Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink And Paper (EP)
23 Achievements
Who is it?
Find the author's Easter Egg.
How to unlock the Who is it? achievement in Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink And Paper - Definitive Guide
This achievement is at the very end of the game in the Mysterious Tower of the Knight. When you encounter a mirrored enemy, you have to circle around to find the ray of light to end the game (dont worry, you can still click continue to reenter game). Before doing so, head northeast from the ray of light, you will find a pathway to a dead end where the developers secret picture is in aclove. Achievement should unlock when you approach it
In the starting area "Hamlet of the fool" is a dead end, in the left lower corner of the map near the entrance to the bottom left location. The location name changes on every playthrough.
You need to have the Boots of dexterity eqipped, which gives you the ability to walk through trees, rocks and other things.
You need to have the Boots of dexterity eqipped, which gives you the ability to walk through trees, rocks and other things.
I just so happened to find them boots and managed to grab the achievement. Thanks.
By FullMoonBeaver on 06 Mar 2022 17:27
Randomly got it in this area after eating a mushroom of teleportation. Luckily I had a 2nd mushroom to get out of there again!
By CheshireMulisha on 28 Apr 2023 18:45
In the final level of the final dungeon in the game, you will need to head toward a large light that teleports you out of the dungeon to complete the game. Just northeast of this light, you will find a small room with a picture of the developer's face on the wall. As soon as you step into this room, the achievement will unlock. If you go into the light and complete the game, just remember to choose Continue from the menu and not Begin, which will start a new run with a new character. You need to complete the game three times though, so you should remember at least once to do this.
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It's on the top floor of the main tower. When we approach the white beam that ends the game, we don’t go into it, but go into the right corridor, it can be seen on the map.