Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition

97 Achievements

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The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor

Perform successful surgery on Natalie


How to unlock the The Good Doctor achievement in Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

To unlock this achievement you must have a character with at least +10 int, +10 fin and the "Scholar tag, Fane would work perfectly for this. It is a great idea to be at least level 12 for this for EXP purposes, but it is not required. it also isn't a bad idea to create a quick save before starting this.

Once you are at reapers coast, open your map and find x:668 y:224. Once there, you are going to want to talk to "Gregorius Swann" with the scholar character.

Follow him down into his cellar while in control of the scholar character. Walk to him and a fight will start. A few monsters will spawn around the room. they are optional, but killing them gives you a decent amount of EXP

You will need to weaken Natalie to a little less then 50% of her max HP, while using your scholar. you will know when you did this correctly when a dialogue starts. In this, you will have mutible prompts to choose from. The awnsers are;

"Perform surgery"
"Ask Swann to help keep her steady"
"Select a pair of delicate tweezers and gently try to remove the maggot"
"Slowly close up the wound"

If you select anything else, she dies and you will need to load your quick save to try again.

*below is the old solution I typed up half heartily. I was new to the website and made this solution without much thought or effort for those that inconvenienced I humbly apologize.

To unlock this achievement, you need to have a character with the "scholar" tag. *would recommend being level 12 for max exp*

Go to x:668 y:224 (act 2 reapers coast) and talk to "Gregorius Swann" out side his home. Make sure to select the scholar prompt.

Follow him into his cellar and a fight will start. All you have to do is weaken Natalie down to end the fight; less then 50% hp, DO NOT KILL HER. If you kill the 4 emotions that spawn they give 10k+ exp each, just ending the fight first voids this.

Swann will talk to you again, and you will have the option to just kill her, or perform surgery. Again killing her will void the achevment.

*Apprently there is also a stat check(?) You must have 10+ int and 10+ fin.*

Once you start the operation the awnsers are:

1: Ask Swann to help keep her steady.
2: Select a pair of delicate tweezers and gently try to remove the maggot
3: Slowly close up the wound

03 Oct 2018 18:06

I keep hitting her without using any melee weapon to make sure her health is less than 50%, but nothing happened after that, there are 3 out of 4 members have scholar tag, anyone knows why?
By eatmykiwifruit on 23 Jan 2019 01:57
You should be a little bit more specific and inform us that the character who starts the fight in the cellar needs to have the scholar tag so you get the dialog tag to save her. Otherwise the fight will continue until she is dead voiding the achievement.
By xMANNY FRE5Hx on 15 Sep 2019 22:16
I will add that to this solution.
By AriesLullaby on 16 Sep 2019 02:11
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Northeast of the Churchyard you will meet the healer Gregorius Swann. Convince him to tell you about his problem. Swann will talk about a sick girl he keeps in his basement.
Follow the healer to the basement and from here you will have 2 options: kill her or heal her. If you approach her with a character without the [SCIENTIST] tag, then you will have no way to heal her, and the only remedy is to kill all the enemies that appear. However, if your character has the [SCIENTIST] tag, then you will be able to notice "a partially healed circular wound on the woman's head - an obvious mark from a trepanation. Apparently, someone was literally digging through her brain." The healer will ask you not to kill her during the subsequent fight.

After you have successfully weakened it, a dialogue will be activated to carry out the operation. To prevent Natalie from dying from the operation, you will need Swann's help, so wait for him to arrive and begin the operation. Select dialogue options: *Ask Swann to hold it*, *Take small tweezers and try to carefully remove the parasite*, *Close the wound slowly*. After surgery, talk to your doctor. Swann will be amazed at your success and his attitude towards you will improve by 20.

22 Aug 2018 11:51

Attention! This hint is part of the Guide to completing the "Valor" difficulty level.

Near the house, talk to Gregorius Swann. Tell him that you can heal the girl. After you go down the hatch, without moving, make a save. Walk in the direction of the girl. Activation of the following lines: "Tag (Scientist) Point to the partially healed, round wound..." and "Agree; every opportunity must be used to save it." Attention! When the fight starts, you need to focus only on the girl. While ignoring other enemies.
After the battle, activate the following lines: “Start the operation”, “Ask Swann to hold her”, “Take small tweezers and try to carefully remove the parasite” and “Close the wound slowly”.
You receive this trophy.

12 Mar 2020 17:05