Dead Space

Dead Space

47 Achievements

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Maxed Out

Maxed Out

Fully upgrade all weapons and equipment.

How to unlock the Maxed Out achievement in Dead Space - Definitive Guide

This achievement is awarded for fully upgrading your suit and every weapon in the game. There are 189 Power Nodes required in total but there are only 67 to find in a single playthrough, therefore, you will need to complete the game at least twice (required anyway), or possibly into a third playthough until you have enough Power Nodes. This must be done on New Game Plus to retain your progress.

Depending on how you play and whether you would like to play New Game Plus again for fun after gaining this achievement, you can sell everything for credits and purchase extra Power Nodes.

Despite being awarded additional Power Nodes and credits for each completion, it will still take time. This is what you are required to do:


- Find every weapon in the game and receive the Full Arsenal achievement. These are found in Chapters 2 through to 6 and are not easy to miss. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Full Arsenal: Credit to MrWilliamThor for the guide.

- Complete the side mission, ‘You Are Not Authorised’ and receive the Full Clearance achievement. This will give you access to all restricted areas of the USG Ishimura required to find every weapon upgrade. Please note, if you gain access to all areas and fail to find all weapon upgrades on your current playthough, you need to do this again on the next playthough. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Full Clearance: Credit to Vexxol for the guide.

Edit: November 2023. After completing a new playthough, gaining the master clearance and then starting a NG+, the access to restricted “Master” areas was retained. I still didn’t have access to rooms above my clearance level but could enter master areas. Likely part of a recent MOTIVE update. Anyway, you can check your clearance on the RIG.

- Find every weapon upgrade and receive the achievement Built to Order. As mentioned above, you will need Full Clearance to gain access to all areas. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Built to Order: Credit to ThePoopGhost for the guide and HarryNinetyFour for the video.


Purchase all suits. Each new suit you purchase will open more RIG upgrade options at the Bench. The final suit is the Level 6 suit, which is a USM Valor, white military suit and is available in the Store after completing the game for 99K credits.

You cannot buy the final ‘Level 6’ suit until you have purchased all the other suits before it, you have to purchase them all in order. Doing a New Game Plus from your Impossible playthough and using the Burnished suit, will not allow you to bypass buying all the suits either.

Below is a list of all suits if you have not found them already:

- Level 1 suit is the one you are wearing at the start of the game.

- Level 2 suit is available in the Store after completing Chapter 1 for 10K credits.

- Level 3 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 4. It is located in a side room called the EVA Prep Room on your way to the ADS Canons, where you need to go outside of the USG Ishimura and calibrate the Canons. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 20K credits.

- Level 4 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 7. After speaking to Nicole at the end of the gondola, it can be found in the Equipment Workshop where the SOS Beacon is located. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 35K credits.

- Level 5 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 10. At the start of the Chapter, you will need to enter the Zero-G Basketball area (fancy a game?), to collect the Power Cell and activate the elevator. Hopefully on your way to it you will have passed through the Standard Bathrooms but not, it is directly ahead of you as you leave the Zero-G Basketball area. The Schematic is on a bench in this room. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 60K credits.

- Level 6 suit is available in the Store after completing the game and starting a New Game Plus playthough. It costs 99K credits.

If you would benefit from a visual guide to the Suit Schematics, please see the Merchant achievement. Credit to Darth Tigore for the guide.


The Premeditated Malpractice side mission must also be completed to gain this achievement. Completing the mission will give you the Prototype Stasis Module upon completion. You will only need to complete this mission once, regardless if it is your first playthrough or New Game Plus. Please refer to the achievement Final Regeneration, which I have a guide for. Credit to ilshg and Sneaky Anderson for pointing this out.

Good luck!

02 Feb 2023 12:01

This bit you mentioned I find confusing, can you please clarify further?

‘You cannot buy the Level 6 suit until you have purchased all the other suits before it. This includes doing a New Game Plus from Impossible difficulty and gaining the Burnished suit. All suits must be purchased in order.’

This sounds like you are saying we need to complete Impossibile difficulty and gain the Burnished suit? Is this what you mean?

I’ve completed a Normal playthrough, I’ve started NG+ and I have bought the Level 6 White suit. I think I just need to max everything out for this cheevo, or do I need the Burnished suit that you mention too?

My plan was to do NG+ Plasma Cutter playthrough, max everything out and then sell the game. I will save the Impossible playthrough for when the game hits Game Pass Ultimate via. EA Play. Certainly not keen on 3 playthroughs back to back.
By Waynimus on 03 Feb 2023 15:47
I have reworded it for clarity. If you already have the Level 6 suit, you don’t need to do anything more on this section, just upgrade the RIG to max at the Bench.

You cannot complete the game on Impossible Difficulty and then wear the Burnished suit to max out your RIG; some people have suggested you can, but you can’t.

The Burnished suit does not affect this achievement and is not required.
By MIKE1989TW on 03 Feb 2023 15:57
I would suggest keeping the force gun in your inventory for the ammo stacks. A full stack is worth 6k I just sold these constantly during my plasma cutter run. I had 680,000 credits at the end of chapter 11 and bought 68 nodes to finish upgrading my weapons.
By Ayek Jayk on 04 Feb 2023 03:27
I’ve got all collected schematics for the weapons but haven’t bought any in the store (doing plasma cutter achievement first) Do they disappear in new game plus? The ones in the store? Do I have to buy them
By Ev3rDw3ller on 04 Feb 2023 20:16
Another insight. If people aren't getting this to unlock and have everything upgraded, this might be a solution.

The Prototype Stasis Module you can collect after finishing the Premeditated Malpractice side mission sometimes doesn't show up on the table, but it is there. It is just invisible and you can pick it up if you get right up next to the table.

Hope that helps.
By ilshg on 05 Feb 2023 10:35
Adding onto what ilshg pointed out above - the Prototype Stasis Module is required for this achievement. If you upgrade your suit and every weapon to max, you will not get the achievement if you haven't completed the Premeditated Malpractice side quest and got the final reward.
By Sneaky Anderson on 15 Feb 2023 03:27
Done this near the end of New Game+. I had about 550K credits and just sold everything i could. Bought about 60 nodes and with all the nodes found i did it. I'm doing New Game + on story difficulty. Very bloody easy...
By II TH3PRO II on 21 Feb 2023 08:05
Thank you for your feedback, I have amended the guide to include the Premeditated Malpractice side mission and credited you both accordingly.

