Dead Space

Dead Space

47 Achievements

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Kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun.

How to unlock the Pusher achievement in Dead Space - Definitive Guide

If you are a bit like me and prefer playing Dead Space with just one or two weapons, getting 30 kills with each one can seem like a bit of a grind. There are two easy ways to speed up the process though:

- A Swarm is found at various points throughout the game and they can also be triggered by shooting a Pregnant and splitting open its pouch, releasing Swarms. Swarms are clusters of (well, I don’t know) but they try to leech onto your back. Each one is counted as a kill and there tends to be 7-10 at a time. The Force Gun kills them in one and is very efficient at it.

- Tentacles are the Necromorphs that are attached to the wall and spew out an immobile tentacle that will shoot at you. Keep your distance and kill each tentacle it spews out with your desired weapon. It will continue to spew them out until you kill the one on the wall. Stock up with ammo and kill each one until the achievement unlocks, swap weapon or continue on with your playthrough. Tentacles are not good for kills with the Force Gun, as one shot will likely destroy the one on the wall. To avoid this being too much of a grind, carry a couple of weapons with you and then swap them out at the store and move onto the next occasion you run into one.

Please be aware that reloading you save will void your kills. You must continue through the game. Credit to DE4N MUFC for advising.

Good luck!

29 Jan 2023 18:00

I wonder if it can't be done in new game +?... No, that's no it... I did my first run through doing the one gun achievement so the other kill 30 all unlocked fine in ng+
By fbidave on 06 Jan 2024 00:05
It has to be said that reloading a save does not help towards weapon kills, it has to be done as you progress on the same save file.
By DE4N MUFC on 30 Jan 2023 09:46
I have been using this gun for freaking ages and would have to have over 100 kill with it. No achievement. Anybody else in this pedicament?
By II TH3PRO II on 12 Feb 2023 01:42
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The Force Gun is extremely useful for stripping the flesh off of a necromorph, making it easier to cut off their limbs with other weapons. However, because of its usefulness as a “support” weapon, you might find that you don’t end up actually finishing off thirty enemies with the Force Gun in a single playthrough.

Because of this, one of the best ways to rack up kills with it is to utilise its AOE to quickly kill lots of smaller enemies. You can make sure to shoot any bloated Pregnant necromorphs that you come across in the stomach with your Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle, unleashing lots of small Swarmer enemies. Quickly switch to the Force Gun and use it to kill the Swarmers, quickly racking up kills with minimal ammo use.

Like all of the “Kill 30 enemies” achievements, this can be farmed once you reach a Guardian enemy. These wall-mounted foes spit out smaller enemies that can be killed quickly and easily, so you can keep the Guardian alive and use your chosen weapon to kill the little tentacle blobs that it spawns. However, given the Force Gun’s low ammunition count, using it to kill multiple Swarmers tends to be the more efficient way to farm this achievement.

A final option is to start a New Game+ on Story difficulty, starting from the beginning with all weapons available to you, and easily killing any enemies you come across with your weapon of choice to mop up the achievements.

Looks a lot like the Half Life Gravity Gun and works a lot like it too, but you can pick up objects with it. Works best up close.

The Force Gun is unmatched when it comes to close-range combat. When a Necromorph comes at you, simply fire the Force Gun and the blast will cut off its limbs and knock the unlucky foe to the floor.
DLC weapons do not positively or negatively affect weapon kill trophies in any way.
The power pistol is a very good weapon, essentially a shotgun. It is very convenient against a group of enemies when they are running or simply advancing in large numbers - from a shot they are thrown back by a shock wave and all limbs receive damage.

The power pistol is very good to use against guards - the shots cause damage to all limbs at once - there is no need to cut off each one separately. Freeze the guard with stasis, and when approaching him, shoot until all his limbs fall off, but don’t get too close, otherwise he will kill you in one hit.

To use a power pistol against lurkers, wait for them to stick out their claws so they can take damage. But for them this weapon is not very effective - a laser rifle or plasma cutter is much better.

Considering how good and effective this weapon is, it’s very easy to get 30 kills with it, so I advise you to just use it when necessary, as well as to weaken opponents in order to kill them with a weaker weapon needed for the trophy, because you don’t need a specific weapon to count a kill deal damage only to the killed enemy - the weapon with which the last blow was dealt is counted... And only after receiving all the trophies for killings, purposefully use only the power pistol.

13 Jun 2011 16:48

1 Comment
The power pistol is a really useful thing. Especially if you remember about the alternative fire mode - “grenade launcher”. So, the “grenade launcher” takes out regular lurkers in two shots on Impossible difficulty, and you don’t have to wait for open limbs. One minus - you need to aim well.
It works well against black necromorphs and soldiers: we throw it back with a force wave and throw grenades, excuse me, in the crotch to damage the legs. But don't forget about the blast wave from the grenades!
Along with the Plasma Cutter and Line Gun, this is my favorite weapon in DS1.
By Kliment on 01 Sep 2015 07:12