DJ Hero 2

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Super Streak

Super Streak

Get a 400 streak in I Will Be Here/ Speed Rail on Expert.


How to unlock the Super Streak achievement in DJ Hero 2 - Definitive Guide

Damn this achievement hard in the face! But I've got it now! A big tip; if the game refuses to let you hit the triple taps, smash the turntable HARD AGAINST THE FLOOR. The game will then make you look like a noob because you'll do awesome next time. That's how I unlocked it.

But seriously, let's see if I can lend a hand like I did with Beats & Pieces on DJ Hero 1...

Difficulty; Expert
Power Deck; Euphoria Deck
Preparation; Make sure your batteries will last the song. Obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many times my batteries have died during an FC on Guitar Hero. Test to make sure all buttons are working correctly. CALIBRATE!

All set? OK, let's do this!

The first part of the song is really easy, but don't let that fool you. At about 320 notes in, the stupid part happens; 2 blues followed by 6(5?) blue taps leading into a little awkward section of B-R, G-something and a "what's it called flick down blue".

This part will get you. You can sit there saying "Screw you Callum, you're just bad at the game, that part is loleasy!". You may be right about me being bad at the game, but that part will hit you in the face and then take the sweets from your kids. If you don't have kids, it'll follow up the punch with a swift kick in the nads. Hard.

So, it's a good idea to go for your 400 streak AFTER that part. Like right after. But, as is the way with this song the next part isn't so easy. It's a series of triple taps, ranging from blues to B-R, G-B, etc. It's not impossible, but it can catch you off guard. It's vital you nail from the middle of this section onwards though, as you'll get your 400 just before a very tiny, but uncomfortable finger spazzing section.

Have you hit that now? If you've looked at this while playing, PAUSE! But no, you wouldn't be that silly, would you?

After this, the next 250 or so notes are easy. Use Euphoria at the cross fading section, depending on how much you have (I'd recommended hitting the first Euphoria phrase and the third at least), use it at the start or midway through. At the end of this phrase is another little awkward triple tap section. Be sure you're ready for this, but don't get nervous... There's a section for that right about... now!

The slow part. I hate this part. You know why? Because my heart starts beating, my bowels start shifting, and my hands get wetter than a duck. I can barely see from the sweat streaming down my face.

Keep cool here, seriously. You'll probably hit 300 here, and then paralysis may try to kick in. Fight it! There's another cross fading section coming up in a second, and this is where you use your own initiative and decide whether you want to use Euphoria on it. It's not hard though and you should do fine, but as you may be nervous, having to work the cross fader can add a little bit more pressure.

At the end of the cross fading section, there's a triple tap section... again... This one has you press all 3 buttons, which is where I always went wrong. Try to get your fingers posistioned for this. Hit this and you'll be at about 380 notes, and the next 20 are really easy.

There you go. Reading through, I doubt this'll help, but I'll keep it here anyway. Congrats, you've wasted your time reading this. If it helped, great! If not, then I'm sorry. I'll refund the minutes to your Paypal, somehow.

Oh, one more thing. If you get to the 2nd cross fading section with only about 300 notes, don't Euphoria through it, as you'll have to use it on the next cross fading section as it has a very awkward spike. Also, that awkward bit I told you about earlier will show up. I forget how it looks, but you'll know it when you miss it.

Right, I'm off to apologise to my now possibly broken turntable. Toodles!

EDIT: "I'll be a little more serious now.

So in summary; Start your 400 streak run from about 325 notes into the song (Where the awkward part happens detailed in the guide.

Learn how to hit all the triples at the start of your run. They're difficult but with a little practice and figuring out the timing window, they aren't a huge threat.

At the big cross fading section, activate Euphoria right before they get fast. Using the Euphoria Deck will guarantee that you will get all the way through this section even with half a bar of Euphoria.

Do not miss the triples after this section. Again, practice this part until you have it down to an art. You really don't want to screw up here because you weren't so sure that you could hit it.

If you have Euphoria again, just use it. It takes the pressure off of you a little bit, which is always helpful.

The most awkward part of the run; the last triple taps section. This is made ten times harder due to the fact you'll be at a 360+ streak. Once again, practice until it's down to an art.

The rest is simple, but try not to lose focus."

11 Apr 2011 08:26

I'll be a little more serious now.

So in summary; Start your 400 streak run from about 325 notes into the song (Where the awkward part happens detailed in the guide.

Learn how to hit all the triples at the start of your run. They're difficult but with a little practice and figuring out the timing window, they aren't a huge threat.

At the big cross fading section, activate Euphoria right before they get fast. Using the Euphoria Deck will guarantee that you will get all the way through this section even with half a bar of Euphoria.

Do not miss the triples after this section. Again, practice this part until you have it down to an art. You really don't want to screw up here because you weren't so sure that you could hit it.

If you have Euphoria again, just use it. It takes the pressure off of you a little bit, which is always helpful.

The most awkward part of the run; the last triple taps section. This is made ten times harder due to the fact you'll be at a 360+ streak. Once again, practice until it's down to an art.

