Don't Starve: Console Edition

Don't Starve: Console Edition (EP)

10 Achievements

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The Firestarter

The Firestarter

Unlock Willow


How to unlock the The Firestarter achievement in Don't Starve: Console Edition - Definitive Guide

To unlock Willow you will need 160 XP, which equates to around 8 days of survival. Those days don't have to be done in one play through, every time you survive a day you get 20 XP.

09 Jan 2014 16:47

im on day 16 and cant start a new game with her yet, is there been an update?
By MitchCRafT_nM3 on 14 Oct 2014 22:44
oh it seems you need to die then she unlocks lol
By MitchCRafT_nM3 on 14 Oct 2014 22:46
To unlock Wendy you need 160 xp (8 Days in survival). The experience is cumulative so you can survive for 4 days, die, survive for another 4, die, and she'll unlock.

It's 8 min real time per day so this will take 64 min. (1 hr 4 min)

12 Jan 2014 23:02

To unlock Willow you need to survive 8 days. You will unlock her on death or transporting through a portal once you've survived the required amount of days.

Willow's unique features are:

  • She's immune to heat damage.
  • She starts every level with a Lighter which acts as a torch with infinite durability.
  • When her sanity is low she will start random fires at her feet.

The fact she has her lighter does make her a potentially viable choice for adventure mode, and if you want to try with an early character she doesn't take that long to unlock. Having to basically never worry about materials for torches etc is very nice.

To unlock a character, you need to survive 8 days in the game. It is not necessary to survive one game, since the number of days is saved and added to the days of subsequent games.

09 Jan 2014 21:51

1 Comment
In survival mode, you can set your own settings. You can greatly simplify your life by making sure that there is always day and summer.
By vivan on 11 Jan 2014 02:27
Great tips... but they didn't help me much... or rather, they didn't help at all.

So, there are two ways to get this and the following characters.

Method number one:

We live in Survivor mode (the beginning of the game) for 80 days, and along the way we collect four parts for “Something” (a thing that looks like a robot). We activate this robot on day 81 and voila, all the heroes are ours (except Wes and Maxwell). In this version, after moving to “chapter” 2 of the Survivor mode, we will be able to select any open hero. Next we find the door and forward to the Adventures mode for Wes and Maxwell. It's easier to survive in Survivor.

Method number two:

We start playing, in the initial Survivor mode we look only for the door and go to Adventures mode. We try to live as long as possible (it doesn’t always work out). We finish the chapter and look at how many days we have lived. And so on for five chapters, until Maxwell.

23 Sep 2014 10:18