Disney Speedstorm

Disney Speedstorm

24 Achievements


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Hit 500 rivals


How to unlock the AGGRESSIVE RACER achievement in Disney Speedstorm - Definitive Guide

Bonjour à tous, pour ce succès, il suffit juste avec le joystick droit de mettre un coup à droite ou un coup à gauche en fonction de la position du joueur quand vous êtes à côté de lui.
ex : joueur à côté de vous à gauche, vous utilisez le joystick droit et vous le décaler à gauche, vous ferez un écart sur la gauche.
ce succès fonctionne en écran partagé.
Mettez le maximum de joueurs et le maximum de tour. Mettez la map jungle pour avancer aussi dans le succès la peur du tigre (étourdir, 50 adversaires dans les ruines de la jungle).

02 May 2023 14:09

In order to hit rivals you need to collect the item boxes. Using the items you gain from these boxes, hit opponents. Once you have 500 hits, the trophy will unlock!

27 Feb 2024 12:44

During a race you can move rs.png in the direction of another racer to hit and stun them in the same way you would with a power-up. Doing this 500 times will unlock this trophy. You can contribute towards this in both single player and multiplayer.

While 500 times may sound like a lot, I actually unlocked this before realising I could use rs.png to slam into people, so there's a chance that simply bumping into other racers also counts towards this.
To hit an opponent, you need to apply a general combat skill or an individual one to him during the race. Skills are located on the track in the form of icons, you will see. You need to drive up and pick up the icon. In addition to combat skills, there are also defensive and acceleration skills.
General combat skills have an icon color of purple. Picked up - applied, forward or backward.
Individual skills are colored yellow. And they can be both combat and other.
The best class for quickly obtaining this trophy is Brawler (Donald, Jafar). Although I got this trophy mainly playing as Jasmine (reckless driver) - her Tiger perfectly knocks down everyone who rides in front

P,S. I downloaded the game from America Store, but I play on a Russian account. In this situation, no payment is possible. That's why:
- this and all my tips below concern only the game for free.

12 Nov 2023 00:01