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Underground Subway

Underground Subway

Discover all 30 Teleporting Outhouses


How to unlock the Underground Subway achievement in DeathSpank - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires that you get close to all 30 outhouses. I got the achievement when I got close to the 30th one, so you don't have to walk up to them and press A to activate them to get the achievement.

All I have to take pictures with is a crappy IPhone, so this picture isn't the best, but it should be useful enough :

External image

15 Jul 2010 05:56

Unfortunate that someone is a big enough jerk to give you a negative vote. I'm glad you had this up as I was only missing a single teleport house by the end of the game.
By Perpalicious on 19 Jul 2010 10:50
Before you can get into Lord Prong's castle you should have 29 from the map, and the 30th and last one is inside the castle.
By NLi10 on 22 Jul 2010 14:15
Thanks for this one
By Jerick85 on 23 Jul 2010 06:28
Very helpful.
By ChrisFiftyTwo on 02 Sep 2010 21:05
Your iPhone takes better pics than mine... or maybe it's just me.
By Shinerbock88 on 09 Oct 2010 02:12
an image is better than thousend words, thanks.
Who in the hell can vote -1 ?¿?¿?
By KumAlx on 05 Feb 2011 08:51
This helped out a ton!! I kept wondering why I hadn't popped the achievement considering my map was entirely full, and then your map with it's usefulness
By Coolguystuff on 14 Mar 2013 22:46
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Throughout the world there are outhouses where you respawn at if you die. They are normally located right off the road in the areas where you need to go or before/around an area of difficulty. Just explore the map and whenever you find one of them, make sure to press on them to activate them.


1. The First
2. Lakeview
3. Slimey
4. Thongly
5. Demon Trail
6. Heybenstance's
7. Orqueish
8. Bobblewood's
9. Dumpster
10. Pluckmuckel
11. Unicorn
12. Enchanted
13. Talking Tree
14. Eyeball Trail
15. Monastery
16. Swamp
17. Rich Cabin's
18. Web Filled
19. Haunted
20. Graveyard
21. Dam
22. Haunted Lake
23. Royal Realm
24. Wizard
25. Roadside
26. Ima Strunken
27. Orque Town
28. Wretched
29. Castle Bridge
30. Von Prong

(Credit goes to Steel739)


There are a total of 30 Outhouses you have to discover. When you walk up to an Outhouse, it will say activated, but you have to press  on it to fully 'discover' it. Outhouses are large brown buildings that are mostly found on the side of roads and usually right before a difficult part of an area. They're not hard to spot and you can easily see them in the area maps. Don't be mistaken about the Outhouses inside any demon caves. Since they're Out-Of-Order, they don't count for this achievement. All Outhouses that you need for the achievement are out in the open world.

Map showing all locations of the Outhouses: Link

Latrines in the game serve for fast movement (teleportation) around the area. They are also used to resurrect you if you die. To activate, you just need to walk past the restroom. You must obtain this trophy throughout the game by completing all main and side quests. Just in case, the names of all the restrooms:

  • The First
  • Lakeview
  • Slimey
  • Thongly
  • Demon Trail
  • Heybenstance's
  • Orqueish
  • Bobblewood's
  • Dumpster
  • Pluckmuckel
  • Unicorn
  • Enchanted
  • Talking Tree
  • Eyeball Trail
  • Monastery
  • Swamp
  • Rich Cabin's
  • Web Filled
  • Haunted
  • Graveyard
  • Dam
  • Haunted Lake
  • Royal Realm
  • Wizard
  • Roadside
  • Ima Strunken
  • Orque Town
  • Wretched
  • Castle Bridge
  • Von Prong

15 Jul 2010 14:53