Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

64 Achievements


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I Never Asked For This

I Never Asked For This

You completed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on the highest possible difficulty. Hats off.


How to unlock the I Never Asked For This achievement in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Definitive Guide

There are lots of video guides for completing the story, plus to even attempt this achievement you must have already completed the game once yourself, so this guide won't focus on the micro details of each mission, rather an overview of the difficulty itself.

1) You must complete one playthrough in order to unlock I Never Asked For This difficulty.
2) You must have at least one empty save slot before starting this difficulty, otherwise you won’t be able to save. This is because the 11 save slots the game allows are spread across all of your playthroughs. So if you have all 11 filled up with saves from an earlier playthrough, you’ll need to delete at least one of them.
3) Please Note: You cannot start this difficulty via New Game +.

1) I Never Asked For This is a ‘Permadeath’ mode. Simply put, if you die, you have to start the entire game again.
2) However, you are allowed one save slot and you can save as often as you like in that one slot. This means that you don’t have to complete your whole playthrough in one session.
3) But, if you die, that save file is automatically deleted and you must start the game again.

Your save file will only be deleted if the animation of you dying (i.e. the screen shaking, turning red, Adam slumping down) is completed. At this point a message will appear on screen telling you that your save file has been deleted.

So, the second that you die – immediately Dashboard Quit the game or switch off your console – whichever you prefer. If you do this before the animation completes, then when you load up the game, your save file will be left untouched and available to use.

1) This matches Give Me Deus Ex difficulty.
2) Enemies spot you quicker and you make more noise - this is particularly an issue during the curfew stage of the game while navigating the streets of Prague.
3) Waypoints do not appear on your HUD, so you must remember the way or bring up the map.
4) Objects no longer have the white edging around them that indicates they can be interacted with. So you must spot everything naturally.
5) Please Note: Killing enemies and getting detected does not void this achievement.

My Aug Build
My playthrough took 5 hours and 11 minutes and I prioritised the following build:

• Social Enhancer – 2 Points – Enables you to win all dialogue challenges and spare some fights.
• Hacking Capture – 6 Points – upgrade the left path to level 5.
• Smart Vision – 2 Points – helpful to see through walls and know enemy placements.
• Energy Convertor – 10 Points (Maxed Out) – Links to the constant glass shield strategy below.
• Remote Hacking – 3 Points – helpful for closing windows, disabling cameras and turrets.
• Icarus Landing – 2 Points – helps throughout – plus you don’t want to die from fall damage on a permadeath game!
• Glass Shield – 5 Points (Maxed Out) – all focused on extending its duration.
• Leg Prosthesis – 2 Point – to enable you to jump high.

Overarching Strategy:
I adhered to the following 6 principles throughout my playthrough:

1) Do Main Missions only. Avoid all side quests and ‘Places of Interest’.
2) Fully upgrade Hacking, Energy Converter and Glass shield.
3) Buy, Collect and Craft as many Biocells as possible.
4) Always loot in safe areas. You want crafting materials so that you can craft Biocells, and you want credits to be able to buy biocells. I sold all lethal firearms, alcohol and ammo to the vendor in Jensen's apartment building to build up my funds.
5) The basic strategy is to stealth your way past everyone using the Glass Shield – sometimes just brazenly crouch walking through entire fields of enemies. For example trigger Glass shield, and start stealthing through enemies and when your cloak is about to expire, hold Y and pull LT to refill your energy bar. Release Y and carry on as you were. This makes the sections in the Dvali Theatre and London exhibition centre far easier.
6) Having the use of Leg Prosthesis, Icarus Landing and Glass Shield for access to alternative paths, based on the situation.

If anyone has any queries please comment below and I'll respond as quick as I can.

Useful Comments - Updated 02/09/2016

SignatoryStar pointed out that you can re-enable the missing HUD elements (waypoints etc.) in the options menu.

30 Aug 2016 16:26

Just to let everyone know, you can turn back on the Objective Locators, Reticle, and Pickup Outlines in the HUD section of the Options menu.
By SignatoryStar on 02 Sep 2016 03:30
I didn't know that - I will add a note to the guide.
By RomanAround on 02 Sep 2016 09:54
If you were to use all 11 of the save slots, would it just delete the most recent one when you die?
By MushroomToaster on 11 Sep 2016 10:01
You only have 1 save slot on I Never Asked For This. You can have 11 save slots overall across all playthroughs, but only one of them can be used for INAFT and you have to keep over-writing it when you want to create a new save.
By RomanAround on 11 Sep 2016 15:16
I completed Permadeath a few days ago. Instead of only doing main missions, I did all side quests, Points of Interests, even collected all 75 eBooks again as well, because I wanted to get XP as much as possible to acquire some of the most important Augmentations quickly.
By on 15 Sep 2016 10:42
Can you not backup your save to a pen drive or something to cover all bases?
By The Reverend JC on 18 Sep 2016 21:01
I've never tried doing that so I wouldn't know to be honest.
By RomanAround on 19 Sep 2016 06:58
I have been doing all the side missions also, have gone after all the Praxis kits I knew I could find/get to and done everything I can to get XP. I even cleared out everything and everyone in the bank and carried that penguin around. I figure the more augments I can get, the better off I'll be. So far it's working. I'm half way through Golum City. Fingers crossed. I haven't been spotted yet, luckily, and I already did two stealth runs before this so that helps immensely.