It is something I overlooked, because I completed it on my first playthough to create the guide for that achievement and didn’t think it would affect this achievement.

Thanks again!
By MIKE1989TW on 21 Feb 2023 17:58
If one plays smart, using stomp, kinesis throw, stasis and meele, you'll be swimming on extra ammo and health, just like the original. I'm halfway through the third chapter and my RIG, Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle are already at 50%ish of upgrades, each. And i'm on hard. Once you're comfortable with combat, try to sell surplus ammo and buying power nodes as much as possible. I usually keep two stacks of ammo for each weapon on my inventory and sell everything else.
By Maverick Hiro on 26 Feb 2023 18:04
Could’ve done w/o that last bit of info. Who gaf what you condone? Lol
By Sin Cudi on 27 Feb 2023 12:31
I’ve actually done both across two accounts.. I can’t remember which was which though, it was a while ago.. but for the sake of avoiding any arguments, I’ve removed the last paragraph, although I do think DS is a game well worth doing legitimately..

Except for some of the weapons lol, I found many to be a grind..
By MIKE1989TW on 27 Feb 2023 19:01
Okay, so apparently you won’t get the achievement if you upgrade all of your weapons but theyre sitting in your storage in the shop. I was on my first new game plus run and was doing the “one gun” achievement so I had all other weapons in storage while also upgrading them at the same time. I read someone’s comment on Reddit that mentioned that it wont pop if you’re upgrading the weapons in the bench but they're in your storage. So I now have to reset the nodes on each weapon in storage and put them back on to see if that’ll get the achievement to pop.
By Just Skillfulll on 14 Mar 2023 09:40
I unlocked just fine on my NG+ with just the plasma cutter in my inventory. All other weapons were on the storage and the cutter was already maxed out on my first run.
By Maverick Hiro on 28 Mar 2023 16:13
Yeah the guide should be updated to say you can easily do this in two runs.
I’ve done a fresh game and the new game plus mode on medium. Bought more nodes than I had to so I’ve finished the second playthrough with everything upgraded, a couple of spare nodes, over 100k cash left and a full storage which also contains two pengs worth 30k each. There’s no need for any duplication exploits as other solutions have mentioned. Now I’ve done two playthroughs I only have the impossible mode achievement left. As long as you do your runs fairly thoroughly there is no point in stressing over this.
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 09 Apr 2023 22:50
To add on to my first comment, I tried to reset and replace all nodes on that NG+ run to unlock the achievement and it did not work. It’s not because my weapons were in my storage, the achievement literally just did not unlock for me and the only reason there could be is it was a glitch. So now I’ve unlocked all other achievements and I'm on my 4th and final run to see if it’ll unlock.
By Just Skillfulll on 17 Apr 2023 02:57
Hey Just Skill I had the same problem. I went back and did the module quest again and as soon as it completed the achievement unlocked.

Here is the video:
By Nazule80 on 17 Apr 2023 04:49
Just to echo what THE FIRST 0RDER said - if you're thorough you can get every achievement (apart from Impossible difficulty) in 2 playthroughs.
Getting towards the end of my NG+ Medium difficulty run now and I had enough power nodes to upgrade everything by the time I returned from the Valor after Chapter 9.
If you explore thoroughly (which you'll have to do for a bunch of the other achievements) and mainly spend your money on extra nodes instead of buying ammo/consumables/health then you should easily be able to get enough nodes to upgrade everything by the end of a NG+ playthrough.
By Catatonic Nali on 18 Apr 2023 09:35
All power nodes location
By Savenal on 04 Jul 2023 10:13
I was able to do this in about 1.5 playthroughs. Sell everything and only buy Power Nodes from the store. To help with extra money, in your second playthrough, you should only carry two weapons: the Force Gun and a second weapon of choice (pick them up from the first store you come across). This forces the game to drop a lot of Force Gun ammo which sells for $6,000 per full stack, making purchasing extra nodes more manageable.
By Valiant Phoenix on 15 Jul 2023 09:31
I used the Force Gun ammo strategy as well and wrapped this up on Chapter 7 of NG+ or so. Simply having the Force Gun in your inventory also does not void the Plasma Cutter achievement, so you can get that in one swoop.
By Ich Bin Viele on 24 Nov 2023 08:07
Thanks for the force gun tips! Will be doing that in my NG+ alongside the Plasma Cutter! Thanks everyone.
By WeAwokenTheHive on 04 Jan 2024 12:07
Thanks for the force gun tips! Will be doing that in my NG+ alongside the Plasma Cutter! Thanks everyone.
By WeAwokenTheHive on 05 Jan 2024 13:09
I didn't see anyone else mention it, but in addition to the Force Gun trick, there's an infinite credit glitch involving the Pulse Rifle provided you have around 10 nodes and a few grand in credits to start with. Doesn't work if you're doing a Plasma Cutter only run I assume but it's another way to generate money, especially if you're on your first playthrough.

Pulse Rifle alt-fire drops 25 ammo when if you launch a grenade somewhere on the floor nearby an upgrade bench and then disarm it. Every time you upgrade the Pulse Rifle's capacity, it gives you some ammo to use for free. Shoot as many grenades as you can, and then when you run out of ammo, upgrade the capacity further to get more free ammo, use that ammo to shoot more grenades onto the floor. Once you have all the capacity upgrades you can get, you can reset the upgrade tree for 5k credits, get the nodes back, and start over again. Every single grenade you've placed and turned into a stack of pulse rifle rounds can be picked up and then sold for a few grand each.

If you have a bench with a store nearby, you can place all your items except for the Pulse Rifle in your storage and build up several stacks of ammo to turn around and sell. The level 5 suit has enough inventory room to get 4, maybe 5 cycles of this trick. Then when your inventory is about to be full, empty it out and start over again.

