am open to suggestions though!
By Yin on 17 Feb 2013 01:51
Dunno if anyone said yet but its real easy with devil horns and doesnt unlock untill u go through the next door
By Kahless Clone on 18 Feb 2013 00:33
@Puppy, I agree 100%. I ran a boosting session for this achievement using the horns and it went much quicker. As for the unlocking spot, it's in the guide. Thanks for the comment. :)
By Yin on 18 Feb 2013 00:34
Great guide. Just to let you know. I think it is a little glitchy. Just did this with devil horns. 1st time I took no damage and used the one health kit and i tested no damage at all and achievement did not pop. Did the same exact thing second time and it worked just fine. I guess i am saying just keep trying with this method if it doesn't work the first time.
By LITTLE BIG FISH on 18 Feb 2013 03:33
Stellar guide!
By on 18 Feb 2013 17:53
Someone help me..... I've got 4 of each size meds, I do the drill bit using the foam finger, I complete each wave try healing.... nothing once I complete it I walk to the door and no achievement.... I've done this 6times now.... and its getting annoying.....
By UnafraidAverage on 21 Feb 2013 09:13
@UnafraidAverage, if you use the Foam Finger against the drill itself, you will damage it too much, skipping the 75% wave (wave 2) and jump right into the third wave. This will void the achievement. Use a weaker gun to attack the drill once you have handled all of the enemies.
By Yin on 21 Feb 2013 17:29
@ UnafraidAverage, I too had the same problem, I had to do it twice, the first time I went to the spot near the stasis charger that is shown above and didn't move the entire time, took zero damage and after the third sequence I picked up all the dropped items, the second time I moved around when the drill was away from me and I didn't pick up any of the dropped items and it popped when I touched the snow in the newly open area. Not sure if was the lack of movement or the item pick up that screwed it up.
By FDCODEOFCONDUCT on 21 Feb 2013 20:27
very complete and well written guide, however "a holy chainsaw"'s guide is much simpler and worked on the first try for me, unlike this solution.
By Phoenix C64 on 24 Feb 2013 23:20
Devil horns make this super easy. Make sure you stasis the drill on one side as to block/kill all the necros advancing from that direction, while focusing on the other. Keep the drill frozen, it'll do most of the work for you
By TwinMN on 12 Mar 2013 04:46
I agree. When I ran my session to help those who were having trouble, I found that the Devil Horns were a great alternative. Just make sure you don't use it to shoot the drill, or you'll skip a step and have to start over!
By Yin on 13 Mar 2013 02:50
Something to add to this that may help some people out. You can overmax your weapon stats if you have good enough circuits. All weapons have a set of stats for Damage clip reload and speed. Once that meter is full you can continue to add to it. If you want to try it out, get a weapon with a high clip, add a few circuits to "max" out the meter, check the clip, then go back and add more, your clip will increase in size.
So for instance with the great chaingun forcegun combo, you can make that chaingun with a huge clip & forcegun with a split second reload speed. The +3 circuits really help with this.
Great solution. Thumbs up.
By Aura of Heroism on 14 Mar 2013 06:27
@Aura of Heroism, great point! Added to the guide! Thanks for the comment.
By Yin on 14 Mar 2013 18:20
I can't seem to unlock this achievement, no matter how hard I try. I use the devil horns (on enemies only, of course) and a maxed plasma cutter to beat three distinct waves of enemies, but when I exit the door at the far end of the room, nothing happens. I've also tried nailing the drill right at the beginning of round 3 A.) before killing any enemies in that round, and B.) after killing 2-3 enemies, as ARCHER MIKE suggested. I've tried beating it, then backtracking to the beginning before returning to the end, as someone else in this thread (not sure who) suggested. Does anyone have tips? I guess clearing the system cache is next.
By Bardan Jusik on 14 Mar 2013 23:23
check a "holy chainsaw"s guide, worked like a charm for me
By Phoenix C64 on 14 Mar 2013 23:46
@Bardan Jusik, I'll send you a message on X-box and help you out personally.
By Yin on 15 Mar 2013 01:11
I think there's a problem with the way the split Fodder shoots it's ranged attack which halts the achievement. The ranged attack seems to do no damage, yet it cancels the achievement. Glad to hear you got it. I think the achievement itself is just iffy. I ran a boosting session for this achievement to get more runs in and sometimes the achievement would not unlock. I have yet to find out a real reason as to why it doesn't unlock.
By Yin on 16 Mar 2013 22:54
i would go so far as to say that this one achievement is harder than all of hardcore mode
By Soundgoodizer on 26 Mar 2013 21:47
While playing this level in my Pure Survival run, I unlocked the achievement. Thanks for offering to help, Darkened Night.
By Bardan Jusik on 27 Mar 2013 13:18
@Bardan Jusik, I'm glad it worked out for you. Congrats!
By Yin on 27 Mar 2013 20:28
Perfect, got it on the first try.
By SiouxWarrior9 on 16 Jun 2013 21:28
Thanks a million!
By ConchieJoe on 14 Jul 2013 17:14
This solution is striking in how thorough, clear, and well written it is. Whether or not it is the best or most efficient solution out there, it deserves high praise for quality execution. Nicely done!
By Rengrave on 19 Dec 2013 21:38
I've just been trying for this, and as PuckJunkie notes, there is a knack if it doesn't pop. I did what was needed a couple of times, the Devil's Horns and Planet Cracker doing the job, but no achievement. I was however picking up all loot and Ellie's conversation played out, so third time lucky, as soon as the drill went down, I headed straight for the exit and it popped.
By WEBBIN5 on 28 Apr 2014 22:39
Great solution! And like another poster stated, you don't even have to wait for the third round of enemies to swarm on you, just take out the drill right away and head for the elevator. BAM, cheevo popped.
By CruelCahal on 12 May 2014 03:10
@CruelCahal, glad to hear everything worked out. There were times when I was helping others where destroying the drill in the third stage caused problems in terms of unlocking, the note is more of a 'better-safe-than-sorry', but I'm glad it worked without it!
By Yin on 12 May 2014 03:11
"Getting hit and choosing 'checkpoint restart' will VOID the achievement for that run, you will have to replay up to that point."

