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Guardian of Peace

Guardian of Peace

Completely restored peace to every region.



How to unlock the Guardian of Peace achievement in DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS - Definitive Guide

In order to unlock the Guardian of Peace achievement, you need to maximise the peace level in every region on the map. There are seven regions in the game, and these are as follows:
  • Sili Province
  • You Province
  • Jing Province
  • Qing Province
  • Yan Province
  • Xu Province
  • Ji Province
You can raise the peace level of each of the regions by completing any and all side quests that pop up and also by finishing the optional skirmishes outside of the story’s main battles. These show up on the map in the form of white beams shooting up from the ground. Stand next to them and press button-a.png to trigger the optional skirmish. Once you have raised the peace level in each region to its full potential, the Guardian of Peace achievement will then unlock.
NOTE FOR COMPLETIONISTS: If you complete all 6 endings, all missions, and all requests, then you should max out the Peace level of 9/10 provinces without having to do anything special. The only province you have to grind to get its Peace maxed is Liang Province, but it should only take doing a few skirmishes there to max it out, since its Peace goes up very quickly per-skirmish you do there.

It's also worth noting that you need to max out Peace in every region in order to get the following achievements:

Dynasty Warriors: OriginsSupreme CompetenceThe Supreme Competence achievement in Dynasty Warriors: Origins worth 179 pointsComplete all missions.

^ one mission, Dream Battle, only unlocks once you max out Peace in every region.

Dynasty Warriors: OriginsLiving Well of KnowledgeThe Living Well of Knowledge achievement in Dynasty Warriors: Origins worth 825 pointsUnlock all stories and records.

^ there is a special dialogue and cinematic at the end of the game (any faction; any ending path) that you need to see at least once in order to complete all the Stories. It's not missable, but if you don't max out Peace everywhere before getting all six endings, then you'll have to replay the end of Chapter 5 (any faction) again later, once you max out Peace, in order to see this.


There are 10 provinces in the game, all with their own Peace level. Most provinces are inaccessible early on in the game, but as you continue through the story you will eventually be able to visit each province freely. Once you unlock a new province: make sure you unlock its waymark. Unlocking a waymark will allow you to view the region's Peace level from the pause menu's Map by hovering the cursor over that region.

TIP: Unlocking a waymark also allows you to fast-travel to it via the pause menu's Map. And once you unlock all 10 provinces' waymarks, you'll get an achievement:

The Peace level of a region is a curved meter that's divided into thirds. Once the entire meter (all three thirds) is filled and turns blue, then that region's Peace is maxed out. There are two ways to see the meter that displays a province's current Peace level:

1. When you are standing in a province, the Peace meter will display to the lower-left of the minimap.
2. As mentioned before, you can view the Peace of any region in the pause menu Map, as long as you've unlocked its waymark.

Restoring Peace in a region and increasing the meter is done by completing story battles, missions, requests (ones where you have to do a battle), and skirmishes. As stated before, you shouldn't have to go out of your way to max out Peace for most provinces if you do everything in the game, but if you do need to grind Peace you can just keep doing skirmishes in a region over and over.

31 Jan 2025 12:10