DJ Hero 2

50 Achievements



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You're The Best!

You're The Best!

Earn 5 stars for every mix at Expert difficulty.


How to unlock the You're The Best! achievement in DJ Hero 2 - Definitive Guide

This achievement is for 5-starring every regular mix in DJ Hero 2. The only song that I would consider "hard" for average DJ Heroes would be "Firestarter", as it's possibly the only song on DJ Hero 2 that actually has sped-up and somewhat tricky scratching patterns. All you really need to remember is to aim for rewinds. Once you have a rewind, wait until you see a bright glowing arrow on both sides of the track, and use it there to bring you back a full bar or two of the song. As for Euphoria, do what's expected to be done and try using it for spots with plenty of notes, but preferrably areas with plenty of crossfades that can possibly screw up your pattern. Maybe "The Day That Never Comes" could also be considered tricky, but I wouldn't know. After you 5* "Firestarter" , you're all set for this achievement! Good luck!

Make sure to choose a deck that compliments your play-style proper! :)

Edit - A neat little tip provided by Flopsy86! Though this doesn't solve the problem with not earning your achievement, even though you're certain that you've done every song, you can write down the songs you've completed just to keep track, or you can use that cute little "Like" feature that was also mentioned! :)

EDIT EDIT - More from Flopsy86! "Something to add to this, if you're playing Empire mode and happen to 5* Galvanize or Firestarter on Expert in the first Ibiza (encore) set, they won't count towards the achievement. This happens with any song where you start a particular location and it's in the first megamix setlist (where the score combines your total for all the songs and euphoria carries over between songs).

I played the whole of Empire mode on someone else's profile on Expert only, I 5*'d Galvanize and Firestarter in the Empire mode. I got the You're Golden achievement for 5*ing Galvanize but when you go to Quickplay, these songs won't have any stars next to them, there were about 20 songs this happened to and I believe they were the ones in the sets which you play as a Megamix (the first set that automatically starts when you select a new location).

There will be other songs which could be affected by this but I mention Galvanize and Firestarter because it can happen to those 2 songs and they are the hardest ones. Speed Rail/I Will Be Here falls prey to this also, that can be pretty bad to 5* also."

This info was completely sidestepped by me, and I'm glad you brought that up! I, too, am certain that songs in Megamixes don't do anything for your star count, so make sure you do them ALL in Quickplay. It never hurts to try them again and better yourself anyway! ;)

25 Oct 2010 18:28

Something to add to this, if you're playing Empire mode and happen to 5* Galvanize or Firestarter on Expert in the first Ibiza (encore) set, they won't count towards the achievement. This happens with any song where you start a particular location and it's in the first megamix setlist (where the score combines your total for all the songs and euphoria carries over between songs).

I played the whole of Empire mode on someone else's profile on Expert only, I 5*'d Galvanize and Firestarter in the Empire mode. I got the You're Golden achievement for 5*ing Galvanize but when you go to Quickplay, these songs won't have any stars next to them, there were about 20 songs this happened to and I believe they were the ones in the sets which you play as a Megamix (the first set that automatically starts when you select a new location).

There will be other songs which could be affected by this but I mention Galvanize and Firestarter because it can happen to those 2 songs and they are the hardest ones. Speed Rail/I Will Be Here falls prey to this also, that can be pretty bad to 5* also.

So if you think you 5*'d a song in Empire mode then it's not very reliable, you may have to re-5* the song in Quickplay, unfortunately I had to re-5* Galvanize and Firestarter.