Granted, this trick only goes so far. I can build up a small warchest in case I run low on ammo or health, but it'll take a LONG time (HOURS of doing this trick) to be able to afford all 189 nodes MIKE mentioned above, and the weapon upgrades, etc.
By Flame Sama on 16 May 2024 04:29
If you plan to do this during your NG+ playthrough - there is a perfect spot for the infinite ammo trick just before the final boss battle. This will save you a lot of time as there are quite a few nodes and semiconductors in Chapter 12.
By somethingi on 29 May 2024 02:59
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This achievement is awarded for fully upgrading your suit and every weapon in the game. There are 189 Power Nodes required in total but there are only 67 to find in a single playthrough, therefore, you will need to complete the game at least twice (required anyway), or possibly into a third playthough until you have enough Power Nodes. This must be done on New Game Plus to retain your progress.

Depending on how you play and whether you would like to play New Game Plus again for fun after gaining this achievement, you can sell everything for credits and purchase extra Power Nodes.

Despite being awarded additional Power Nodes and credits for each completion, it will still take time. This is what you are required to do:


- Find every weapon in the game and receive the Full Arsenal achievement. These are found in Chapters 2 through to 6 and are not easy to miss. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Full Arsenal: Credit to MrWilliamThor for the guide.

- Complete the side mission, ‘You Are Not Authorised’ and receive the Full Clearance achievement. This will give you access to all restricted areas of the USG Ishimura required to find every weapon upgrade. Please note, if you gain access to all areas and fail to find all weapon upgrades on your current playthough, you need to do this again on the next playthough. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Full Clearance: Credit to Vexxol for the guide.

Edit: November 2023. After completing a new playthough, gaining the master clearance and then starting a NG+, the access to restricted “Master” areas was retained. I still didn’t have access to rooms above my clearance level but could enter master areas. Likely part of a recent MOTIVE update. Anyway, you can check your clearance on the RIG.

- Find every weapon upgrade and receive the achievement Built to Order. As mentioned above, you will need Full Clearance to gain access to all areas. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Built to Order: Credit to ThePoopGhost for the guide and HarryNinetyFour for the video.


Purchase all suits. Each new suit you purchase will open more RIG upgrade options at the Bench. The final suit is the Level 6 suit, which is a USM Valor, white military suit and is available in the Store after completing the game for 99K credits.

You cannot buy the final ‘Level 6’ suit until you have purchased all the other suits before it, you have to purchase them all in order. Doing a New Game Plus from your Impossible playthough and using the Burnished suit, will not allow you to bypass buying all the suits either.

Below is a list of all suits if you have not found them already:

- Level 1 suit is the one you are wearing at the start of the game.

- Level 2 suit is available in the Store after completing Chapter 1 for 10K credits.

- Level 3 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 4. It is located in a side room called the EVA Prep Room on your way to the ADS Canons, where you need to go outside of the USG Ishimura and calibrate the Canons. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 20K credits.

- Level 4 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 7. After speaking to Nicole at the end of the gondola, it can be found in the Equipment Workshop where the SOS Beacon is located. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 35K credits.

- Level 5 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 10. At the start of the Chapter, you will need to enter the Zero-G Basketball area (fancy a game?), to collect the Power Cell and activate the elevator. Hopefully on your way to it you will have passed through the Standard Bathrooms but not, it is directly ahead of you as you leave the Zero-G Basketball area. The Schematic is on a bench in this room. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 60K credits.

- Level 6 suit is available in the Store after completing the game and starting a New Game Plus playthough. It costs 99K credits.

If you would benefit from a visual guide to the Suit Schematics, please see the Merchant achievement. Credit to Darth Tigore for the guide.


The Premeditated Malpractice side mission must also be completed to gain this achievement. Completing the mission will give you the Prototype Stasis Module upon completion. You will only need to complete this mission once, regardless if it is your first playthrough or New Game Plus. Please refer to the achievement Final Regeneration, which I have a guide for. Credit to ilshg and Sneaky Anderson for pointing this out.

Good luck!

02 Feb 2023 12:01

Hey Just Skill I had the same problem. I went back and did the module quest again and as soon as it completed the achievement unlocked.

Here is the video:
By Nazule80 on 17 Apr 2023 04:49
I have reworded it for clarity. If you already have the Level 6 suit, you don’t need to do anything more on this section, just upgrade the RIG to max at the Bench.

You cannot complete the game on Impossible Difficulty and then wear the Burnished suit to max out your RIG; some people have suggested you can, but you can’t.

The Burnished suit does not affect this achievement and is not required.
By MIKE1989TW on 03 Feb 2023 15:57
This bit you mentioned I find confusing, can you please clarify further?

‘You cannot buy the Level 6 suit until you have purchased all the other suits before it. This includes doing a New Game Plus from Impossible difficulty and gaining the Burnished suit. All suits must be purchased in order.’

This sounds like you are saying we need to complete Impossibile difficulty and gain the Burnished suit? Is this what you mean?

I’ve completed a Normal playthrough, I’ve started NG+ and I have bought the Level 6 White suit. I think I just need to max everything out for this cheevo, or do I need the Burnished suit that you mention too?

My plan was to do NG+ Plasma Cutter playthrough, max everything out and then sell the game. I will save the Impossible playthrough for when the game hits Game Pass Ultimate via. EA Play. Certainly not keen on 3 playthroughs back to back.
By Waynimus on 03 Feb 2023 15:47
I would suggest keeping the force gun in your inventory for the ammo stacks. A full stack is worth 6k I just sold these constantly during my plasma cutter run. I had 680,000 credits at the end of chapter 11 and bought 68 nodes to finish upgrading my weapons.
By Ayek Jayk on 04 Feb 2023 03:27
I’ve got all collected schematics for the weapons but haven’t bought any in the store (doing plasma cutter achievement first) Do they disappear in new game plus? The ones in the store? Do I have to buy them
By Ev3rDw3ller on 04 Feb 2023 20:16
Another insight. If people aren't getting this to unlock and have everything upgraded, this might be a solution.

The Prototype Stasis Module you can collect after finishing the Premeditated Malpractice side mission sometimes doesn't show up on the table, but it is there. It is just invisible and you can pick it up if you get right up next to the table.

