DOOM Eternal
50 Achievements
Darn It, They Keep BREAKING
Perform 33 Unique Glory Kills in a single save slot
How to unlock the Darn It, They Keep BREAKING achievement in DOOM Eternal - Definitive Guide
Later Game: I recommend just for late game progression picking up the faster glory rune. This will help speed combat up while giving you plenty of health and charging the Blood Punch.
Glory kills are triggered when you damage an enemy to the point where they flash orange and blue, and press the Right Joystick (RS) on them to finish them off.
This can be unlocked on any difficulty, and typically earlier on in the game as there is many more than 33 unique Glory Kills.
Glory kills are achieved when you do enough damage to a Demon and they will then start to flash orange/blue. You then go up to them and press and you will kill them in an exaggeratingly gruesome way. Typically, each Demon will have multiple glory kill animations and to perform different ones depends on where you are positioned in relation to the Demon. So performing the glory kill from in front, behind, either side, below or above them can usually result in different glory kill animations. I say usually because it is not an exact science and you will sometimes get the same animation despite thinking you were positioned differently.
There are more than 33 available glory kills and you will be glory killing very often to get health drops from enemies so this is likely to come from natural game-play, though feel free to experiment with different positions, especially when you first start seeing new enemies.
![Right analog](
There are more than 33 available glory kills and you will be glory killing very often to get health drops from enemies so this is likely to come from natural game-play, though feel free to experiment with different positions, especially when you first start seeing new enemies.
And when you shoot, when using the demon burst, always look at different parts of the body. Because the animation changes depending on where you look.
Come from behind, jump on the demon, come in from the left, from the right.
You can get the achievement already in Chapter 2.