Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

43 Achievements


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Filled With Light

Filled With Light

Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Trish.


How to unlock the Filled With Light achievement in Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - Definitive Guide

Filled With Light - Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Trish

No doubt you probably left this for last due to the amount of people who have earned it. Trish isn't actually a very good character for the Bloody Palace and actually requires a certain exploitation of a move to form any sort of advantage in the Palace, but yet again, you'll still be low on time

For Nero, Dante and Lady I was always at around 90-99 minutes after Stage 60

For Vergil It was around 50 minutes since I was constantly using one move.

But for Trish, by the time I got to Stage 100 I was only at 25-30 minutes, and when I did it again, it was the exact same.

Unfortunately this is still the best method to doing her Bloody Palace without worrying about practicing her moves. I will tell you now.

Round Trip.

Yep. That's it. To do Round Trip, you need to hit cn_RB + cn_LSu + cn_B

Round Trip is extremely useful because when it reaches an enemy, that enemy is constantly stunned until it runs out. You also gain the ability to use powerful Bare Knuckle moves. I will list the moves down below and bold the ones that are important

Bare Knuckle Combo C - cn_Y cn_Y cn_Y start tapping cn_Y
This one is really useful because it makes Trish start doing spinning kicks that surround her and also conduct electricity, if you continue tapping cn_Y you'll continuously do this move.

Bare Knuckle Combo D - cn_Y cn_Y then cn_Y cn_Y
This move is absolutely devastating but takes a while to execute. Never the less, if you can execute it, good job.

Thunder Blow - cn_RB + cn_LSu + cn_Y
This will deliver a lightning blow charge and will also make you move a short distance if you're away from your enemy a little. I don't suggest doing this move.

Collider - cn_RB + cn_LSd + cn_Y
This move is excellent at dealing with groups of enemies, hold in cn_Y to deal even more damage!

In this game clip below, I show you how to deal with certain enemies and how to use the round trip correctly, although I do get hit now and then, it still works.

In this game clip, I show you how to deal with Blitzes as Trish.

To use the giant laser cannon, this is the combo: cn_RB + cn_LSu+cn_LSd + cn_X
You NEVER ever had this;

"For Nero, Dante and Lady I was always at around 90-99 minutes after Stage 60"

Okay maybe Super Dante with tubing but yeah.
By on 08 Aug 2015 00:21
I'm aware.
By on 13 Aug 2015 08:27
with your tips and a lkttle bit of training, I've managed to complete the bloody palace with trish.
Positive vote for you.
By KawaSimo81 on 13 Aug 2015 18:32
I don't know if i was a exception. But achievement glitched for me i had to do it twice. Vergil BP as well
By Mestre Shrewd on 14 Nov 2022 15:36
If Dante does start reflecting your Round Trip, what you need to do is throw it and then start shooting Trish's pistols at him, he will target your gun instead of the sparda sword and will get caught, allowing you to then obliterate him using Revenge, as Senryu BR said.

I don't agree with what a lot of you said, if you're getting hit with projectiles, use the "headspin" move to get to that enemy and kill them, throw the Sparda Sword if needed.

There is no need to practice Trish's skills at all. Roundtrip and abuse of the moves I bolded are good enough. Angelos are using the energy ball? Here's a tip, don't bother with it, dodge it and then throw round trip. Don't risk getting hit.

If I'll be honest It only took me two runs of her palace to beat it. The first time I died at Credo mainly because, I was trying to destroy energy balls but couldn't, and i had barely any health by the time I reached him.

I will add in the Revenge Combo now, I can't believe I forgot to add that.

