Dead Space

Dead Space

48 Achievements



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Big Spender

Big Spender

Spend 300,000 credits at the store


How to unlock the Big Spender achievement in Dead Space - Definitive Guide

This achievement is cumulative, which means you do not have to save up to 300,000 credits and spend it all at once. You can keep spending money with whatever amount you have and when it adds up to 300,000 it will unlock.

You will get this trophy as you progress through the game. Just sell anything that you don’t need and put that money towards useful store purchases like suits, Power Nodes, ammo or health packs. I unlocked this trophy on Chapter 4.
This is a cumulative trophy. Which means you don't have to save up 200,000 credits and spend them all at once. Just buy things in the store and by the end of the game you will most likely reach the required number, especially considering the minimum 122,000 that you will have to spend on nodes to improve weapons.

05 May 2009 10:24