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Greatest of Great Deliverers

Greatest of Great Deliverers

Obtained all Death Stranding achievements.

200 XP


How to unlock the Greatest of Great Deliverers achievement in DEATH STRANDING - Definitive Guide

Keep on keeping on!
That's all you need to get this trophy ;)

30 Jan 2020 12:06

1 Comment
One should prepare to forfeit copious hours of their life to obtain this trophy. #WorthIt
By pkevy on 01 May 2022 14:10
Nothing is missable, and everything can be completed with [everlasting] time investment. Still, some strategies for the platinum trophy:

1. Finish the story on any difficulty you want. Later on, be strategic and switch difficulty regularly, and save the game before tricky terrains/orders to avoid redoing long chunks. Also use fast travel from the Safe Houses to speed up crossing the map when needed, just make sure to re-fabricate what you need, later in the game when locations have abundant resources, this should not be a problem.

2. From now on, play on hard difficulty so your orders count towards the Legend of Legends in all categories. Of course, clear out Mule camps and BT areas before taking the orders, and switch back to hard difficulty just before taking the order. I found it is not worth the time and effort to clear out Mule/BT areas on hard difficulty. See my guide here:
DEATH STRANDINGGrowth of a LegendThe Growth of a Legend trophy in DEATH STRANDING worth 214 pointsComplete at least 20 unique premium deliveries in each order category with an evaluation of "Legend of Legends."

3. Connect all facilities and level them up to 5 stars. Search for a list of preppers to find the locations, there are so many, choose one that you like.

4. For Peter Englert, which you need for several trophies (level up, connection, fabricate, memory chips) you need to deliver pizza from the Timefall Farm (the other end of the map, haha), and Pizza needs to be kept horizontal, so this is best done with a Truck. You might want to clear out the nearby Mule camp before taking the order. One of the pizza orders contains champagne, which must be delivered on foot, best to use either the Speed Skeleton Lv3, or the All Terrain Skeleton Lv3. You can save some time by building a Safe House near the TimeFall farm, this will help with the pizza orders, and also with the First Prepper (to sleep and read e-mails). Because the powerful HG Custom guns will be available from him, I would do this earlier in the process.

5. Leveling up Preppers to five stars (First Prepper, Musician, Novelist's Son, etc.) must be done gradually. Always deliver only one order or lost cargo at a time, then go to a Safe House, sleep, and wait and read the e-mail from the prepper. Then you can deliver another lost cargo or order. If you deliver more orders at the same time, or don't read their e-mails, they won't progress with leveling up. Search on Reddit for quick tips if you get stuck with a Prepper.

6. To reach level 60 in all categories (Great Deliverer), aim for very high volume deliveries on a long distance with a truck to level up . These will level up timing as well. Also, check the symbol next to an order to identify which category it is. You can also use the robot delivery with high volume and/or long distances to help it a bit.

7. To fabricate all items, just leave it to the end of the game, when everything has leveled up, including Peter Englert, and just use a main location with a lot of resources to grind all remaining items. See the checkbox in the lower corner of the description.

External image

Weapon availability:

8. Memory chip locations are best left to the very end, and done on very easy difficulty. Just make a checklist on paper to cross out completed memory chips, and a map to see what is nearby. I just carried a Rocket Launcher (BT), Riot Shotgun HG (Mule), a ladder, an anchor, and 2-3 PPC Lv2 (for zip-lines) to speed up the process. 2-3 memory chips need a ladder to reach.

9. I found it is a good idea to farm a huge amount of chiral crystal with a couple of rocket launchers on easy difficulty near South Knot City, and repair nearby needed structures in emergency. For example if an online zipline, bridge, generator would be useful to save time, but is degraded, this is very helpful.
Finally, if you get caught in a BT boss fight without fire arms or blood, just press the touch pad several times to ask for help, and some decent weapons will show up.

11 Jul 2021 08:21

  • Trophy difficulty level: 4/10.
  • Offline trophies: 63 (59 , 2 , 1 , 1 ).
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Estimated time to earn platinum: 80+ hours.
  • Minimum number of playthroughs to reach platinum: Once, at the end there will be free play.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Number of trophies that can be missed: No, all can be collected after the end of the game.
  • Does difficulty level affect how you get trophies?: To get " Growth of a Legend " you need to take and complete the order on high difficulty.

