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Driven in excess of 1000 miles

Driven in excess of 1000 miles

Congratulations! You have driven over 1000 miles.


How to unlock the Driven in excess of 1000 miles achievement in DiRT - Definitive Guide

One method i used was to change the accelrate and reverse controls to the thumbstick so you can setup rubber band and get easy miles by just reversing from the starting point until it spawns again to the start line. This method proved to be quite reliable for me and useful if you want to get this achievement without playing, provided you can keep your controller from disconnecting.
You get about 1mile per minute on Windy Point hill climb in tier 1 with EVO IX using this method.
And make sure to finish the race as well.

04 Nov 2011 21:09

Hmmm I don't think I got this.

So what you are saying is that when you just put your car into reverse at the start, it will auto spawn itself so you can reverse again over and over ? If so, this might be a very useful solution.
By DaShAg on 08 Nov 2011 09:28
Yes it does, and apparently the distance the car is moved is also counted as well towards the odometer.
By ViperX700 on 09 Nov 2011 17:36
Worked great. Nice find Viper. I have been sitting on this game for years only needing this stupid cheevo. Never wanted to bother until I saw this. Finished off all my mystery miles in about 2 hours. If you don't feel like changing your controls you can just tape down the left trigger. Also I would turn off the vibration on your controller before you start.
By JOHNNYKAT on 22 Jan 2012 17:17
Not sure were the negative vote is coming from here, this is by far the easiest solution to this needless achievement! I completed the game twice quite some time ago and just had this one to do. I've tried the other solutions but got nowhere, so this game has been sitting on my shelf gathering dust. I spotted this solution and boom! Put it on before I went to bed and woke up with achievement! Excellent solution thanks!
By Poprin on 07 Apr 2012 11:16
Just one thing to add : MAKE SURE YOU FINISH THE RACE !.i backed out of the race after boosting for 4 hours and saw it saving but once back to the menu no miles had been accumalated.I did another 4 hour run and went back and finished and lo and behold 245 miles had been added.Otherwise top solution.
By Watty8883 on 22 Apr 2012 06:40
Perfect solution! Thanks...
By PE0014 on 09 Jul 2012 23:13
thanks heaps
By Stoogiemeister on 11 Sep 2012 16:32
This guide was perfect for me because the last thing I wanted to do was to have to play more after completing everything else. It took about 8ish hours but I did that when I wasn't going to be online and actively playing. Thankies!
By LitaOsiris on 14 Sep 2012 23:39
I did this to get the last 170 miles done. Stats show that distance traveled is 1006.12 miles and no achievement. Any ideas? It may be a little glitchy.
By Sashimi X13 on 17 Sep 2012 01:02
good one =)
By HellCreeper666 on 25 Sep 2012 23:45
Its not glitchy.

The miles are all the miles you have done in the game including championships.

The achievement is only for career miles.

Some people have seen it unlock at 1,700 miles before.
By Bonxy on 04 Oct 2012 19:05
Yeah, this game is glitchy. I was over 1000 miles but it did not unlock the first time I played this game in like 2007. I have since lost my game saves in a tragic accident but this guide will make the 1000 miles achievement so much less painful. Does this need to be done in any specific game mode? Since I am starting over with a new save file I have only 4 cars unlocked and none of the championships completed. Hopefully I can just do it in "Rally World" single race and it will count. Any confirmation will be appreciated though.
By Wiznyatt on 10 Oct 2012 00:06
Wiznyatt as stated in the description this has got to be done in carreer dude
By craigla10 on 16 Jan 2013 01:23
Great solution. Had 800 miles done legit when I got burgled in Nov 2007 so obviously I lost my save. Couldn't bring myself to start again but tried this and got it done leaving it running whilst I slept for 2 nights. Finally have the 1k over 5 years later, cheers :D
By Team Brether on 11 Mar 2013 10:49
Worked like a charm. It just took 8+ hours to do the 500 miles i needed
By LowKlass101 on 21 Apr 2013 00:05
Great solution. And you're right. You get some extra mileage for the distance the car is moved back to the starting line. And it's not glitchy. The miles you see in the stats are total miles. These have to be 1000 Career miles, Championship miles don't count.
By Eric Filtro on 24 May 2014 18:28
Perfect !!! thanks, I finally complete this game with your tips clap
1000G ;)

By CoPeLiTo on 13 Jul 2016 02:18
Fantastic solution! 1000g finally!

