Dead Space

Dead Space

48 Achievements



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Collect 8 schematics


How to unlock the Merchant achievement in Dead Space - Definitive Guide

There are 13 schematics in the game, but the achievement unlocked at 12. This is likely a developer decision not to punish players who miss the Large Med Pack in Chapter 9. If the achievement doesn't pop after the 12th schematic, head to Chapter 10 and grab the Advanced Engineering Rig (Suit Level 5) from the Bathrooms in Crew Quarters.
  1. 00:00 - Chapter 2: Pulse Rounds - Coolant Pipelines
  2. 00:27 - Chapter 2: Stasis Pack - Main Lab Changing Room
  3. 00:42 - Chapter 3: Medium Med Pack - After Decontamination Room
  4. 01:02 - Chapter 3: Ripper Blades - After Flamethrower on 2nd Floor
  5. 01:20 - Chapter 3: Flamethrower Fuel - Engine Room
  6. 01:34 - Chapter 4: Intermediate Engineer Rig - EVA Prep Room
  7. 01:54 - Chapter 5: Line Racks - Dr. B. Warwick's Office
  8. 02:12 - Chapter 6: Force Energy - Air Filtration Tower
  9. 02:33 - Chapter 7: Contact Energy - Deck B Locked Office
  10. 02:59 - Chapter 7: Intermediate Miner Rig - Equipment Workshop
  11. 03:14 - Chapter 8: Oxygen Tank - Platform Storage
  12. 03:40 - Chapter 9: Large Med Pack - USM Valor Infirmary
  13. Chapter 10: Advanced Engineering Rig - Standard Bathrooms in Crew Quarters
You can check your progress in the store. You should see these 13 consumables for sale and you should be wearing suit level 5.
  1. Small Med Pack (not a schematic)
  2. Medium Med Pack
  3. Large Med Pack
  4. Stasis Pack
  5. Oxygen Tank
  6. Plasma Energy (not a schematic)
  7. Pulse Rounds
  8. Ripper Blades
  9. Flamethrower Fuel
  10. Contact Energy
  11. Line Racks
  12. Force Energy
  13. Power Node (not a schematic)

30 Jan 2023 05:15

Very helpful. Thx.
By SubtleMilk183 on 04 Feb 2023 14:59
Again, thx man!
By SubtleMilk183 on 07 Feb 2023 14:42
I have everything EXCEPT the Large Med Pack, no achievement for me! From my point of view, this achievement is missable, so beware!
By elefantenmensch on 09 Feb 2023 21:51
^ Not missable when you can get it on NG+.
By II TH3PRO II on 11 Feb 2023 06:48
One note: The achievement does not unlock after you have collected any 12 of the 13 schematics.
It will however unlock if you have collected all schematics except for large med pack.
By Nammot1 on 07 Mar 2023 06:08
Got the same issue as some others. Have everything except the large med pack and the achievement didn't pop for me.

I feel like I'm missing a suit. I have definitely have the three that are listed in the guide, but when I check my storage I see the legacy rig and suit levels 1 to 4, I'm also not able to access all the upgrades in the bench which seems to confirm this. I've been back to the three locations in the guide for the intermediate engineering, intermediate mining and advanced engineering rig and they've defo been picked up.

What have I missed?
By Jay8ee on 22 Mar 2023 12:39
Oxygen tank one gave me problems. Thought it was in Comms with chapter 8, but it's back in engineering

