Delicious - Moms vs Dads
16 Achievements
95,000 XP
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Delicious - Moms vs Dads achievements progress.
You earned every star on every challenge in the game.
Ultra Rare
10,000 XP
Complete all the levels at the Prenatal and Children Spa.
Completed all the levels at Camp Talon.
Completed all the levels at Sharon's Garden.
Completed all the story events.
You found Carl the Mouse in every level of the game.
Have 5 friends playing the game.
Ultra Rare
5,000 XP
You earned three stars on every level of the game.
Ultra Rare
10,000 XP
You purchased all the rear porch furniture and decorations.
Ultra Rare
10,000 XP
Complete the first 5 levels of the game.
Complete the first chapter.
Completed all the levels at Emily's Garden.
Completed all the levels at Emily's Kitchen.
You bought every product from every shop.
Ultra Rare
7,000 XP
You unlocked all the product upgrades across every chapter.