Doritos Crash Course 2

28 Achievements



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Star Power

Star Power

Grabbed the most stars in a tournament.


How to unlock the Star Power achievement in Doritos Crash Course 2 - Definitive Guide

After unlocking all 5 courses of a specific set.

Simply go to Multiplayer Private Match, Invite a friend & then run through the 5 Levels getting the most Stars.

Do this once for each player & your done.

*Note* A tournament "MUST" contain all 5 Levels of either Amazon Jungle, Antarctica, Egypt, or Pirate Island. You can't just pick 1 Level & get the most stars cause it won't unlock the achievement.

*Note* This cannot be done in Local multiplayer.

Update #1:
Hotdogmcgee reminded me that you can also just come in first each race instead of jumping around grabbing Stars since Gold Medals give you bonus Stars as well.

Update #2:
BP42069 Has also confirmed that you don't need to unlock anything if you join someone elses Tournament Lobby & just earn the most Stars.

08 May 2013 14:48

Do u know if this cheevo cud be unobtainable, if u get all stars in the game before getting this one.
By gamesmaster9001 on 08 May 2013 17:01
I don't believe so. I mean it's a possibilty but the stars that you have already gotten appear when playing an online tournament. They are just outlined stars instead of solid yellow.
By TRU x JEDI on 08 May 2013 17:40
One way to make it easier to ensure one gets the most stars is have the players not getting the achievement remain idle for a race or two. after the first person crosses the finish line a 30 second timer starts and ends the race after 30 seconds.
By Pynnokyr on 09 May 2013 16:17
Good point Pynnokyr.
By TRU x JEDI on 09 May 2013 16:51
Keep in mind you get stars based on your medal time at the finish. It's better to be fast than to try to pick up stars on the course.
By Hotdogmcgee on 10 May 2013 00:25
I never played single player and the first thing I played was a tourney. Won this achievement on the first one. Meaning you don't need to unlock anything if someone already has the lobby up smile
By BPBPBPBPBPBPBP on 10 May 2013 02:58
Wow I'm a dumbass I forgot about the medal stars. Thanks Hotdogmcgee
By TRU x JEDI on 10 May 2013 04:25
Solution Updated BP42069 compute
By TRU x JEDI on 10 May 2013 04:29
I've done 2 tournaments, came in first for all 5 in each, picking up about 3-5 stars per level. Never got the achievement. Either medal stars don't count here, or it doesn't count stars you've already gotten in single player (I've gotten the 16 pickups in every level, gold in almost all). I have no new stars to pick up, so I don't think it's counting the ones in getting for a second time.
By Ahayzo on 10 May 2013 16:10
Having a problem similar to above. Setting up a private 2-player match on Amazon Jungle. After the second race, the interim scoreboard said "Tournament 1/5", then it was "2/5" after the 3rd, and "3/5" after the 4th AND 5th races. No achievement. THEN the tourney continued onto new tracks I haven't seen before (the "coming soon" ones?), filled with stars. I have collected all but 2 stars in the entire world tour, and these new levels were filled with them. We played two additional levels, this makes seven. The scoreboard STILL said "3/5"! We gave up.
By z 4assed monkey on 11 May 2013 04:11
I'm not sure why the game would be doing that other than the fact their still fixing & updating it until the 1st patch comes.
By TRU x JEDI on 11 May 2013 04:46
I just had something happen that's similar to what z 4assed monkey mentioned 2 posts up. Joined a tournament with 4 players total, at the end of the second stage, I got a notice saying that the Famestar servers are down, every stage after that it would say 2/5, played 7 stages total included new stages, beat everyone else on all 7 stages, tournament ended after the 7th stage, no achievement. :-(
By James917 on 11 May 2013 08:25
^ Yeah, happened to me not once or twice, but more than 6 times now. I can´t finish a single tournament. First I thought it was a bug caused by people leaving, but even on one of them we were two players, and the thing didn´t stop at 5/5...