Hope that helps.
By ilshg on 05 Feb 2023 10:35
Adding onto what ilshg pointed out above - the Prototype Stasis Module is required for this achievement. If you upgrade your suit and every weapon to max, you will not get the achievement if you haven't completed the Premeditated Malpractice side quest and got the final reward.
By Sneaky Anderson on 15 Feb 2023 03:27
Done this near the end of New Game+. I had about 550K credits and just sold everything i could. Bought about 60 nodes and with all the nodes found i did it. I'm doing New Game + on story difficulty. Very bloody easy...
By II TH3PRO II on 21 Feb 2023 08:05
Thank you for your feedback, I have amended the guide to include the Premeditated Malpractice side mission and credited you both accordingly.

It is something I overlooked, because I completed it on my first playthough to create the guide for that achievement and didn’t think it would affect this achievement.

Thanks again!
By MIKE1989TW on 21 Feb 2023 17:58
If one plays smart, using stomp, kinesis throw, stasis and meele, you'll be swimming on extra ammo and health, just like the original. I'm halfway through the third chapter and my RIG, Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle are already at 50%ish of upgrades, each. And i'm on hard. Once you're comfortable with combat, try to sell surplus ammo and buying power nodes as much as possible. I usually keep two stacks of ammo for each weapon on my inventory and sell everything else.
By Maverick Hiro on 26 Feb 2023 18:04
Could’ve done w/o that last bit of info. Who gaf what you condone? Lol
By Sin Cudi on 27 Feb 2023 12:31
I’ve actually done both across two accounts.. I can’t remember which was which though, it was a while ago.. but for the sake of avoiding any arguments, I’ve removed the last paragraph, although I do think DS is a game well worth doing legitimately..

Except for some of the weapons lol, I found many to be a grind..
By MIKE1989TW on 27 Feb 2023 19:01
Okay, so apparently you won’t get the achievement if you upgrade all of your weapons but theyre sitting in your storage in the shop. I was on my first new game plus run and was doing the “one gun” achievement so I had all other weapons in storage while also upgrading them at the same time. I read someone’s comment on Reddit that mentioned that it wont pop if you’re upgrading the weapons in the bench but they're in your storage. So I now have to reset the nodes on each weapon in storage and put them back on to see if that’ll get the achievement to pop.
By Just Skillfulll on 14 Mar 2023 09:40
I unlocked just fine on my NG+ with just the plasma cutter in my inventory. All other weapons were on the storage and the cutter was already maxed out on my first run.
By Maverick Hiro on 28 Mar 2023 16:13
Yeah the guide should be updated to say you can easily do this in two runs.
I’ve done a fresh game and the new game plus mode on medium. Bought more nodes than I had to so I’ve finished the second playthrough with everything upgraded, a couple of spare nodes, over 100k cash left and a full storage which also contains two pengs worth 30k each. There’s no need for any duplication exploits as other solutions have mentioned. Now I’ve done two playthroughs I only have the impossible mode achievement left. As long as you do your runs fairly thoroughly there is no point in stressing over this.
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 09 Apr 2023 22:50
To add on to my first comment, I tried to reset and replace all nodes on that NG+ run to unlock the achievement and it did not work. It’s not because my weapons were in my storage, the achievement literally just did not unlock for me and the only reason there could be is it was a glitch. So now I’ve unlocked all other achievements and I'm on my 4th and final run to see if it’ll unlock.
By Just Skillfulll on 17 Apr 2023 02:57
Just to echo what THE FIRST 0RDER said - if you're thorough you can get every achievement (apart from Impossible difficulty) in 2 playthroughs.
Getting towards the end of my NG+ Medium difficulty run now and I had enough power nodes to upgrade everything by the time I returned from the Valor after Chapter 9.
If you explore thoroughly (which you'll have to do for a bunch of the other achievements) and mainly spend your money on extra nodes instead of buying ammo/consumables/health then you should easily be able to get enough nodes to upgrade everything by the end of a NG+ playthrough.
By Catatonic Nali on 18 Apr 2023 09:35
All power nodes location
By Savenal on 04 Jul 2023 10:13
I was able to do this in about 1.5 playthroughs. Sell everything and only buy Power Nodes from the store. To help with extra money, in your second playthrough, you should only carry two weapons: the Force Gun and a second weapon of choice (pick them up from the first store you come across). This forces the game to drop a lot of Force Gun ammo which sells for $6,000 per full stack, making purchasing extra nodes more manageable.
By Valiant Phoenix on 15 Jul 2023 09:31
I used the Force Gun ammo strategy as well and wrapped this up on Chapter 7 of NG+ or so. Simply having the Force Gun in your inventory also does not void the Plasma Cutter achievement, so you can get that in one swoop.
By Ich Bin Viele on 24 Nov 2023 08:07
Thanks for the force gun tips! Will be doing that in my NG+ alongside the Plasma Cutter! Thanks everyone.
By WeAwokenTheHive on 04 Jan 2024 12:07
Thanks for the force gun tips! Will be doing that in my NG+ alongside the Plasma Cutter! Thanks everyone.
By WeAwokenTheHive on 05 Jan 2024 13:09
I didn't see anyone else mention it, but in addition to the Force Gun trick, there's an infinite credit glitch involving the Pulse Rifle provided you have around 10 nodes and a few grand in credits to start with. Doesn't work if you're doing a Plasma Cutter only run I assume but it's another way to generate money, especially if you're on your first playthrough.

Pulse Rifle alt-fire drops 25 ammo when if you launch a grenade somewhere on the floor nearby an upgrade bench and then disarm it. Every time you upgrade the Pulse Rifle's capacity, it gives you some ammo to use for free. Shoot as many grenades as you can, and then when you run out of ammo, upgrade the capacity further to get more free ammo, use that ammo to shoot more grenades onto the floor. Once you have all the capacity upgrades you can get, you can reset the upgrade tree for 5k credits, get the nodes back, and start over again. Every single grenade you've placed and turned into a stack of pulse rifle rounds can be picked up and then sold for a few grand each.

