Dungeons 3

Dungeons 3

60 Achievements

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Sacrifice all of the Titans within 40 minutes in the mission “A Disturbance In The Force”.


How to unlock the Sacrifices! achievement in Dungeons 3 - Definitive Guide

This is a tough achievement but not impossible! The key is to move quickly, save regularly (to avoid lots of backtracking) and focus on only what is necessary. IF YOU RESEARCH UNNECESSARY ROOMS, CREATURES OR SPELLS YOU WILL RUN OUT OF TIME!

In order to get this achievement you’re going to have to break out of the dungeon as quickly as possible for that all important evilness! Start by focusing on your economy. Dig out some of the gold veins with small treasuries close by (4x4 is usually enough) and expand your capacity for snots. Build a large gobbler farm (about 9x9 should do it), a 6x6 vortex and start spawning imps. Upgrade Thalya as much as you can with the limited Evil you have to start with then when you have as many imps as you can after upgrading your creature capacity to level 2 go topside to capture the first island of evilness.

Save at this point as I often found my first expedition to an island of evilness coincided with the 1st hero raid and if it goes badly you could have to face two bands of heroes which usually wipes out your imps, losing you precious time.

Once you capture your first island of evilness focus on upgrading your creature population and build more imps. Once you have 3 or 4 more imps and you’ve upgraded Thalya to level 5 to get her summon shadows ability keep pushing into hero camps and get the rest of the islands of evilness under your control as quickly as possible. Again save a new file each time you attempt to push forward in case your small forces are wiped out. By this time you should have maxed out your number of little snots and you want to aim to have upgraded your creature capacity to about 7 or 8 out of 15 (you will waste evilness and therefore time if you go any higher). You will need to research the demon portal spell to make sure you’re not caught off-guard by a hero raid on your dungeon.

When you’ve captured the second island of evil start building an arcanium (preferably next to your vortex, 6x6 will do it) and dig out an area for a reasonable sized brewery (8x4). Grab your weakest imp and send them back to the dungeon to produce mana in the arcanium. Push onto the last island of evilness and wipe out hero camps as you go to weaken the raids on your dungeon.

Focus on researching the Grave Golem first, he’s the cheapest to research and has the most HP. Once you have your Grave Golem sacrifice him making sure to instruct your imps to target one rock golem at a time to prevent them from being wiped out. Once sacrificed get another Grave Golem and open the way up to your Pit Fiend. Open the way up to the Pit Fiend sacrificial location and once you have enough evilness get yourself a Pit Fiend and use a demon portal to send it directly to its sacrifice location.

Keep unlocking the route to the ogre and once sacrificed get yourself another Pit Fiend to send topside. Open the path to the Ogre sacrificial spot and open up a demon portal directly to it and again once you have the evilness for an ogre summon it and sacrifice it. Timing is very tight in this level, I got my Ogre between 35-37 minutes leaving me just enough time to perform the sacrifice ritual. Make sure you save separate files each time you progress to limit backtracking and you should pop the achievement.

Best of luck!

20 Feb 2019 08:47

Interesting strat there but could be refined. I just did it in 34min with no Thalya upgrades & no Little Snot upgrades and a 9 food army of 3 Orcs, 3 Naga, 3 Imps and assorted skeleton archers & zombies with the Titans added as I unlocked them.

I gotta disagree about destroying Hero camps. If you do then Tanos opens up the Hero portals into your dungeon, so best to just leave his camp buildings alive since his regular attacks are weak anyway when you can easily Portal.
By Lockie on 23 Apr 2019 14:01
I did this with an army of 8 arachnids and it wasn’t all that difficult as they have very fast health regen.

I did however have to reload the game twice as the achievement did not immediately pop upon completing the ritual and protecting Talya. So if the save game timer has you under 40 minutes and you didn’t let Talya get hit too much don't panic and just reload your best save a few times as it seems buggy.
By Moldy Tacos5000 on 30 May 2021 18:48
I tried this 4 times from scratch and I can't get the achievement. Never needed more time than 33min. It won't pop for me, sad, it's my last missing of the game...
By JB Harzer on 15 Nov 2023 15:10
I agree that speed is of the essence but you have a little time. Finished the ritual in 32 min.

