Dream Daddy
19 Achievements
Soft Boy
Go on all Brian dates.
How to unlock the Soft Boy achievement in Dream Daddy - Definitive Guide
Simply go on three dates with Brian. No matter how they go, you will unlock this at the end of the third date.
Brian is the dad who unlocks both minigames required to earn the minigame trophies. During your first date, make a manual save at the first dialogue choice so you have something to load up to make Yo Ho Ho Ho easier. This is because you'll take a break midway through the golf game for a bit of dialogue with Brian, and you can make a save to keep your progress towards that trophy in case you mess up the back half of the golf game.
During the second date with Brian, you can go for Catch of the Day. You will not be able to make a save to help you with that minigame trophy, but it's no easier (or harder) than trying for that trophy by loading the minigame from the main menu.
During the third date with Brian, make sure you unlock Save Ferris.