DOOM Eternal

DOOM Eternal

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Live Die Reload

Live Die Reload

Complete Extra Life Mode with 5 Extra Lives in your Inventory (Ancient Gods 2)


How to unlock the Live Die Reload achievement in DOOM Eternal - Definitive Guide

I will post here my secret / collectible video guides for all three missions. The videos contains Codex Pages, Automaps, BFG Ammo, Supercharges and Extra Lifes locations.

The World Spear

Reclaimed Earth



Cool votes, 0-5 mass dislikes without any comments. Maybe you should say what you don't like. The solution show you everything you need for this achievement...every extra life....

19 Mar 2021 00:30

I feel with u bro... It's so easy to klick the dislike but so hard for so much to explain what they don't like in a guide...

Anyway a + from me, the vids showed me all the extra lives and how I got them and with them the way to the end boss with enough life's is a piece of cake... Ty!
By Pthe5 on 20 Mar 2021 12:38
I don’t know why people disliked this it shows everything required to unlock it. I guess the achievement isn’t easy enough for them so they disliked smh. Good job bro I’ve been watching your videos for a long time now.
By WarMachine9494 on 20 Mar 2021 19:47
good video i liked it ppl are just trolls
By EMBICK on 21 Mar 2021 08:22
Yeah wish they would stop adding the BFG ammo into these videos. But at the same it’s only like a minute out of my day
By JBIoves on 22 Mar 2021 21:54
I understand the points from both (above) but the "problem" is, you can't do as content creator 3 or 4 vids with each individual item. I wish I could but nearly nobody want this. The most players / gamers want a "all in one".

As you can read, my english skills are far away from good to "write" a paragraph about how to beat the final boss would probably more negative as positive for the gamers :(
By Zasta 360GameTV on 22 Mar 2021 22:46
Zasta you've been helping me out for years with your guides, thanks for the videos. +1
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 24 Mar 2021 18:36
Thanks :)
By Zasta 360GameTV on 24 Mar 2021 22:06
I think I've given you credit to you for all guides I've published with your videos. I've 100% but I'll give you a +1 just for this guide and the other guides you do
By Rubber Ducksss on 24 Mar 2021 23:18
Upvote from me. Good job on the guide. I don't understand why people downvoted you. Its ridiculous.
By Jagd Gray Wolf on 26 Mar 2021 00:45
I'm not going to downvote, but as a point that may further illuminate why some are downvoting, this solution has little to do with earning the achievement specifically. Yes, you do show where the extra lives themselves are which is obviously useful, but I think a lot of people clicking on this achievement for a guide are looking for help with the DLC's trouble spots, tactics and advice on how to deal with the new enemies, and likely also help with the final boss. I understand that English may not be your first language but I prefer text guides over video guides and I imagine a fair number of others do as well.
By NeoInTransit on 26 Mar 2021 16:46
Good vid. Thanks for taking the time to put this together... ignore the haters.
By Armstrong x360a on 27 Mar 2021 15:21
Big tip I found out from the internets:

The "rune trick" from TAG 1 apparently still works. You can still get an extra life back if you die as long as you get a kill in the window the rune allows for.

EDIT: can confirm. Went into the final battle with 13 lives, got killed three times and all three times I just killed the enemy who killed me and I got my extra life back. Easy peasy, makes the Dark Lord fight much less stressful.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 29 Mar 2021 21:42
I specifically look for Zasta's guides. I want an all in one to collect everything. While Durchschnitt hit the button on the nose, I can easily look up a video on youtube from the doom guys killing the boss on nightmare for strats and tips. I myself prefer video guides over text because my comprehension of what is being wrote may not be exactly what is implied in text. Also, sometimes, like Schwartz comment, you find some helpful tips in the comment section. Anyways, upvote for me Zasta! Keep up the good work
By x ShadoVV x on 24 Apr 2021 16:46
+1 from me dude, thank you for your contributions to our community.
By brayarg on 16 May 2021 09:01
it wont unlock for me, ive done it twice, i got the milestone and the skins but still no achievement, can someone help me?
By KontoGR on 14 Aug 2021 10:48
On principle alone your guide gets a thumbs up.
Quick reminder to ANYONE, no one has to make guides or offer help. So be thankful that someone has took the time & effort to help you.
So Zasta
By WarningRabbit95 on 20 Aug 2021 07:27
You’re being nit picky.
You want a doom eternal walkthrough? Google can probably provide that, get off that rather small horse.
By WarningRabbit95 on 20 Aug 2021 07:29
"Big tip I found out from the internets: The "rune trick" from TAG 1 apparently still works. You can still get an extra life back if you die as long as you get a kill in the window the rune allows for. EDIT: can confirm."