That doesn't seem to be true, as I did that a few times, while going for this, and I still got the ach at the end.
By EarthboundX on 17 Jun 2014 01:21
Excellent guide. The pictures you posted helped me out. I found that using stasis on the drill when it was right in front of me, essentially making it a giant shield, helped a lot as well. Everything pretty much just ran into it, and I picked off everything else.

+1 from me!
By Fooga on 28 Sep 2014 06:49
For everybody who struggle with glitched achievement.

Very important!!!

Do not to use a quick healing ('B' button) or medpack directly inside the drill room. NEVER!

Regain maximum health right BEFOREyou enter the room. Many people do that near the bench automatically and don't pay attention to that fact. Again - DON'T HEAL INSIDE THE DRILL ROOM. And you'll have the achievement.
By KDiamond1973 on 09 Oct 2014 10:51
Finally did this solo on Normal difficulty. Was much harder than anticipated. The 3rd wave was tricky as even when standing in that spot next to the stasis module I'd get hit by the drill. Plus those skinny necros are super fast. In the end I shot the drill core as early as I could in the 3rd wave and got the cheevo that way.
By Stevo6483 on 12 Oct 2015 14:14
I just got it today and can confirm that Devil Horns would void the achievement if you have the DLC installed.
By ArDPalang on 05 Dec 2017 02:43
This guide is clutch. Just got it now.

Just FYI, I did heal once inside the drill room before starting the encounter and still got the achievement.
By Armstrong x360a on 12 Mar 2018 07:29
Used the devil horns + played on causal - it went easier than expected. Just stay near the left statis-station, and just wait for the enemies to come out of the two vents, where the drill was blocking the enterance to proceed.
By Gazza 94 on 16 Aug 2018 19:32
I'm responding to this post six years after you created it, but I just wanted to say that it worked perfectly for me. I didn't even need a co-op partner to do it. This achievement had long been a thorn in my side, and your guide was aces. Thank you! Now if only I could find a co-op partner to help me knock out some of THOSE achievements...
By DistinctUrchin7 on 20 Jan 2019 17:35
In impossible mode, only plasma cutter following the position of the guide (left stasis), while stasis the drill. Unlocked before taking the exit
By III Y0S III on 03 Jan 2022 22:12
Just wanted to throw it out there you can get killed by the drill during this sequence I died by it at the last wave but proceeded to not take any damage when I repsawned and the achievement popped as I left the room
By DefconExile on 18 Feb 2022 01:39
@DefconExile. This tip was very helpful thanks!
By Danger Days 11 on 10 Mar 2022 00:11
This is an extremely helpful solution. Thank you!
By Brave Tanuki on 09 Apr 2023 11:13
Warning: this is not consistent, I just got killed by the drill on my hardcore run even though i was in the spot
By SunkissedEye on 07 Sep 2023 12:50
You shouldn't have any worries regarding ranges attacks from the three tentacle fodders. Lurkers (the dog-like enemies) are the only three tentacled enemy that executes a ranged attack. Regarding your statement on receiving damage, I believe that any damage received, no matter how minuscule it may seem, will permit the user to use a health pack. Over the course of the game, I would press B for my own personal interest as to whether my health was actually full, or if it merely appeared as such; more often than not, I found an extra health pack had left my inventory. When the small, infection form enemies jump on you (and you must press A) the amount of damage you receive is minor, but you can still use a pack to restore the few points that you have lost.

If you continue running into issues, I will happily help with the achievement in co-op. I have a save copied directly on the part so I can go back and clarify any outstanding issues or questions other users may have.
By Yin on 11 Feb 2013 14:46
Just to advise, they do come from all 3 vents, but the drill is usually in the way of the third, so they get minced. Halfway through wave 2 and all of wave 3 though, the drill goes to the side long enough for necro's to get past.

I also used MK-V Ammo Support & MK-V Ammo Box as my preferred attachments, having a free reload during the Feeder wave does help.

Just keep an eye out, and apply that chain & force gun liberally, you'll make it through :D
By DJH4311 on 13 Feb 2013 15:23
Darkened Night,
the dog like enemies with 3 tentacles are not the only enemy with a ranged attack. i have been hit several times from from enemies that i shot and they split in half and 2 or 3 tentacles came out and they shot some kind of projectile at me. is this the reason why we think we had perfect rounds(take no damage) and the achievement still doesnt show up? i have no clue. i thought i would throw that out there just in case it is.

when's the next guide coming out? are you making any more for dead space 3?
By ARCHER MIKE on 17 Feb 2013 00:33
Worked for me first time. Also, using stasis on the drill bit when its right in front of you kills every enemy on the map as it runs towards you. Just keep it stasis'd there.
By Lavindathar on 01 Mar 2013 00:46
TwinMn hit the nail on the head there!
i just did this solo using the devil horns on hardcore and i got the achievement. just stay at the statis unit Darkened Knight has said and shoot everything in sight with the devil horns. when it came to shooting the drill i switched to a different gun (plasma cutter) just to be on the safe side. when the drill was killed i started to run through the door and it popped at the same time as the video.
By urgr8stnitemair on 13 Mar 2013 02:34
@EarthboundX, that's interesting. Before when I originally wrote the solution, I had helped random TrueAchievement members to test everything extensively; it just so happened that when one of us was hit, restarting the checkpoint never seemed to work (so we simply died on purpose). If anyone else can confirm, I will happily adjust the solution accordingly. Thank you for your input!
By Yin on 17 Jun 2014 02:15
Little more info.

Most of the time, when I got hit, I'd run into the drill to start over, but a few times, I got hit, as the drill was moving up, for the next wave, and I hit retry checkpoint at those spots a few times. Since obviously I couldn't run into the drill those times.

