Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3

37 Achievements



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Purebred Innovator

Purebred Innovator

Friendship level of all characters reaches level 5


How to unlock the Purebred Innovator achievement in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 - Definitive Guide

In order to get this achievement, you need to have level 5 friendship (the max) with every character. This is a multi-step process.

1. You'll first need to unlock the ability to even build a friendship with them. This is generally done by viewing a certain terminal event with that character. At the end of the terminal event, you'll get a notification that you can now build a friendship with them.

The most common way of unlocking these events is playing story missions. Some of them occur when you get friendship with certain other characters, mostly operators like Leina. For those, build friendship with characters from their Gundam era. For Leina, you would build friendship with Judau and Roux and the like.

2. Build friendship with that character. The ways to do this in descending order of efficiency are...

Using the character > selecting that character as your partner > having that pilot as an ally in a stage.

I assume you would get bonus friendship if you get one of those random missions (like stop Haman from killing Char) but it's hard to quantify that. The best setup, then, is using a character you need friendship with, setting a partner you need friendship with, and only playing friendship missions with allies you need friendship with, and then switching people as needed. Since a lot of the friendship missions are themed, you can find the characters you need friendship with fairly easily. Pick the stage and check your allies, if there are none you need, back out with B and select the stage again. Repeat until you get who you need.

3. Once you get level 4 friendship with a pilot, you will generally get a relationship mission where you can use only them. You finish this mission, it bumps the friendship to level 5 automatically. Now, when a character first reaches friendship level 4, you WILL NOT have a relationship mission with them.

My running theory works like this : imagine your friendship level as a bar. It's empty at level 1, and as you build friendship with them, the bar increases. When it fills, you gain a friendship level. Now, when they are level 3, and you max the bar and get level four, it's my theory that you have to max the bar again in order for the relationship mission to show up. I made this assumption based on that premise that playing 5-10 more missions with a friendship level 4 pilot always seemed to make the relationship mission appear.

However, it seems some of the missions have requirements beyond that, like finishing someone else's relationship mission or finishing a certain stage. If it still isn't unlocking, browse through the mission types and look for ones that aren't cleared. Almost all missions require some other stage to be finished, so I suggest doing this even if you aren't after friendships.

Once you've acquired level 5 friendships with all characters, it should unlock shortly after you save.

23 Jul 2011 21:30

I think it's worth pointing out that the game seems to track missions PLAYED with the character, rather than missions successfully completed. This means that if you get yourself killed as early as possible in a mission and head back to the menus, it'll count towards that character.

Quite a handy trick if you want to combine it with another achievement like playing online 100 times.
By Boost17 on 01 Aug 2011 11:38
just an update, this didnt unlock until i reached level 5 with all characters and then went to records, friendships and looked at the list.
By rocking23nf on 23 Sep 2016 05:09
If you just need to farm this you can play the following missions under Challenge Missions. Use any primary character that you want to bring relationship and use another parter that you want to raise the relationship

Trial of the Giants 1
Trial of the Giants 2
Trial of the Giants 3
Trial of the Giants 4

The mission is 1 vs 1 and use the weakest robot thats available for you. example Zaku Tank.

just rush to the boss and let the boss kill you. It can take around less than 10 seconds per round and even if the mission failed it still can and will increase the relationship. this is faster than doing a regular mission.

07 Apr 2013 16:53