Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory

46 Achievements


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Ultra-Long Combo

Ultra-Long Combo

Landed a combo of three or more attacks.


How to unlock the Ultra-Long Combo achievement in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory - Definitive Guide

You'll probably get this naturally but as far as I'm aware you need at least 2 Digimon on your team to perform a Xros Attack, which depends on the CAM of your team. The more times a Digimon fights in battle the higher its CAM will get until it reaches 100% (this is a long process!) and the higher the CAM the better the chance of a Xros Attack happening.,
My team was a Tentomon (my starter) and a Yokomon (which I Digivolved from Pabumon) and after their first Xros Attack ever it unlocked.

28 Feb 2020 19:38