I'd say it only took me 2 main attempts, with a lot of running into the drills to start sections over, plus, I wanna say around 5-6 restart checkpoints. I only saved and quit once, after I walked up to the elevator, and it didn't pop the first time.

I played on casual, and just used the Plasma Cutter/Semi auto rivet gun I had on me. I didn't try to kill all the enemies before taking out the drill.

Apparently this is giving a lot of people issues, guess I got lucky, didn't take me long.
By EarthboundX on 17 Jun 2014 09:57
hey Darkened Night,
thanks for your help. i decided to try standing at the stasis machine on the left as you enter the ring (same spot you did)playing single player. with my weapon they never made it within 25ft of me. i stood about 4ft to the left of the stasis machine because i did not want the stasis light bothering me. i only had to watch the 2 windows next to the blue circles that you tk to get the gates down for the first 2 rounds. after the enemies were dead i would stasis the drill and shoot the center with a quick burst and then wait a second and repeat a second time in which it ended the round. on the 3rd round i shot 2 guys coming out of the right window and noticed as soon as the drill hit the ground that it opened up on its side and that was to inviting to me so i blasted it and 1 second later the cinematic started up and as soon as i got control back, i took off running straight ahead to the door and the achievement popped as i got to the door(the conversation was still going on after i popped the achv).

so i no longer think that its glitched as long as you stand next to the stasis machine on the left instead of the one on the right. thanks again for your help. my gun was awesome. it made this achv a yawnfest.

heavy SCRF frame
lower tool = tesla core
upper tool = telementry spike
upper tool tip = MK-V- diffration torus
lower tool tip = negotiator direct ejection field
attachment 1 = MK-V- ammo support
attachment 2 = MK-V- stasis coating

i had 124 rounds that shot so fast that they never made it past 5ft from the window except for 1 that i did not see but he still died 25ft from me.
By ARCHER MIKE on 11 Feb 2013 19:14
i dont know if it matters but when i help friends get this achv done, i tell them to wait for the drill to circle twice around (of course you killed all enemies from the 2 vents) and when the drill comes right up to where you are standing, i tell them to stand still and stop aiming because even with our backs to the wall we have died 3 times when the drill came up to us and we were aiming. since doing this, we get the achv every time.

i haven't really tested to see if letting the drill circle twice is the reason it does not skip ahead or if its a time issue such as each round(*) needs to last so many seconds before capping off the drill or have we been lucky to finish on the first try 90% of the time... we have gently/slowly killed the drill in the first 2 rounds before and it still skipped so that is why we tried this.

* at least the first 2 rounds because on the third time the drill comes down we shoot 1 or 2 feeders and then kill the drill and it works every time. note:on the third round when we had no damage and killed the drill asap without killing 1 or 2 feeders, it would not give us the achv 100% of the time so maybe the 3rd round has to be played for a certain amount of seconds or you have to have kills on each round. im suresomebody will figure it out.
By ARCHER MIKE on 22 Feb 2013 00:34
When I did this, I used a Seeker/Detonator (I forget the attachments, but I know I didn't use the scope since it was messing with my aiming at the necros for some reason) combo. Stood directly across from the drill's starting area, favored to the right a little, set up a line of mines in line with the right window, and started it. The seeker one shots the drill and every enemy, so it makes it easy, and the line of det mines allowed me to focus on the left side for the first few necromorphs until the drill was blocking that side. As soon as the left side was blocked by the drill, I shot the drill and mopped up the last of the necro, then dropped another set of mines for round two.

You have to watch if you stray too far to one side or the other, as if I went to the sides even the slightest bit past the vents at the back, the spawns switched to the two opposite of where I was standing at that time instead of those by the drill location. Also, if you do this on coop, make sure your partner doesn't stray to the sides at all either, or you could end up with them spawning at 3 or 4 vents instead of the 2.

Also, you shouldn't have to worry about any damage from the feeders at the end while you don't have control, because the feeders stop attacking as soon as you destroy the drill and it goes into the cutscene. It is extremely easy with the seeker rifle to just wait until you see the yellow part drop down, stasis and pop off one shot to end the third wave. I never had to touch a single feeder.

Most of those that say the achievement is glitched for them are taking such small hits that they can't see any damage, making the med pack in the inventory crucial to check if there was any necro close enough.

After I completed the achv on casual, (I had already done my pure survivalist and possibly my classic) I went to play Hardcore. Played up to 14 the first go around until my daughter deleted my save (doing it legit with no save copying, so it was the only save) and during that playthrough I never took damage during the drill sequence using a seeker/rocket combo. When I played through again on Hardcore the next day with the same set-up I was able to do the same. Seeker one shot everything even on hardcore, and if one of them got too close I had the safety guard on and tossed a rocket at them. I had the safety guard and ammo box on at the time, safety guard for close range rocket hits if necessary and ammo box to eliminate the need to reload during a wave.
By Eleflux on 12 Feb 2013 20:22
There does seem to be something odd going on. The first time I did this, I followed your guide precisely. I shot every feeder before finishing off the drill. At the end of everything, I checked and couldn't use a health pack - full health. Yet no achievement.

Next time, I got hit at the end and reloaded the checkpoint. Then I immediately shot the drill to skip the third wave entirely. Doing everything wrong, I got the achievement that time. The only other difference I know of is that the first time I ran to the door as soon as I had control of Isaac again. The second time, I waited for the conversation with Ellie to end. Surely that's not what kept me from popping it the first time?

By the way, the Devil Horns work great against the drill if you're playing on Hard. I did this on my Pure Survival run and it doesn't skip any scenes. Maybe on lower difficulty levels it's a problem?
By PuckJunkie on 16 Mar 2013 20:43
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This is not a video guide but after a while of frustration I found a pattern and perhaps glitch you can use. Load up Chapter 10 and make it to the grill area.