26 Nov 2019 10:25

By Hatsu on 26 Nov 2019 20:37
So that you understand - this platinum is approximately 130 hours long, do not be fooled by the 80 in the description. If you are lucky with the buildings of other players, the time will be reduced. I wasn’t very lucky, I built almost all the cables myself, now I’ll tell you about my mistakes and give general advice:
1. Conclude thread contracts (in the “bridge-connection” settings). The point is that if you like someone in the game, then you can enter into a thread agreement with him and all his buildings will be on your map without spending your network points. So try to like high-level buildings and enter into agreements with those who have a lot of likes and have almost completely upgraded all delivery classes. They usually have a lot of buildings. Over time, it will be possible to conclude up to 30 such agreements. Also, when you are killed, you give up at the seam, but do not rush to revive, you can find other players there, just swim through them and their buildings will also appear on you. I didn’t know all this for the first half of the game; I could have saved a lot of time.
2. I recommend leveling up the Eastern region (1 map, capital node) after the game, because then the cables will be available. But it’s better to download the central region (map 2) at the end of the eighth chapter, before going to the edge node and delivering materials from Hartman to the Chiral Relay. Now I’ll explain why this is the best moment for pumping. Then you will move on to the third map (western region) and you can return to the second only after completing the game. According to the plot, you will at the very least rebuild your infrastructure, but after the game the buildings will fall into disrepair (you cannot use them if their strength drops below 30%), and in order not to build them again, I still advise you to download all the nodes at this stage. You will save 5-10 hours.
3. Upgrade non-story characters first. First survivor, old courier, etc. Firstly, they are the most hemorrhagic, and secondly, the Collector, for example, will give you a casing for your backpack, which protects the cargo from destruction by temporal rain. The spiritual seeker gives a keychain for a backpack, which increases the number of likes. The tactics are simple. First, bring lost cargo or small orders to the characters, but do not bring them with a large number of likes. They don't give the first star until they receive an email after completing the order. Those. you need to either walk around the world for a certain number of hours, or sleep in a shelter for this letter to arrive. Then they only give the first star, and the same with the second. But on the third star, take bold orders with a lot of likes for them. In general, stay up too often just to receive emails. During sleep, buildings deteriorate faster.
4. Build only cables, no need to spend network points on everything else. I connected everyone in the mountains, didn’t forget about the photographer, and to the weather station, from there in two directions all the way to the south with the lake. I advise you to improve the cables to the second level. You don’t need a lot of materials: chemicals 240, special alloys 480. You can easily carry two barrels on your back. But the distance of the cable will increase and become 350 meters, the building will be stronger, less network points will be required, in general it will be a good thing. If you don’t have enough network points, then old buildings can be removed directly on the map by holding down the triangle, you don’t need to approach them, as I did at the beginning. Well, we’ll have to build the roads ourselves. But I noticed that you bring materials from the base, put them down, and a day later others will bring almost everything else, all that remains is to report a little. The main thing is to build a road from Ozernoye to Yuzhny so that you can take fat orders for 1000-4000 likes. But I also built up to the mountain node, otherwise you will hesitate to pump large nodes.
5. After you have upgraded all the nodes, I advise you to collect all the flash drives on the map before the buildings fall into disrepair. It was after the eighth chapter (see point 2), and not after completing the game. The 30th flash drive can only be obtained after you have submitted the materials at the end of the eighth chapter; before that, the paleontologist will not send letters at all. I advise you to upgrade his node last in order to quickly receive 4 letters from him. You can also take the last order from Peter Englert after Chapter 8.
6. Over time, standard deliveries appear again, even if you completed them on Legend of legends. Of course, they will not be counted as another legendary, but they will give likes for leveling up the node. It is especially effective for small nodes that have few deliveries, such as cosplayers, photographers, and directors. You can repeat a large order a second time and your five stars will give you the same number of likes. A star with delivery categories can also be upgraded to level 60; it is enough to repeat several orders for 1500 likes several times.
7. Always play on a difficult level and take only special deliveries. It only affects the difficulty of battles, and at these moments switch to easy. You will collect likes much faster.
By Fanquery on 27 Apr 2020 03:03
I upgraded Peter Inglert's point after completing the story. Read the letters, there were instructions from Peter from where to take the cargo and bring it to him.
By KING21FLIGHT on 08 Mar 2020 12:00
Start collecting and completing all deliveries after Chapter 8. (without crossing the tar lake). After chapter 11, only Peter England will remain. All collecting trophies will end there and only the plot will remain.
By lenka2x2 on 27 Jan 2020 10:00
If you received platinum on PS4, you can transfer all trophies to PS5, except three:
-improve all buildings
-create all types of weapons and equipment
-put each equipment (ladder, etc.)
By Detigo on 24 Sep 2021 14:02
it is not necessary to download “Peter Englert” before the story, I calmly did it in chapter 15 after the end of the story because communication occurs with the computer, as in Hartman’s laboratory, and the absence of you know who did not affect getting 5 stars and connecting to the network
By madboiz on 03 Mar 2020 21:26
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Hatsu and Fanquery have very thorough advice.
In the director's cut version, it is important to try to do chains of quests for V and lambda along the way, and also immediately vacuum up flash drives (you can even use the interactive map or turn on spoiler tips from other players in the settings) - you will save yourself up to 5 hours in the end.
Don’t burden yourself with all sorts of rubbish; in the initial game, one ladder and a rope will be enough. and then only a gun, preferably not a lethal one, and that’s all. The most popular routes are trampled into paths).
Don’t be lazy about building roads - it saves a lot of travel time and simply increases the comfort of delivery. If the region is already in the UCA and you already have 30 bridge contracts, you don’t even have to wait for someone to complete it for you - you won’t get it. Bring the required amount of ceramics, metals and crystals and do not suffer. The minimum must have is lake - south of lake, recommended lake - southern (possible without a flat section from the collector to the southernmost) and lake - mountain through the northern from lake - (possible without a flat section through the mule camp).
When they give you cables, it is advisable to immediately build them yourself; you can’t even expect that they will give you a courier’s world with at least one living branch, at best, more or less convenient scattered buildings that you can, at the very least, fit into your network, saving the chiral power of the network. It is advisable to put on the cable everyone who is further than the highway, more than 100 meters, otherwise you will not run up.
The best moment IMHO for leveling up shelter stars is chapter 7/8. The old courier becomes available only after you are sent to connect the scientists. It’s realistic to close England immediately upon return due to the tar lake, if you didn’t delay with previous deliveries.
It is preferable to install communication bridges with 300 k+ couriers, etc. this indicates that the person plays and builds a lot of more or less useful buildings.

01 Jun 2023 08:48