Dead Space

Dead Space

47 Achievements

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Pack Rat

Pack Rat

Place 25 items in Storage.

How to unlock the Pack Rat achievement in Dead Space - Definitive Guide

You can unlock this achievement at the beginning of NG+ due to everything is in storage when you start the game back up. I had the dlc suits and all weapons except the plasma cutter in the storage. At the end of the game you definitely can get tons of loot drops. Don’t panic if you can’t get it during your first play through! :)

31 Jan 2023 06:36

Hmmm… I have 36 items in my stockage and no achievement… I don’t understand…
By Dobermann X on 15 Feb 2024 22:54
I've heard ammo stacks and if you've got 25 plasma pickups for example they only count as one item, don't know if that's also true for med packs and stasis packs though.
By vexer6 on 18 Feb 2024 02:03
I had really 36 slots used, but the achievement was unlocked here and on the Xbox app but not on my Xbox… it disappeared (without popping) 2 days later. I had the issue with 3-4 achievements I got almost at the same time, so I just had to wait for it.
By Dobermann X on 18 Feb 2024 02:06
For some reason i can't comment on the others solutions, so i write here. I don't know if it's bugged in a good way or i just got lucky, because i unlocked it on ch.4 and with a lv.2 suit.

Maybe it's intended as dropping 25 unique items in the storage and it doesn't matter if you do it all at once so you don't even need 25 slots in the first place?
While progressing in the game i noticed that after upgrading to lv.3 suit i got 6 more storage slots and on top of that, another 6 after a short while (36 total) when i brought back to the store tons of schematics.
So my theory is that storage slots depends on many factors: suits upgrades, story progressions and most important how many schematics/items you found and so how many items you can buy in the shop. The more shop items you have the more storage slots you get.
By I Boz l on 28 Oct 2023 11:37
I don't know if this is difficulty specific but I was able to earn this achievement in Chapter 2 on Story. The game expands the slots automatically if you put in too much. It is only the question of having 25 things to put in. Depending on the loot this might be possible in Chapter 1 if you stomp everyone you can and conserve ammo.
By HUN playmore on 05 Nov 2023 13:17
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There must be 25 items in storage at the same time to earn the trophy. You can gradually put the items you don't need in the store as the game progresses, instead of selling them. You'll often find ammo for weapons you don't actually use, or have an abundance of ammo and healing items on the lower difficulties. Valuables such as circuit boards have no use other than selling for credits, so they can also be temporarily accumulated in the warehouse. Notice: Ammo stacks in inventory and storage. For example, with Plasmacutter ammo, 25 rounds occupy one slot in the inventory or storage. Additional ammo will create a new stack. This is then an item/stack; the 25 shots are not counted as 25 items. All other items do not stack and occupy one slot per item.

27 Jan 2023 03:36

Pretty important to note that the deluxe version comes with 6 outfits that counts towards this. You can also hoard some money, save the game, by stuff to store for it to unlock, and then load the save back so you don't have to commit to the purchases.
By Maka91 on 27 Jan 2023 06:40
I only have 15 slots available currently so I’m going to assume that can be increased as I go on.
By Anthony Q Davis on 27 Jan 2023 20:45
it's more like 15, it will automatically expand when it's over.
By XExtr3mgamer on 27 Jan 2023 21:42
When does the storage size increase to 25?
By Mr Evil 37 on 30 Jan 2023 17:33
it increases when you reach your limit.
By vexer6 on 18 Feb 2024 02:01
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This is not a hard trophy. Just store 25 items in the safe at the store, you can get this trophy as early as Chapter 2.
At one of the in-game stores, you’ll need to move 25 items from your Inventory into Storage. You can’t just move one item back and forth 25 times, however. Instead, you need to have 25 items in storage at once.

Early in Dead Space, you’re unlikely to have 25 items to move over into storage. However, by the time you’ve collected all of your weapons, and upgraded your suit to level four or five, you should be a lot closer to being able to complete this.

If you’re following our Achievement Guide & Roadmap, then this is easiest done on your Story difficulty New Game+ run, since you can move any health items, Status packs, and O2 canisters straight into storage as soon as you get them. Keep doing this until you get the achievement, and then immediately sell them all, and spend the credits on more Nodes to upgrade your weapons.

If your playing on easy, put everything in the bank except for ammo for one gun you like, and one or two med packs. Keep finding anything you can and then go to the store and move each item from your inventory to the bank. Keep doing this throughout the playthrough and you'll get it in no time.

The Storage tab only holds 18 items during your first playthrough. However, once you start a New Game Plus, most of your stuff goes to Storage. It should pop just as you gain control of Isaac at the beginning of the game.

29 Oct 2023 05:11

This trophy will be obtained if you have 25 items in your safe, so you won't get the trophy if you just have 25 items in your safe.

Since I completed the game first on difficulty, then on maximum, I didn’t have so many extra items to reach 25 at least once (essentially, this is the capacity of your inventory with the 5th protective suit), but I fulfilled this condition during obtaining the “Full Arsenal” trophy using a glitch with duplication of PENG figurines. I had over fifty of them, so before I sold them, and with their help, I instantly got a trophy that required some saving.

Another method (use closer to the middle of the game, when your weapons are already sufficiently upgraded): save, sell all your weapons, use this money to buy the cheapest items that occupy one cell (for example, small first aid kits) and put them in the safe. When you get the trophy, boot up - all the weapons will be in place, and the trophy has already been received.

13 Jun 2011 15:48

Just put everything you have in the save that is located at the store and you will receive this trophy.

05 May 2009 10:23