Started leaving the dungeon with 2 goblins, 2 orcs and 2 naga for the first island as fast as possible. After that got some imps (max 3) and made the layout for the rooms needed (so the snots work while you are up top) before going for the four island at the bottom of the map. Skip the second gate and go for the rocks, as its a lot faster.

Continue researching towards the titans while conquering islands. Pick one and hire before going for the next. Build the brewery and arcanium after you've research them. Use the titans to clear the way so you can reach all 3 sites easy. I did leave the Hero buildings standing and indeed seem to give less raid problems in the dungeon. When the way is clear you can sacrifice the titans in quick succession.

If a creature dies, discard it and hire a new one. Discarding is a lot faster than waiting for the corps to disappear. Use the portal spell to get it back in combat fast.

Had 3 veins and room for around 4.000-5.000 gold. Only build a brewery and arcanium, and expanded the gobbler farm, hideout, vortex and graveyard. You don't need more.

Only research that was not on the route to a titan was the portal spell to go back and forth, 2 Thalya levels and 4 population slots. No extra snots needed.

Don't forget to pick up useful books if they drop. They can give you a slight edge.
By BrutexCHieftain on 23 May 2021 17:33
This was the only map I ran out of money in, across the entire playthrough & challenge hunts. smile
Arachnid spam worked as per usual, but instead of relying on beefy stats via the research upgrades you'll have to spam spells (demon strength, mana shield) and/or rez a few creatures here and there. Having mana factory manned at all times is key. Do keep an eye on your other resources too!

If you're struggling with research points build an early prison and siphon mana from the invaders. Spending anything on Thalya is a waste (1 lvl up, tops). If time is an issue consider an early low-tech horde rush with orcs, gobs and nagas.
By Healtti on 30 Aug 2021 06:29
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This is done in the "A Disturbance In The Force" level. The time-based trophy that makes this level a lot harder but if you're focused on research and keeping to a good schedule, 40 minutes is entirely possible. You have to factor in travelling and time to sacrifice so in reality you have only about 32-33 minutes to research the Ogre, Grave Golem and Pit Fiend, then summon them, then bring them to the surface and complete all 3 sacrifices at 3 different locations, all within 40 minutes.

The key is building a large Prison to hold invading Heroes then turtle up inside your dungeon to farm invaders and build up Evil with imprisoned Heroes (Heroes left to die in Prisons generate Evilness). With the amount of Evilness you need and the rate at which you need it at, coupled with the increased number of invasions, you will want a very big Prison, holding 25-30 prisoners.

While accumulating the necessary Evilness, the research route to take is to first research and hire the Ogre, then the Grave Golem and finally the Pit Fiend. While researching the Ogre, build an army of around 10 creatures (all Horde is fine but you'll want some Imps to generate mana in Shrines) and clear the paths to all 3 sacrifice locations. Once cleared you'll need to have researched and purchased the Ogre by the 30 minute mark. Quickly purchase the Ogre and get topside to sacrifice him using the Demon Gate.

Meanwhile you're still defending against invaders and throwing them into Prison to farm Evilness so hopefully you will farmed enough Evilness to unlock and purchase the Grave Golem by the 32-33 minute mark, as well as have moved your army and Demon Gate to the Grave Golem site. Repeat the sacrifice and defence then relocate to the last site. By the time you reach the site you should have enough Evilness or almost enough by the 35-36 minute mark to research and purchase the last Titan the Pit Fiend. Quickly summon it then drop him into the Demon Gate you've opened up (it's a 2-way) and start the sacrifice.

If you've kept to a tight schedule of research and farming Evilness, you will get the trophy the moment the 3rd Titan is sacrificed. There isn't enough time to wait till you have researched and purchased all 3 Titans at once before venturing to the surface.

The 3 sacrificial sites are marked in the image below. It's recommended that you do the Ogre first, then the Grave Golem followed by the Pit Fiend last.