The thing that terrifies me most is electricity. I nearly killed myself twice by turning on breakers that I shouldn't have! D'oh.
By vcllist on 08 Oct 2016 05:41
Which fights can you avoid by using the CASIE aug? If you just play the main missions, the only two conversations you have to "win" are with Talos Rucker and Allison, no?
By NewbieKenobi on 24 Apr 2017 07:25
i just finished my playthrough but i didnt get the achievement. i hate those glitches. i found nothing on the internet and i dont know how to avoid it.
By Dalmater on 13 Jan 2018 22:07
This also jammed up on me, and I didn't turn the extra HUD elements back on, so I don't think that's connected, or at least it wasn't for me. I loaded my save and tried it again and it still didn't work. What I did was close the game, fully power cycle my console and then tried it again and it worked. Interestingly enough, I skipped the final boss with the Killswitch, and while Laputan Machine did unlock, it didn't pop up onscreen, so the achievements were acting up a bit in general at the time.
By Piston Toyota on 20 Sep 2022 07:56
Bugged on me also. Reloaded save and finished the game again- didn't work. Full power cycle and same, still didn't work. In case it helps anyone else, what worked for me was opening the Xbox app on Windows and navigating to the achievements for DE:MD. It popped immediately as I was still watching the credits a couple of minutes in.
By QuanticJustice on 13 Apr 2023 04:59
I ran through the game basically ghosting everything - did not come close to death (at all), and had this done in no time. Once you get a feel for the game, staying alive, even on the hardest difficulty, is not a problem.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 18 Oct 2016 13:21
@Dalmater I had the same thing happen to me. I had enabled the missing HUD elements at the start of the game. I went back to my save, disabled them, resaved and refinished the game ( I only had 30 seconds left in my save so didn't take long) and it popped.

For anyone wondering this pops shortly after the credits starts.
By Gamerjnb925 on 06 Feb 2021 20:47
I know you state to do no side quests, however if anyone wants to make the game much easier during the last bit in Prague (when the streets are off limts and Jensen will get shot on sight), do the Divali questline from Otar.

If you do this, you can get the calibrator easily (which is more XP for you), and during the craziness after the GARM incident, you can basically walk through the Divali Theater. The side mission he requires during the first return to Prague is not an issue (knockout 4-5 henchmen) and it alleviates a mess of trouble during the last bit before London.

Nearly everywhere else when a side mission was offered, I declined.
By a Fi1thy Casual on 09 Sep 2016 14:11
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If you've already beat the game previously, then this shouldn't be more than 5-6 hours to complete. It seems that the only major difference between this difficulty and the others is the permadeath. That's about it. Enemies still retain their typical intelligence and health, and their damage is roughly the same as it is on any other difficulty.

The key here is to save frequently, collect and use biocells wisely, and generally keep up a stealthy playstyle that'll give you no trouble. Cloak past enemies and look for hidden paths that'll guarantee a Ghost bonus for every other objective.

I personally completed this non-lethally, but the option is up to you.

Also, keep stock of Multi-Tools, which will limit your chances of failing a hack and also make life easier on the final level.

Please do state any issues before downvoting, and happy Deus Ex-ing!

29 Aug 2016 17:14

1 Comment
Any tips on what augs to focus on?
By mhuntnfish63 on 29 Aug 2016 18:44
This achievement requires you to beat the game on a permadeath mode with only a single save slot (and no autosave). If you die, the save is autodeleted and you have to start over. It's not nearly as hard as I expected.

A couple of notes and hints on getting this achievement. It's not step-by-step, because that would be a walkthrough for the entire game:

1. You cannot unlock this mode until after completing the game once. Use the first playthrough to thoroughly explore, learn ways of beating different parts, doing side quests and other achievements, etc.

2. You cannot do this mode as a NewGame+, unfortunately.

3. Stick to a stealthy approach. While I'm sure someone will do it with all guns blazing, not getting into fights is an easier way to avoid death. The only weapon I used the entire game was the tranq rifle, and even that maybe only 3-4 times. Everything else was avoidance or stealth takedowns.