After you turn on the generator that lowers the gate and go inside pay attention to the gap to your immediate left (it has a necromorph spawn window).

Release the safety gates and go to this area. For some reason I can't figure out, no matter what the drill will not touch you while you are in it. It seems extremely counter intuitive when this massive thing is basically giving you a fat kiss but you will not take any damage, I promise.

During the first round, about 8 necros will spawn from the windows to your left and right, the drill will veer to your left and take out a few, but sometimes one will make it through. Alternate fire between left and right and eventually they stop spawning, giving you plenty of time and room to take out the drill.

During the second round same thing, except maybe a few more necros will spawn but it's the same idea, keep shooting/stasis until they stop spawning...during this round the drill comes SO close to you I swear it seems crazy you are not dead.

It gets tricky during the third and final round. You can either wait right next to the drill and quickly take it out (it cancels out all the feeder spawns) but you have about 5 seconds maybe. Or you can do the same as rounds 1 and 2 and fight them off. About 20 feeders will spawn but they do stop spawning giving you room to take out the drill later.

Anyway, this is the only way the drill will not touch you and gives you a chance to work on the necros rather than being shredded, Good luck!

09 Feb 2013 06:09

Did you have any problems with this? I must have tried at least 60+ times now without getting hit and still nothing.
By TexhnolyzedMech on 09 Feb 2013 12:23
Because of the drill, the controller doesn't vibrate every time you're hit by a necro, that's why I put my back against the wall while I took them out from the gap to guarantee I wouldn't get hit. I struggled too for a couple of hours.
By a holy chainsaw on 09 Feb 2013 12:45
That's what im doing too i even tried to heal myself after the drill section was over to see if i took any damage but no. It wouldn't let me heal myself at all which means i should have it right?
By TexhnolyzedMech on 09 Feb 2013 12:56
Yeah it glitched for me i just tried it in coop on all difficulties in coop everything. :( any tips?
By TexhnolyzedMech on 09 Feb 2013 15:06
are you quitting and saving? you get a checkpoint every round..also the necros will sometimes hit you and cause no damage
By a holy chainsaw on 09 Feb 2013 15:12
I know for a fact that i didn't get hit. They didn't even get close to me at all still nothing im not the only one with this problem my friend has the same problem.
By TexhnolyzedMech on 09 Feb 2013 15:51
I thought the same but i realized while I was aiming up at the drill i would get hit and not know it
By a holy chainsaw on 09 Feb 2013 15:54
after you take down the drill and have no damage, i thought you had to go over to the door in order for it to pop .

you might want to list what chapter this is in...
By ARCHER MIKE on 10 Feb 2013 09:13
yup, done
By a holy chainsaw on 10 Feb 2013 10:13
mine is glitches. i did it 8 times in a row without getting hit and it just wont pop. you can only play 3 times an hour so i will wait to find out why its glitching.

most of the time i used stasis on the third round asap and shot the center of the drill before any of them got close to me. i even tried shooting all of them in the third round without taking damage and then killed the drill but it did not matter.
By ARCHER MIKE on 11 Feb 2013 05:04
I carried a small health pack during this entire scene, and after I had killed all of the enemies, I would press B to quick heal. If my pack was still there, I knew I was not damaged before going to the next stage. My co-op partner and I did this twice in a row and did not unlock this achievement. We skipped the second stage somehow, making the drill enter stage three without any enemies spawning for stage two. Where does the achievement unlock? As soon as the drill is destroyed?
By Yin on 11 Feb 2013 06:22
Visceral will most likely patch this and the game-save glitch by tomorrow, so here's hoping the glitched gamers get a break.
By a holy chainsaw on 11 Feb 2013 20:10
its not glitched. i moved to the left stasis machine and it worked first try.
By ARCHER MIKE on 11 Feb 2013 20:19
thanks to your solution, i have earned it at first try, with a rocket launcher as secondary weapon and a single shot rifle (1 shot 1 kill) and at third wave, i have quicky destroyed the drill core, without killing the enemies. Easy.
By KawaSimo81 on 16 Feb 2013 23:27
glad to be of help
By a holy chainsaw on 17 Feb 2013 00:21
definetively the easiest way. tried the other methods 5 times, this one worked like a charm first time.
this is what i did:
1) classic mode gameplay (doesn't really matter, but made my choice of weapons more limited)
2) plasma cutter (wave 1&2) + force gun (wave 3) and stasis
3) stay in the spot the solution says for the WHOLE FIGHT and ignore the drill until enemies stop respawning
4) IMPORTANT: you have to let the drill go through his different phases, if you kill it too quick, you'll not get the achievement. so just hit it a little bit enough for it to go into the next phase
5) if hit, just suicide (i did a few times, just throw yourself into the drill and you get a checkpoint. it won't void the achievement)
6) achievement pops when you click (A) to open the door that exits the area
7) BONUS HINT: once you got the achievement, you can save&quit, and continue to kill the boss again and again and again, because (except in ultimate survival mode) the last wave of feeders drop a lot of useful materials.
By Phoenix C64 on 24 Feb 2013 23:18
A combination of this and "x DJ JEZ x"'s suggestion worked quite well. Thumbs up for the both of you!
By Metroidkillah on 06 Mar 2013 03:00
I backed up against the first statis refill unit on the outer wall, the drill couldn't get me there and if I was lucky it would shred a few of the necromorphs too. If I got hit I would just reload the checkpoint as each time the drill retreats you get a new checkpoint to continue from if you get hit in the later stages.

Took me a few attempts before I got comfortable with the method but it isn't too bad if you stay calm and get lucky with where the enemy spawn.
By AlphaFist on 10 Feb 2013 17:09
the achv unlocks at the door where the drill was stuck and it pops as soon as you get to that door unless its glitched. i am now hearing that if your gun is too powerful and you shoot the yellow center too fast that it can skip so you are suppose to shoot the center after all enemies are dead and shoot a little then wait a few seconds and shoot again.

i'm going to try it coop next time i am on. only the host gets the achv but its a sure thing and if something goes wrong then all you have to do (according to another guide) is save/exit and it will restart you with no memory of damage.
By ARCHER MIKE on 11 Feb 2013 12:05
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Just to let everyone know, there is a MUCH MUCH easier way to do this and you can do it solo with pretty much any gun on any difficulty. I just did it on classic mode: hard difficulty and can confirm it works like a charm!

