Don't Starve: Console Edition

Don't Starve: Console Edition (EP)

10 Achievements

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The Bereaved

The Bereaved

Unlock Wendy


How to unlock the The Bereaved achievement in Don't Starve: Console Edition - Definitive Guide

To unlock Wendy you need 640 xp (32 Days in survival). The experience is cumulative so you can survive for 16 days, die, survive for another 16, die, and she'll unlock.

It's 8 min real time per day so this will take 256 min. (4 hr 16 min)

12 Jan 2014 22:57

To unlock Wendy you need to survive 32 days. You will unlock her on death or transporting through a portal once you've survived the required amount of days.

Wendy's unique features are:

  • Start's with a flower that can be used to summon the ghost of her sister Abigail as an ally.
  • She passively loses less sanity than other characters from the dark and monsters at night.
  • Her melee attacks are weaker than other characters.
To unlock a character, you need to survive 32 days in the game. It is not necessary to survive one game, since the number of days is saved and added to the days of subsequent games.

09 Jan 2014 21:52