Then again, people can just look in the Skill List roll
By on 31 Jul 2015 19:51
It´s not to so dificult like anyone think! smile
I advice to you training in Son of sparda dificult the bare knucle combo, because bare knucle and round trip don´t protect you from projectiles!!!, but you can avoid/prevent then in the combo!!!, because when trish do the headspin chun li you can move and that´s is the key to gain much DT and avoid damage!!!
For time Trish is the worst caracter to gain time, maintain that in mind do do your best to avoid damage in "easy" floor´s to you in the end not have a "time drama".
Revenge helps you a lot and SandHawkTime forgot to put the comand and the imput is hold cn_RBcn_downcn_upcn_X that´s help´s you a lot do damage fast in bosses and blitz´s, but remeber always kepp distance because Trish have a long time to go out from animation of this powerful shoot.
And two last adicional advice´s, first control DT because that´s the way to Trish recover as little HP and do damage fast and second having in mind the damege jumping (or double/"triple" jumping) helps you a lot dificults situations because can stun fly swords, in right time can destroy credo´s spear (the most irritate boss to fight whif Trish), some angel´s atacks and most important can throw back their energy ball and you can kill in the process 3 a 5 angles using only one "jump atack"
And remember Dante hate´s round trip he will do his parry a lot´s in the fight 101 but he "acepts" when he using gunlisger/trickster and do his revenge padora, like other bosses the key is round trip and in the distance kepp shooting revenge.
Sorry my bad english (i am a Brasilian and learnerd from my self study) and i hope that´s advice make your life more easy in blood palace dance
By Senryu BR on 31 Jul 2015 19:43
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Trish - Bloody Palace Guide
Credit to Emiliathesage from

Trish is the hardest character to use in Bloody Palace. Her guns are relatively weak. It requires DT form to do more damage. Pandora Revenge is her only weapon against Blitz and bosses. It consumes 3 DT runes so you have to refill your DT gauge every now and then. You can refill your DT gauge quickly by using the Pandora Cancel method below:

How to do the Pandora Cancel:

Strategies against enemies using Trish:

Scarecrows and Mega scarecrows - Use Round Trip then hit them with melee attacks or use V-Divider to snatch them, then use Bare Knuckle Combo D, Thunder Blow or Collider after snatching them. Hold for stronger damage.

Gladius (flying swords) - Use V-Divider in mid-air to snatch them, then use Rolling Thunder once they are stunned in the air. Activate DT if you need to recover health. These enemies drop DT runes when you kill them.

Cutlass (fish swords) - Shoot them rapidly to stun them. Use V-Divider to snatch them. Then use Thunder Blow or Collider after snatching them. Hold for stronger damage. Jump once if you see them jumping towards you, they will get stunned after getting hit.

Basilisks (dogs) - Use V-Divider to snatch them. Then use Thunder Blow or Collider after snatching them. Hold for stronger damage.

Frosts and Assaults - Use V-Divider to snatch them. Then use Bare Knuckle Combo D, Thunder Blow or Collider after snatching them. Hold for stronger damage.

Alto and Bianco Angelos - Use Round Trip to stun them. Then use Bare Knuckle Combo D, Thunder Blow or Collider after stunning them. Hold for stronger damage.

Chimera Seeds - Use V-Divider to snatch them. Then use Thunder Blow or Collider after snatching them. Hold for stronger damage. These enemies drop Green Orbs when you kill them.

Infected Scarecrows and Infected Assaults - Use Round Trip to stun them. Use Pandora Revenge after stunning them or use the Pandora Cancel in mid-air instead after stunning them if DT gauge is empty.

Mephistos and Fausts - Use handguns in DT form to remove their cloak, now use Round Trip to stun them while they are on the ground then use Bare Knuckle Combo D, Thunder Blow or Collider after stunning them. Hold for stronger damage.

Blitz - Use Pandora Revenge to remove his shield. Or Pandora Cancel instead if DT gauge is empty. Then use Bare Knuckle Combo D once stunned. When he enters rage mode, just run and jump to avoid him until he explodes. Activate DT when he grabs you to avoid the explosion. Always kill his companions before him (Frosts, Assaults, Mega Scarecrows, unshielded Blitz, etc.).

All bosses except Dante - Use Pandora Revenge after dodging their attack. Or use Round Trip, then use Bare Knuckle Combo D, Thunder Blow or Collider after dodging their attack. Hold for stronger damage. They recover very slow after dodging their attack.

