Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

30 Achievements


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Finished the game without being detected


How to unlock the Shadow achievement in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - Definitive Guide

I am doing this guide to cover several achievements in the same run. Aside from the first mission, I adopted the “dead men tell no tales” strategy of non-detection. This will be a loose walk through for the game. The number of guards and such depends on difficulty, so you may run into more or fewer than I did. I'll put any information not directly related to this achievement in

Mission 1
Above all, just be patient. The first guard is easy enough to take down, and the next two are not too hard as long as you get the body of the one near the wall out of sight before the patroller returns. Inside the bath area, don't worry about anyone in the neutral area. The best way to get around is to go into the locker room and climb into the ceiling. From there you can reach the upper area,
and take the enemies there down one at a time. When you get to the rooms on the end you have the choice of taking out the hounds from a ceiling vent or opening a nearby door and shooting the release button to let them kill the enemies in the room. If you decide to shoot the button, quickly leave the area near the door and carefully go to the next room to mop up the surviving hounds from the aforementioned vent. Now, you should have looted the key to rescue Daud if the woman is dead. If you did not let the hounds kill her, a non-lethal hook mine works wonders. Back downstairs in the neutral area, unlock and deactivate the machine and Daud will take care of the enemies and none of them will detect you.
The City Watch will come into the building shortly after this, so head up the stairs in the bookie's office to avoid them. Climb out of the window and either carefully make your way back to the apartment or drop down into a lower area and avoid some hounds. From there carefully avoid the guards on the other side as you make your way back to the starting area.

Mission 2
Stupid Outsider, that hurt! As you begin, you will notice you now have three abilities. This certainly makes things easier. You will be taught how to use them as you need them. Entering the apartment you find to the left after you bypass the gate will get you an alternate way into an upcoming house. You'll need to use Foresight and Displace to get into the beauty shop.
Place the marker fast, the energy drains very quickly. Get tattooed, explore for some mission clues, and then head back outside. Facing the Spector Club, there are a few guards and a gate to your right. Carefully make your way up to the platform on the tree and into the window.
You can displace into the open gate and take the guards out pretty easily on the way into the Club. The area around the club is full of Civilians and the Club is neutral territory.
You cannot get by the woman guarding the upstairs doors without detection, unless you use Semblance on someone in one of the rooms up here. I suggest the guy in the room with the man on the cot. The door leads to Shan Yun's house on an upper floor. Go downstairs and open the door to the right. Ignore the maid and Displace up to the grated window ledge so you can snipe the guards in the next area quickly. Put the bodies behind the privacy screen and open the metal doors.
There are no other guards in the immediate area, so go upstairs and round the corner to the right.
Back up on the third floor, the doors ahead lead to some guards. Displace onto the grate and handle the guards stealthily. Now you can use the song you got in the electrified room to open the safe first or you can
Getting back out means that you need to be very careful. Stay in the hallway, the doors are still open, and Displace into the hallway across the way. Apparently, it's not unusual for people to appear out of thin air. Head back to the area with the open big metal gate. Go around the corner to the taxidermist office if you have not already and take care of her to get a key that leads to quite the surprise and a lot of treasure. One word of advice, let the guy out and close the door back before you turn the wheel. Now go through the metal gate and wait for the civilian on the left to move. Go Semblance the rich guy and quickly go past the guards, down the stairs and drop into the alley beyond the fence to find the Black Market.
The contracts here sound like good money, but most are going to be hard to do without being detected. Getting back out either requires some luck and Semblance or taking the guards in this area. Once you get the two closest ones down, you can go to the opposite end of the street to get back into a neutral area.
You're not too far from the big metal gate now, you just have to make it to Jacobi's office before you head to the bank. (Mostly worry about the guards to the right and others will come over there.) The building over the gate is a good place to snipe from, even better if you bought the zoom upgrade from the Black Market. There is only one guard near a carriage past the next doorway, but he or the civilians may see you. Snipe him with Electrical Burst from a room overlooking the area accessible from a balcony above the guards you just sniped. You won't spend much time in the office building before you have to move on. Once you get to the next area, use Foresight to mark Jacobi and the guards. The only one who moves in the trap door area is your target. Displace above the stairs and trigger it when the left guard moves away. Carefully take out the guard downstairs and then watch the movements above you. Pull the lever when he moves into position
and then push it back in place before anyone can see you. Go out the broken wall quickly because guards will come down to investigate. The door leads to a set of double doors that will get you back to a safe area near the office building.
You should have significantly reduced the guards in the area near the bank. There may still be some, so be careful. If you enter the building to the left, hide under the stairs until the gang members leave. Go up and talk to the guy for quite a reward. Go out onto the balcony now, but be careful since the gang members are now below you. The bank is not really anything more than a couple of rooms at this point, so ignore it and head back to your carriage.

