Devil May Cry HD
34 Achievements
Finish the game on Dante Must Die Mode
How to unlock the Combustible!!! achievement in Devil May Cry HD - Definitive Guide
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When you beat the game on hard difficulty, you will be asked to beat the game on the Dante Must Die level.
I highly recommend also saving up Holy water - and more
For inexperienced players, it will be a panacea for finishing off bosses and completely annihilating the enemy Death Scythe - which at the last difficulty level will fold you in half
I also first advise you to buy the maximum of goods in stores - immortality and stars, and only then take from - the limit will be broken and what is found will be added to the maximum
For inexperienced players, it will be a panacea for finishing off bosses and completely annihilating the enemy Death Scythe - which at the last difficulty level will fold you in half
I also first advise you to buy the maximum of goods in stores - immortality and stars, and only then take from - the limit will be broken and what is found will be added to the maximum
By illusion on 22 Apr 2012 15:12
In fact, there is nothing complicated. The whole difficulty depends on your intentions, skill, beliefs. I advise you to take more additional Untouchables, Devil Triggers and Holy Waters. As written above, I quote: “Holy Water is a panacea against many bosses. Do not waste supplies on ordinary enemies, as you will kill more nerves on bosses, especially on the evil Nightmare.
By By_Kryuk on 29 Jan 2016 16:39
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Will open after completing it on hard. The difficulty is quite high even with all the upgraded abilities, it all depends on the skill of the game.