Strategy vs Credo

1. Run towards him and jump after he starts his combo.
2. Throw your Sparda towards him (Use Round Trip) after he finishes his combo.
3. Hit him with Pandora Revenge or attack him with melee combos if your DT gauge is empty.
4. Repeat Steps 1-3 after he recovers.
5. Use Rolling Thunder or Air Hike when you see his Javelin coming right at you. His Javelin drops Green Orbs so try to deflect it if you need to recover health.

Strategy vs Dante

1. Run away from him as far as you can.
2. Throw your Sparda towards him (Use Round Trip).
3. Shoot him with your handguns immediately after throwing your Sparda.
4. He should shoot with his guns and get stunned by Round Trip if timed correctly.
5. Hit him with Pandora Revenge or shoot him with your handguns if your DT gauge is empty.
6. Repeat Steps 2-5 after he recovers from the stun and before he starts moving.

Trish - She doesn't have a Super Costume.

NOTE: I used model swap in this video.

Trish vs Blitz x2 - Stage 85 - This floor is really hard is you are using Trish.

You need full DT gauge when you reach stage 85 or this is going to be very hard.
1. Once the stage loads, lock-on immediately to the Blitz at the center and use Pandora Revenge (Hold + back to forward on the Left Analogue Stick and press ) once to remove its shield. Repeat once or twice to finish it quick.
2. Activate DT to avoid getting interrupted by the other Blitz.
3. When the other Blitz enters rage mode, keep dodging it until it explodes. Activate DT if you are grabbed.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 to the other Blitz but refill DT first using Pandora Cancel mentioned above in this guide.

If you reached stage 85 without any DT gauge, please refer to this guide below:
1. Run to the nearest side. Either left or right.
2. Keep jumping to the left/right but do not lock-on to any of them.
3. Use Pandora Cancel if one of them stops (Burrowed from the ground or start shooting electricity).
4. Repeat steps 2-3 until you have at least 3 DT runes.
5. Use Pandora Revenge if one of them stops (Burrowed from the ground or start shooting electricity) to remove its shield. Shoot him again once or twice to finish him off.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 if the Blitz survives and you ran out of DT again.
7. When the other Blitz enters rage mode, keep dodging it until it explodes. Activate DT if you are grabbed. Jumping has invincibility frames so make sure you mash it to avoid getting grabbed.
8. Repeat steps 2-5 on the other Blitz.

ForcefulOliver2 sent me some advice, hope somebody can find it useful

I will list you the moves needed to do it the "easy" way, and pin point some floors that i remember that can be hard, i mean tips for some monsters

The main moves are:
Round trip (hold lock-on and do forward+B)
Electrical dance (mash Y after doing Round trip)
Thunder blow (lock-on and hold forward+Y after Round trip)
Collider (lock-on and hold backward+Y after Round trip, hold only till fist is lit up for collider and thunder blow, no need for longer)
Pistols with DT(i did not use once any other gun other then pistols)

About the Devil Trigger, ONLY use it for life or emergency situation, only use for bosses, blitz, mephisto and faust.

The tactic for almost all monsters is simple, throw round trip and use thunder blow or collider, but for some its a bit different.

Whatever the floor you are on, if you see a mega scarecrow(the big black ball lookin thing) KILL IT RIGHT AWAY!!! On must die these guys are really dangerous(floor 80 to 101=must die difficulty)

For the Blitz(the guys surrounded in lightning)to take is lightning off use the pistols with DT, when is light is off, throw round trip and start mashing Y for electrical dance, when the combo is done hit B to take back your sword and throw it again right away to do a 2nd electrical dance, that should put him in "explosion mode"(when hes red)just lock on to him and dodge till he explodes.

For the floor 85 where you get 2 blitz(yes, 2 blitz man, totally insane LOL!!!)before trying to kill 1, take the lightning off of BOTH before attacking, it gives you time to kill one, dodge till he blows off, then take the lightning off the 2nd one and finish the floor.

Mephisto and faust, super simple, activate/deactivate DT to take is black shadow off, when hes on floor round trip + thunder blow.