All credit goes to newyorkjetsfan on

Play the Drill section, I would advise using the OP'ed Seeker Rifle to shoot the yellow spot. When you get hit simply dive into the drill to kill yourself (or theoretically you could just let the Necros kill you too). Make sure to immediately stasis the drill and shoot at that yellow spot.

Important Note: Now I don't remember if you have to kill the entire wave of Necros during the first and second wave, even if you shoot the yellow spot first. There might be stragglers after shooting the yellow spot during the first two waves but be on the lookout for any extra Necros.

The major point is if you are hit any point in time, simply dive into the drill. It is like a free checkpoint

On the third wave just immediately stasis the drill again and shoot at the yellow spot. The Feeders will hesitate for a little while before getting to you. If they do hit you just dive into the drill like before and you will restart at the start of the third wave. Once you destroy the yellow spot for the third time the Feeders will run away and not hit you.

Simply walk to the next door and the achievement should pop. I don't remember exactly how this sequence happened for me but I just remember simply walking up to the next door (with the Dead Space trademark blue circular things on them) after the drill sequence and the achievement popped for me. It may have popped as soon as I pressed A button to open the door too, I don't remember though.

14 Feb 2013 22:43

Good guide jez!!
By YAT0 on 17 Feb 2013 11:30
I can't tell you how many times I tried this, I decided to read through the guides and saw you say for round 3 just shoot the yellow battery. That worked very well thanks, I didn't think I was getting hit in round 3 but something kept touching me.
By TB Overshield on 02 Mar 2013 15:35
A combination of this an "a holy chainsaw"'s guide worked quite well. Thumbs up for the both of you!
By Metroidkillah on 06 Mar 2013 02:58
Sweet. Works a treat.
By Halder on 21 Nov 2013 21:28
It works perfectly!!!
By Panda M4X on 17 Jan 2018 14:52
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This is a method for people who know they're doing it flawlessly and still aren't unlocking the achievement. I completed the sequence 3 times without getting hit and still didn't get it. Luckily I found a solution from Unstoppable Gamer (video linked below). The video isn't really necessary to watch, but the description has a list of steps that helped me unlock it.

Here are the steps:
Step 1- Go to the drill platform.
Step 2- Activate the drill and when the first necros come out let them hit you.
Step 3- Save and quit immediately
Step 4- Load from last save (aka continue from your last save instead of last checkpoint)
Step 5- Complete the drill sequence without getting hit by the drill and necromorphs.
Step 6- Go to the door you leave through but don't activate it just go up to it or inside of it. And keep moving around in that area until the transmission ends.
Step 7- Your achievement should pop! Enjoy!

I unlocked the achievement immediately upon entering the exit doorway. I hope this helps you out. Any of the other solutions here that say the achievement isn't glitched probably just didn't run into this issue.

Here's how I avoided getting hit (it is an amalgam of the different solution you may have already read here):
1. Stay directly left of the Stasis Refill Station directly across from the exit. The drill will never hit you in this position.
2. Stasis the drill when it is in front of one of the two vents that the necros pop out of. This allows you to only worry about shooting at one vent while the drill slices up the enemies coming out of the other.
3. Make sure you kill every necro during each wave before firing at the drill.

As far as guns go I just used a line gun with a stasis attachment for de-limbing and killing necros and a rifle to take out the drill core. Make sure you have plenty of spare stasis packs so you don't have to get distracted by turning to refill at the station. Just keep a cool head and you should get this without worry.

If you have any other helpful tips or solutions for working around the glitch, please comment below.

22 Dec 2013 21:01

this one is called "drill sergeant" you have complete the drill sequence without taking any damage. follow the video; its not mine credit goes to KalElGamingHD

07 Feb 2013 22:17

I attempted this a few times without getting it, although I might have if I tried one more thing. It seems the achievement does not pop after the drill is destroyed but as you are about to exit the room.

To complete this, here is the method I used from first entering the room:

Run down to activate the generator.
Top up your health and use the bench to bring enough ammo.
Lower the gates holding the drill and then stand near a stasis regen point.

Stage 1.
It seems the enemies will spawn from the two grills opposite your position left and right.
Kill all the enemies and then stasis the drill and shoot the yellow core.
Use a stasis regen point.

Stage 2.
Kill all enemies (again from the two grills opposite your position).
Use stasis on the drill and shoot the yellow core.
Use stasis regen point.

Stage 3.
Wait a few seconds before using stasis on the drill (as the yellow core has to lower out of the centre).
Finish the last of the yellow core.

Any enemies will run away at this point.

Go into your inventory and check how many health kits you have and select to use one. If you had full health going in and you did not get hit then no health kit should get used up.

If you managed to avoid getting hit then make your way to the exit and the achievement should pop.

If you did get hit then Save and Quit and then select Continue from last save and you will be back as if you just entered the room.

15 Feb 2013 21:08

I think I have the ultimate and easiest solution to obtain this achievement while playing Solo! It's all about where you are positioned on the platform and using the drill to your advantage. Allow me to put the low down facts first and foremost:

- Do NOT press B (Quick Heal) at all during the event. Doing so,even if you have full health, nulls the achievement and locks it.

- If you are hit, dashboard immediately Dashboarding cancels the progress of your failure when you restart checkpoint and/or save/quit. When you load your game the next time, your last save you will be at the ramp leading to the workbench and generator right before the drill platform.

- The easiest method to this achievement is to play it on Casual difficulty. It makes the enemies really weak.