On my stats my overall miles was at 1279, so 279 miles done on on game modes other than career mode.
By DCFC on 02 Apr 2017 13:50
I suggest going for this achievement first before going for the online and championship achievements. That way it's easier to keep track in the career before playing any other modes.
By KillPaulV0L3 on 27 Aug 2019 12:13
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Easily the most frustrating achievement in the game. You could race each event 2 or 3 times on your first play through career and you should be close. The easiest way to boost mileage if you need to is to race the first event in tier 10 (Pikes Peak Full) and pick the Celica GT. You can do 12miles in about 8mins without any loading. Rinse and repeat.

06 Sep 2008 22:12

I hate this achievement. I've been driving the same track over and over for what seems like months and I'm still nowhere near 1000 miles. It's so annoying.
By dwu1983 on 21 Sep 2008 00:21
start career, go to the first race, rubber band both sticks together and cellotape the trigger down and just leave it (either go watch tv or leave it on over night). when you start, you are off the track so you should be fine.
By IKillsafe on 21 Aug 2009 01:48
do miles accomulate during your challanges also, in other words do miles in challenge mode count towards the total miles driven. cause i looked at my status and i have driven 1003 miles and i still have not gotten the achievement?
By forgottensoldja on 20 Oct 2009 13:12
career mode only I'm afraid.
By jochta on 20 Oct 2009 13:14
I have over 1,250 and dont have the achievement yet. lots of my miles are in rally world.
By DirtySouthRacin on 23 Nov 2009 04:12
Drive a total of 1000 miles in "career mode".

Hints in the title.
By Xtr3me on 05 Feb 2010 00:55
Actually the hint is in the description :P
By Tenshi3 on 12 Aug 2010 23:47
why it's just in career mode, it's the last achievement that i need, and i don't want to race over and over in career mode :-(
By mummy68 on 27 Oct 2010 11:29
it may get a bit boring but i broke it up into an hour here and half hour there and in no time did i get the cheev. After getting all my money and buying cars i had a bout 400 miles to do and i found this way to be the best
By JODAW on 19 Nov 2010 19:06
This ones a pain in the arse. Drove about 1350 miles now, too bad only about 600 of them are in Career Mode :|
By aDaviesX on 23 Nov 2010 21:01
got mine after 1325 miles. I did Pikes Peak with the Celica everytime and finally I have completed this game. I cannot believe that I did 325 miles out of career. I guess it records online play as well.
By Phase II on 19 May 2011 03:25
the solution worked great, thanks
By ErnaP on 02 Jun 2011 19:38
I've driven 1104 miles including all the championships in the arcade mode. Anyone knows how many miles the whole championship is, in the short mode?
By Claptrap NL on 16 Jun 2011 23:31
I have driven a total of ~1951km before getting the achievement. This means that the championship races should take a total of ~346km. As far as I remember I only played two or three online games.
By Epsilon Theta on 23 Jun 2011 12:29
Thank you Epsilon Theta. Now I've an idea on how long I've to play this game. My next 100% =)
By Claptrap NL on 07 Jul 2011 18:34
The length of all the championships on short mode totals approximately 191.1 miles.
By FreeskierInVT on 11 Aug 2011 04:37
Is there anyway of seeing how many miles I've done in career mode?

I like the rubber band idea, will try that haha
By Curt Rally on 24 Jun 2013 09:55
The mileage has to be done in career mode. It doesn't matter which cars you use. The mileage shown on the stats page includes all distance in all modes.
By jochta on 18 Jul 2013 12:30
I had to drive 1240 miles total to get it to pop. I simply re-raced about 1/4 the career again at some of the remaining difficulty levels, Clubman through Pro-am. $ collections and watching my PB's increase kept me motivated enough to keep racing the same stages over and over. I mixed it up be cycling through all the events I enjoyed throughout the game - Pikes, Aussie, UK, and a few Raid and Buggy runs. Not that bad of a grind - added about 5 more hours of play time.
By halohogg on 25 Aug 2019 18:23
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Right there is a 3rd way to do this, I'm not saying its better than rubber banding or Pikes Peak but it is another option for how to do it.