If you have a bench with a store nearby, you can place all your items except for the Pulse Rifle in your storage and build up several stacks of ammo to turn around and sell. The level 5 suit has enough inventory room to get 4, maybe 5 cycles of this trick. Then when your inventory is about to be full, empty it out and start over again.

Granted, this trick only goes so far. I can build up a small warchest in case I run low on ammo or health, but it'll take a LONG time (HOURS of doing this trick) to be able to afford all 189 nodes MIKE mentioned above, and the weapon upgrades, etc.
By Flame Sama on 16 May 2024 04:29
If you plan to do this during your NG+ playthrough - there is a perfect spot for the infinite ammo trick just before the final boss battle. This will save you a lot of time as there are quite a few nodes and semiconductors in Chapter 12.
By somethingi on 29 May 2024 02:59
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This achievement is awarded for fully upgrading your suit and every weapon in the game. There are 189 Power Nodes required in total but there are only 67 to find in a single playthrough, therefore, you will need to complete the game around 2.5 to 3 times. This must be done on New Game Plus to retain your progress.

Depending on how you play and whether you would like to play New Game Plus again for fun after gaining this achievement, you can sell everything for credits and purchase extra Power Nodes. This will reduce the gameplay time down to around 2 full playthroughs.

Despite being awarded additional Power Nodes and credits for each completion, it will still take time. This is what you are required to do:


- Find every weapon in the game and receive the Full Arsenal achievement. These are found in Chapters 2 through to 6 and are not easy to miss. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Full Arsenal: Credit to MrWilliamThor for the guide.

- Complete the side mission, ‘You Are Not Authorised’ and receive the Full Clearance achievement. This will give you access to all restricted areas of the USG Ishimura required to find every weapon upgrade. Please note, if you gain access to all areas and fail to find all weapon upgrades on your current playthough, you need to do this again on the next playthough. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Full Clearance: Credit to Vexxol for the guide.

- Find every weapon upgrade and receive the achievement Built to Order. As mentioned above, you will need Full Clearance to gain access to all areas. For a full location guide, please see the achievement Built to Order: Credit to ThePoopGhost for the guide and HarryNinetyFour for the video.


Purchase all suits. Each new suit you purchase will open more RIG upgrade options at the Bench. The final suit is the Level 6 suit, which is a USM Valor, white military suit and is available in the Store after completing the game for 99K credits.

You cannot buy the final ‘Level 6’ suit until you have purchased all the other suits before it, you have to purchase them all in order. Doing a New Game Plus from your Impossible playthough and using the Burnished suit, will not allow you to bypass buying all the suits either.

Below is a list of all suits if you have not found them already:

- Level 1 suit is the one you are wearing at the start of the game.

- Level 2 suit is available in the Store after completing Chapter 1 for 10K credits.

- Level 3 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 4. It is located in a side room called the EVA Prep Room on your way to the ADS Canons, where you need to go outside of the USG Ishimura and calibrate the Canons. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 20K credits.

- Level 4 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 7. After speaking to Nicole at the end of the gondola, it can be found in the Equipment Workshop where the SOS Beacon is located. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 35K credits.

- Level 5 suit requires a Schematic which is found in Chapter 10. At the start of the Chapter, you will need to enter the Zero-G Basketball area (fancy a game?), to collect the Power Cell and activate the elevator. Hopefully on your way to it you will have passed through the Standard Bathrooms but not, it is directly ahead of you as you leave the Zero-G Basketball area. The Schematic is on a bench in this room. Once you load the Schematic in the Store, it is available to purchase for 60K credits.

- Level 6 suit is available in the Store after completing the game and starting a New Game Plus playthough. It costs 99K credits.

If you would benefit from a visual guide to the Suit Schematics, please see the Merchant achievement. Credit to Darth Tigore for the guide.


The Premeditated Malpractice side mission must also be completed to gain this achievement. Completing the mission will give you the Prototype Stasis Module upon completion. You will only need to complete this mission once, regardless if it is your first playthrough or New Game Plus. Please refer to the achievement Final Regeneration, which I have a guide for. Credit to ilshg and Sneaky Anderson for pointing this out.

Good luck!

02 Feb 2023 12:01

I have reworded it for clarity. If you already have the Level 6 suit, you don’t need to do anything more on this section, just upgrade the RIG to max at the Bench.

You cannot complete the game on Impossible Difficulty and then wear the Burnished suit to max out your RIG; some people have suggested you can, but you can’t.

The Burnished suit does not affect this achievement and is not required.
By MIKE1989TW on 03 Feb 2023 15:57
I would suggest keeping the force gun in your inventory for the ammo stacks. A full stack is worth 6k I just sold these constantly during my plasma cutter run. I had 680,000 credits at the end of chapter 11 and bought 68 nodes to finish upgrading my weapons.
By Ayek Jayk on 04 Feb 2023 03:27
I’ve got all collected schematics for the weapons but haven’t bought any in the store (doing plasma cutter achievement first) Do they disappear in new game plus? The ones in the store? Do I have to buy them
By C3LLDW3LLER on 04 Feb 2023 20:16
Adding onto what ilshg pointed out above - the Prototype Stasis Module is required for this achievement. If you upgrade your suit and every weapon to max, you will not get the achievement if you haven't completed the Premeditated Malpractice side quest and got the final reward.
By Sneaky Anderson on 15 Feb 2023 03:27
Done this near the end of New Game+. I had about 550K credits and just sold everything i could. Bought about 60 nodes and with all the nodes found i did it. I'm doing New Game + on story difficulty. Very bloody easy...
By II TH3PRO II on 21 Feb 2023 08:05
Thank you for your feedback, I have amended the guide to include the Premeditated Malpractice side mission and credited you both accordingly.

It is something I overlooked, because I completed it on my first playthough to create the guide for that achievement and didn’t think it would affect this achievement.

Thanks again!
By MIKE1989TW on 21 Feb 2023 17:58
Could’ve done w/o that last bit of info. Who gaf what you condone? Lol
By Sin Cudi on 27 Feb 2023 12:31
I’ve actually done both across two accounts.. I can’t remember which was which though, it was a while ago.. but for the sake of avoiding any arguments, I’ve removed the last paragraph, although I do think DS is a game well worth doing legitimately..