My personal weapon that I used to obtain this:

A S.C.A.F. Seeker Rifle upper tool with a Bouncing Bolas lower tool. Flame Glaze and Damage Support attachments with various random damage boosting circuits for the Seeker Rifle portion.

A Seeker Rifle maxed out and with the Flame Glaze attachment is a one hit kill to any standard Necromorph in Casual difficulty. Whether it be the leg, head, arm or foot. It's going to be a one hit kill. The lower tool, Bouncing Bolas, slices enemies clean through and bounces off walls. Almost as precise and powerful as a Line Cutter.

The key thing for this achievement is placement and enemy control by manipulating the drill to your favor of support rather than being another enemy to worry about. Here is my guide:

As soon as you walk onto the platform, stand by the gate that allowed you inside from the generator. It is the best vantage point and gives a wide ranged view of the entire area. After releasing the drill, stand by the gate from your entrance and stasis the drill immediately as it descends from its position. The key to this achievement is to keep the drill towards the right side of where you are and blocking the vent in that area. It cuts your enemy numbers in half. Keep your stasis support on the drill. Keep it in stasis at all times and in the right side of you and to the back by the vent.

Across from you is another vent that allows enemies to spawn in a steady one by one stream. With the Flame Glaze Attachment Seeker Rifle (or really any one hit kill weapon), just aim straight ahead and to that vent and shoot every enemy the moment they appear. The stasised drill will kill/block all Necromorphs to your right and all you have to do is focus on the one vent ahead. Make sure you kill every enemy, then shoot the yellow core of the drill. Doing so issues the next round.

Repeat the process by keeping the drill in stasis and to the right of you immediately after it descends downwards. It will continue to block the vent behind it and you just have to keep your attention on the vent across the platform. Occasionally, the vent to the left of you will spawn a lone Necromorph but it's usually unlikely. Keep that in mind! Shoot all enemies in the vent ahead until they are all dead and shoot the next yellow core spot.

The third round is filled with Feeders and they swarm you quick and fast. The moment the drill descends down, stasis it and then shoot the yellow core ASAP. When you destroy the drill, all enemies retreat and you're left standing alone on the platform. The achievement doesn't unlock until you walk towards the elevator up the hill where the drill was initially sitting. Enjoy that somewhat difficult 30 G.

Please comment or positively rate my guide if it helped you!

11 Aug 2013 21:04

This achievement is in Chapter 10.

I used Darkened Night's positioning help, but there was just too much information there. Just run to the Stasis Recharge on your left and watch the two gates on both sides across from you. IF YOU STAY THERE, THE DRILL WILL NEVER TOUCH YOU!

You will need quite a bit of ammo, especially in the last wave. I recommend having at least 60 ammo clip things (3 inventory slots). If you have a gun that shoots fairly quickly and is relatively accurate, the first two waves shouldn't be too hard. It also helps to have a decent sized clip (I used the Evangelizer weapon that is a single-shot rifle). It helps to have its damage and clip upgraded as well. Also, if you can, put an ammo box on it (this automatically reloads it when you've used all shots, essentially doubling your clip size). Just kill the necromorphs coming from the vents. The drill helps because it occasionally kills them or at least blocks them from coming from one side, allowing you to focus on one spot. Just use stasis if they're running at you and pick em apart. Use the stasis recharge after you shoot the drill.

If you get hit at any point of the first two waves, hit 'save and quit' and load it back up. It will restart you at the top of the area before you turn the power on.

**** There is a trick to the third wave!****

The third wave is nothing but feeders and they're quick and come in bunches. The drill should help a bit in covering one side so just use stasis and take em out. If you get hit at any point in the third wave, LET THE DRILL KILL YOU! If the drill kills you, you restart the third wave and as long as you didn't get hit in the first two, it won't void the achievement. This wave is difficult to beat, but after a few tries, you should get it. After you walk through the safety gates, the achievement will pop up.

I did this on normal difficulty by myself. It was difficult, but not impossible. I would recommend doing it in co-op though.

This is how I did it. It worked for me. Hope it helps!

16 Feb 2013 21:44

This is a simple guide to getting Drill Sergeant in Dead Space 3.

After trying several different methods of getting the achievement, I came up short on the third and final wave numerous times.

In this guide I used Darkened Night's safe spot by the Stasis Pack to the left. Make sure you are lined up with the red flooring. I did this in Classic mode using only the Plasma Cutter.

The achievement is pretty straight forward - survive the Drill Room in Chapter 10, without getting hit.

There will be 3 waves, consisting of about 10-15 enemies each coming from the two grates by the drill.

The first two waves are pretty straight forward, just mow them down (stasis if you need to, but it is pretty easy without) then stasis the drill and shoot the core. Rinse and repeat for the second wave.

Now here is where it gets a tiny bit trickier. The third wave is the feeder wave. The annoying skinny little husks that are elusive as well as annoying. They will be coming out of both vents quickly, and running at you just as fast.
To deal with them easiest, let the drill come down for its final time. This time, instead of dancing around the middle, the drill will go around the edge of the arena. USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE! When the drill descends get ready to stasis it in front of the vent on the right, thereby taking care of the threat, and allowing you to focus on the left vent. BUT WAIT! It keeps moving, so continuously stasis it when you think it is running out. Even if you have to stasis it right in front of you to make it easier for you, do it, as it will keep the Feeders from reaching you, mulching them in the process.

When the wave is taken care of, 15 or so feeders later, take out the drill. After this, pick up your wide collection of loot on the ground, and head through the door, popping the achievement!

25 Dec 2014 03:13

Okay this is how I did it in coop and the fight is located within chapter 10.

First play on casual just to make it alot easier than it would be on the other modes. Now I was armed with a heavy standard chain gun with a line gun underneath. I used stasis coating to slow enemies down trust me this is critical to making it easier. This was brilliant for moving enemies down before they knew what hit them.