Either this was fixed in a recent patch, or this was never the case, I don't know. You cannot play Extra-Life Mode with the Take Back rune on.
By Asturgis on 26 Nov 2021 09:43
Your video tells people on the final mission to grab the supercharge after the fight, yet once the last enemy dies it movie scenes and takes you elsewhere. Since your video instructs people to actually miss one of the items, that might be why you have so many downvotes. I don't think I have ever watched a video guide that misled people before /shrug
You might want to add a text note ***Telling people @ 3:23 of your video, if they want the supercharge they need to pick it up BEFORE the final enemy is killed ***
By TrueWickedone on 08 Jan 2022 01:40
While i didn't downvote, i have a few suggestions as to why some might. Personally when it comes to video guides, i prefer ones that only cover what I'm interested in (extra lives). The time stamps help, but my initial reaction is to look for another guide (but there currently isn't one). For an ideal guide in this case, I would also expect a short paragraph or two about final boss mechanics tucked inside a spoiler as well as some general advice (easiest difficulty, don't do the optional encounters, play though all the levels once first, etc.). While your guide is sufficient (no downvote), it doesn't make me want to recommend it to someone else (no upvote either). It feels like a copy/paste job with marginal effort made towards tailoring it to this specific achievement (which also makes me want to look at a different solution if it currently available).
By Durchschnitt on 22 Mar 2021 17:31
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It is perfectly possible (and not particularly difficult) to get this achievement on your first playthrough of this DLC. In both DLCs, you can play Extra Life mode from the start. You should play on I'm Too Young Too Die, which is the lowest difficulty. You don’t need to be great at the game to finish with more than 5 extra lives. I personally finished Ancient Gods 2 with 13 extra lives. First of all, you’ll want to collect all the extra lives available in each level of the DLC. I used the text guides located here:

I would like to offer some combat-specific tips. A lot of the enemies you fight will be the same enemies you fought in the main campaign. I mainly used the Super Shotgun, Ballista and Rocket Launcher with lock-on mod as my primary weapons for dispatching Super Heavy enemies. These should be your priority whenever they appear. Use Ice Bomb to regain health, Chainsaw weak demons to refill your ammo, and use Flame Belch or the Super Shotgun's Meat Hook to regain armor. You can combine these with the Sentinel Hammer to get even more health, armor or ammo from enemies. Save Blood Punch for Pinkies, Spectres, Cyber-Mancubi and Doom Hunters. It can also be used to instantly destroy an Archvile's fire wall. Using it on fodder enemies is a waste in my opinion. For runes, I used Seek and Destroy, Blood Fueled, and Dazed and Confused. These increase enemy stagger time (which is the window during which they can be Glory Killed), allow Glory Kills to be performed from further away, and increase movement speed after performing a Glory Kill. All of these are useful in every combat encounter to some extent. The DLC introduces a few new enemies. Each time these enemies appear for the first time, the game gives you a quick tutorial about how to kill them. The new enemies in the DLC are Armored Barons, Stone Imps, Screecher Zombies, Riot Troopers, Cursed Prowlers and Demonic Troopers. Most of these enemies aren't much to worry about, except the Cursed Prowler. Whenever you fight a Cursed Prowler make it your number one priority to kill. If you get hit by one you become cursed, which drains your health and prevents you from jumping or dashing. The only way to kill the Prowler and lift the curse is to use a Blood Punch on it. When fighting Screecher Zombies, be careful not to kill them while there are stronger enemies around them, as when killed they buff all other nearby enemies. The last level has a Screecher Zombie and 2 Marauders together. You don't really want to be fighting 2 buffed Marauders at once, even on the lowest difficulty.

When fighting the final boss, the most important thing is to only attack him when you have Sentinel Hammer ready to use. The only time you can attack without him blocking or countering is when his eyes flash green (similar to Marauders). Hit him with the Ballista or Super Shotgun, then use the Sentinel Hammer to extend the time he is stunned, then quickly switch between the Ballista and Super Shotgun to do as much damage as possible. The boss can regain health if he hits you with his sword, but it's pretty easy to dash away from it. When he summons the fire wolves and hell knight, you can kill the wolves in one hit with the Super Shotgun. The wolves drop Sentinel Hammer energy. In the last 2 phases, he will summon multiple Heavy and Super Heavy enemies at once. You can use the Sentinel Hammer to kill all of them in one shot. If you need health, armor or ammo there are regular zombies that spawn infinitely around the edges of the arena. I managed to beat him without dying once. I personally found some of the regular combat encounters in the DLC to be harder than the final boss.

22 Aug 2021 12:49

Just like in other trophies of this type, easy difficulty and a support rune will help you, which gives you a chance not to lose your life when a mob kills you, but to kill it and get it back

22 Mar 2021 18:02

the support rune didn’t work in the first add-on, and what’s the point of it, on easy it’s impossible to die there, unless of course there are claws instead of hands, the first addition after the nightmare on easy is just a walk, including the gate, here the difficulty is even lower, I would say children's
By sin89rus on 30 Mar 2021 13:17
The best way is not a rune or “pumping up” your hands from the “claws” level, but a simple and elementary reset of the save to the cloud (PS5 version) or to a flash drive (PS4). If you see a checkpoint in the upper right corner, exit the game and reset your save. In case of further failure, download. Profit.
I recommend saving as many lives as possible by the end this way.
By Damien on 17 Aug 2022 12:14