Don't Starve: Console Edition (EP)
10 Achievements
The Librarian
Unlock Wickerbottom
How to unlock the The Librarian achievement in Don't Starve: Console Edition - Definitive Guide
To unlock Wickerbottom you need 1280 xp (64 Days in survival). The experience is cumulative so you can survive for 32 days, die, survive for another 32, die, and she'll unlock.
It's 8 min real time per day so this will take 512 min. (8 hr 32 min)
It's 8 min real time per day so this will take 512 min. (8 hr 32 min)
To unlock Wickerbottom you need to survive 64 days. You will unlock her on death or transporting through a portal once you've survived the required amount of days.
Wickerbottom's unique features are:
- Starts with a special crafting tab for books, and can prototype recipes with machine 1 tier lower than other characters (Can prototype Science Machine recipes with nothing and Alchemy Engine recipes with just a Science Machine).
- Has high maximum sanity that other characters but suffers larger loss from things like raw/spoiled food.
- She's an insomniac so can't sleep in tents etc.
This guide was translated automatically.
To unlock a character, you need to survive 64 days in the game. It is not necessary to survive one game, since the number of days is saved and added to the days of subsequent games.