My friend was armed with a standard pitbull rifle with a force gun he modified it to have as much clip and reload as possible so he could just keep firing as much as he could without reloading. He also used stasis coating so we both had the ability to slow down enemies with gunfire.

Now the trick was to stand together to the centre and shoot left and right while hitting the drill with out stasis shots. Then open fire on the core when we had a moment to shoot before going back to shooting at the necromorphs.

Now if you get hit simply get the host to reload the checkpoint as fast as possible this will speed up your attempts.

Also as a general note to all my friend got this achievement before me despite the fact that we did it together so I think the achievement may be bugged to the point where only the host can get it. I am not sure if we are an exception though.

But notice in the video I had switched to Isaac when it finally did unlock on our second attempt.

Now watch the video below and just learn to defend as much as possible and stasis the drill at the safest intervals. This is achievement is difficult but very doable good luck guys!

14 Mar 2013 23:30

Hey all, just a quick video showing how to get this one solo. I go over all the potential glitches as well. Hope the video helps!

03 Aug 2018 00:03

Hey guys

I would like to add how I completed this achievement. Not much of a guide but I had some issues with this. My issue was that I was using a rocket launcher type weapon with the safety guard attachment. Although the attachment stops you taking damage from your own splash/explosive weapon it would seem the achievement will not pop if it is used. I checked and still could not use any health packs at the end each round before I attacked the drill.

In the end I used a weapon that knocked back the enemies with an ammo support attachment (1 instant auto reload). I just hid in the middle next the enemy window and shot left and right when enemies came close and let the drill kill all the enemies. When the drill was in my face I reloaded if needed as I had cover from attacks.

I used the Evo suit also.

The last round (round 3) I swapped to my rocket launcher. I Used status the drill as the yellow light in the middle came down and shot it a few times. The round ends before any enemies reach me and they run off.

Achievement popped as I head to the next area.

Also I used the run into the drill method if I got hit or found I was able to use a health pack before attacking it. This was after the enemies were defeated and were no longer spawning.

On a side not if the achievement did not pop I dash boarded and hit continue when the game reloads from the main menu. It loads you up just before the drill which saves you 10 minutes of running to it from the start.

Good luck guys

26 Nov 2013 13:21

This trophy is obtainable on Chapter 10. You have to complete the Drill Room sequence without taking damage. You will most likely not get this your first try as the trophy can be quite difficult. I advise you use the USB Save Game technique explained in the video, the chapter is long and it is a pain to run the whole thing every time you mess up! Also to play on Easy and make sure you use Stasis Support on your weapon/s. So for all of you struggling with this trophy Happy Thumbs Gaming has a amazing Trophy Guide Video for it!
I hoped you found my written guide useful as well as the great video!

*All credit for video goes to Happy Thumbs Gaming*

30 Jan 2014 11:44

1 Comment
You make a guide, a great guide I might add and probably one of the 5 guides on this site... and someone votes negative. What a complete and utter fucking asshole. Great guide dude 1+ from me
By DetsEightyOne on 15 Jul 2015 10:28
The Drill Sergeant achievement requires you to complete Chapter 10's drill section without taking any damage.

A chain gun with another attachment works really well due to the high rate of fire.

Credit goes to Yin, in a guide above, for his excellent personal weapon.

External image

I would recommend having an fire inducing or explosive tip on the weapon. For the bottom, you can have a heavy beam or force gun function. This will knock back enemies that get too close.

There are three sections. After each section the operator will clearly state the percentage of good drill functionality remaining (75%, 50%,).

For the first and second sections, you should start across from the vents near where the drill first starts. If you stay on the edge of the platform, the drill can't touch you. The second section will have a few more enemies than the first. You need to watch out for enemies to the left and right of you, since they can surprise you when you aren't turning around to look there. You can move around a little to hid behind the drill, which also kills enemies for you. After clearing out the enemies in each of these sections, stasis the drill and shoot the bright white center energy bulb.

At the third part, the operator will announce that 50% of the drill functionality is left.
20-30 feeders will come out of the vents and are very fast. If you can, you can take all of them out. What also works is to immediately shoot the drill. Stasis the drill and destroy it right when the section starts. Any feeders in the cutscene will be killed immediately as it crashes.

You'll get the achievement when you walk into the elevator to reach the next area.

08 Oct 2016 18:24

Play the Drill section, I would advise using the OP'ed Seeker Rifle to shoot the yellow spot. When you get hit simply dive into the drill to kill yourself. Make sure to immediately stasis the drill and shoot at that yellow spot.

Important Note: There might be stragglers even if you shoot the yellow spot first so after shooting the yellow spot during the first two waves be on the lookout for any extra Necromorphs.

The major point is if you are hit any point in time, simply dive into the drill. It is like a free checkpoint

On the third wave just immediately stasis the drill again and shoot at the yellow spot. The Feeders will hesitate for a little while before getting to you. If they do hit you just dive into the drill like before and you will restart at the start of the third wave. Once you destroy the yellow spot for the third time the Feeders will run away and not hit you.

Simply walk to the next door and the achievement should pop. It may have popped for me as soon as I pressed A to open the door.

30 Jun 2020 07:30

Chapter 10, Conning Room. After lowering the safety barriers, the Drill will start to move around the room, while necromorphs spawn at the same time. You will need to Stasis the Drill and hit the yellow fuses right at the middle to disable it, and you need to repeat this three times meaning there are three waves of necromorphs. You must not take any damage from the necromoprhs (getting caught by the Drill is instant death anyway). If you've completed Classic mode, use the Devil's Horns reward for an easier time in dealing with the enemies. If you take damage, you may restart from the last checkpoint provided that you did not take any damage during the last wave (Credits to Jay_Slim). After completing all three waves without sustaining damage, approach the exit door to trigger the trophy. Video by Powerpyx.