I don´t get why I have so many problems to get this stupid achievement over other people... When does people get it? Can they get to 5/5 results screen? I don´t know if that´s the problem or if it´s something different.
By KMetalmind on 11 May 2013 17:18
Finally got it, doing the same thing I did every other time (coming in first for all, plus getting a handful of stars). I don't know what's up with the achievement, but it certainly doesn't always work right.
By Ahayzo on 11 May 2013 18:28
Finally got it too.

If you can´t get the tournament to end at 5/5, just keep playing tournaments. There will be one which won´t glitch. I got it after shutting off the console, so if you have trouble with tournaments not ending, try returning to dashboard and coming up again. I´ve confirmed people leaving the tournament aren´t the cause of the glitch, or at least not always.
By KMetalmind on 11 May 2013 19:52
I can't even stay on the servers long enough to finish a tournament, I get close to the end and it disconnects. it does this in other game modes aswell. Anyone else having a server problem? angry
By DAN5KI97 on 11 May 2013 23:26
Having similar problems as mentioned above, have to keep trying...
By boodomi on 12 May 2013 12:55
My friend was having similar issues when he was doing runs so what we did was that after each races we waited until the A button for continue flashed before actually hitting A, we believe that this is the true indicator that the game has recognized the completion of the race because after doing it this way he was able to get the achievement and the same thing applied to me on our second try. So 1 suggestion i have is to wait until the a button flashes instead of hitting A right away to get to the next race
By DJB Hustlin on 12 May 2013 15:47
I did this with a friend. We played as normal, barely saw any results screens or anything. It seemed to whiz past them all. Didn't pop. Tried again and it was working better and hey presto it popped. Let him win the third time and it popped for him too. A little glitchy like so many games in the Avatar Famestar program it seems. Coincidence?
By Izzy of Albion on 12 May 2013 21:42
For me it seems like everyone quits before we can finish 3 rounds. Very frustrating. I'm going to have to get a friend to help me with this one. I have noticed that each time a player quits the stage counter resets or freezes.
By SerpentScotty on 13 May 2013 03:59
I've had similar problems to the ones listed above. Came in first on all 7 tracks in 2 different tourneys, collecting ~4-5 stars per level, still no achievement. Does anyone know if clearing the cache would help? This is the last one I need for 100%... grrrrr!
By LookItsPineappl on 13 May 2013 05:07
I've had the same kind of problems... really frustrating. I've won every tournament I've played and finished but no achievement. Don't know whether it could be cos people quit during the tournament? Does everyone have to finish for it to count? If anyone wants to try and get it in a private match hit me up...
By Ethel on 13 May 2013 14:35
I've had some problems with this achievement... but to get it working, I had one friend with me in a private match. He would just play around at the start, while I completed the course obtaining a few stars going through. I did it on Amazon Jungle. I noticed that the first three maps I was familiar with, however the last two I never played before which was interesting.
By Mise on 15 May 2013 15:32
Thanks TRU x BATMAN for the guide and all the commenters here.
Thanks to you I was able to get this achievement with help of a friend on my first try.
We pretty much kept in mind what you guys said here.
The key things:
- Private Match with just my friend
- Made sure it was a tournament with only levels from one section (Amazon Jungle for example)
- Only the one going for the achievement was getting stars and won the race, the other tried his best to avoid stars at all.
- After the race we took our time and let the result screen show up and only hit A when prompted on the screen
- We made sure the race counter was correct after every race
Then the achievement popped on the result screen of the fifth race.

That's pretty much it.
Oh and my friend started this game fresh (never played single player) and got the achievement too (on our second run), therefore confirming BP42069's statement.
By SirLugash on 19 May 2013 10:07
Want pop for me
By AL DOT BIZZLE on 19 May 2013 19:07
Add me whoever wants to try do this together if your getting the same problem.. Sweet .
By AL DOT BIZZLE on 19 May 2013 19:14
there's also a lot of d-bags out there who quit the dam game when u kick their asses and won't let u pop the cheeve in random games!
By DragonFangDan on 22 May 2013 15:07
If anyone is wanting to boost this achievement just add me/message me.
By IxI KILLING on 27 May 2013 14:49
Its actually stars ... just finished a tournament where I won every race but my opponent got the achievement. Its the actually stars collected.
By Nefarus Fox on 08 Jun 2013 20:21
It is a combination of the total number of STARS from the levels and STARS from getting medals. You can "beat" your opponent(s), but the time only determines how many stars they get.

