Dead Space

Dead Space

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Full Contact

Full Contact

Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam.

How to unlock the Full Contact achievement in Dead Space - Definitive Guide

If you are a bit like me and prefer playing Dead Space with just one or two weapons, getting 30 kills with each one can seem like a bit of a grind. There are two easy ways to speed up the process though:

- A Swarm is found at various points throughout the game and they can also be triggered by shooting a Pregnant and splitting open its pouch, releasing Swarms. Swarms are clusters of (well, I don’t know) but they try to leech onto your back. Each one is counted as a kill and there tends to be 7-10 at a time. The Force Gun kills them in one and is very efficient at it.

- Tentacles are the Necromorphs that are attached to the wall and spew out an immobile tentacle that will shoot at you. Keep your distance and kill each tentacle it spews out with your desired weapon. It will continue to spew them out until you kill the one on the wall. Stock up with ammo and kill each one until the achievement unlocks, swap weapon or continue on with your playthrough. Tentacles are not good for kills with the Force Gun, as one shot will likely destroy the one on the wall. To avoid this being too much of a grind, carry a couple of weapons with you and then swap them out at the store and move onto the next occasion you run into one.

Please be aware that reloading you save will void your kills. You must continue through the game. Credit to DE4N MUFC for advising.

Good luck!

29 Jan 2023 17:59

It has to be said that reloading a save does not help towards weapon kills, it has to be done as you progress on the same save file.
By DE4N MUFC on 30 Jan 2023 09:46
Can anyone confirm you can unlock this only after you've picked up the gun in story mode? I loaded a new game + and have hit 30 kills with the contact beam, but still no achievement. Wondering if kills only count once you come across the gun's normal place in the story.
By Daddy Dash on 04 Feb 2023 17:49
Unfortunately I cannot. I did this on Chapter 6 after picking up the Force Gun (last one to collect). It could be the case but I would be surprised. I believe Stasis gets in the way, so if you used another gun to weaken an enemy, it may not count either.
By MIKE1989TW on 04 Feb 2023 18:11
Just pointing out that you reference the Force Gun a few times including in the comments, but this achievement is specifically for the Contact Beam.
By Catatonic Nali on 18 Apr 2023 13:31
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The Contact Beam is incredibly strong in the Dead Space remake, and able to quickly melt a necromorph, either using its primary fire, or its secondary fire. Because of this, we recommend using it frequently throughout the game, and this achievement should unlock automatically.

However, like all of the “Kill 30 enemies” achievements, this can be farmed pretty easily once you reach a Guardian enemy. These wall-mounted foes spit out smaller enemies that can be killed quickly and easily, so you can keep the Guardian alive and use your chosen weapon to kill the little tentacle blobs that it spawns.

A final option is to start a New Game+ on Story difficulty, starting from the beginning with all weapons available to you, and easily killing any enemies you come across with your weapon of choice to mop up the achievements.

If you're going through on easy, all of the weapon achievements are very simple. Most enemies die in one hit. With this gun you need to press and hold to charge it up and then let it go. Enemies get obliterated by it. Make sure to stock up on ammo for each gun, then once you get it, store the gun in your safe and buy ammo for the next gun. Repeat for every gun achievement.

This is not hard, the Contact Beam is very powerful and almost always kills Slasher and other types of Necromorphs in a single shot.
DLC weapons do not positively or negatively affect weapon kill trophies in any way.
I figured out one trick with getting trophies on the theme of killing 30 enemies....., I don’t know what these monsters are called, in short, they are stuck to the wall, and small monsters fly out of their stomach, these little ones need to be extinguished., 30 we bring down and the trophy yours, for me this was the easiest way to get these trophies. The most convenient chapters for this, in my opinion, are 5, 10, there these dudes are almost at the very beginning.

21 Mar 2011 17:00

In principle, the idea is correct. But the chapters are not indicated very well. The easiest way to get all the weapon trophies in 30 minutes is at the beginning of the eighth chapter. (if you are completing the game for the first time for the “Favorite Cutter” trophy, then just leave this save with the beginning of the 8th chapter for later, without overwriting it - you will return after completing it)


Chapter 8 returns you to the captain's bridge, in front of which there is a store. Buy the necessary barrel and ammunition (because by the 8th chapter you will already have enough credits). Upon entering the hall, a quarantine will be announced - voila - 11 necrs will be killed with the necessary weapons. Next we stomp into the plot elevator. And in the room behind the elevator there will be two freaks giving birth at once. We destroy 19 monsters flying out of the belly and get the trophy. After this, you don’t even have to download the beginning of Chapter 8, but run to the store for a new gun. Bam-bam for all weapon trophies in half an hour.

Why not chapters 5 and 10? Because in the fifth there is one freak who will “give birth” for an hour + few credits. In the 10th there is also one freak and the store is far away.
By U4oloG on 05 Nov 2011 18:02
And I would advise you to knock out these trophies with weapons at the beginning of the 12th chapter.

Well, for starters, I’ll say that by the 12th chapter you can already upgrade all your weapons (this is a good plus for getting these trophies), especially if you used glinch with figurines, then you will definitely upgrade all your weapons by the 12th chapter.

And so at the beginning of the chapter you will drag the obelisk using kinesis and you will see an empty battery slot. Go to the room on the side. And this is where getting our treasured trophies begins. First of all, save (preferably in a separate slot so that you can safely return to this place), then go to the store (located in the same room) take the weapons you need and buy first aid kits and cartridges and forward. We open the door with the battery, there will be two stingrays that will immediately make your first enemies. Then you will drag the obelisk into a large room where there will also be a normal number of enemies (perhaps this is where you will receive the first trophies for weapons). Then another large room will follow, on the wall there will be two monsters giving birth, and here you will get trophies for the weapons that you have with you. In this room, of course, there is a save and a store, but because of the little freaks, you will not be able to use it. So load up, change weapons and move on. In two times you will get all the trophies.
By BRAIAN on 24 Jul 2012 10:14
This is the most powerful weapon in the game, and it would be better to use it on brutes and bosses, but since we need a trophy, we will have to kill everyone with it. The weapon is accurate, shoots at any distance - to do this, it first performs a kind of charge, after which you can fire (note that the damage does not increase depending on how long you hold the charge). You can upgrade the charging acceleration.

To kill a lurker with one shot, you need to aim at its back at the moment when its tentacles are sticking out, but the probability of killing is still not 100% - you can instead shoot twice clearly at the body.

To kill the dismemberer with one shot, you need to shoot at him at the moment when he gets up, so that the shot goes through the head and the whole body - this is difficult and rarely works, so it’s better to cut off one limb with a weapon for which you have already received a trophy, and cut off the second with a power cutter, because to count a kill with a certain weapon, the killed enemy does not need to deal damage only to it - the weapon with which the last blow was dealt is counted.

If you run out of ammo, pump up the weapon's magazine - it will be replenished for free by the number of rounds it can hold after pumping.

13 Jun 2011 15:54