Except for some of the weapons lol, I found many to be a grind..
By MIKE1989TW on 27 Feb 2023 19:01
Okay, so apparently you won’t get the achievement if you upgrade all of your weapons but theyre sitting in your storage in the shop. I was on my first new game plus run and was doing the “one gun” achievement so I had all other weapons in storage while also upgrading them at the same time. I read someone’s comment on Reddit that mentioned that it wont pop if you’re upgrading the weapons in the bench but they're in your storage. So I now have to reset the nodes on each weapon in storage and put them back on to see if that’ll get the achievement to pop.
By Just Skillfulll on 14 Mar 2023 09:40
I unlocked just fine on my NG+ with just the plasma cutter in my inventory. All other weapons were on the storage and the cutter was already maxed out on my first run.
By Maverick Hiro on 28 Mar 2023 16:13
Yeah the guide should be updated to say you can easily do this in two runs.
I’ve done a fresh game and the new game plus mode on medium. Bought more nodes than I had to so I’ve finished the second playthrough with everything upgraded, a couple of spare nodes, over 100k cash left and a full storage which also contains two pengs worth 30k each. There’s no need for any duplication exploits as other solutions have mentioned. Now I’ve done two playthroughs I only have the impossible mode achievement left. As long as you do your runs fairly thoroughly there is no point in stressing over this.
By THE FIRST 0RDER on 09 Apr 2023 22:50
To add on to my first comment, I tried to reset and replace all nodes on that NG+ run to unlock the achievement and it did not work. It’s not because my weapons were in my storage, the achievement literally just did not unlock for me and the only reason there could be is it was a glitch. So now I’ve unlocked all other achievements and I'm on my 4th and final run to see if it’ll unlock.
By Just Skillfulll on 17 Apr 2023 02:57
Hey Just Skill I had the same problem. I went back and did the module quest again and as soon as it completed the achievement unlocked.

Here is the video:
By Nazule80 on 17 Apr 2023 04:49
Just to echo what THE FIRST 0RDER said - if you're thorough you can get every achievement (apart from Impossible difficulty) in 2 playthroughs.
Getting towards the end of my NG+ Medium difficulty run now and I had enough power nodes to upgrade everything by the time I returned from the Valor after Chapter 9.
If you explore thoroughly (which you'll have to do for a bunch of the other achievements) and mainly spend your money on extra nodes instead of buying ammo/consumables/health then you should easily be able to get enough nodes to upgrade everything by the end of a NG+ playthrough.
By Catatonic Nali on 18 Apr 2023 09:35
All power nodes location
By Savenal on 04 Jul 2023 10:13
I was able to do this in about 1.5 playthroughs. Sell everything and only buy Power Nodes from the store. To help with extra money, in your second playthrough, you should only carry two weapons: the Force Gun and a second weapon of choice (pick them up from the first store you come across). This forces the game to drop a lot of Force Gun ammo which sells for $6,000 per full stack, making purchasing extra nodes more manageable.
By Valiant Phoenix on 15 Jul 2023 09:31
I used the Force Gun ammo strategy as well and wrapped this up on Chapter 7 of NG+ or so. Simply having the Force Gun in your inventory also does not void the Plasma Cutter achievement, so you can get that in one swoop.
By Ich Bin Viele on 24 Nov 2023 08:07
Thanks for the force gun tips! Will be doing that in my NG+ alongside the Plasma Cutter! Thanks everyone.
By WeAwokenTheHive on 04 Jan 2024 12:07
Thanks for the force gun tips! Will be doing that in my NG+ alongside the Plasma Cutter! Thanks everyone.
By WeAwokenTheHive on 05 Jan 2024 13:09
If you plan to do this during your NG+ playthrough - there is a perfect spot for the infinite ammo trick just before the final boss battle. This will save you a lot of time as there are quite a few nodes and semiconductors in Chapter 12.
By somethingi on 29 May 2024 02:59
This bit you mentioned I find confusing, can you please clarify further?

‘You cannot buy the Level 6 suit until you have purchased all the other suits before it. This includes doing a New Game Plus from Impossible difficulty and gaining the Burnished suit. All suits must be purchased in order.’

This sounds like you are saying we need to complete Impossibile difficulty and gain the Burnished suit? Is this what you mean?

I’ve completed a Normal playthrough, I’ve started NG+ and I have bought the Level 6 White suit. I think I just need to max everything out for this cheevo, or do I need the Burnished suit that you mention too?

My plan was to do NG+ Plasma Cutter playthrough, max everything out and then sell the game. I will save the Impossible playthrough for when the game hits Game Pass Ultimate via. EA Play. Certainly not keen on 3 playthroughs back to back.
By Waynimus on 03 Feb 2023 15:47
Another insight. If people aren't getting this to unlock and have everything upgraded, this might be a solution.

The Prototype Stasis Module you can collect after finishing the Premeditated Malpractice side mission sometimes doesn't show up on the table, but it is there. It is just invisible and you can pick it up if you get right up next to the table.

Hope that helps.
By ilshg on 05 Feb 2023 10:35
If one plays smart, using stomp, kinesis throw, stasis and meele, you'll be swimming on extra ammo and health, just like the original. I'm halfway through the third chapter and my RIG, Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle are already at 50%ish of upgrades, each. And i'm on hard. Once you're comfortable with combat, try to sell surplus ammo and buying power nodes as much as possible. I usually keep two stacks of ammo for each weapon on my inventory and sell everything else.
By Maverick Hiro on 26 Feb 2023 18:04
I didn't see anyone else mention it, but in addition to the Force Gun trick, there's an infinite credit glitch involving the Pulse Rifle provided you have around 10 nodes and a few grand in credits to start with. Doesn't work if you're doing a Plasma Cutter only run I assume but it's another way to generate money, especially if you're on your first playthrough.

Pulse Rifle alt-fire drops 25 ammo when if you launch a grenade somewhere on the floor nearby an upgrade bench and then disarm it. Every time you upgrade the Pulse Rifle's capacity, it gives you some ammo to use for free. Shoot as many grenades as you can, and then when you run out of ammo, upgrade the capacity further to get more free ammo, use that ammo to shoot more grenades onto the floor. Once you have all the capacity upgrades you can get, you can reset the upgrade tree for 5k credits, get the nodes back, and start over again. Every single grenade you've placed and turned into a stack of pulse rifle rounds can be picked up and then sold for a few grand each.