Edit: You can get the oxygen tank as soon as chapter 4 when you reach the bridge and get level 2 clearance
By BigBanjo K on 22 Apr 2023 20:26
I've got everything except the large med pack, including suits 1-6, and no achievement
By NegativeCreep08 on 04 Nov 2023 11:26
Almost at the end of first play through with level 5 suit and all schematics except for the large med pack. No achievement. Very glad I'm planning to rush through on story/easy for contractor on NG+!
By JymGB on 02 Dec 2023 13:21
@Tozi Tiberius - you know you can edit the playback speed of YT videos, right?
By IVIr IVIeNsA on 10 Dec 2023 09:47
Oddly enough, I have everything in the shop with lvl 5 suit and it didn't pop, I'll wait until NG+ then
By Shad0w hun1er on 16 Dec 2023 01:53
Thanks! I only missed air tank and the line racks and after grabbing the latter the cheevo popped.
By TheBongoFury on 27 Dec 2023 13:17
As said previously, it's not any 12, it's the 12 excluding the large med pack. Also, I'm not sure how anyone could miss the large med pack on the Valour anyway, was there a bug at some point?
By x RepoUK x on 31 Dec 2023 12:56
Great! I was missing one and this helped me. Thank you =)
By spegelbilder on 02 Jan 2024 17:02
It's probably worth amending the solution because you absolutely need the Large med pack as I have everything else but no achievement.
By Yazite on 08 Feb 2024 19:56
Just had mine pop before I got all suits, so thats cool
By Aura of Heroism on 18 Feb 2024 10:35
This guide helps a lot for knowing which chapter to find each schematic in. I just wish the video wasn't at x2 speed so it was easier to follow.
By Tozi Tiberius on 02 Apr 2023 15:37
Have everything except large med pack, and suit level 5 but no chievo.

Guess you actually do need the large med pack to unlock the chievo.

EDIT: So starting a NG+, even though I had the Oxygen Tank as a consumable in the shop previous play through, it wasn't there on NG+. Not sure why this happened.
By AdrianH LIVE on 16 Dec 2023 16:22
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There are 13 schematics in the game, but the achievement unlocked at 12. This is likely a developer decision not to punish players who miss the Large Med Pack in Chapter 9. If the trophy doesn't pop after the 12th schematic, head to Chapter 10 and grab the Advanced Engineering Rig (Suit Level 5) from the Bathrooms in Crew Quarters.
  1. 00:00 - Chapter 2: Pulse Rounds - Coolant Pipelines
  2. 00:27 - Chapter 2: Stasis Pack - Main Lab Changing Room
  3. 00:42 - Chapter 3: Medium Med Pack - After Decontamination Room
  4. 01:02 - Chapter 3: Ripper Blades - After Flamethrower on 2nd Floor
  5. 01:20 - Chapter 3: Flamethrower Fuel - Engine Room
  6. 01:34 - Chapter 4: Intermediate Engineer Rig - EVA Prep Room
  7. 01:54 - Chapter 5: Line Racks - Dr. B. Warwick's Office
  8. 02:12 - Chapter 6: Force Energy - Air Filtration Tower
  9. 02:33 - Chapter 7: Contact Energy - Deck B Locked Office
  10. 02:59 - Chapter 7: Intermediate Miner Rig - Equipment Workshop
  11. 03:14 - Chapter 8: Oxygen Tank - Platform Storage
  12. 03:40 - Chapter 9: Large Med Pack - USM Valor Infirmary
  13. Chapter 10: Advanced Engineering Rig - Standard Bathrooms in Crew Quarters
You can check your progress in the store. You should see these 13 consumables for sale and you should be wearing suit level 5.
  1. Small Med Pack (not a schematic)
  2. Medium Med Pack
  3. Large Med Pack
  4. Stasis Pack
  5. Oxygen Tank
  6. Plasma Energy (not a schematic)
  7. Pulse Rounds
  8. Ripper Blades
  9. Flamethrower Fuel
  10. Contact Energy
  11. Line Racks
  12. Force Energy
  13. Power Node (not a schematic)

