12 Achievements
Mr. Tough Guy
Reach Level 20
How to unlock the Mr. Tough Guy achievement in DeathSpank - Definitive Guide
So I found a pretty efficient way to reach 20 level from the point when you finished the main quests and reach level at least 17.
After you kill Von Prong go up to the castle, see ending credits and than hit continue game. You will spawn at the "Von Prong Outhouse" and you will see some orgues, so kill 'em all on the path down to Orgue Village. After you kill everybody on that path, jump into outhouse in Orgue Village and teleport to the 2 random outhoses everywhere you want (thats just because you have to wait some time or maybe movement on map till the orgues respawn again), than teleport again to the "Von Prong Outhouse" (top Outhouse on right) and...orgues are respawned, so repeat this till you reach level 20. I found it pretty efficient because the orgues are on high level (17 - 18) and they attack alone most of the time, so you don't get outnumbered. I unlock this cheevo after 15 minutes from level 18, so not much of the grind.
Please comment if you give me negative vote, it helps me improve myself : )
They can hurt but a neat trick is to use an invulnerability orb and equip a mega spinning sword. Buildup Justicy and then simply run into the area, gather all the unicorns. Stand still -> pop the invulnerability orb and then use your justice-skill on the mega spinning sword. U'll spin around for 10secs and kill all unicorns.
My path of choice was around the Sunken Town. I'd start at the Royal Realm Outhouse (just on the east side of the graveyard/sunken town area) and loop around to the dam, killing all the termites and orques along the way (adding the greem zombies isn't a bad idea, but it takes you a bit off the path so there's more down time as you run back). Once I reached the dam, I'd turn around and head to the Dam Outhouse, from which I'd teleport back to the Royal Realm Outhouse so I could repeat the whole process.
The reason I started at the Royal Realm Outhouse is that teleporting from the dam to the Haunted Lake Outhouse wouldn't cause very many of the enemies along the way to respawn. It's a slightly longer walk, but you wind up getting many more kills in each pass. I was also able to kill pretty much all of these enemies in one or two shots (all except the Homunculus around the Haunted Mansion), so it was a fairly quick way to score some experience.
If you have a decent crossbow, I'd recommend using that. Ranged attacks cut down on the time a bit because you don't have to chase everybody down and you don't need to worry as much about blocking/healing.
Using this method, I was able to go from level 19 to 20 in a little under half an hour.
i was level 18 upon finishing and didnt take long to get to 20
- Stick with the Hard difficulty for as long as possible; you do get more XP. I stayed up to the Haunted areas with ghosts before lowering it to Easy, and forgot to bump it back up until very close to the final boss, leaving me to grind a bit from 18 to 19.
- Don't bother grinding for this until after you see the end credits and continue again (I didn't know this when I grinded for it earlier). There appears to be an increase in the amount of XP you get post-credits, by a very significant amount - I was grinding from 18 to 19 pre-final boss a bit to equip some Lv 20 gear I had but that took me over 30 minutes going from Castle/Ogre Village to Unicorns. Meanwhile, going from 60% through Lv19 to Lv20 post-credits took me 5 minutes.
- As mentioned above, flip between the Castle warp point and the Unicorn warp point. Don't bother with turtles, they're not worth it. There are four sets of 5 Unicorns in the enchanted forest - time your block against the gingerbread men to boost your purple meter to full quickly, throw down an invincible orb and use the spinblade to kill them easy. If you run out of orbs use the fire rain.
- I cannot stress enough how you really should not waste your time getting this before the end credits!!!
There's no real super fast and easy way to get this achievement, but reaching level 20 is pretty fast to begin with. It's the last level you can rank up to, so probably one of the last achievements you'll get. The easiest way to rank up is to complete the quests. The quests net you a lot of experience and it's a lot faster and more entertaining than grinding it out by going to the same area over and over again.
It's good to know that difficulty does affect how much experience you get when you kill enemies or complete quests. If you have completed everything but still have not reached level 20, you should bump up the difficulty and kill anything you see. The most efficient enemy to kill are Prong Soldiers. They die in 1-2 hits depending on your weapon, and give you a good amount of XP when they're killed.
This will come over the course of playing but you can keep circling around and kill enemies if you wish to grind it out faster. Once you reach level 20, the trophy will pop.