4. On that note, the only purchases I made the entire game were extra praxis kits and some biocells. The biocells are very nice for late in the game when you want to do long cloak runs and you can use them to keep regenerating energy on the fly. I never purchased any hacking gear, and only used a handful of them (a few nukes and one stop) in the very final missions to save a little time. Never used any medication, any grenades, or anything else. Grab easy to carry/sell items and books for the extra xp when they're convenient, but don't waste time with unnecessary exploration (that's what the first playthrough is for).

5. You don't have to do this as pacifist or foxiest of the hounds, although avoiding bodies and alarms is generally a good idea.

6. Just stick to the main missions; avoid time-consuming and dangerous sidequests. The only sidequests I did were the ones that involved getting the neurocalibrator, and in retrospect I could have skipped those as I didn't really need it the way I ended up using my praxis points.

7. I always keep a handful of praxis points unused in case of emergencies (e.g., not realizing the order I need to unlock some powers in based on the path I'm trying to follow). Invest your praxis points in at least one level of cloaking (levels 2 and 3 when you've got a nice surplus), get your hacking up to at least level 3 and a point or two in stealth hacking as well. Battery recharge upgrades are nice, but can wait until later. Basic radar upgrades (range and vision cones) are absolutely essential; lidar tracking and the enhanced vision which reveals special and hidden objects are useless.

8. Icarus Landing is allows you to move around certain areas very quickly by jumping through elevator shafts and the like and prevents you from accidentally dying if you fall off a ledge or ladder (which happened to me at least once in my first, non-permadeath playthrough). You'll also want the rebreather to allow you to move through poisonous gasses. The electricity-resistance upgrade is too expensive (requires 4 praxis points in armor which you don't otherwise need) and can be skipped.

9. Break through walls and move heavy objects are both good investments. Jump is nice, although you can get through most of the playthrough before it becomes necessary/useful so I'd hold off on this until moderately late in the game.

10. The only experimental aug I used was remote hacking, and not until fairly late in the game. As mentioned already, I never used augs like dual-takedown or armor or lidar tracking or casie, so could have just disabled any of these without bothering with the neurocalibrator.

11. For the major fork in play path, I choose the bank heist because I thought it was easier, but your mileage may vary.

12. At the end of the game, go after Marchenko first and use the kill-switch to make it easy (unless you're desperately trying to do Pacifist as well). The reason to do him first, is if you try to save Brown and the others first, you have to get by all of the mercenaries twice (coming and going), while you only have to get past them once if you start with Marchenko.

13. Save often, but carefully. Don't save in a place where you might have trapped yourself. If you set off an alarm (more often than not), you're better off reloading immediately than hoping it will go away. If you're in any danger of dying at all, reload immediately: don't be a hero!

14. As with the other endgame achievements, this one won't actually unlock until the very end of the credits, so go find something else to do for the 10 minutes they roll while waiting for it to unlock.

05 Sep 2016 00:00

You can back up your save (located at [Steam-folder]/userdata/[Your user-id]/337000/remote/) and restore it upon death.

The save isn't changed to dead until the death animation is complete, giving you time to Alt+F4 on death and reboot the game without loss.

13 Apr 2018 00:00

This achievement will require that you complete the game on the “I Never Asked For This” difficulty level. This difficulty will only unlock after you have completed the game at least once. It can be initiated via the Main Menu provided you have at least one open save slot.

Set to the "Give Me Deus Ex" difficulty, the twist here is that it's essentially a permadeath mode; you have one life and when you die, you will restart the game from the beginning. It's recommended then that this difficulty should be played stealthily, perhaps stacked with the "Pacifist" and "Foxiest of the Hounds" achievements. Sneaking past most enemies during your missions lessens hostile combat and thus reduces the chances of death during this playthrough.

TIP: As noted by RomanAround, your save file will be deleted once Jensen's animation of dying is complete. At this time, a message will appear on the screen informing you that your save file has been deleted. There's a trick, though: before this animation is complete, you can quickly "dashboard quit" out of the game. When you reload your playthrough from Main Menu, your save file will be intact, allowing you to carry on.

You can refer to "Pacifist" and "Foxiest of the Hounds" for additional stealth-based tips, but just remember that on this playthrough, you should ignore all collectibles and all side missions. By focusing on the main story missions alone, you can complete the game in as little as five and a half hours and avoid unnecessary objectives that might get you killed.

Here are a few additional, worthwhile tips provided by RomanAround:

  • Fully upgrade Hacking, Energy Converter and Glass-Shield Cloak.
  • Skip every side quest and Point of Interest in the game.
  • You only have on manual save slot, there are no auto-saves in this mode.
  • Buy, collect, and craft as many Biocells as possible.
  • Always loot safe areas for additional crafting materials (to craft Biocells).
  • Sell lethal weapons, ammo, and alcohol to the vendor in Jensen's apartment complex (to buy Biocells).
  • Make sure to unlock and fully upgrade the Leg Prosthesis, Icarus Landing and Icarus Dash augs for access to alternative paths, based on the situation.