Mission 3
Don't forget to talk to Daud and get clues from the table before you leave your ship. The area you enter is hostile this time, so be careful of guards.
The Bank Teller's Apartment is above the taxidermist office. You can get in from the awning near the gate to the bank area and the apartment overlooking that area is still open. There are fewer guards now, and the Pharmacy waypoint is in the same area. The other overlooking apartment is still open too. Be on the lookout for hounds as well as guards. The Black Market is in the same place it was last time, so go stock up if you need to. Make sure you save 500 coins for the upcoming auction. The Pharmacist's Apartment is nearby. You can sign a petition in the room at the other end of the hallway then go talk to the pharmacist's daughter. Go to the auction area, Semblance someone and go find a seat.
There's a guardhouse in the bank courtyard and it is populated
, and there may be other guards patrolling, so be careful. You'll get three entry point possibility markers once you enter the courtyard.
Now follow the waypoint to the painter's lift. You'll need a full whale oil tank to power it, so go around the other side of the bank door to get one before you mess with any levers. Take care of the guards on the roof and use the vent. Now enter the door on the roof. In the room downstairs you will find a board with hints about opening the safes in the vault. Go press the red button to open the door.
The unlabeled doors don't lead much of anywhere, and there's not much in the Conference Room. Other than a bit of loot, there is nothing on the second floor you need to get. However, from a balcony in the office you can see the security button you need to press with a health vial next to it on the floor below. This is actually the most direct route to the button. You can walk out the nearby door to find two metal doors open now near the stairs. You can also see an Arc Pylon in there. In order to maximize the achievements, we're not disabling anything so Quicksaving frequently is recommended. There is nothing in the bank that will harm you now, except automatic defenses and robots. From the door that is entered from the stairs side, you can Displace along the rooms to the left and get on the third light. The door is apparently out of range of the pylon. Now you have some clockworks to worry about. Crouch behind the crate and aim your Displace up, you should be able to land on a small ledge and climb over the railing to the balcony. There is a clockwork that patrols up and down the stairs by the elevator, but a fast Foresight can get him and the first floor one marked so you can safely get to the elevator by marking a Displaced spot near it.
Take the elevator up to the third floor and go into the office to push the red button. Get the key and stuff from the hidden area then get up on top of the elevator. Get up a little higher into another room. Displace into the metal passage and then from there to a desk, there is an Arc Pylon up here. Get the lever from the desk and then carefully aim for the hole in the floor so you fall into it. It may take a few tries. It works best to pull the trigger twice quickly when you see the purple image fall into the hole. Now Displace down onto the vault and loosen the brakes. Ride it all the way down, you only take minor damage.
Drop over the side and look for a wheel to unlock and turn.
Open the one with the two keys to get the knife and you will get a new power (and Bonecharm Crafting) after you claim the knife
. Swim toward the waypoint and down to get tossed out a pipe. Now you have two choices: you can go out the nearby door or climb the chain to get back to the boiler room near the first floor on the side of the bank with the big red button. I suggest climbing so that you can get back up to the roof.
Billie says something about the streets full of guards but I had no trouble until I ran into a couple guards next to my carriage.
Quickly take them both down and ride off to end the mission.

Mission 4
Apparently, your new hideout is overlooking a hostile force. Fun. The watchtower is gone, so that option is off the table. Snipe the guards below and on the bridge before you drop down. The Black Market is on the right at the end of the block, but there may be other guards on the street. There is a document there about a Smuggler Tunnel that may be helpful.
Walk carefully over to the right so that you can see through the fenced area opposite the green building and snipe the guard in the doorway ahead. Don't be too quick to run over there, another guard is near the fountain just down the stairs. Take him out too and then go restock, there are some silver ingots you can get on the way back to the Black Market building. Going in through the gate you just cleared allows you to not have to enter by the main one, but you will still need to be careful. When you hear talking, move into the dead end near the fence and use Foresight to mark two guards. They will separate after a bit, giving you the opportunity to take out the one that goes out and then get to the rocks and climb up to the second floor. Unfortunately, the windows are all locked that you could use to get into the building. However, the two windows leading over the courtyard are open, giving you a chance to get the drop on the remaining guard. There is an open window leading to the basement. There are four guards in the area outside of the door. Three of them can be marked through the windows, but the other one is too far away.
One stands with his back to a locked door and the rest of them patrol, but pretty far apart. If you are quick you can hide the bodies as you go, or use them as bait. The door here leads back out to the courtyard area, so you can go restock if you need to. The next area with enemies is brightly lit. There are three of them talking and one of them has a key to open the door where a witch is being held. She won't say much, though. On the first floor, there are several guards but they are too busy looking for things on the shelves and other spots to notice you sneak up behind each one and kill him. The doors lead to your goal, but there are more guards in there. I suggest a trip to the second floor. There's a guard on the left, easily taken out. On the right, two sisters are in a small room.
There is another guard on the other side of the room, be careful when exploring more of this floor. There is a second one on the opposite side of the floor and one more behind a door. Once he is down, there are two more below you in the downstairs of this area. Outside of this room is a courtyard with a turtle statue that has one more guard. The waypoint is a bit weird, but the map shows your current goal is on the third floor. The remaining enemies are pretty clustered, I would suggest going back to the Black Market to get all the mine upgrades you can afford.
There are two witches in the first part of the third floor and four guards in offices. At the other end, where the stairs up to the fourth floor are, there are three witches.
Once you set foot into the area with the stairs, you have a limited time to get the item from the sister. You can still get it from Brother Cardoza if you mess up, but don't kill him if you are contract hunting.
Now go back to the basement (with or without Cardoza) to read the silvergraph. Your goal now is to get back to the apartment you started this mission in. You might want to restock, there is no shop where you are going.

