Doodle Kingdom (EP)
12 Achievements
Kill 30 bosses in My Hero mode
How to unlock the Witcher achievement in Doodle Kingdom - Definitive Guide
This is by far the most time-consuming trophy in the game. You will unlock Headhunter and Marathooner by simply letting your hero run. Bosses however appear very rarely and they can’t be defeated automatically like other enemies. Your character will stop running before every boss fight and you’ll have to attack his weak spot by tapping on the touchscreen in the correct time. These fights are extremely easy, as you can’t technically die in this game. This trophy alone will take at least 5-6h to get. As a reference, I unlocked it while having 253 000 xp (end of lvl 14). The good news is that for the most part you can just let your character run, checking from the time to time if he didn't stop. Here are some tips to make this trophy less annoying:
- You can gain xp by killing enemies. Only upgrade your sword to make fights a little shorter.
- You can also buy equipment for gold and crystals. Again, focus on the swords.
- Buy a couple of health and stamina potions. You hero will use them automatically, ensuring that he won’t stop running when you're not looking.
- Tap chests on the touchscreen to earn gold that you can spend upgrades and potions.
- You can also complete quests to get additional gold and potions.
- I would recommend to play this game normally until you'll unlock Treasure hunter. After that, buy as many health and stamina potions as you can and just let your character run automatically. Check in from time to time to defeat a boss, get more gold or buy more potions.
UPDATE: DemonSlayer129 found a new, faster method to get this trophy. Thanks!
I found a much easier way of getting the defeat 30 monsters trophy. You can change the internal clock on the ps 1 day ahead and you spawn right at the boss you can keep doing this and its much faster
I advise you not to save up diamonds (at the start they will give you 1000 pieces), but to immediately buy a sword for 1k. I almost didn’t go through quests (because they raise lvl faster, and there may not be enough money for equipment). I did this: at first you have to sit with the gamepad in your hands and collect gold from the chests (the character takes the chests in the center himself, we are left with only the upper clearing). As soon as you feel that the character quickly copes with the monsters and has enough energy/lives to run to the gas carts, calmly put the gamepad aside and pick up a book/psvita, etc. Sometimes we’ll check to see if your character is standing still in front of the monster (this means that you “died”, this was 99% done by the Boss), we simply restore lives and energy (R1 and L1) and proceed to destroy the Boss (here you will need at least some reaction). To make things even simpler, we buy elixirs at And , they will be used automatically (only against ordinary monsters). We do this until we get the trophy. When leveling up the hero (each level gives you 2 skill points), I put more into the EnergyAttack characteristics and a little in life. At level 14 I had 40+20 energy, 25+10 life, 20+12 attack, 4+22 defense (the first number is raised by points for leveling up, the second by purchased items). I also advise you to leave the helmet with + energy (even though it has less protection).
PS This is worth doing if the bosses really don’t want to appear. Yesterday I played - in general, in 2 hours I only came across 2 bosses, so I boosted it using the method described above. Today, as I run the remaining meters, I encounter bosses quite often.