For both type of Angelo enemies(angel looking) like always, throw round trip but thats where its different...u can use thunder blow + collider to send em up(while they are up take back your sword)throw it again when they back on floor, then repeat till dead, but for floors like 99(and another one in the 80's, cant remember which one) there is sooooo many angels that you better do instead, round trip + electrical dance, u have to not let them a chance to move!

Remember to ALWAYS throw round trip, its the key!!!!

Now with the bosses:
Berial, that guy hurts, so stay far, but not too far, throw round trip and shoot with pistols, use DT if full or if you need health, and dodge, when he hits the floor to make the lava burst under you, all you need to do is start running, dont jump and dont dodge, just run and it wont hit you.

Bael, throw round trip and use thunder blow with DT activate the DT when its time to punch to not waste too much, it give massive damage, collider as well if he is stunned, for is fairy throw round trip and use thunder blow charged(when charged it shoots and extra ball for far damage) if he eats you or the fairy chlls you, use DT to escape right away so alway keep a minimum of 4 bars in you DT gauge.

Echidna, shes a bitch with trish in my opinion...she hurts as hell..
As usual, round trip BUT do a jump before throwing it so it spins in her face! And pistols, when she goes in the ground, round trip and collider in DT THE WHOLE TIME so you dont react to the damage, electrical dance can be useful as well. Make sure to dodge when she goes off the ground and when she goes flying, lots off damage there she gives

Credo, the trick with him is to throw the round trip so it damages him right after he attack, only way to get round trip to get stuck on him, then do 1 or 2 thunder blow, not more cause you will give him a chance to counter if you do. Not hard at all in my opinion.

Agnus, easiest of all boss for every caracter in my opinion, jump and throw round trip so its spins in his face, so if he spawns swords they will die almost instantly, and use collider charged(ALWAYS charge these 2 attacks, not worth not charged) thunder blow as well if he keeps on moving.

Dante...HAH!!! A fuckin joke!!! The amount damage round trip does to him is ridiculous, i killed him in under a minute, you could do your untouchable achievement if lucky enough.

When the fight begins, DO NOT jump or he will shoot you, start running backward to the left to take some distance, round trip +pistols, that all you need now and thats it, BUT, he might start to block everything, which will happen, what you need to do is go near him so he attacks you, dodge back up and finish him up with round trip + pistols, THAT easy, unbelievable lol!!!


19 Sep 2015 06:56

Kool, you have put my msg as a guide lol, kinda hilarious you didnt erase the beginning part...where to start at LOL!!! I hope people will like these tips
By ForcefulOliver2 on 23 Sep 2015 06:36
i didnt even really read over it yet, if u want u can just clean it up and get all the credit yourself lol
By Markyshizzle on 23 Sep 2015 06:54
No no no, its all good, i told you in the msg, make a guide with it if you want i really dont care, im not that type of prick that will bitch because someone used my info LOL!
By ForcefulOliver2 on 23 Sep 2015 22:47
yeah well its to help others, i hate when ppl dont give tips or help. You are a boss, just want u to get the credit lol
By Markyshizzle on 24 Sep 2015 00:17
Great solution, definitely beats the one I made :p
By on 11 Oct 2015 11:14
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So, this isn't a "guide" per say. But you can kinda see and catch what I do in the video. Not as difficult as people make it out to be. Will add the description from the vid below it.

Blitz - I usually always use Pandora's Revenge, which takes 3 D.T. bars. It should take out his electric armor. Follow it up with Round Trip, and Bare Knuckle Combo A or B or C (if C, continue with Electrical Dance) .

Blitz (Red) - When it's in the Red Electricity state. don't stay in one spot. I usually jumped around, and use Pandora's Hatred or Pandora's Epidemic move.

Mephisto's, Faust's and Gladius' - Activate D.T. and use Luce & Ombra, then combo them with whatever you feel like. If against Gladius', keep them off screen, and use only guns in D.T. Very powerful guns in D.T.