I did Firestarter first then Galvanize then the achievement popped which is a bit strange given that they gave me the Galvanize 5* achievement during Empire mode but then have to do it again in Quickplay.
By Flopsy86 on 17 Jun 2014 06:46
Don't forget to add about the Power Tables. Rewind and Euphoria are the best best for 5 Stars that most.
By QuakeTaya on 25 Oct 2010 21:37
You know, for some reason I put Rewind references in another guide for another achievement, but not this one. I'll just go ahead and fix this here.. xD
By Linkus2323 on 25 Oct 2010 23:22
Achievement is:

You're The Best! - Earn 5 stars for every mix at Expert Difficulty
By J1MMEH G on 05 Nov 2010 00:11
My favorite Power Deck, personally, is the multiplier deck. Even combos of 50 or 75 at a time (maybe enabled by Euphoria use?), combined with rewinds and generally decent play, will allow you to easily 5* just about any song. This achievement is definitely easier than the equivalent in DJ Hero 1.
By a tea tree on 09 Nov 2010 07:12
Do you have to 5 star the DLC as well? I 5 starred every mix including megamixes in empire mode and all other bonus mixes in quickplay and it hasn't unlocked yet.
By Revamp Skunk on 20 Nov 2010 00:17
No, DLC mixes do not count in the achievement. If you go to Quickplay, just quickly check to make sure that the stars beside every mix are filled in. Also, you may want to make sure you've done them all on Expert. If the mixes are labelled "New!" underneath the star-count, chances are you MAY need to 5-star that mix again. I hope this helped!
By Linkus2323 on 21 Nov 2010 16:18
Alright well, I'm gonna be honest with you. Seeing as I'm not COMPLETELY sure of the requirements for this achievement, I will just quickly recommend that you check for "New!" mixes under your star-counts. If you've already done this, then perhaps you might have to complete the boss-battle mixes as well. I honestly don't wanna make you work so much for nothing, but this is pretty much all the help I can give you. D:

I wish you luck bud! Cheers! :)
By Linkus2323 on 20 Apr 2011 01:59
Take out that last thing I said about boss-battle mixes, I don't even know why I suggested that. Just try out what I first suggested, and if that doesn't work, just check out:

Usually their guides are quite useful. Best of luck! :)
By Linkus2323 on 20 Apr 2011 02:01
Alright. To clarify one thing before I state one last thing, I understand I must be getting annoying with these comments, but I am pretty sure I have it down now.

I am certain that you must unlock a few mixes in Quickplay by indeed playing the Empire Mode a little bit. I do not know when you unlock your final mix, but I'm pretty sure that you just need to have the final venue to get them all. After that is when you must make sure EVERY mix is 5*ed in your Quickplay. RAWR! xD
By Linkus2323 on 21 Apr 2011 04:37
Sorry if I'm possibly putting you on a wild goose chase my friend, I suppose there's really nothing I can do to help. Best of luck to ya!
By Linkus2323 on 17 May 2011 18:07
Can't you check the achievement progress from the menu and it will tell you which song to do next to progress on it?
By Guirec730 on 24 Jun 2012 16:51
As Guirec730 said, I do believe there is a stat-screen showing your star-count, but I do not know if it shows difficulties or not. I also have DJ Hero no longer so I can't check :/
By Linkus2323 on 26 Jun 2012 17:57
Guirec730: This one is secret achievement so it doesn't track progress in the achievements screen like Broadway style and most of the achs do.
By Barfo51 on 27 Oct 2012 20:32
Right after you corrected me I learned that the hard way after I 5 starred Firestarter and no achievo popped...I went to the menu to find out what I was missing and it was a no-go.

What screwed me up was playing Empire mode on Hard towards the end, so I just replayed all of the Vegas and Ibiza: Encore levels in Quickplay on Expert and it popped.

There is no need to play any of the megamixes from the menu, though.
By Guirec730 on 05 Nov 2012 03:37
This game is very poor at telling you which ones you 5*'d on expert. The only way you'd know for sure based on what's on the screen is if you ONLY played expert.
What I'm doing is writing a list of all the songs on a piece of paper and making sure I keep that inside the game case so I don't lose it.
Alternately, if you don't care about the "Like" feature. You can use that to mark the songs which you know you have 5*'d on Expert (in quickplay). This can be a good way if you prefer to keep the list on screen.
I'm doing both of the above to be sure.
By Flopsy86 on 28 Oct 2013 04:08
I've written down your ideas for keeping track of the songs completed, Flopsy. smile

I'm honestly sorry that some of you are experiencing these difficulties D:
By Linkus2323 on 29 Oct 2013 02:20
Thanks Linkus, only just noticed now that you added my advice in.

