Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

46 Achievements


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Fiend with Twenty Faces

Fiend with Twenty Faces

Bought at least 20 avatars at the Coin Shop.


How to unlock the Fiend with Twenty Faces achievement in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory - Definitive Guide

*If this is the first online trophy you're going for you can buy your avatars, back out and reload your save when you get the trophy since the coins aren't tied to your account but to your save file.

This is done in the Online mode and you need to go to the DigiLab and interact with the red circle in the back of the room to do so. You WILL need PS Plus for this.
Once you're in the Online mode select Network Battle and go down to the Coin Shop. Any item with a blue keyhole-looking thing is an avatar and you'll need 20 of them in total.
To obtain coins quickly you can do Event mode, which consists of 3 challenges, each with a few tiers. Completing each mission will provide you with coins and they change up every month.
Most of the avatars cost 300 coins meaning that if you don't spend any coins you earn you'll need 6000 coins to buy what you need (there are more than 20 avatars) but if you're a little short on funds there are 2 ways to go about it.

Long Way:
Get 3 level 99 DIgimon at Mega or Ultra and try to win battles against your opponents legit for 50 coins a win. Depending on your opponents (Tamers always have the same teams but which Tamer you get is always random) this can be a cakewalk or a struggle and there's no right or wrong team. Your party is scaled down to level 50 and your maximum Memory use is 100 so that puts a huge hinderance on the bigger hitters for you so unless you want the challenge I'd go with the other method.

Short Way:
Put a single baby Digimon in your party then enter a battle. Because you have one super weak DIgimon the battle is usually over in less than 30 seconds (compare to the 5-10 minutes for a legit match) and while you only get 10 coins this way it takes significantly less time to farm them.

17 Mar 2020 21:18