Alto & Bianco Angelo - use Round Trip, and while it's being stunned, use Collider, Thunder Blow (if more enemies are in that general direction), or Bare Knuckle Combo C

NOTE: Bare Knuckle Combo B and Sparda Combo B are very good too, for alot of the enemies.

09 Sep 2016 04:23

Having just completed the Bloody Palace with Trish, I figured I should give some tips for anyone else planning to as well. At first I was dreading playing as her, as she has a very limited range of devastating moves. In particular she can be difficult to use when fighting against the dreaded Blitz. They will be the main concern during the play through of the Palace. First things first though: how do you deal with normal enemies?

Easy: always throw away Sparda. It stuns all enemies and leaves them open for attacks. When Sparda is doing its thing, go in and use a charged Thunder Blow. It will do away with every enemy you come across with little difficulty. For multiple Frosts and Angelos, try to focus on one at a time and manipulate the camera to keep other enemies away from view. For the Cutlass fish, throw Sparda. It will catch them and leave them open to remove from underground. For Gladius swords I found two good techniques. 1. Shoot at them with DT pistols. 2. JUMP! Trish's jump, if performed at the right time, will damage enemies and block damage. Mephistos and Fausts should be dealt with by de-cloaking them with DT pistols.

Now the hard part: Bosses and Blitz. Although they can be troublesome, the bosses and Blitz have one major weakness in Trish's arsenal: the Pandora Laser! However, every shot uses three chunks of the DT gauge. A major factor to consider is that Trish's rockets fill up the DT gauge especially fast. Any time you're running low, fire some rockets to reach a comfortable level.

Blitz: As soon as one spawns, fire the Pandora laser. The only way to remove their shields are with Devil Trigger, so make sure you have enough to fight them! You can use the pistols too, but I find them too slow and unreliable. One shot from the Pandora laser removes their shield and another shot turns them red. Run like hell and jump until it explodes. For floor 85, as soon as it starts fire the laser. You should manage to catch both in the first shot. Throw round trip to keep the first blitz occupied and fire another laser to make it berserk before the second decides to smack you around. Run along the rim of the arena to avoid both Blitz's, and once the first explodes focus on the second.

Berial: As soon as the fight starts, laser him. He can be a bit of a pain as he really doesn't want to give you breathing room though. Continuously throw Sparda for damage and fire rockets to recharge Pandora. When you get any opportunity to do so, laser him.

Dagon: Throw Sparda. It will quickly remove the demon bait when they appear. Once Dagon reappears move to his side and, guess what? Pandora laser time!

She-Viper: Keep your distance and be careful when she charges late in the battle. Don't forget the egg sacks along the sides in case you feel health is low. When she lands, dodge her vines at a decent distance. After some sweeps with them, she'll pause for a taunt. Even when floating, she will periodically stop moving. Laser her at these chances.

Credo: throw Sparda non-stop. When he is caught in its spin, use Pandora laser. Thunder Blow is good too. When building up your DT, spam rockets after stunning him with Sparda. He is very easy, and Trish's jumps will deflect his spears and his spinning swords.

Agnus: Fire your laser whenever he readies an attack. Use Sparda to keep the hell-hounds and the other fodder occupied. Stop him whenever he prepares to drain your power. Try to finish him before he decides to spam his spinning attack.

Dante: Same strategy as Credo. Throw your Sparda round-trip until he gets caught in the spin and then laser him to Hell! A fair warning though: he can be unpredictable with his style changes and in my run he only changed from Gunslinger and Swordmaster. I would be extra careful if he decides to go into royal guard. Best put him away as fast as possible.

This is my first ever guide for anything, so I apologize if it isn't too good. These strategies worked for me though, and I hope some of the info is useful. If anyone has any other tips feel free to share! Thanks, and good luck with the Bloody Palace!

07 Jul 2015 19:59

1 Comment
Thanks so much for the guide. I haven't started the BP portion yet, but I managed to use the basic tips from this to get S Ranks on DMD with Lady/Trish(Trish being the hardest part for me).
By ShonicTH on 30 Apr 2019 21:25