The achievement will finally unlock once the credits roll provided you completed this playthrough successfully without having ever died.

This difficulty unlocks once you complete the game. It is a no death mode. If you die, your save file can't be used. You can reload though prior to a death. So if you mess up and get seen, you can reload your last save and try again. There is no auto save. I would recommend saving often. If you want, you can back the save up to USB or the cloud. If you die, you can overwrite it from the back up and try again.

I take no credit for this video. I found it when I was going for this and it is incredibly helpful. I bought what they bought, looted what they looted etc. As I didn't need to speed run, I also did a bit of searching in some areas so I ended up with extra biocells and praxis kits which helped a little more. I also got Foxiest of the hounds using this video:


10 Jun 2020 00:03

(Highly Missable!) (Difficulty)

The highest difficulty “I Never Asked For This” (permanent death mode) is available after completing the game once. This trophy unlocks after the ending cutscene that reflects on events and any choices that you made throughout the course of the game.

Auto-saving is disabled, you have only one life and you are limited to one save slot. It should be noted that you cannot change the difficulty of this mode once it has been selected. You can save as many times as you want on the single save slot, but if you die that save file is deleted and is no longer accessible. There is a work around to this by backing up the save to a USB flash drive or uploading the save to Cloud Save Storage, but the general idea is be as stealthy as you can be and save at every opportunity. You can also press the whenever you're about to die or get killed, then close the game application so you can restart it. This will also stop your save from being deleted.

Use this thread for Video Walkthroughs: Step-by-Step Platinum Walkthrough

This difficulty level will unlock after completing the game once on any of the first available difficulty levels. Unfortunately, there is no way to start this level on NG+, you will have to start from scratch.

I advise you to combine it with the following trophies: Pacifist and Slick.

This difficulty level is different in that if the character dies, you will have to start the game again. Therefore, after each mission, save either to a flash drive or to the cloud.

Complete the game by completing only story missions, without being distracted by side missions, this will be much easier and faster.

23 Aug 2016 20:26

If your nickname is Joe, a quick hand, you can have time to press the ps button and close the application during death. If you do this before the message about loading saves, the save will not be deleted. You can download the game again and no flash drive is needed
By YuriStXb on 27 Aug 2016 10:01
Don’t forget to immediately turn on the interface again in the settings after starting (task labels, object outlines, etc.)

Playing in stealth shouldn't cause any difficulties at all, because... They either don’t shoot at you at all, or you load up immediately if they notice you.
By Sookie69 on 30 Sep 2016 21:30
It makes sense to complete simple side quests at the beginning of the game to speed up your leveling. The ability to disassemble weapons and ammunition into parts will also help, and it will be possible to make more batteries.
By Дмитрий on 31 Aug 2016 12:29
A couple of practical tips, from personal experience:

-I don’t recommend combining this trophy with “Pacifist” and “Sneaker”, it will be very difficult! (believe me)

-Just play carefully, upgrade invisibility, batteries, armor, remote hacking. For myself, I chose the optimal stealth combat style 70/30. We crawl in stealth until they notice. If we notice, we try to eliminate the threat, preferably lethally. If there is hype, RUN to the nearest ventilation and under stealth. Wait until things calm down, then move on.

-Use silencers. I ran with a trunk. pistol, 10 mm pistol and combat rifle. All with a muffler.

Pay special attention to the level in the Throat on the way to Rucker. There you are not yet sufficiently pumped up to perform high-quality ovations.

When choosing (Bank-Alison) - choose a bank. It is much simpler and you can get some money. It’s difficult to get to Alison without hype; you need an invitation and remote hacking (due to mines).

-In London, stealth as much as possible. On the last path, to the elevator - save a lot of batteries, they will come in handy in order to run on the invisible.

-In the Battle with Marchenko, use the device, don’t risk fighting him, it’s not worth it.

In my opinion, this trophy reveals the full potential of the game. You're just really scared of dying somewhere in the middle of the game. And it makes sense to rummage around apartments in search of goods to sell.
By AlexIvanovRus on 15 Jan 2018 10:43
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Everything is much simpler. If you play the game in stealth on this difficulty, and I think you will, then when you are discovered, or feel that you are about to be discovered, or even just started shooting at you, you can always have time to click on options and load your save. Accordingly, no shenanigans with constantly resetting saves, or even more so closing the application, will be required. In general, the game is extremely short and easy, so there should be no difficulties in completing it anywhere. And yes, it is more logical to combine this trophy with the Pacifist and the Slick, if they were not obtained on the first playthrough.

30 Aug 2016 04:03