If boosting, make sure the "loser" gets bronze on every level and avoids as many stars as possible while the winner gets as many as possible but focuses on getting a gold/silver time. I would also suggest going for this early on (and boosting of course), so you can see how many stars you got.
By Daeryoon on 14 Jun 2013 16:09
I just got 1st place with 42 stars and it didn't unlock. 2nd place had 30 stars. So in my case Hotdogmgee would be wrong. Either that or the achievement just didn't pop.
By N0RRl5 on 30 Jun 2013 02:23
2 Tries, no achievement pop up, and i've waited for screen and pushed a at the right time, so hope te will fix tis s***.
By Transzender on 16 Jul 2013 01:33
I have doubts about placing first giving you stars on this. I played this with a friend of mine, and while I was barreling through the level grabbing zero stars based on the information that placing first will get you enough, placing first by a mile in each, he meandered through and occasionally nabbed a star as he was running it. We played the Amazon series where I have 16 stars on every level, and he didn't. Guess who got this achievement. He did. We have yet to play it again to see if my grabbing a bunch of the star outlines will nab me this one.
By Dr Geek 3 on 30 Jul 2013 17:25
Won five tournaments in a row. finally popped when i ended up coming second, figures :P
By SeanOgMiSPARTAN on 12 Nov 2013 12:45
Just got this the other day. I came 2nd/3rd in all races, didn't win any but tried to get all stars in my path (not going out of my way to get any) and got this achievement so who knows :)
By MegsonGrove on 14 Nov 2013 22:03
I need to boost this if anyone wants to hit me up, GT is BradTheChicken, message me there or on here. I'm on GMT time but work a lot.

Tried doing this legit several times, people can't take losing!!! Got fed up of people quitting race 4 or 5!
By BradTheChicken on 05 Dec 2013 18:07
If someone want to boost this achievement, message me back :
GT : Clec490
By Clec490 on 13 Apr 2014 16:32
If anyone still has the game and is interested, add me. My gt is STARS Nightmare.
By STARS Nightmare on 25 Apr 2014 00:15
Looking for people to help each other on the achievement:

By nicolau44 on 30 Apr 2014 05:48
If anyone is interested before it's too late, please, add me. My GT: Mary Redfield
By Mary Redfield on 04 May 2014 22:10
Anyone want to do this?
By GoldenStaple on 08 May 2014 17:45
I'm not sure if the gold medaling thing is true. I got gold all 5 tracks in a tournament and didnt get it, and I doubt he grabbed enough more stars than me to make up for it.
By Elite1111111111 on 08 May 2014 20:30
No it is, I got all the stars in the game and then played the tournament and won every race and got the cheevo
By GoldenStaple on 09 May 2014 06:55
Add me if you wanna boost I need this soon
By carlnewboult on 21 May 2014 18:47
Looking for help on this on. GT: GBCheesehead
By GBCheesehead on 26 Jul 2014 13:56
Need this one, help!! Gt: Tungo85
By Tungo85 on 17 Sep 2014 06:52
After struggling with this, my advice to anyone going for it is to do the private match method with another person as described by SirLugash above. I completed 3 tournaments winning most races and gaining the most points (not going out of my way for stars)...nothing. Then I got lucky and got matched with someone who was not very good at the game. I was able to collect a few stars AND win the race without a problem. When I finished, achievement unlocked. So I am convinced that actually getting stars in the race (and not just trying to place 1st) is a contributing factor to this achievement.