Career >
Tier 1 >
7th event along (Windy Point Short A) >
Rookie >
Evo IX >
Race >

Right the first half of this course is as good as straight, with only one or two basic corners that you can take at full speed. To cut a long guide short heres what you do;

Drive until you get to the second time board (about half of the stage), spin around and drive back to start. Rinse and repeat as many times as needed.

This has the advantage of knocking off the miles as quick (if not quicker) than the Pikes Peak method with no loading times and is almost as simple as the rubber band method.....so its a nice in the middle 3rd option for you to try.

I was getting 15 miles every 10 minutes doing it this way and the journey to the second time board and back is about 2.7 miles.

05 Mar 2011 15:51

If you really go for it you can get around 20 miles every 10 minutes. I used this strategy and was simple and doesn't require much, if any, effort to do
By react#2409 on 15 Jul 2011 17:35
Forgot to mention that i found it best to use the Subaru Impreza as it has a higher top speed and you can get a faster average speed aswell.
By react#2409 on 17 Jul 2011 11:01
100 miles left! this is the best solution out of the three. Thank You
By Mr Duck on 25 Oct 2011 11:45
Excellent solution. Made life much easier for the last 150 miles :)
By XabisMission on 10 Feb 2012 17:27
Thought that I worked this one out myself but alas already posted, using this method and flying off the track to the right after the third checkpoint and then u-turning and speeding back to the startline, crossing it and automatically restarting (the system does this if you keep driving) and then repeating.

I clocked up 16 miles in ten minutes and averaged 90 miles per hour! Almost completed now, tried the rubber band method but only got about 18 miles an hour! Using this method you can get mileage in that region in less than 15 minutes!
By Mort 162 on 05 Mar 2012 19:24
I did this and now have 1011.40 mi. based on Garage> Statistics> Distance Traveled, however no achievement?? Help!
By ADaughen on 02 Jul 2012 03:59
It's career miles that count for the cheevo but that mile counter counts all miles driven, you will have done some in single player etc. I took my overall miles to about 1400 in total before it popped sadly!
By Marc The G on 02 Jul 2012 05:01
FML. :( Thanks.
By ADaughen on 02 Jul 2012 12:36
Woo! Finally got it at 1258 miles. Thanks!
By ADaughen on 05 Jul 2012 02:40
sweet, should only take me around 6 hours using this method.....

think i'll just stick to letting the xbox get the achievement for me and spend the 6 hours doing something more enjoyable
By Italicpigeon on 07 Jul 2013 14:18
By VenomSlayer88 on 15 Dec 2013 08:26
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After you have accumulated all the miles required to unlock all the cars, you will likely be left with several hundred miles to fill, and not much desire to do so. However, by using elastic bands, and the Pike Peaks hill climb track in tier 8, you can do it while you sleep (provided you have a wired controller). It took me about 11 hours to do just over 450 miles this way, without any of my effort.

On that track, about 30% of the way up, there is a hairpin right turn, with a gate, and railing. If you crash through the gate, you will fly through the air and then respawn. Simply by holding down RT, this process will continually repeat. Make sure that you have damaged your front left wheel so that the car tends to drift slightly to the left to ensure that you do not make any progress.

You can then just leave your Xbox to do its work. If you lack a wired controller, just watch TV and fiddle with the right analogue stick every now and again.

STAFF EDIT: Unavailable video removed.

27 Jun 2009 23:35

start career, go to the first race, rubber band both sticks together and cellotape the trigger down and just leave it (either go watch tv or leave it on over night). when you start, you are off the track so you should be fine.

21 Aug 2009 01:51

Well, I don't have Guitar or wirelles controller, so had to try all other possible ways that i can.

I tried fall of corners at Pikes Peak and rubber band but i came over one thing - my controller switches off all the time after few mins [about 15mins] so i cant left it over a night.

Tried making circles - miles coming way to long.
And i understood, there is only one way for me and its:

Do it Legit way!
Tier 10, first race:
Pikes Peak Full [12.4mi.]
Aprox time: about 8mins+.

No loading time after 2mi. and track isn't so hard after few times.

Easy math:
12,4mi. x 10times = 124mi. in 1,30h.
Not so bad.

GL & HF!

Dont forget to watch some good movie at the sime time.
Thats how time runs faster. :)

10 Feb 2013 12:37