If you have a bench with a store nearby, you can place all your items except for the Pulse Rifle in your storage and build up several stacks of ammo to turn around and sell. The level 5 suit has enough inventory room to get 4, maybe 5 cycles of this trick. Then when your inventory is about to be full, empty it out and start over again.

Granted, this trick only goes so far. I can build up a small warchest in case I run low on ammo or health, but it'll take a LONG time (HOURS of doing this trick) to be able to afford all 189 nodes MIKE mentioned above, and the weapon upgrades, etc.
By Flame Sama on 16 May 2024 04:29
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To help with this process, Polygon found an infinite money glitch:

The more concise runthrough is as follows:
  • Shoot as many grenades as possible without reloading and then convert them to ammo using RB (by default)
  • Add another node to the Pulse Rifle’s capacity in the Weapon Bench, which will automatically refill the existing magazine.
  • Repeat previous steps until you’re out of nodes or out of inventory space
  • Sell newly created ammo at Store. Having all CAP nodes maxed out should net you 23,750 credits.
  • Reset the Pulse Rifle’s node tree with X to repeat the process.
Personally, I did this at the top of the mining elevator because there is a Store and a Weapon Bench in the same room. Even then, this process is very slow.

06 Feb 2023 23:11

1 Comment
For those curious, this still works as of 10/12/2023. Increasing capacity also refills other weapons, but Pulse Rifle is the only one to allow converting stored ammo into ammo pickups which can be sold
By Grimgolde on 12 Oct 2024 08:50

This achievement is a pain. Always look for blue and yellow cases on the wall, each one has a power node guaranteed. Do not sell your weapons, you will lose all upgrades you bought for them if you do - I had to find that out the hard way after wasting 35 nodes on them. You will need to do multiple playthroughs on the same save. You can buy power nodes at the store for 10,000 credits each too, so be sure to save up your money. Concentrate on stuff you need first then move on to weapons you don't use after. When you want to upgrade, go up to a work bench and press , then select what you want to upgrade and start popping in power nodes for each upgrade slot. 155 Power nodes are needed in total. You do not have to waste them on the empty slots. Try and go around them.

There is basically no way to do this on a single playthrough of Dead Space. Luckily, we already need to do a New Game+ playthrough to get the Trusted Contractor (50G) achievement, but it’s still not totally assured, so here is our best advice on how to approach this.

Firstly, you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled for as many Nodes as you can find. They are typically found in side rooms, down dead end corridors, or in rooms that you can backtrack to when you get a higher security clearance. They are also dropped by defeated Brutes, and unlocked when you install a weapon upgrade at the Bench (see Built To Order (30G)).

As per our Achievement Guide & Roadmap, the best way to approach this is to collect as many Nodes as you can on your first, normal playthrough, as well as the weapon upgrades and suit upgrades.

Then, when you start a New Game+ playthrough, pick Story difficulty, and only use the Plasma Cutter. Make sure to buy the Level 6 suit ASAP (you’ll need this to be able to fully upgrade it) and then spend literally any excess money you have on Nodes from the store.

Because of the ease with which you’re dispatching enemies, and Isaac’s auto-generating health, you can sell any excess health items, stasis packs, O2 canisters, and even ammunition, at the Store, to raise more sweet credits to spend on Nodes. Additionally, make sure to pick up every Node you find along the way. Even without any late game backtracking, you should be able to fully upgrade all of your weapons and your suit by Chapter 10 of NG+. If you don’t, there’s still more Nodes to be found by using the Master Security Override, and a few in Chapter 12 down on Aegis VII as well. Just keep selling things and buying Nodes until you’ve upgraded everything.
To max out your weapons and equipment, you must apply a Power Node to every circuit which improves your weapons and your RIG. You do not need to apply nodes to every empty circuit. This trophy should be achieved around Chapter 5-6 on a New Game+ playthrough.

  • 152 total nodes required for the trophy.
  • 37 nodes can be collected during a playthrough
  • 10 nodes can be received from New Game+
  • 7 nodes can be received from using cheats
  • Nodes can be purchased through stores and cost 10,000 credits each
Weapons/RIG minimum nodes:
  • 17 - Plasma Cutter
  • 15 - Pulse Rifle
  • 18 - Flamethrower
  • 17 - Line Gun
  • 17 - Ripper
  • 19 - Force Gun
  • 19 - Contact Beam
  • 15 - RIG
  • 11 - Stasis
  • 3 - Kinesis
One hint mentioned a glitch with duplication, but it duplicated (I think) 5000 credits. And you can duplicate the Peng treasure (30,000 credits). Here is a video guide:

Of course, it takes a lot of time, but it's still faster than going through the whole game again.

29 Aug 2010 18:49

Now about the statuette.

And indeed, as vsezabito said, it is better to put it near the door (you will save a lot of time), BUT! as BRAIAN noted, it really does disappear, mine disappeared after 26.

Also keep in mind when selling figurines! The maximum amount of money you can have is 999,999, sell more than this amount and you will lose credits!

And so, having all the goods that I listed above and 22 statues (4 I sold over the Max Credits and they were sold in vain) I had enough - BUY the missing weapons, UPGRADE all the equipment and all the weapons; and there is still some left! Plus in Chapter 12 you will find 2 more Power Blocks and items that can be sold! That is, you do not have to collect 50+ of these statues to upgrade... well, that's it
By TuxoSV on 14 Oct 2012 07:42
Don't run to the statue as shown in the video clip, you can pick it up near the gate, it will save time, find the maximum distance with kinesis and drag it over the fence with kinesis, you'll still have to get through.
By Uncle__Misha on 01 Nov 2015 16:48 The fastest way to make a figurine)) I did it myself using this method, everything was quick and easy
By VOLcOM on 14 Mar 2016 20:02
I can say that this trophy is not difficult at all! If you do everything correctly from the beginning, well, and of course Duplication helped.