~~REMINDER - This and all other achievements for this game will be unobtainable on October 15th 2014~~
By Iceman2pnt0 on 30 Sep 2014 00:56
Anyone still have have this game NOT deleted from the hard drive? It was supposed to go offline the 15th but is still playable and I'd really like a hand finishing this one out!
By KitShicker43 on 22 Oct 2014 17:45
NEVERMIND! - had the same fortune as iceman00behave above and unlocked it after winning all 5 and grabbing a few new stars in the process. This can STILL be done if you'v got this game already on your HDD.
By KitShicker43 on 22 Oct 2014 18:17
Can anyone help me pop this achievement quickly as it's still on my HDD. :o
By Kawaii Bod on 29 Oct 2014 11:40
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So after a few attempts I didn't get the achievement. At the moment there is currently a glitch which stops some people from getting the achievement. To fix this do not tap A after each level until the stats have been updated with the most recent results.

Hope this helps those that are struggling to get the achievement to unlock.

1. Go to multiplayer then private match and select the amazon tournament
2. Invite friend.
3. Win each race, coming in first place, pick up stars on the way but don't go out your way.
4. Remember don't tap a to hurry the stats, let them load in properly. If you tap a you will notice the race counter won't go up. It will say 1 of 5. Make sure the counter goes up after every race.
5. After the 5th race, let the stats load and tap a to return to lobby.
6. Achievement unlocked, repeat for friend

13 May 2013 20:17

Wish I'd read this before wasting hours not understanding what I was doing wrong.

By XI AlphaMale IX on 19 May 2013 00:43
-1 Sorry don't work for me. Instead of invest their time to maximize their money, they should fix a simple bug.
By Transzender on 29 Jun 2013 04:03
This method is for people who don't want to boost the achievement.

First, go to the multipayer and choose matchmaking. Next, choose the location you are best at (for most this will amazon jungle). Set the favorite mode to tournament (if you don't you will most likely be put into a single track race) and make sure opponent skill is set to my skill level. Hit A twice to save the settings.

Now, choose quick match. You will be able to tell if you are in a tournament if it says "tournament courses" near the bottom right of the screen. Try to get in a race with only one other person, these are the easiest to win.

Once the race starts, focus on winning the race not getting stars. Stars are awarded for getting first place and medals, though how many is unknown but it is higher than the best star collectors can get. Only get stars if they are in the immediate path you are taking. Also, try to beat your opponents by 30s, so they cannot finish the race as that hurts the amount of stars they can earn.

Try to win most of the races and the achievement should pop at the last results screen.

29 Jun 2013 22:51

A lot of players on this aren't that good anyways smile. Lol at those who want to boost it. I got this on my first tourney, and it was against 3 others.
By Tw1std Nitem4re on 17 Jul 2013 07:09
By LRD SOTH on 31 Jan 2014 04:14
The hardest part in winning a tournament seems to be that all those retarded players quit the second they think they won't win. I have yet to complete all 5 courses of a tournament. roll
By SbN Spacefish on 14 Feb 2014 15:24
Ok finally got it, because someone was decent enough to just stick around after giving up.
By SbN Spacefish on 14 Feb 2014 15:55
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I literally just unlocked this in an Online Multiplayer match.

From my understanding, I could be way wrong but you need to either: Win the most matches and have the most "Points" in the leaderboard, or collect the most stars on the courses in the 5 track Tournament.

At the end of the tournement I was first and won every game so I had 30 points, so this is probably what is required to get the achievement.

Down vote me if I'm wrong, or give me feedback on what is required. Again, this is just how -I- unlocked it.

Edit: Apparently you must collect the most stars in the game. Which could be awkward since they count for Single player collections aswell as far as I'm aware.

You also cannot do this locally. It has to be on Xbox live.
Thanks to Mystic Typh00n for this.

08 May 2013 13:03

When playing Multiplayer there will still be the 16 stars throughout the level. This can be done easily with a friend in a private match or normally online. In private matches it will unlock if you got the most stars at the end of the 5th course.