Mission 5
You have whatever weapons and things you had at the end of mission 4. There are two active hounds and one sleeping one at the top of the stairs. The room near there has a couple of hook mines. When you get to the statue, be careful of the cultists talking ahead. The building in the alley doesn't really have much in it. There is a black bonecharm in a room that requires a bit of Displace finesse, but the best thing of all is the vantage point through a window in the room with the bonecharm. You can get a few cultists from here. You can Displace up to an open spot in the wall of the locker room and then look on a desk in the hidden room to find the code for the gate, you could jump out of the window. The lift in the building ahead needs three dead bodies, conveniently you happened to have just killed some. Head on up and carefully enter the cage on the floor next to the rats and the whalebone. There are more cultists with their backs to you on the other end. They will walk off after an Envisioned cultist shows up. Where they end up you will find about five more. They talk for a while, so you can set traps after you kill the nearest one to get them when they come to investigate. Go straight ahead to a catwalk. Get up there by getting on a pipe first. Once you open the door wait for one cultist to leave before you set a trap for the one who comes to investigate the door (and the one who investigates his death if you have the double springrazor upgrade.) Get onto the upper catwalk in this room when everyone is dead. We are going to kill as many as we can before we leave. There are fewer cultists in the void for each one you kill or knock out here. A hyperbaric grenade works well on the small group beneath the window. Take out the ones in the courtyard below and then go across the rocks to a room connecting to an office area with more cultists. Taking them out with traps is the safest way. Climb the stairs and go onto the walkway ahead. Headshots don't quite work on cultists with rocks on their heads, but few have that. If any walk off to the right, immediately set a trap or two past the end of the bridge (between the bridge and the stairs) and hide in the darkness at the dead end side. It doesn't make you invisible, but it is less likely they will see you right away. Displace across the area to the rocks, there are more cultists over there. Set a trap and then shoot one of them before fleeing around the corner back the way you came. After the death happens, climb the rocks and follow the cables to a big statue.

Touch the eye to get an achievement and enter the void. There's a guy on the wall who has a key you will need. Be careful of the monsters here, they are not easily killed and can one shot you. Go slowly and you will see their shadow on the wall before you see them most of the time. If you do see one, back away to cover and then use Foresight to find and mark them. Needless to say, I don't advise that you try to get the achievement for killing one on a stealth run. There is a rock ledge that you can climb, it allows you to overlook enemies below. Probably the best way to get past the first Envisioned is to do Foresight to set a Displacement spot at the far side of his patrolling area. If you Displace at just the right time, you should be able to get away from his patrol area before he sees you. There is another one a bit farther along. Yet another one patrols the area where the Forbidden door is. Of course, that is where the key leads you. I suggest getting back into the window above the eating area and waiting for a good time to go down an investigate the Forbidden door area. The wall there tells you what number each part of the Outsider's Mark represents. Enter that number on the chest 962 to open it. Go out the door to the left when it is safe and be careful of stray cultists and monsters after you descend the stairs. I don't suggest taking out the cultists, you should just avoid them. Killing one may bring a monster to the area. When you get to the area with cameras and numbers be aware of cultists and another monster. Carefully make your way past what looks like a pier and drop down onto a metal roof. There are two more monsters between you and your goal. Carefully fall down the the rafter by the metal building and then onto the roof. Be careful as you avoid the monsters not to fall off the building's back into a big pit with a health vial in it. Displace a few times to get over to and through the area with the stone statues and then climb the stairs. Quicksave before you talk to anyone if you want to get both endings now, or just pick an ending. Congratulations, the moment you hit continue you will get this achievement you have worked so hard for.