Chapter 10 Drilling. You need to destroy 4 fuses on the drill, slowing the drill down with stasis. Enemies in this place appear endlessly (until one fuse is destroyed) as the drill resumes spinning, the enemies begin to respawn again. You need to get through this place without getting damaged. Checkpoints help, the main thing is to have time to press “start from checkpoint” if you are hit. It is better to knock out the last 2 fuses as quickly as possible. At this time, the fastest enemies will respawn. If you have time, the script will start and the enemies will scatter. The trophy drops when you approach the door (over which the drill is sticking out)

06 Feb 2013 16:45

If the trophy is glitched, load chapter 10, reach it, launch the drill, let yourself be hit, immediately save and exit, load the last checkpoint and do the procedure described above!!!!! And we get a trophy, verified!!
By Squall-Leonhart- on 04 Apr 2013 14:56
A VERY simple way is to stand in the center of the platform on the SIGN where your legs are drawn in a red circle. We stand firmly on it and don’t get off until the very end!!! Necromorphs will climb ONLY from one side (from the ventilation in front of the drill). You don't even have to shoot because... Bur will do everything himself. All that remains is to shoot stasis at the drill when it is in the center.....
By Nekish on 29 May 2014 13:50
If, while playing co-op, you fulfill the conditions for receiving a trophy, then ONLY the HOST will receive the trophy; the player invited as a guest will not receive the trophy.
By Дмитрий on 15 Feb 2013 07:40
Let me add, you need to stand in the place where the sign of the feet is drawn on the floor in a red circle (exactly in it.). then the enemies will come out of one ventilation, opposite you. We make weapons: in the upper block we put small arms, the variator of the upper block is the variator of accuracy (max damage), the recharging attachment. Chains for 8 slots. In the upper slots we put the clip and damage, in the lower ones, reload + rate of fire. Because reloading plays an important role here. And stock up on stasis. The safety is removed with one shot.
By tvorojock on 17 Feb 2013 17:58
This trophy malfunctioned for me, I did everything as it should, but they wouldn’t give it to me. I solved the problem like this: I deleted the game data, turned off the Internet, and went through the room with the drill without damage. After these actions, the trophy was given.
By djtin on 13 Feb 2013 02:59
The description of the trophy "Complete the rig without taking damage" is not entirely correct. I did everything I could, tried everything that was said in the tips and on the forum - nothing helped. In the end, I realized that in order for the trophy to drop, it is necessary to destroy ALL enemies (it doesn’t matter whether you do it or the drill). Don't shoot the fuses until you destroy the next wave of enemies and you will be happy.
By OduHokuiCTpaHHuk on 04 Oct 2014 17:21
Just got a trophy on easy difficulty. I will share my experience.
1) The enemies are not endless.
2) I counted 3 waves. The first 2 are large necrs, the 3rd are feeders.
3) If checkpoint tactics really don't work, you can save and exit and start from the last save. Let's start with the entrance to the drilling rig. This will work even after the “fight” with the drill, but before we left the rig on the elevator. So if the trophy doesn’t drop, we save and exit.
4) Strategy:
a) We stand at the left shaft, closest to the drill. We shoot the first wave, which will climb out of the far hatch opposite and from the adjacent hatch on the right. There are few enemies on easy. The top module is a sniper, the bottom is a grenade launcher. The "Protective cover" attachment is required. We periodically freeze the drill. When the wave ends, we shoot at the fuse with a sniper rifle.
b) We restore stasis, repeat point “a”, only the wave is now longer. You can knock out the fuse in the gap between the necrs, but a couple will still come out after that, so don’t let your guard down.
c) We restore stasis, wait for the drill to go down, and shoot the fuse, even if it has not yet fully come out. The wave of feeders will not have time to appear.

PS: The grate on the mine, to which I had my back for the first two waves, remained intact.
By Kliment on 21 Sep 2015 21:04
Here is the perfect video

The bottom line is that we freeze the drill near one mine (no one can get out of it) and shoot the adversaries in another. In the third wave, it is not necessary to kill all the monsters; as soon as the drill descends, we freeze and shoot in the middle.
By UnKind2015 on 31 Mar 2016 17:21
I also tried a lot of different options, I got a trophy when after the 1st wave the 3rd one started right away, I understood that this happened because I poured as much as possible into the fuses of the drill.
By rune13 on 20 Jan 2020 23:09
Visual video . I got it on the second try without restarts. In the first attempt, I restarted and after that the trophy did not fall out, although I did not receive any damage (I did this before installing the patch). In fact, everything is very simple. The main thing is to take your time. Create a weapon like the one in the video (the first one is enough) and stand in the place where it is shown, again, in the video. Slow down the drill with stasis (in the interval of 3-3.5 seconds). Monsters will crawl out from one corner. In the first two stages you shoot about 15-17 monsters and there comes a moment when they don’t come out. At this moment, we calmly damage the drill, and in the 3rd stage, wait until the drill goes down, slow it down and smash it. Do everything quickly and don’t pay attention to the mobs.
By RN-RAGE on 14 Feb 2013 21:50
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This trophy is "a little" glitchy, I got it on my 15th try, if not more.

and if you can't get it, here are my recommendations:

-Receive after beating the game, select chapter 10 and go to the drill,

before activating it, we heal ourselves with first aid kits to the maximum, making sure that one is in the backpack, and we begin;

-We go through the drill according to the video indicated above;

-As soon as the animation ended and the subtitles began - WITHOUT COLLECTING LOOT, RUN to the elevator, do not enter it, and check yourself by trying to use the first aid kit, if you didn’t spend it, then you definitely passed without damage and should give you the trophy at that time! My mistake was that I collected the loot left behind by the enemies, during this time the conversation ended and standing at the elevator did not bring a trophy, a game glitch, although someone received it without problems;

-If you were hit or were not given a trophy at the elevator, then press start - SAVE AND EXIT, and again from the checkpoint, which is why you cannot enter the elevator - another checkpoint that is UNNEEDED FOR US is activated.

With these recommendations and without any removal of patches, you will get it offline/online.

26 Feb 2013 11:21