I'm now down to just Firestarter left to 5*, I can only manage 357K when it is about 400K to 5* it. It is so easy to lose multiplier in this song it is unbelievable!

The Day that never comes was my second last 5* and I believe it is notable as a difficult song to 5*.
By Flopsy86 on 08 Nov 2013 17:54
Is it possible to use cheats and still geht the achievement?
By MARCELFiNKde on 05 Apr 2016 09:56
Sorry my friend, but I believe any cheat that may alter the game-play whatsoever will disable the achievements for as long as you keep them active. Be sure to equip yourself with the right deck to compliment your style of play, and you'll have the 5* in no time!

Also, if anyone is sifting through these comments and noticing me talking to myself, that's simply because the comments I was responding to ended up deleted for some reason, so appreciate them for whatever extra tips/advice that may be included within.

Happy hunting!
By Linkus2323 on 07 Apr 2016 06:09
L3GI0N, I am truly sorry that I wasn't of much use in helping you to obtain your trophy, I really am. I can only suggest one more thing to you that I've been researching (yes, I've been checking around on the game every once in a while to see if I missed something, JUST to help you my friend :D). There are two last things I can suggest: 1) If you have any DLC, I would suggest 5*ing them all as well 2) If you haven't played the Megamixes OUTSIDE of Empire Mode, then I suggest you play those to ensure you earn the maximum amount of stars for each one.

Other than the information that I've currently posted on this solution, I really have no idea what else you can do that'll help you. I sat and watched my friend 5* the last few songs he had in Quickplay, and he got his achievement right off the bat. I really have no idea how there could be such a problem with you. Best of luck L3GI0N!
By Linkus2323 on 14 May 2011 15:56
so has anyone else had above happen on him? cause I'm having same problem as iAm L3GI0N x.
I'm very sure I have 5* everything in Empire mode. (started a new save after medium/hard playthrough and played everything on expert since.)
Quickplay has everything 5* too, but i might have played 1 on medium. but they are the same songs, right?
By MaDDaWQ on 08 Mar 2012 16:56
Not the stat screen, if you go to "achievements" in the options menu you can see what tracks you need to play for a certain achievement. For example, when I was going for the "Go Crazy Broadway Style", I thought I had played all of the mixes, but it didn't pop. So I looked there, and it said I had 54/58. So I played the song that it recommended, came back, played the next recommendation and so on, until I got it (you can actually launch the track right from the menu like that).

For this one, it should say whatever song you are missing, but it only lists one at a time. If you haven't unlocked all of the songs, I assume that it will tell you what to play to unlock it, but it isn't specific. It's just the name of the achievement, the description, and "next song to unlock", or something like that.
By Guirec730 on 26 Oct 2012 03:43
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This solution helps you determine which tracks you still need to complete on Expert after all songs show five stars in the Quickplay list.

This achievement is hard because of two reasons:
1) On Expert some of the tracks are quite complex and fast. No real solution for this part, practice a lot;
2) There is no way to determine which tracks you completed with five stars on Expert difficulty, if you already completed them with five stars on a lower difficulty. I found a solution to find at least some of the tracks (in my case all tracks) that still need five stars on Expert, without playing all tracks again.

Previous solutions tell you to maintain a list of what you completed on Expert. This is still a smart thing to do, since checking the status of a song is quite slow and does not cover all cases.

Before you start checking, it is best to disconnect from Live, otherwise it also shows the scores of your friends, making it harder to read your own. Before you start playing again, make sure you reconnect to Live and restart DJ Hero, otherwise it will not sign you in on the DJ Hero servers (which can be a problem according to M I K 3 ID).