The rest is simple, but try not to lose focus.
By Crimson Ridley on 16 May 2011 09:56
Well, that was an entertaining read.
By Math V on 16 May 2011 01:12
Haha, first version was fine by me, but thanks!
By Math V on 19 May 2011 18:39
Yeah it is now the last Achievement I need, I come close so many times but I can finally nail the 2d hard part, but now I fail at the triple triple note... shit
By General Joury on 16 Jul 2011 15:54
OMG I am so mad... I just had a 398 Streak >:( I perfectly hit the first deceptively difficult part, but tripped on a Triple Tap... otherwise I had it... This is seriously trying to kill me... now my wall has yet another hole in it :(
By General Joury on 26 Aug 2011 11:13
Somebody doesn't like my guide... I wish people would tell me why they've given me a negative vote instead of being anonymous little pricks.
By Crimson Ridley on 06 Sep 2011 08:37
I gave up again... Will probably try it in like a year or something, I just don't get it, I am currently 22d on the Expert Leaderboards and I just can;t nail this Achievement? BS
By General Joury on 15 Nov 2011 13:28
There's something about the notes in this song, I believe. It's an absolute bastard, considering you are much higher than I am (I am good at these games, but not as good as you). :(

Keep trying though, don't lose all hope, or else you'll never get it.
By Crimson Ridley on 15 Nov 2011 14:45
@Callum Yeah I get that, but when I get back to it, I see myself breaking the damn Turntable out of frustration. Alot of friends also watched me try this Achievement, and they also call it BS. I wish they could make it like 380 Streak, then I would get it without any trouble... :(
By General Joury on 29 Nov 2011 13:33
Which turntable are you using? I did it with the Renegade deck as it seems to be more stable than the standard deck.
By Crimson Ridley on 29 Nov 2011 13:54
Wow....this is tough.... Should I masturbate before each attempt or is one go enough? I'm not a machine however...
By Teh Paralyzer on 07 Mar 2013 09:10
I use my own table (It has a slight 15 degree angle downward, just perfect) and the regular Turntable from DJ Hero 1. I just keep tripping on the triple blue taps :( I have calibrated as best as humanely possible with yet no results.
By General Joury on 05 Dec 2011 11:39
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Deceptively difficult. Tiesto's mixes are notorious for a lot of taps with tricky placements, and this one's no exception. Give yourself all the advantages you can:

1. Don't forget to calibrate as close as you can - it really does make a difference with those fast taps. Calibrate, play a little, and see if anything needs to be adjusted, even if only a few milliseconds.
2. Remember that held taps and backscratches don't have to be held for their entire duration to keep combo - the lane will go dark if you let go early, but it shouldn't break your combo.
3. Consider using the Euphoria Power Deck to double the length of euphoria usage, allowing you to focus on less parts of the track as you get closer to 400.
4. If you mess up (and you probably will), keep playing! The song's long enough that you have several shots at it, even if you get close to 400 before you mess up each time (my most common mistakes were around 325 notes in, and then again another 300-350 notes after that.)

Beyond that, just get a feel for the rhythm of taps in the game - it's best to let the buttons go all the way up and down - mashing them seems to often lead to either too many or not enough taps being registered. It's also a relief that taps and some of the other moves seem to work a little more reliably than they did in DJ Hero 1.

Good luck!

09 Nov 2010 07:04

I ended up getting this over the middle part of the song, using the Euphoria power deck. Nail the euphoria segment right before the bit with all the fast crossfading to the right, deploy right after you hit all three buttons, and let the euphoria do all that tough crossfading work! From then on you've just gotta be sure not to trip up on any of the fast taps. If you hit the slow part of the song at a streak of around ~250 notes, you should be pretty good.

I used my next chunk of euphoria to help with all the tricky crossfading while holding the red button. I deployed it before the third long red press so I could concentrate on hitting the buttons. If you haven't hit 400 by the end of that segment, you should very soon after.

11 Dec 2010 22:05

This one might seem scary at first, but it can be pretty easy (given you’re comfortable with Expert). The beginning of the song is rather easy compared to the end, so the earlier you can get the 400 streak the better. A quick tip for those having problems: You don’t have to hold those held taps. As long as you tap it at the beginning, it will count in your streak. Releasing it will NOT lose your streak. Also, Rewinding will NOT count toward your streak. So it is best if you use the Euphoria deck.


One of the hardest achievements in the game, you need to get a 400 Note Streak on "I Will Be Here/Speed Rail" on Expert. There are numerous sustained scratches and crossfading sections to deal with. If you aren't great at fading, you should take the Euphoria Deck with you to get double the Euphoria. The song has 1,200 notes, so you can achieve this even after missing the first 800.

Again, it takes practice. Many people advise taking a euphoria deck, and in the second half of the song, there are a lot of crossfades, you can use a deck there. Personally, I don’t have any problems with crossfades, so I didn’t use this deck, I just played and played and played until I knocked it out. So practice this song more and use the deck if desired. And if the streak breaks at the beginning, don’t worry, there are about 900 notes in the songs, and I generally scored a streak by the end of the song.

01 Mar 2013 10:18