23 Sep 2017 02:35

Do you know if bodies detected matters? I can't seem to get past the first mission without 1 body detected, but it still gives you the green checkmark for "Ghostly (Never Detected)"
By Ubula on 23 Sep 2017 19:40
The checkmark is what counts. I had bodies detected that I thought nobody would ever see and it didn't count against me. I even had a few near misses with half red lightning bolts, but I
don't recommend taking that risk.
By Seeker74 on 24 Sep 2017 19:44
Near red lighting bolts don't mean detected it's proven in the first dishonored game for low chaos playthrough. If your detected they'll start searching for you.
By The Nerds Club on 28 Sep 2017 09:36
Do you know if you have to do the contracts to get this achievement?
By The Nerds Club on 30 Sep 2018 08:50
Pretty sure the contracts remain optional. The game goes by detection per level, so save before you take a risk and check your stats afterward.
By Seeker74 on 01 Oct 2018 18:42
Had a body detected on the 3rd level and an alarm on the 3rd level but still got the ghostly check mark. I still have 0 spotted by enemies for the playthrough so bodies/alarms don't matter as much in this game as in other ones.
By TheOnlyMatto on 26 Mar 2021 07:46
^thanks for confirming about bodies
By Sensei Neo on 28 Jul 2021 22:11
Can you replay missions to get this?
By Bootybandit1#751 on 29 Nov 2021 20:45
Load back to the mission where you were detected the first time and you should be good from there.
By Ape King Iræ on 21 Sep 2022 16:47
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I recommend getting this one in Original Game + (getting you Good Old Times in the process). OG+ replaces Displace, Foresight and Semblance with Blink, Domino, and Dark Vision. Since there is no achievement for completing a playthrough without kills (only one for doing a single mission), it frees you up to use lethal or non-lethal means of dealing with enemies and with access to Domino you can take out several potential witnesses at once.

That out of the way, it's the same as always. Take alternate paths, use Dark Vision to look out for enemies, chain kills/takedowns with Domino, and so on. Additionally, you can use custom difficulty settings to stack the odds in your favor (making enemies less observant and less persistent in searching, etc.).

17 Sep 2017 18:20

Can you replay missions to get this? For example I did mission 3 without being detected but not the others.
By Bootybandit1#751 on 29 Nov 2021 20:26
Dtart a new playthrough. Simple as that.
By Ape King Iræ on 21 Sep 2022 16:50
Dtart a new playthrough. Simple as that.
By Ape King Iræ on 22 Sep 2022 23:01
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Completing an entire playthrough without ever being spotted is one of the harder achievements in the game. The enemy AI in the game is very perceptive even on the lower difficulties. As mentioned in the roadmap, this is best done during a playthrough where you are avoiding combat altogether. This works best since you will be bypassing enemy encounters stealthily, thereby reducing the chances of ever being seen. If you do happen to get spotted, though, you can reload your latest save and carry on with your playthrough.

When an enemy is suspicious of your presence or by a noise you may have caused, there will be a visible white lightening bolt icon above their head. This is the alertness meter and all enemy types have it - the Eyeless Gang, the Grand Guard, Overseers, Blind Sisters, Clockwork Soldiers, cultists, Envisioned cultists, and wolfhounds. Please note that it's entirely fine if the lightening bolt turns white and even a little red, causing enemies to enter a "search" state. For the purposes of this achievement, you cannot allow that icon to turn fully red. If you do get spotted during your playthrough, the "Tutorial: Defensive Blocking" prompt will appear on the left-hand side of the screen.

It would make sense then that you should never see this prompt appear, and in the chance that it does, you will have to reload your latest save file. Overall, pay close attention to the post-mission stat board where it will display three stats for lethality and stealth. For this achievement, you will want to make sure the "Ghostly - Never Detected" stat is checked off. It's okay if bodies have been found; so long as that stat is checked off at the end of all five missions, you will unlock this achievement when the final cutscene of the game begins to play.
During the passage, periodically click on options and look - “current task” - “stealth mode” - “discovered by enemies”. If there is no 0, roll back through the saves to it.

07 Oct 2017 09:05

Alarms raised do not count, verified.

16 Sep 2017 13:20

a filled gray scale doesn’t count either (it pops up if you turn something off and they react to it), you can safely move on.

Combined "Original Game+" with a hidden game.
By KENTby on 04 Oct 2017 22:36
You can kill.
By borogoz on 01 Sep 2018 20:44