Here are some tips:

  • If you are playing on an easy level, with a Cutter and using codes, you should have quite a lot of extra items (first aid kits, ammo, oxygen, stasis). Sell the ones you don't need, and put the first aid kits and ammo for the cutter in the Safe;
  • Save, slow down enemies with Stasis and then cut off their limbs with aimed shots, get out of trouble less;
  • Insert Power Blocks into the doors, the contents will pay for themselves;
  • Don't miss boxes with valuable contents.

So, as a result, by Chapter 11, periodically buying Power blocks, I already had fully upgraded X, Stasis, Kinesis, and Cutter; 320 thousand credits; 3 Power blocks and a full Safe of goodness for a total of 150 thousand. Note that I passed on the Average level. Note that I passed on the Average level of difficulty and sometimes allowed myself to shoot machine gun bursts.
By TuxoSV on 25 Sep 2012 19:11
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One tip mentioned a duplication glitch, but there were (I think) 5000 credits duplicated. Or you can duplicate the Peng treasure (30,000 credits). Here is a video guide:

Of course, this takes a lot of time, but it’s still faster than going through the entire game again.

29 Aug 2010 18:49

4 Comments The fastest way to put on a figurine)) I did everything quickly and easily using this method myself
By VOLcOM on 14 Mar 2016 20:02
Do not run to the figurine as shown in the video clip. You can pick it up near the gate, it will save time, use kinesis to find the maximum distance and use kinesis to drag it through the fence, you can climb through anyway.
By Uncle__Misha on 01 Nov 2015 16:48
I can say that this trophy is not difficult at all! If you do everything correctly from the beginning, well, of course Duplication helped.

Here are some tips:

  • If you go through on an easy level, with a Cutter and use codes, then you should have quite a lot of extra items left (first aid kits, cartridges, oxygen, stasis). Sell ​​those you don’t need, and put first aid kits and cutter cartridges in the Safe;
  • Save money, slow down enemies with Stasis and then cut off their limbs with targeted shots, try less to get involved;
  • Insert Power Blocks into the doors, the contents will pay for themselves;
  • Don't miss boxes with valuable contents.

So, in the end, by 11th century, periodically buying Sil. blocks, I already had X, Stasis, Kinesis, and Cutter fully upgraded; 320 thousand loans; 3 strength block and a full safe of goods totaling 150 thousand. Let me note that I took it at Intermediate Level. I daresay I passed at the Intermediate level. difficulties and at times allowed himself to shoot with automatic bursts.
By TuxoSV on 25 Sep 2012 19:11
Now about the figurine.

Indeed, as vsezabito said, it’s better to put it near the door (you’ll save a lot of time), BUT! as BRAIAN noted, it really disappears, for me it disappeared after 26.

Also keep this in mind when selling figurines! The maximum limited amount of money you can have is 999,999, sell in excess of this amount and lose credits!

And so, having all the good things, the cat. I listed above and 22 figurines (4 I sold in excess of the Max Number of Credits and they were sold for nothing) was enough for me - BUY the missing weapons, UPGRADE all the equipment and all the weapons; and there's still more left! Plus in ch. 12 you will still find 2 Strength. Block and objects cat. you can sell it! That is, you don’t have to get 50+ of these figurines to level up... that’s okay
By TuxoSV on 14 Oct 2012 07:42
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Yes, this is the easiest and fastest way:

I piled up a bunch of 50 pieces - nothing was buggy. True, you can significantly speed up the process: When you take out the figurine from below, do not carry it immediately into the room, leave it in front of the first doorway after the bridge (the opening where the doors are open) without moving the threshold (threshold line, of course you can further away from him, but the closer, the more convenient) Then, as in the video, open the door, run into the room, open the next door and run a little to the right around the corner along the corridor until you hear a certain sound - come back. Now the figure will be duplicated in the place where you found it put - Just open the door, use kinesis to drag the figurine into the room (no more running across the bridge and waiting for the door to open), well, as described and as in the video, open the door again, run around the corner, come back, open the door behind which the figurine is, pull it into the room with kinesis , and repeat again until you get enough When you can safely grab them into your backpack (but not before, because if you take them, a new figure will stop appearing) You don’t have to carry them on the elevator either, the main thing is to throw them from the first room behind the door to the corridor in front by the elevator (if you leave it in the room, the figures will disappear while you go down the elevator) They won’t disappear from the corridor. You can, in principle, transfer everything from the backpack to the safe and carry them from the corridor in batches of 25 pieces to the store. I think it will take about 20 minutes to upgrade all the weapons.

Note: to receive a prize, you need to pump up to the maximum not only X, stasis, kinesis and the 4 weapons you have with you, but also the 3 weapons that are in the safe. Do not sell weapons because along with the weapon you are selling all the upgrades for it. Empty nodes can be bypassed, although if you use this method you may not save money)))

24 Mar 2011 14:27

This method does not work entirely correctly, but it works as soon as you train 20-25+ figurines. The figurine that is duplicated in front of the doorway disappears and that’s it. This is the end. You will either have to reload the saves or use the old method, which is the most proven. Let it be longer.
By BRAIAN on 22 Jul 2012 19:58
There is a glitch! But not critical.

You just need to run a little further - out the door. Go through the door. Let it close completely. Then come back out and hear your sound.
By fry1979 on 13 Oct 2012 14:38
I will add two points of my own:

1) You can grab the next PENG by taking just a few steps from the hangar door; to do this, aim in its direction and slightly up. Next, raise the PENG to a level above the railing near you, and while it flies towards you, move your back, when it flies up, turn around. It is important that it is attracted BEFORE turning around for the simple reason that having already accumulated half of it, I began to act less thoughtfully, picked up another PENG, turned around, walked to the door, and PENG fell through the textures under the floor...

2) When you have accumulated a bunch of PENG near the first door, unload everything from the backpack and fill the figurines! With a level 5 suit, you will only have to drag about 5-10 figurines, depending on how many you have accumulated, this will reduce the time, and nothing will fail! By the way, you can handle PENGs roughly) Throw them with kinesis to reduce the time of tugging.
By Umbra on 19 Apr 2014 07:18
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