- Go to Quickplay;
- Select and start the track you want to check;
- Select ready;
- select the difficulty you want to check;
- Wait for the first few notes of the track to scroll by:

On the left side of the screen you see your star meter. In your star meter there should be a yellow line and on the bottom your XBL tag should be in the accompanying yellow square. The yellow line shows your current high score for this track on whichever difficulty level you got this high score.

If the yellow line is not in the top square (the one without a grey star in it), it means you never got a score high enough for five stars on Expert. So you definitly have to play this song again smile Find all these songs and you are a lot closer to the achievement.

However if the yellow line is already in the top square, this does not mean perse you got the five stars on Expert. If you got a score on Hard or Medium, higher than the score needed to five star the track on Expert, the yellow line will also be in the top square facepalm So it doesn't really work in these cases, on the other hand: if you were able to beat the Expert score on a lower level, the song was probably not that hard and you also got it on Expert or you should be able to beat Expert quite easily.

I found the last two tracks I missed using this method, which saved me tons of time and frustration smile

The video bellow shows a track with five stars in the Quickplay list, but the star meter shows it got only four stars on Expert, so we have to replay this track to get five stars on Expert.

Track list
grandmaster flash & furious five / kool & the gang - the messgage / jungle boogie
snow / jackson 5 - informer / abc
iyaz / rihanna - replay / rude boy
soulja boy tell 'em / chamillionaire - crank that / ridin
kayne west / lady gaga - heartless / lovegame
2pac ft dr dree and roger troutman - california love remix
tweet ft missy elliot / snoop dog - oops / who am i
pussycat dolls ft busta rhymes / pitbull - dont cha / i know you want me
flo rida / david guetta vs the egg - low / love don't let me go
janet jackson / justice - nasty / dance
stevie wonder / edwin starr - superstution / war
nelly / warren g ft nate dogg - hot in here / regulate
estelle ft kayne west - american boy
lady gaga ft colby odonis / deadmaus - just dance / ghost n stuff
ll cool j / grandmasterflash - i can't live without my radio / the message
eminem / lil wayne - not afraid / lollipop
david guetta & chris willis / sam sparro - love is gone / black & gold
dizzee rascal & armand van helden / basement jaxx - bonkers / wheres your heart at
salt n pepa / afria bambaataa - push it / planet rock
damian marley / walter murphy - welcome to jamrock / a fifth of beethoven
timbaland ft drake/ young jeezy ft kayne west - say somthing / put on
deee-lite / chic - groove is in the heart / le freak
busta rhymes / MARRS - put your hands where my eyes can see / pump up the volume
salt n pepa / armand van helden - push it / i want your soul
timbaland ft keri hilson / tiga - the way i are / you gonna want me
2pac ft dr dre and roger troutman / bob ft bruno mars - california love remix / nothing on you
gorillaz ft mos def & bobby womack - stylo
david guetta ft kid cudi / pirate soundsystem - memories / bashy bashy
kayne west / dj shadow - heartless / midnight in a perfect world
pitbull / nightcrawlers - i know you want me / push the feelin on
kelis - acapella
missy elliot / dillinja and skibadee - get ur freak on / twist them out
sean paul / rihanna - get busy / pon de replay
house of pain / busta rhymes - jump around / put your hands where i can see them
newcleus / donna summer - jam on it / bad girls
kayne west / donna summer - love lockdown / bad girls
robin s / calvin haris - show me love / im not alone
wayne smith / mia - under mi sleng teng / galang
calvin harris / new order - im not alone / blue monday
sean paul / harold faltermeyer - get busy / axel f
deadmaus & kaskade - i remember
missy elliot / sean paul - get your freak on / infiltrate
kaskade & deadmaus - move for me
blakroc ft pharoahe monch & rza - dollaz & sense
flo rida ft william / clinton sparks, dj class - in the ayer / favorite dj
justice - dance
lil wayne ft static major / flo rida - lollipop / low
the chemical brothers ft qtip / the chemcal broters - galvanize / leave home
daft punk - human after all
major lazer ft vybx kartl / harol faltermeyer - pon de floor /axel f
basement jaxx / yeah yeah yeahs - where is your head at / heads will roll
kayne west / metallica - love lockdown / the day that never comes
afrika bambaata and the soul … / the crystal method - planet rock / busy child
young jeezy ft kayne wesr / dj shadow ft q-tip and lateef - put on / enuff
adamski - killer
nas ft keri hilson / talib kweli - hero / get by
mstrkft ft nore / a-trak - bouce / say whoa
lil jon & the east side boys / 50 cent - get low / in da club
dj shadow - midnight in a perfect world
lady gaga - bad romance
tiesto & sneaky sound system / tiesto - i will be there / speed rail
the notorious big ft mase & diddy - mo money mo problems
the prodigy - firestarter
damian marley / dillinja and skibadee - welcome to jamrocj / twist em out
the chemical brothers ft qtip - galvanize

