Dead Space

Dead Space

47 Achievements

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A Cut Above

A Cut Above

Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper.

How to unlock the A Cut Above achievement in Dead Space - Definitive Guide

If you are a bit like me and prefer playing Dead Space with just one or two weapons, getting 30 kills with each one can seem like a bit of a grind. There are two easy ways to speed up the process though:

- A Swarm is found at various points throughout the game and they can also be triggered by shooting a Pregnant and splitting open its pouch, releasing Swarms. Swarms are clusters of (well, I don’t know) but they try to leech onto your back. Each one is counted as a kill and there tends to be 7-10 at a time. The Force Gun kills them in one and is very efficient at it.

- Tentacles are the Necromorphs that are attached to the wall and spew out an immobile tentacle that will shoot at you. Keep your distance and kill each tentacle it spews out with your desired weapon. It will continue to spew them out until you kill the one on the wall. Stock up with ammo and kill each one until the achievement unlocks, swap weapon or continue on with your playthrough. Tentacles are not good for kills with the Force Gun, as one shot will likely destroy the one on the wall. To avoid this being too much of a grind, carry a couple of weapons with you and then swap them out at the store and move onto the next occasion you run into one.

Please be aware that reloading you save will void your kills. You must continue through the game. Credit to DE4N MUFC for advising.

Good luck!

29 Jan 2023 17:59

It has to be said that reloading a save does not help towards weapon kills, it has to be done as you progress on the same save file.
By DE4N MUFC on 30 Jan 2023 09:45
Yep I wish I saw @DE4N MUFC comment first... when I reloaded after at least 40-50 kills to be sure... had to check here. Doesn't track.
By V#5059 on 23 Nov 2023 05:25
The Ripper is an extremely strong, ammo-efficient weapon to use against single necromorphs, so you’ll likely unlock this automatically as you play.

However, like all of the “Kill 30 enemies” achievements, this can be farmed pretty easily once you reach a Guardian enemy. These wall-mounted foes spit out smaller enemies that can be killed quickly and easily, so you can keep the Guardian alive and use your chosen weapon to kill the little tentacle blobs that it spawns.

Alternatively, you can make sure to shoot any bloated Pregnant necromorphs that you come across in the stomach with your Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle, unleashing lots of small Swarmer enemies. Quickly switch to the Ripper and use it to kill the Swarmers, quickly racking up kills.

A final option is to start a New Game+ on Story difficulty, starting from the beginning with all weapons available to you, and easily killing any enemies you come across with your weapon of choice to mop up the achievements.

A very fun gun, which shoots a spinning saw blade out that you can control and chop up limbs with. Stock up on saw blades for this as and when you can.

The Ripper is most effective at close-range. When you fire the Ripper, move the hovering blade slice of enemies' limbs.
DLC weapons do not positively or negatively affect weapon kill trophies in any way.
When fired, this weapon launches a cutting disk at a limited (a couple of meters forward) distance and cuts the enemy’s spot where the sight is aimed. Cutting occurs for a certain time, after which you need to start the next disk again. If you get hit while cutting, the cutting will be interrupted prematurely, so it is better to cut a frozen enemy - this way you will aim better, and he will not be able to interrupt the use of the pipe cutter charge.

I don’t advise you to pump it up in any way (unless you pump up the capacity when it’s at zero) - it already quite successfully cuts off the limbs of ordinary opponents.

I got this trophy on maximum difficulty, and I must say that this is not the most hopeless weapon even without leveling up the damage (however, it is still not suitable for constant use). On maximum difficulty, I quite successfully (with two or three starts of the disk) killed the black dismemberers without first weakening them (cutting off one limb). It is especially effective to use pipe cutter charges on crowds of enemies - I boosted a lot at the end of Chapter 11, where the obelisk first appears before the player - I simply killed all the tentacles in advance in order to move calmly - run from enemies, collecting them in groups in the narrow corridors of this hall. When they were all together, I used stasis (everyone was frozen at once) and with great pleasure slaughtered this crowd of people - one necromorph after another gradually fell.

Remember that only kills of opponents who are killed by cutting off a limb count towards weapon trophies. To count a kill with a certain weapon, the killed enemy does not need to deal damage only with it - the weapon with which the last blow was dealt is counted.

13 Jun 2011 15:58

See the "Full Contact" trophy.

05 May 2009 10:25