Disney Sing It

Disney Sing It

25 Achievements



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Sing It uber-fan

Sing It uber-fan

Complete 100 songs.


How to unlock the Sing It uber-fan achievement in Disney Sing It - Definitive Guide

At the point you've gotten all the other achievements, you'll aready have done 35 solo songs, 35 duet songs, 2 songs for gig sessions, 1 for team play, 1 for versus, and 1 for You're On Your Own. That leaves 25 songs left to sing, or less if you actually played more than the minimum.

The easiest way to do this with the least amount of fuss is to enter solo gig mode and set up a gig of five songs. By now you've discovered that you don't actually need to do any singing to get credit for a song, so catch up on your Jane Austen or Dan Brown while you wait & just set up a new gig of five songs each every 10-15 minutes or so. Do that five times and you'll have your achievement.

14 Oct 2009 02:55

Jane Austen? LOL Thanks for the tip! Oh... and Sushi thanks for the short song tip. I'll knock this suckah over tomorrow. Gotta lot of points to sneak attack my brothers score. He ain't gonna be happy!
By sincespacies on 22 Apr 2010 16:59
If you're looking for it to go a bit faster, Camp Rock - Start the Party is the shortest song in the game. Just add it five times in a row to your gig playlist.

The downside is that you have to listen to Start the Party over and over. But nothing says that you can't turn your volume down, or turn off your TV.

Camp Rock - Hasta La Vista is also a very short song, too
By Sashimi X13 on 26 Dec 2009 20:59
anyne have trouble with this achievement popping? Currently on 106 songs
By Steviefull on 21 Jun 2012 20:05
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also if at any time you wana chech how many song you have played go to the menue and select personalize and then select High Scores and from there then select Combined High Scores and at the top to the right it will say how many songs you have played

23 Jun 2009 01:03

There are only 35 songs in this game so you will have to sing all of them twice and some of them three times. If you get this game in a few months, there is suppose to e DLC for this game so if that comes out before you get the game those songs will count towards this achievement. It does not matter how well you do on the songs just make sure you complete 100. You might want to keep track of how many you've completed.

You can check how many songs you have sang by going to Main Menu > Perzonalize > High Scores. Then click on "Combined High Scores" and it will tell you how many songs you have sang so far at the top.