29 Aug 2014 20:36

Dude you rock! This was the only solution that helped me figure out what I was missing. Can't thank you enough!
By PrimeBigTime on 04 Jan 2019 20:04
There are 65 mixes. Thank you for the list. I used a line counter website tool and pasted your list there. Happy to say I can 5* at least half of the songs as I currently am. Surprising myself quite often honestly.
By iDuL on 16 Feb 2024 14:33
For firestarter something that REALLY HELPED me was to try it a couple of times with the hyper deck, this improved my stars from just scrapping a 3 to a 4.. but i kept missing crucial euphoria sections. (speed too fast for me)

After doing this I immediatly swapped to the euphoria deck ,and 5 * it on my first try!! the speed of the track it seemed SOOOO much slower now that i wasnt using the hyper deck, and could hit the trickier parts much better and generally attaining high enough streaks to get a couple rewinds in there as and when possible.
Crucial for me was attaining 2 euphorias and using those on the fast cross fades/spikes. I found This is harder than galvanise which took me like 3 attempts to 5* (which surprised me)

ps just got a couple left to do saving this cheevo for the end :)

24 Jul 2011 00:47

By the way if anyone is sure they 5 stared all the songs on Expert but didn't get the achievement , that will be because you need to be signed in to Xbox Live and play the songs because they have to be saved to the game leaderbourds , you'll know they are if you go to 'rep' in the main menu and go to leaderbourds , go to the song you wanna find out about e.g. Fire starter and check if it saids you have a ranking on the leaderbourds for it. I found this out because I completed all the songs 5 star Expert but no achievement pop?? Then I look and I have 3 songs I played offline because when I went to look at it I wasnt on any leaderboard for it , so I played the songs (On Xbox Live) and then I got the achievement! :D

This is for anyone having that problem , if it makes it easier to find the songs you need to do online , just play all of them and use the like button after playing each song until you see that achievement pop or just go on the leaderbourds looking at the songs one by one until you find the ones your missing :)

22 Aug 2014 01:18

Might seem obvious, but I had all the songs unlocked, then had 5 stars in everything in quickplay, but it turned out I had one song [informer V. ABC] 5 starred on hard only. i have no idea why only that one song was done on hard and not expert, but hey, maybe there are some people out there that this random thing might happen to as well. I went through the list one song at a time to make sure every song was done on expert, and I found the sneaky little culprit. :D

26 Mar 2012 07:32

Oh yes, they brought it back. Five star EVERY mix on Expert. You can keep track of what songs you have completed by liking the song when you have 5-starred it on Expert. You can see what songs you have completed in the bar below the song selection. It will first show you details about the song, but after you’ve highlighted a song for a few seconds, it will switch to a leaderboard and show you how you’ve done on the song and what difficulty you’ve played on. Use the “Like” feature and this leaderboard in combination to keep track. And good luck!