30 Jan 2023 05:16

There are 13 schematics in the game, but the achievement unlocked at 12. This is likely a developer decision not to punish players who miss the Large Med Pack in Chapter 9. If the trophy doesn't pop after the 12th schematic, head to Chapter 10 and grab the Advanced Engineering Rig (Suit Level 5) from the Bathrooms in Crew Quarters.
  1. 00:00 - Chapter 2: Pulse Rounds - Coolant Pipelines
  2. 00:27 - Chapter 2: Stasis Pack - Main Lab Changing Room
  3. 00:42 - Chapter 3: Medium Med Pack - After Decontamination Room
  4. 01:02 - Chapter 3: Ripper Blades - After Flamethrower on 2nd Floor
  5. 01:20 - Chapter 3: Flamethrower Fuel - Engine Room
  6. 01:34 - Chapter 4: Intermediate Engineer Rig - EVA Prep Room
  7. 01:54 - Chapter 5: Line Racks - Dr. B. Warwick's Office
  8. 02:12 - Chapter 6: Force Energy - Air Filtration Tower
  9. 02:33 - Chapter 7: Contact Energy - Deck B Locked Office
  10. 02:59 - Chapter 7: Intermediate Miner Rig - Equipment Workshop
  11. 03:14 - Chapter 8: Oxygen Tank - Platform Storage
  12. 03:40 - Chapter 9: Large Med Pack - USM Valor Infirmary
  13. Chapter 10: Advanced Engineering Rig - Standard Bathrooms in Crew Quarters
You can check your progress in the store. You should see these 13 consumables for sale and you should be wearing suit level 5.
  1. Small Med Pack (not a schematic)
  2. Medium Med Pack
  3. Large Med Pack
  4. Stasis Pack
  5. Oxygen Tank
  6. Plasma Energy (not a schematic)
  7. Pulse Rounds
  8. Ripper Blades
  9. Flamethrower Fuel
  10. Contact Energy
  11. Line Racks
  12. Force Energy
  13. Power Node (not a schematic)

30 Jan 2023 05:16


There are thirteen Schematics to be found in Dead Space, each one unlocking a new item available to purchase in the Store. These range from ammo, to suit upgrades, and health items, so it’s worth tracking these down.
These can be found all across the USG Ishimura, and can be left for a New Game+ playthrough, if you’d like. However, the Large Med Pack is actually missable, since it’s found on the USM Valor in Chapter 9, which you can’t return to. So make sure not to miss it across your three playthroughs.

  • Pulse Rounds - Coolant Pipelines, Medical, Floor 4 (Chapter 2 onwards)
  • Ripper Blades - Fuel Storage South Room, Engineering, Floor 4 (Chapter 3 onwards)
  • Flamethrower Fuel - Engine Room, Engineering, Floor 3 (Chapter 3 onwards)
  • Contact Energy - Locked room north of Mineral Processing Area (lock can be shot through broken window), Mining, Floor 5 (Chapter 7 onwards)
  • Line Racks - Dr B Warwick Office, Medical, Floor 5 (Chapter 5 onwards)
  • Force Energy - Air Filtration Tower, Hydroponics, Floor 3 (Chapter 6 onwards)
Suit Upgrades
  • Intermediate Engineer RIG - EVA Prep Room, Bridge, Floor 5 (Chapter 4 onwards)
  • Intermediate Miner RIG - Equipment Workshop, Mining, Floor 2 (Chapter 7 onwards)
  • Advanced Engineering RIG - Standard Bathrooms, Crew Quarters, Floor 4 (Chapter 10 onwards)
  • Stasis Pack - Main Lab Changing Room, Medical, Floor 1 (Chapter 2 onwards)
  • Oxygen Tank - Platform Storage, Engineering, Floor 4 (Requires Security Clearance 2)
  • Medium Med Pack - Room South of Decontamination Room, Engineering, Floor 2 (Chapter 3 onwards)
  • Large Med Pack - Infirmary, USM Valour, Floor 1 (Chapter 9, CAN BE MISSED)

Sometimes these objects will have a dark blue glow around them. Schematics are like blueprints for armor and weapons, and they allow you to buy them at the store or upgrade your suit. There is a schematic for 6 levels of suits and 6 guns. You should get this early in the game.

There are 15 schematics to be found so don’t worry if you miss a couple as you can still achieve the trophy. Some are easy to find while others require a little searching and are sometimes behind Power Node locked doors. The earliest chapter that you can get the trophy on is Chapter 4.
There are only 16 blueprints in the game, so you should get this trophy in Chapter 4. Below is a list of items and in which chapter the blueprint for them is located.DrawingChapterFlamethrower2Pulse Rounds2Line Racks2Flame Fuel3Ripper3Medium Med Pack3Ripper Blades3Leve 3 Suit4Force Gun4Contact Beam4Force Energy5Contact Energy6Level 4 Suit7Medium Air Can8Large Med Pack9Level 5 Suit10

05 May 2009 10:23